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Thread: She's So Vain!

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    "Preparing For First shed"
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Country: United States

    She's So Vain!

    JC, the striped personality who thinks she's some kind of royalty, has now been with me for a bit over a year. Living a life of luxury, she's become just a bit vain as well as having developed a case of convenient amnesia if her name and the term "garter snake" are used in the same sentence or if she's reminded of her life before she took up residence in her little palace.
    The other day, as JC's humble human servant was preparing to set out for the woods, JC noticed something.
    "What are you taking that pillowcase for?" JC demanded.
    "I'm taking it in case I happen to find a boyfriend for you," the servant replied.
    "WTF do you mean?" JC demanded, using language she learned on the day she discovered the fun of watching stoned scuzzballs react when she offered to take a bite out of their crotches.
    "Want to go back out there where language like that is used?" the servant asked.
    "No," JC replied. "But I don't see any reason to lower myself to associating with any boring dumb backwoods country boy either. Remember, I was watching you doing email and I saw you planning with your friend to bring me a classy exotic good-looking guy from another state!
    "Well," the servant replied. "What would be wrong with me finding a boy in the woods for you, just in case something happens that screws up those plans?"
    "Well," JC confidently stated. "Then you will just have to beg your friend to find me another exotic boyfriend,"
    "You didn't think country boys from the woods were inferior to you when I first met you," pointed out JC's servant.
    "That was before I became royal too," JC smugly stated. "Now I live in a palace and I have higher standards than I had back then!"
    "Ok," the servant concluded, "Have it your way, but when your new exotic foreign boyfriend comes to join us here, you better knock his eyecaps off!"
    With a big grin, JC affirmed, "I'll dazzle him good, we girls are good at doing that, you know."
    And with that, JC turned away toward the side of her palace, to admire her own appearance!

    The attached photos are of JC admiring her reflection in the glass side of her palace. She is not just looking at the reflection because she sees it as another snake. She has a companion living with her. Her companion, Little Bud, as well as the other snakes I have, show no interest in their own reflections whatsoever. JC loves to look at her own reflection in the glass and in the mirror. If I hold her up so she can see the mirror, she will admire herself in the mirror as long as I let her!

    She's so vain.....
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