So one of my female ordinoides (Mocha) has had 3 seizures in the span of an hour. She has stopped for now and is in isolation resting. While her mouth was open, and attached to Bills finger to keep her from biting too hard and making herself bleed, I dropped a couple drops of a vitamin/water mix. I'm not sure what has caused it. All of the snakes are on the same diet and the female snakes are all in the same enclosure. We have taken some drastic measures here. We cleaned out all the aspen thinking that we may have gotten a bad batch. We scrubbed the tank completely, took all the toys and plants out. Right now they are on a sheet and have water. The sheet is kind of bunched up in places for hides. They all got a bath and I added vitamin powder to the water. Mocha is a wild caught and from her size and facial structure looks older than most of our snakes, so we weren't sure if age had something to do with or not. I'm at a loss here. I just don't know why this is happening. We just lost Ghost and he was in an entirely different enclosure in a different room.