"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Noob ?
I am so new to this.
Can anyone tell me what kind are snake is by the pics i've posted in the gallery?
Any help would B cool
Last edited by Odie; 04-02-2007 at 10:16 AM.
Reason: wordn
Former Moderator
Re: Noob ?
Hi Odie, Sorry but the photos are just too fuzzy. The scale count appears to be 19 at mid-body (but I can't be sure) which would narrow things down a bit, but not enough. As Rick (Cazador) says a good clear head shot showing the labials would help. Also a clearer picture at mid-body for an accurate scale count. Can you take more photos?
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Noob ?
Yes, has soking dish.
Counted 16 then 18
Will try to get better pics.
Brother Snake
Re: Noob ?
Hmmmmm, I'll take a guess and say maybe a T.ordinoides? Definitely could use some better pics for scale counts and such, but if you've already kind of got between 16 and 18 (they can be a real buggar to count, especially on a squirmy snake) that ony makes me think more it's an ordinoides. Colour and pattern really remind me of them as well.
Re: Noob ?
I agree with you Roy, it does look like an ordinoides, but on Odie's other pics (in his gallery) I think the scale count comes out at 19. Yeah....better pics needed.
Brother Snake
Re: Noob ?
Wow....your eyes are better than mine if you can get scale counts out of those pics...LOL.
If you have a shed of your snake, you might try counting the scales on that. Should be easier. Make sure you do your count at about midbody, the scale counts can vary at different areas on the snake, especially closer to the head.
Dutch, bold and Thamnophis-crazy
Re: Noob ?
It also would help if you know where it is caught.
It is always advisable to be a loser if you cannot become a winner. Frank Zappa
Mr Thamnophis
Re: Noob ?
the pics here are definitely t ordinoides....have had a couple myself...
Former Moderator
Re: Noob ?
How is its personality? It appears to be very friendly. I wonder if all (or most) T. ordinoides are friendly and inquisitive?
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