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  1. #1
    Subadult snake
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    3 more litters in the past 2 days

    Had one litter yesterday and two today, they are in chronological order:

    Double het snow red sided female (from albino female x anerythristic male) bred to Double het snow red sided female (from anerythristic female x albino male) produced
    1.7 Kansas albino red sideds, 0.3 anerythristics, 2.3 snows and 4.12 66 Hets

    Xmas albino plains female bred to extreme high red hypo plains & Iowa albino males-all the babies came out normal which means the hypo bred, really excited about this
    project, ultimately producing a xmas hypo, should be an amazing looking morph-she produced 5.8, one female is what I would call extreme hypo, she is visual hypo at birth
    which is unusual for hypomelanism.

    Lastly, bred a het hybino female to a het hybino male and got 0.3 albino/hybinos (some of these may turn into visual hybinos over time) and 1.11 66% poss het albino/hybino,
    some of these will end up being hypos or red hypos. These are really wierd ratios, checked the records on last year's babies sexes and they were high female too, something
    with this lineage lends it to higher females for whatever reason. Have one more brood waiting from these bloodlines, will be interesting to see how they turn out.

    I am going to try and get pics up this weekend.

    Scott Felzer
    919-413-8321 EST

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    congrats! news on the pieds yet?!
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  3. #3
    "First shed In Progress"
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    re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    I gotta say, all those numbers and decimal points kind of go over my head when it comes to the morphs(Or whatever you call them) of these snakes, but it sounds like you got yourself a handful(Or two). Bet they all look great, congrats.

  4. #4
    I like snakes! mikem's Avatar
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    re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    Congrats on the litters! Can't wait to see the pics

  5. #5
    Subadult snake
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    Raleigh, North Carolina
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    re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    Thanks all, Tarzier, 4.2 means 4 males, 2 females, 4.2.1 means the same with the one being of unknown gender. Hey Shannon, Still working on figuring out if the pied trait is inheritable or not.

    Scott Felzer
    919-413-8321 EST

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott F View Post
    Thanks all, Tarzier, 4.2 means 4 males, 2 females, 4.2.1 means the same with the one being of unknown gender. Hey Shannon, Still working on figuring out if the pied trait is inheritable or not.

    dang!!! Did any litters drop? I am assuming if they did, the results weren't very good
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  7. #7
    Old and wise snake snakeman's Avatar
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    Re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    Did any litters drop? Because I've had my doubts about those babies.

  8. #8
    Subadult snake
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    Re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    Hey who messed with my " morel litter" Thanks for catching it Steve !

    Scott Felzer
    919-413-8321 EST

  9. #9
    Old and wise snake
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    Country: United States

    Re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    My female het pied had 14 still borns the other day. They were big fully developed babies but dead. Very depressing. None of them looked to be pied. They were as big as Florida blue babies. I am not to hopeful on this project but I will try again next year.

  10. #10
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: 3 more litters in the past 2 days

    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    My female het pied had 14 still borns the other day. They were big fully developed babies but dead. Very depressing. None of them looked to be pied. They were as big as Florida blue babies. I am not to hopeful on this project but I will try again next year.
    That is some sad news. Was this a breeding of two theoretical "100% hets?" I have had some doubts myself that that gene was going to prove out, but I have remained hopeful for all of those who have invested into the project because I know how much it would mean to some to have pied garter snakes. It did look pretty hopeful, considering the way the white was laid out and the "normal" colored parts of the snake had irregular pattern just like a pied BP.
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

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