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  1. #1
    Never shed
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    What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    When you have newborns, say in a sterilite with moist sphagnum moss, how many do you feel comftorable co-habbing? Do you feed them communaly in the enclosure? Or do you take out each one individually to feed in a seperate container? Or do you believe in housing them individually? I think moist sphagnum moss would be the ideal substrate for baby garters. What do you believe in or have experience doing?.

  2. #2
    "Preparing For Fourth shed" snake man's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    I don't have an experience but I would say that a litter can be together in one enclosure for a few weeks or until they get a little bigger and feeding can be done all together just make sure you watch them closely during it. Any moist substrate should do.
    0.1 Red axanthic x red radix

  3. #3
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    I group feed but others separate. I would be worried about a constant wet/damp living area but it should keep the little scrubs hydrated.
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  4. #4
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
    I group feed but others separate. I would be worried about a constant wet/damp living area
    Yeah, be careful with that. Often you see pics of newborns on wet paper towels but this is just to get them through their first shed, which happens immediately following birth. After they've all shed the substrate shouldn't be damp. They need a very shallow, easily accessible water dish at all times though, such as a peanut butter lid. This can be a bit of a problem because certain substrates will "suck" the water out of the dish like a straw and deposit it on the floor. If you're keeping them in tubs, watch for condensation buildup and tend to them often to make sure the substrate is dry.

    I've bought baby snakes that were kept it "sweating" tubs and when they arrived, I had to treat them for blister disease. Luckily it was early stage and they made a full recovery. It can happen quite quickly. Just a week or two of conditions that are too damp. This is less of a problem with screen top enclosures. With those you can keep a small area of damp moss or substrate in a corner or end, while still keeping the rest dry. If condensation is building up on the sides, you need to dry things out. When I keep litters in tubs I also tend to use paper towels and change them for fresh dry ones daily. If there's only a few and they have plenty of room I use aspen but check it every day to make sure it's not getting wet.

  5. #5
    Adult snake Greg'sGarters's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    For baby garters, what I do is that I'll split up the litter into groups of 1 dozen per 10g. I take a short rubbermaid, melt a hole in the side, and fill that with moist, borderline wet, sphagnum moss. I place this on the warm end of the cage. It allows garters to stay hydrated when they need to, without keeping their whole enclosure damp. Garters need to be able to have access to a wet area as well as a dry area ESPECIALLY when they are babies. Plus, that box also allows me to use as a base for hiding places. As for feeding, I'm going to try something new this year, I'm going to buy a blender and mix up worms, pinkies, tilapia, and some chicken heart and make a chunky paste with that with that. I might add some calcium & multi-v powder to add some extra nutrients. I'll put that on a dish and place that in their cage. If you would like to feed more solid food items (as I will twice a week) I'd feed them separately. Anyone think this is a good idea? It's an easy way to feed the babies, while getting them used to a wide variety of foods when young.
    1.1T.s. concinnus, 1.1 T.s. parietalis, 1.0 T.s. semifasciatus, 0.1 T. radix
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  6. #6
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    I don't think the blender idea is going to workout the way you think it is.
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  7. #7
    Adult snake Greg'sGarters's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    Oh. Would a dicer be better or just stick to earthworm bits?
    1.1T.s. concinnus, 1.1 T.s. parietalis, 1.0 T.s. semifasciatus, 0.1 T. radix
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  8. #8
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" d_virginiana's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    I don't think I'd like the idea of feeding paste... Sounds like a food fight waiting to happen, especially in groups, cause there's no way one could grab a chunk and go. They'd be covered in the food-goo (for lack of a better word...) and all congregating in the same place instead of grabbing some then backing off to eat it.

    3.0 T. sirtalis sirtalis, 1.1 T. cyrtopsis ocellatus, 1.0 L. caerulea, 0.1 C. cranwelli, 0.1 T. carolina, 0.1 P. regius, 0.1 G. rosea, 0.0.1 B. smithi, 0.1 H. carolinensis

  9. #9
    Adult snake Greg'sGarters's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    Ok, sounds fair. I will probably just end up sticking earthworm bits on a dish and putting that in there, feeding them guppies, separately, twice a week - just so that I can know for sure that ALL of them are eating.
    1.1T.s. concinnus, 1.1 T.s. parietalis, 1.0 T.s. semifasciatus, 0.1 T. radix
    "Garters are predictable. Predictably variable" - Neil Balchan

  10. #10
    "Fourth shed, A Success" thamneil's Avatar
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    Re: What are your thoughts on housing and feeding neonates?

    Paste is bad. You're asking for dirty, nasty babies wanting to eat each other.

    As for the setup, I don't know if I would go for sphagnum substrate. I like to house my babies on paper towel for the first while, until they are eating well. I find that it is harder to feed a sometimes unwilling animal on a loose substrate. Everything sticks to the food items and complicates feeding. That being said, a moist area is always beneficial. Perhaps throw some damp sphagnum in a deli cup and place that within the enclosure.

    I tend to house the entire litter together in a suitably sized terrarium. I like the idea of keeping groups together and don't often have to separate them. At the end of the day, do what works for you.
    The Thamnophis Aficionado

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