"First shed In Progress"
Basilisk (The King of all Serpents)
Re: our garters
James or Stefan some one needs your help
p.s. you could goole it!!!
Forum Moderator
Re: our garters
Thamnophis sirtalis (Common Garter Snake)
T. s. annectens (Texas garter snake)
T. s. concinnus (Red-spotted garter snake)
T. s. dorsalis (New Mexico garter snake)
T. s. fitchi (Valley garter snake)
T. s. infernalis (California red-sided garter snake)
T. s. pallidulus (Maritime garter snake)
T. s. parietalis (Red-sided garter snake)
T. s. pickeringii (Puget Sound garter snake)
T. s. semifasciatus (Chicago garter snake)
T. s. similis (Blue-striped garter snake)
T. s. sirtalis (Eastern garter snake)
T. s. tetrataenia (San Francisco garter snake)
Thamnophis marcianus (Checkered Garter Snake)
Basilisk (The King of all Serpents)
Re: our garters
Thanks Stefan I knew one of ya would be able to pop that up there pretty quick.....
Forum Moderator
Re: our garters
I was first going to post my entire list of 31 species, but I decided it would only turn the discussion into a debate over which species and subspecies are recognized and which aren't. 
On second thought, that might be material for a new thread..
Thamnophis Collectus
Re: our garters
beautiful snakes.
i like the redspots
cali redsided
and albino eastern
and of course the maritime
Basilisk (The King of all Serpents)
Re: our garters
yeah I could see that one happening, don't we have page here some where that has a list of the names??
"First shed In Progress"
Re: our garters
does the fact that they are either albino or het for albino change they sceintific name?
"First shed In Progress"
Re: our garters
stephan could you post the 31 species list?
Basilisk (The King of all Serpents)
Re: our garters
I don't think so......
well maybe the albino, but I don't think the hets do.....
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