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  1. #1
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" d_virginiana's Avatar
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    Bright Green Poo...

    Today is the third time I've found bright green poo from my female Harley. I mean so bright that I thought it had to have been ink bleeding from the newspaper she's on at first. I've got her separated from the male right now because she went blue a couple days ago and hasn't seemed interested in company while she's in shed, and also to monitor this more closely. In over ten years of seeing garter poo, this is just so bizarre I'm going to go ahead and get it checked out.

    Anyway, I got a sample and I'm going to take it to the vet to get a fecal done tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, shows up.
    Her poo turned some pretty strange grays last year when she was dealing with parasites as well as producing a litter of slugs... Hopefully this is just due to different nutrients being used up from shedding and potentially being gravid, but I'd rather address this now than wait until symptoms show up and potentially complicate the pregnancy.

    3.0 T. sirtalis sirtalis, 1.1 T. cyrtopsis ocellatus, 1.0 L. caerulea, 0.1 C. cranwelli, 0.1 T. carolina, 0.1 P. regius, 0.1 G. rosea, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.1 H. carolinensis

  2. #2
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    Hope everything works out. Can't say I've ever seen green poo during a shed.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    Bile. It's common with snakes that have been off-feed for long periods of time, but apparently it's associated with a variety of problems as well.

  4. #4
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefan-A View Post
    Bile. It's common with snakes that have been off-feed for long periods of time, but apparently it's associated with a variety of problems as well.
    Yeah, I see that often when my snakes first wake up from brumating, but there's no actual fecal matter, just urates and some liquid, or just liquid but it is very green. But that's when they first wake up, no other times. I might have seen it once or twice during or right after giving deworming meds too, but I can't recall. I never gave it much thought or took notice because I'm used to seeing it, and it's not like it goes on very long.

  5. #5
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" d_virginiana's Avatar
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    I thought that's what it might be. She went a week or two without eating when she was in with the male but not long enough that it should cause this. Her poo has been greenish/grayish off and on since she was treated for the parasite issue, but not to this extent. I wonder if something in her system could have been thrown off a bit by the whole parasite problem and now whenever there's a physical stress she starts producing more bile?

    She isn't acting sick at all and eating really well now, so hopefully if there's a problem this will catch it early. I got the fecal sample in to the vet, so I'm waiting for the call now.

    3.0 T. sirtalis sirtalis, 1.1 T. cyrtopsis ocellatus, 1.0 L. caerulea, 0.1 C. cranwelli, 0.1 T. carolina, 0.1 P. regius, 0.1 G. rosea, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.1 H. carolinensis

  6. #6
    Old and wise snake kueluck's Avatar
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    ....waiting to hear the results.
    Mona (T.S. sirtalis) Melanistic
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  7. #7
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Selkielass's Avatar
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    I've seen green urates from my checkered- not bright or intense, but still surprising.

    now if you want to see shocking, try feeding some of the glo- crawlers that have been fed dyes to make them bright green or orange!
    shocking! But what goes in comes out.

  8. #8
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" d_virginiana's Avatar
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    Just heard from the vet, and the sample showed up negative for parasites, which is good.

    I'm thinking maybe the parasites she had may have somehow permanently affected her system? Doesn't seem to be a huge effect, but she nearly died from that whole ordeal so I'm thinking some mild damage to the organ systems might be expected... I've seen her poo go a really bizarre grey and green (just not this much) a couple times since she had the parasites, and always when there's some sort of stress factor like recovering from that surgery or something (if she's gravid that might be it?)
    Since she seems to feel perfectly fine right now I'm going to carry on like normal I think... I don't know of any tests they could do that wouldn't be more dangerous than I'm willing to risk on a snake that is acting like she feels okay.

    3.0 T. sirtalis sirtalis, 1.1 T. cyrtopsis ocellatus, 1.0 L. caerulea, 0.1 C. cranwelli, 0.1 T. carolina, 0.1 P. regius, 0.1 G. rosea, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.1 H. carolinensis

  9. #9
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Bright Green Poo...

    Sounds good.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

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