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  1. #1
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Augie can't move upper body

    My adult male radix, Augie appears not to be able to move the upper part of his body. He has recently been laying on top of cage floor vines. Last night he was mostly in the water dish. This morning, I found himself still in the water dish, almost same position/location. It appeared he was trying to get out. I took him out and he moves the lower 2/3 rds of his body but the top 1/3 rd appears to twist and flip over when he tries. I held him for awhile, tried to give him water and placed him back in his house. Nothing in the house looks as if it could cause injury, I just redid it 3 days ago and rehoused Augie with the 2 males of equal size. Previously, he was living with Beauty, and they are the proud parents of my 24 new babies.

    I'm not sure what can be causing this but I doubt he will survive the day. Anybody else ever have this happen? He's only 3. He is the offspring of two radix that Steve gave Rhea (Drache).
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

  2. #2
    Hi, I'm New Here!
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Although I am new to garters and have never had an occurence like this before, I would still say what applies to humans can also apply to snakes here. There are many internal pathological malfunctions that could cause paralysis, so please don't blame yourself. Maybe try and ease the situation for him, put water in a lower dish so he can reach it more easily, that is what I would do. As for anything else, you can either rush to the vet or wait and see what will happen. Like you said, I doubt there is much you can do; if it progresses so fast, I wouldn't have too much hope, sadly.
    I still hope for the best; these are the sadest things of caring for animals I wish you two all the best.

  3. #3
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Sounds like the paralysis is a symptom of something rather then the cause. Prayers headed you way.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  4. #4
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    He has tucked his head under a leaf but I don't think he can get the rest of his body there. I will leave him be and watch him every half hour.
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

  5. #5
    "Fourth shed In Progress" slipknot711's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Oh no. I hope he turns out ok
    Ashley: instagram-> @ashes1187

  6. #6
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Thank you everyone by my hopes are not up. You know how you just know?
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

  7. #7
    I have a condition! RedSidedSPR's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Quote Originally Posted by Mommy2many View Post
    Thank you everyone by my hopes are not up. You know how you just know?
    Yup. One of my little ones got under something heavy and screwed up her spine in several places. Limited movement. She fought it for a few weeks but in hindsight I wish I'd have shortened it.

    Much luck to him.

  8. #8
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" d_virginiana's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Sorry to hear that
    If he's still mobile enough to flop into the water dish, you may want to remove it and offer water every couple hours while you supervise till he passes (had that happen with a paralyzed rescue once; don't need inhaled water/RIs to complicate their last days).

    3.0 T. sirtalis sirtalis, 1.1 T. cyrtopsis ocellatus, 1.0 L. caerulea, 0.1 C. cranwelli, 0.1 T. carolina, 0.1 P. regius, 0.1 G. rosea, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.1 H. carolinensis

  9. #9
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Thank you for the advice. He isn't able to move there, so I helped him under the plant. I think he wants to be shielded.
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

  10. #10
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Augie can't move upper body

    Sadly, Augie passed away at 2:30 am. In the end, it looked as if his whole body had kinks. Very strange. I will miss him, he fathered some very pretty offspring. They were his first and only.

    On a side note, Striper, my red sided stayed with him all day. It's like he knew something was wrong and wanted to help/console.
    Le Ann

    "Research shows that if you're afraid of spiders, you are more likely to find one in your bedroom. I'm really afraid of Johnny Depp."

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