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  1. #1
    "First shed In Progress" NickB's Avatar
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    Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    So I'm curious what is your favourite Thamnophis species/sub-species. Please do give some reasons why, even do a top 5 if you want. I think it would be interesting to see if any trends emerge

  2. #2
    "First shed In Progress" Darlo's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    For me it's as follows:

    1. Radix - just for sheer boldness, calmness when handled, voracious feeding...oh and I think mine are beautiful.
    2. Infernalis - a species I keep coming back to again and again. The most enthusiastic (put politely) feeders I've ever had.
    3. Concinnus -I love their red heads. That is all. Simples.

    The others that I have kept all had their querks etc and have been fun to own but the three above just do it for me...

    I may well add atratus to this list after Doncaster if John's experiences are anything to go by.
    Radix, Cyrtopsis Cyrtopsis, Sirtalis (Flame), Similis, Infernalis, Proximus

  3. #3
    Subadult snake Foxrun402's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    Raidx are very friendly as I'm learning for myself now! I happen to know a place just a few blocks away that has lots of wild ones roaming around... and they will literally roam right up to you check you out and continue about their business! LOL

    I must say I love my parietalis though... Being my first garter and all, she has adapted very well to her new home away from the desert in south dakota and she will down a pinkie in about 8 seconds... and nightcrawlers are like slurping up a spaghetti noodle for her! Hides/Sleeps/Flee's a lot but I still have heart for her, would do anything to make sure she is ok!
    0.1 Parietalis - Suzi
    0.1 T.Radix - Xena
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  4. #4
    "First shed In Progress" NickB's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    I have a feeling Radix are going to top a lot of peoples lists. MUST get some one day! :P I hope all of you Americans appreciate how great your variety of reptile life is! We do have some stunning species in Britain but we don't have the same large variety.

  5. #5
    Dutch, bold and Thamnophis-crazy Thamnophis's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    1. T. s. tetrataenia - very beautiful and friendly.
    2. T. s. sirtalis "erythristic" - the colour and the vivacious character
    3. T. s. sirtalis "flame" - the colour and the vivacious character
    4. T. fulvus - cannot say why, but I just love them
    5. T. eques scotti - their size, colouration and docile character.
    It is always advisable to be a loser if you cannot become a winner. Frank Zappa

  6. #6
    Old and wise snake
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    My favorite looking garters are pure white Leucistic Easterns.
    My favorite to keep and breed are Florida blues.

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    Thamnophis elegans vagrans.
    The attitude. I've never had any of them get bitey. Great tolerance for handling, so far.
    Great feeding response.
    The colors. Subtle colors are more appealing to me, than bright ones.
    The muscle tone and the way they use their bodies. It's nothing like eg. T. sirtalis. It's like comparing bungee cord to cooked spaghetti.
    The only species of garter to ever display constricting behavior.
    One of three species of garter that eat other snakes (in the wild, not by accident).
    Has the widest diet.
    Produces relatively small clutches.

  8. #8
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    #1 T.radix - Plains Garter, for me their calmness is a big factor. They adjust to captive life and seem to enjoy it. Each snake has it's own personality and once they trust you they really trust you. They are great eaters and seem very hardy.

    #2 T.ordinoides - Northwestern Garter, Great personalities.

    #3 T.s.parietalis - Red Sided Garter, Have many of the radix qualities.
    5 awesome kids!
    Emmy, Kale, Molly, Gabby, Hailee
    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  9. #9
    Juvenile snake's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    It has to be Atratus for me. :-). I can not explain why, they just do it for me.
    Like Thamnatrix snakes on Facebook

  10. #10
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" chris-uk's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favourite Thamnophis Species/Sub-Species

    I have a soft spot for marcianus because they got me started, and they are beautiful in an understated way.

    Infernalis are probably top of my list though, stunning colour and heaps of personality.

    Then radix beautiful with calm personality.
    T. marcianus, T. e. cuitzeoensis, T. cyrtopsis, T. radix, T. s. infernalis, T. s. tetrataenia

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