"First shed In Progress"
Please help: Ribbon snake problem
Ok, here is what happened..
I gave my ribbon snake a fish to eat, and he was very excited, and went after it. But the fish jumped out of the dish, so Jonesy went after it, but got a piece of Zoo Med Repti Bark instead, and swallowed it. 
I immediately got the bag, and read it, and it says that since it is all natural, if a reptile eats a piece, they should be fine.
But I want to double check with all of you. Have any of your snakes done this, and if so, were they OK? I am worried about him, even though he is acting perfectly normal, and immediately began looking for his fish, which I removed.
"Preparing For Second shed"
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
I have heard of people getting their snakes to regurge bedding but i'd wait for a more expert opinion as regurging can off set their digestive enzimes!sorry I can't be of more help.
Marc & Marie
Old and wise snake
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
I have had a Florida Blue adult (42 inches) eat a small piece of bedding once. I never figured out if it passed or digested, but the snake never got sick.
How big a piece of bark was eaten?
KitKat "Acts of kindness should never be random."
"First shed In Progress"
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
It was no bigger that I'd say, this square ---> [ ]
Brother Snake
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
It should be ok since it was such a small piece. The snake won't be able to digest it, but since it's so small it should pass. That does happen sometimes, as long as it's not a big piece of bedding and doesn't happen often, they usually do ok with it.
Thamnophis Addict
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
I've had some of mine get a small piece like that and it has not been a problem.
9.14 T. s sirtalis, 2.2. T. ordinoides, 1.1 T. e vagrans, 1.1 T. s parietalis,
1.0 T. s sackenii- Peninsular Ribbon
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
I use Newspaper as underground, so can't happen something like this. I've read, that this is normally not a problem, but bigger Barks can cause problems in the gut. Perhaps observe Jonesy some time, but a small peace actually harmless.
"First shed In Progress"
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
Thank you all! I feel better now. 
I will keep my eye on him for sure.
When should I feed him his fish though? Because he is still looking for it.
Brother Snake
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
I'd go ahead and feed him. The bark was such a small piece that you really shouldn't have any worries. A fish down there on top of it, really isn't going to complicate things.
Forum Moderator
Re: Please help: Ribbon snake problem
I watch my garters, both adults and babies VERY closely during feeding time. I us corn cob bedding and that stuff definately does not digest. it does not even soften a bit if its soaked in water for days. even though I generally feed all my baby garters while they are in my hand... sometimes the ones who know they are about to get fed get overly ambitious and decide tog rab a piece of corn cob and start to swallow it. upon seeing this I promptly grab them behind the head making sure i apply enough pressure so that they cant swallow it any more (they are so used to being fed this way that picking them up doesnt scare them te least), I then take a small pair of tweezers i have jsut for this reason and i take it out! On two occassions i have opened their cage to see one with a lump in its belly. knowing that that piece of corn cob is NOT going to come out the back end, I do the only thing I can. I induce regurgitation by VERY GENTLY massaging the little lump up through the neck and usually they spit it out on their own. other than that, I don't really have too many problems.
Now if an adult garter eats a piece... it realy doesnt bother him/her because it passes. to help things along I syringe a bit of water into the snakes mouth to make sure that the corn cob's trip is a smoothe one. My snakes are REALLY used to consistent almost daily handling so they don't stress one bit when things like this happen.
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