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  1. #1
    Never shed EasternBlackNeckedGarter's Avatar
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    Probably worrying too much, but...

    Mort, my garter, hasn't ever been tamed- he's very skittish and won't let you touch him. Recently, he's only been inside his cave (as far as I can tell, I only check on him once daily) and hasn't moved much. I got him to stir when I touched him, but he didn't come bolting out like I'd expect him to. His last meal was two fuzzies, 4-6 days ago. He didn't eat the two I put in last night. Could he just still be digesting the original mice, or could something be wrong with his terrarium? He has a 2' by 4' by 2' glass tank with a lid made of chicken wire (no sharp edges exposed), several fake plants, two caves, one under an inch of bedding (I use about 4 inches of a paper based substrate) no heat pad or lamp, a branch, and a porcelain water bowl. Note, I live in Texas and its been in the triple digits for maybe 10 days straight now.
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    it's likely that it's coming up on shedding time, and they are extra seclusive during this period.

  3. #3
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    Some heat(under tank heater - UTH) will probably aid in some activity and digestion.
    What is the ambient temp. of the room the snake is in?

    I don't know what size your snake is but I see a huge/dangerous problem with a chicken wire top with duct tape. There is usually an inside lip to most aquariums and a lid(wood, or screen frame)can be easily cut. The center of the wood can be cut out and a window screen material can be put on to cover it. Duct tape is also a no-no.
    The top of your enclosure isn't secure right now.

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  4. #4
    Never shed EasternBlackNeckedGarter's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
    Some heat(under tank heater - UTH) will probably aid in some activity and digestion.
    If the room is in the eighties, what size/temp heat pad should I get? (Note, his main cave has no substrate underneath, just glass.

  5. #5
    Never shed EasternBlackNeckedGarter's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    Infernalis: Thanks- he's done that before.

    Guido: The temperature in my house is normally set from 74-77 degrees Fahrenheit, but the room Mort's in is the warmest, in the low eighties most of the time. Also, the chicken wire is secured on all sides (and the middle) by six heavy books which I took off for the picture. He's also in a room that's always closed off to my cats and dog. The duct tape doesn't have any sticky surfaces exposed to the air, is it still a problem? Oh, and Mort is full grown, maybe 3 1/2 feet.

    Thanks for the advice.

  6. #6
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by EasternBlackNeckedGarter View Post
    Infernalis: Thanks- he's done that before.

    Guido: The temperature in my house is normally set from 74-77 degrees Fahrenheit, but the room Mort's in is the warmest, in the low eighties most of the time. Also, the chicken wire is secured on all sides (and the middle) by six heavy books which I took off for the picture. He's also in a room that's always closed off to my cats and dog. The duct tape doesn't have any sticky surfaces exposed to the air, is it still a problem? Oh, and Mort is full grown, maybe 3 1/2 feet.

    Thanks for the advice.
    I would say yes. I would never use that size wire for any snake. Your snake can easily reach the top and cause damage to its face. Snakes have the ability to fit their heads into rather small areas and this top in a dangerous situation.
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  7. #7
    Never shed EasternBlackNeckedGarter's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    Thanks guys, I'll try to find some aluminum screen for him. I may have an old heat pad attached to that tank already- had a beardie in there when I was little.

  8. #8
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    I think if you get some substrate under the hide area a small ZooMed heat pad should work well.
    Please be sure to address the lid issue. Zoo Med ReptiThermŽ Under Tank Heater, Small: Pet Supplies
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  9. #9
    Adult snake jwolfe152's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    something i just got for making screened lids is aluminum screen. its the stuff they use for screen doors they sell it in bright aluminum, charcoal aluminum,and in black fiberglass. its has very small holes and should be less than $10 for a roll and would do several 20g tanks, it should be available at just about any hardware store.
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  10. #10
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Probably worrying too much, but...

    Plug the old pad in and let it heat up before you try to remove it. Be sure to buy fabric screen material and ditch the use of duct tape and you'll be got-to-go.
    5 awesome kids!
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