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Thread: Fraud!!!!!

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  1. #1
    Never shed Journey Fan's Avatar
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    Hello all, including the guardians of the forum,
    What can be done when a member of the forum receives your money, but won't send you the snakes, won't return emails, won't call you back, and has made NO attempt to contact you and offer any type of explanation???
    Someone help me!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    If the payment was made through PayPal or similar service, turn to them about getting your money back.

    Report the crime.

    The forum can do nothing helpful in that regard, I'm afraid. We can ban the person, but that's it.
    PM me the name of the scammer.

  3. #3
    Never shed Journey Fan's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    I am hoping the person will see this and correct the issue. I paid with a money order( ya I know) but that was all he accepted. He didn't have a Paypal or similar service! I will let you know what happens. He has quite a lot of ads on the forum and is not a newbie either!

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ConcinnusMan View Post
    What can you do to prevent getting totally ripped off

    • If a deal looks too good to be true, it usually is.
    • If a deal looks illegal it probably is.
    • Ask them where THEY got it and then check.
    • Ask for a photo of the animal.
    • Ask them to fax you a copy of their drivers license.
    • Ask them for references in the industry.
    • Ask them for local references.
    • Look up their name and address on the internet white pages.
    • Ask for their phone number
    • Ask for references on USENET newsgroups.

    Okay so I got ripped off, what do I do now?
    First determine whether it was just a bad deal or a complete ripoff cause once you start some of this there no turning back....
    Make copies of the advertisement on your local hard drive. Try to get a copy of the logfile transcript that shows this users post
    Complain to the persons Internet Service Provider that the advertiser is posting fraudulent advertisements and ask the Internet Service Provider to terminate his account for violating it's Terms of Service Agreement
    File a complaint at FBI Internet Fraud Complaint Center
    File a complaint at ScamBusters
    File a complaint on the National Fraud Information Center
    File a formal theft complaint with their local law enforcement authorities
    File a complaint at the Better Business Bureau
    Post a complaint on the pubic USENET forums.
    File a formal complaint with the US Postmaster General. (This works best if you sent the person a US Postal Service Money Order). Mail Fraud is a FEDERAL OFFENSE and there are lots of people in PRISON for committing MAIL FRAUD. If you sent your check/money order via US Postal Service to him and he accepted it congrats thats mail fraud.

  5. #5
    Never shed Journey Fan's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    Thanks for all of the tips! Yes, it was a US Postal Service Money Order. He said that he accepted it and that everything was "good". I have the emails to prove it too. He can't sell snakes from prison, can he? I hope he is reading this...

  6. #6
    Smells Like Teen Spirit Invisible Snake's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    Sorry that you got scammed. Can you please either post or PM me the name of this person so I know to avoid them?

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    The identity of the accused is irrelevant at this point. The two parties are sorting it out now and it is likely that all we got here is a failure to communicate.

    In reference to my own statements in this discussion: I hope that we can keep names out of this until the issue is resolved.

  8. #8
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" CrazyHedgehog's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    Timing is a big issue here, it could be the person has had some personal emergency /flooding / family issue / losing internet/ illness ,or similar and has just not managed to get back to you yet, if he/she/they have sold on here before, I am sure someone would have noticed a scam earlier.
    good luck, hope it gets sorted
    our house is like a zoo, too many to list here!

  9. #9
    T.s. affectionado EasternGirl's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    The tips that Richard originally posted are good rules to follow in any sort of business transaction. I learned quickly when looking for a puppy. I never send money orders or pay cash unless I am standing in front of the person and receiving the purchased item at the same time. I hope everything gets worked out in this case.
    3.3 T.s.sirtalis 1.0 T.marcianus 1.2 T.radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis
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  10. #10
    Never shed Journey Fan's Avatar
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    Re: Fraud!!!!!

    Well, I wish I had better news, but the person who refuses to send me the snakes is still not sending them. He made another promise that they would be sent to arrive today, but never came, Nor did I receive an email, phone call, or private message here at the forum. How long do you all think I should wait? This person said that he has been doing business for a long time with good success. I find that hard to believe. Everyone with that background has access to a computer somehow or at least a phone, or a friend's. There is no excuse for this. He needs to fix this soon or I will have to contact the authorities (Postmaster). I would rather have the snakes, but this is rediculous. Another failed promise and no response, I mean really!!!!

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