Could anyone give me some quick tips on care for newborns? I just want to make sure I get all of this right. Feeding methods etc. would be appreciated.
I didn't do anything special with mine
just made sure they had water
offered them pinky strips, fish strips, and chopped up nightcrawler
I know this sounds totally insane, but I fed them by holding them individually over a plate with the offerings
I did this because I wanted to see what each individual snake ate
I sorted them into groups of nutritional preference, but kept offering each group all three choices
I kept them on white paper towel while they were little and I put a finer mesh screening inside the screen top, to make it escape proof
I don't put much work into it, since it's only temporary
looks like this
I bend over a circa 2" strip all around and cut the corners, so it fits better
it makes for a very tight fitting top also
rhea "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain
Elliott, I do basically the same as Rhea, except I use small live guppies in a shallow water disk and mix them with pinkie parts. I feel that the live minnows stimulate their instinct to feed.
9.14 T. s sirtalis, 2.2. T. ordinoides, 1.1 T. e vagrans, 1.1 T. s parietalis,
1.0 T. s sackenii- Peninsular Ribbon