I have the following eastern garter snake morphs available. Pics available, just ask. Check my other ads for more Garters. Take all the animals listed below for just $500 shipped!!

8.0 Erythristics Het Melanistic MALES (Het Melanistic poss het snow) - $25
0.1 Erythristic 100% Het Snow - $50
8.8 Erythristics (Myrtle Beach Locale) - $10 each
0.1 Melanistic - $35
2.1 Peach Flame Erythristic (Het Albino) - $125 for the group

1.0 Erythristic (Myrtle Beach LocaleNice Orange Color) - $50
0.1 Melanistic (100% Het Snow) - $125
0.1 Albino (100% Het Snow) - $175

0.1 Melanistic (Proven) - $100