From diy to pre-built enclosures and questions on ways to decorate.
so I discovered something new most of my critters like flower pot hides, but it's always bothered me that they're kind of tall and while the frogs...
ok so on monday i am getting a 30 gal tank for george one of my main concerns is for heat since i have ac what wattage of bulb should i get and what...
does anybody else decorate enclosures with just like kind of random stuff.for example in my garter enclosure i didnt have any bedding at the moment...
I just moved my boy to a new tank (a friend of mine had an old aquarium going), and I'm trying to work out how to light it. I just used a heat mat in...
i have a 20 gal tank and how many adult garters can i fit in it??? would it be ok for 4??? :rolleyes: should i get a bigger one??? i want them all to...
there seem to be tiny and when i say tiny i mean really really tiny bugs... i don't think that they're mites.... but i JUST replaced their substrate...
This is where I'm going to post my progress on my first snake's first home. At this point I'm torn between waiting for Kenabec or breaking down and...
this is a quick layout i drew up for an enclosure any input is welcome the water will be in a dish or something buried in the soil and the heat...
Happy Solstice to you all! Though the days start getting shorter tomorrow. :( I read our care sheet but found nothing on lighting. Do I need a...
Well I'm seriously thinking about building a viv unit comprising of four vivs. I'm looking for advice on the best places to source components from in...
Hi All, I've just completed the timber work on my set of three new vivaria, and I'd thought I'd share it with you!:D Next step...electrics and...
Well, it's been over 90 here for the past week, so we've had the AC on. The temps in my room have stayed a consistent 82 degrees during the day, so...
ok ive decided i want to build a vivarium stack for my snakes, there has to be at least 3 (preferably 4) vivariums in this stack. where do i look for...
The decoration of the fireplace-terrarium is finally ready. If the temperatures are ok than the snakes will be placed in it tomorrow. The...
What setting should a heating pad be set to when used instead of a light bulb?
all of my animals are currently adequately housed except for one and I've been chewing on this problem for a while thankfully he's not in great...
Hi, I've got a few slabs(?) of moss, and I'm afraid to place them in my terrarium (parasites). How do I desinfect them? I'm familiar with the...
So I decided that before I get another snake (I'm thinking about a baby cornsnake btw) I'm going to update Raven's enclosure. Her old one was okay...
Okay, last summer while at the garden plots, I was told that little dekay's snakes, and many other reptiles, liked to bask ontop of the pine, cedar,...
Do any of you provide some kind of humidity gradient in addition to a heat gradient? I was also thinking about sealing off a part of a...
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