View Poll Results: Would you like to schedule another thamnophis.com chat?
- Voters
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I was there, and I would like to do it again.
I was there, but it's not for me.
I missed it but would like to try it next time.
I missed it but know it's not for me.
Former Moderator
Chat Feedback
I think there was a pretty good showing at the first chat today (5 May). Is this something you'd like to schedule again?
Hi, I'm New Here!
Re: Chat Feedback
Yes, definately. I was there (and still am). It was much fun talking about doritos and converting things to metric.
Former Moderator
Re: Chat Feedback
I'm glad you enjoyed it, Vondell, and I want to ensure the you registered your vote, above.
Forum Moderator
Re: Chat Feedback
I was there and I would like to do it again. However, it would be less chaotic if it was exclusively for people from this forum. Now it felt like we just invaded somebody elses territory.
Re: Chat Feedback
I was there (twice ) but I probably wouldn't bother again. I can't say I really enjoyed it. I found the conversation disjointed and erratic. As Stefan suggested, if it was a private chat room, purely for the use of Thamnophis.com members I might feel differently. I was a bit disappointed really.
Old and wise snake
Re: Chat Feedback
Well, I guess we could just all get AIM, then do the same thing. It's free too.
0.1 Jack Russell Terrier
1.0 T. sirtalis
Re: Chat Feedback
That's true Matt, and it's private. I noticed you were online just prior to the chat, but you didn't join the chat room....Any particular reason for that?
Thamnophis Addict
Re: Chat Feedback
Like a number of others, I was there. I did enjoy it, but admit it was hard to keep up part of the time.
Dutch, bold and Thamnophis-crazy
Re: Chat Feedback
I voted for: I missed it and I know it is not for me.
When there is an opportunity I will give it a try, but chatting is not important for me. I have enough fun on the forum.
It is always advisable to be a loser if you cannot become a winner. Frank Zappa
Truieneer, e ras apoat
Re: Chat Feedback
Well, I was back home at 00h00 and did not really had the spirit to come on at that hour ( was anybody still there at that time? , 4hrs after the start... ).
I voted "I missed it but would like to try it next time", says it all.
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