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Thread: Rip

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  1. #1
    "First shed In Progress" Reptiliancousin's Avatar
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    Unhappy Rip

    Bobbie just died a few moments ago. I can't even begin to express how much hurt I feel. How can such a happy, alert, active little baby suddenly just die? I was looking forward to having Bobbie for a long time. Watch him grow up.
    Did he have to much worms? I only fed him two. Just before he died he oozed a yellow musk-like substance from both his cloaca and mouth. Specks of black were also in the ooze. Does anything sound familiar? I desprately want some answers! Was it something I did? Or was he just one of the babies who don't survive? He was so happy this morning. My heart is breaking.

  2. #2
    Thamtographer katach's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    Oh, I am so sorry. This is never easy. My heart goes out to you.
    2.2 T.s.pickeringii, 0.4.7 T.ordinoides 1.1 T.marcianus 1.1 T. radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis 1.2 Pseudacris regilla

  3. #3
    Thamnophis houstonius ProXimuS's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    I'm very sorry to hear that. I'm in shock with you, especially after reading his feeding post.

    Was he the one that was 3 days old when you bought him? I wonder if he was just too young, and just one of the nonsurvivors like you had stated?

    Again very sorry. Bobbie is in my thoughts
    ~* Emily *~
    Canis lupus familiaris- Tippy, Thamnophis proximus orarius- Proximus, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis- Tallie

  4. #4
    "First shed In Progress" Reptiliancousin's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    Yes, he was three days old when I bought him.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProXimuS View Post
    I'm very sorry to hear that. I'm in shock with you, especially after reading his feeding post.

    Was he the one that was 3 days old when you bought him? I wonder if he was just too young, and just one of the nonsurvivors like you had stated?

    Again very sorry. Bobbie is in my thoughts

  5. #5
    matris ut plures Mommy2many's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. The young ones can go any time without reason. Please rest assured it was nothing you did/did not do and it was meant to be. RIP little one.
    Le Ann

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  6. #6
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Selkielass's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    Sorry for your loss. Little ones are so fragile, but losing them still hurts.

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator Stefan-A's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    Sorry to hear it.

  8. #8
    "First shed In Progress" Reptiliancousin's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    Thanks everyone. I'm thankful for the nine days that I was able to have him. I've never lost a snake before.

  9. #9
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    That is such a shame. Sorry to hear about Bobbie's death.

    Do you have the seller's information? Maybe they will work with you on a replacement if you want to work with them again.

    In your first post you mentioned a yellow fluid/mucus coming out the mouth and cloaca/vent.
    Red worms produce such a color toxin. I know you've answered some questions before with regards to the baby worms you purchased at Walmart but I think we need to look further at them.
    Can you post a photo of the container the worms came in and a close-up, well lit photo of the worms? Maybe one or two of them placed on a white piece of paper.
    I remember getting a shipment of night crawlers in from DMF Bait and finding a red worm in the mix.
    You could also take one of the worms out and pinch it or possibly poke it with a sharp object to see if it produces the toxin.
    Sorry to go on like this but I know you want answers and the retired deputy sheriff in me wants to investigate this incident.
    5 awesome kids!
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    They are not just snakes. They're garter snakes.

  10. #10
    "First shed In Progress" Reptiliancousin's Avatar
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    Re: Rip

    I do have the seller's info. I took two of their business cards at the expo. I'll get a picture of the container and of the worms as soon as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
    That is such a shame. Sorry to hear about Bobbie's death.

    Do you have the seller's information? Maybe they will work with you on a replacement if you want to work with them again.

    In your first post you mentioned a yellow fluid/mucus coming out the mouth and cloaca/vent.
    Red worms produce such a color toxin. I know you've answered some questions before with regards to the baby worms you purchased at Walmart but I think we need to look further at them.
    Can you post a photo of the container the worms came in and a close-up, well lit photo of the worms? Maybe one or two of them placed on a white piece of paper.
    I remember getting a shipment of night crawlers in from DMF Bait and finding a red worm in the mix.
    You could also take one of the worms out and pinch it or possibly poke it with a sharp object to see if it produces the toxin.
    Sorry to go on like this but I know you want answers and the retired deputy sheriff in me wants to investigate this incident.

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