Discussion related to the care and keeping of Garter Snakes.
I think a thread discussing the quarantining of snakes is long over due. Whether those snakes are CB(captive Breed) or WC(Wild Caught) ...
Anyone who has been here a while may recall me having no less than two incidents regarding the loss of snakes after eating (supposedly) tainted fish...
Good evening; Question...are nightcrawlers a natural laxative for snakes or am I dealing with coincidence here? I took my injured/sick garter to the...
I have a garden. A weedy mound where squash grew was allowed to llie fallow two years. Now i want to till it under and replant it, BUT a nest of T....
how does everyone clean their tanks? What do you do with the snake? I'm still afraid to touch it let alone cary it out, so I just want to know how...
hi all, well my wc daykies snake lost part of his tail,:eek: he was hurt when I found him , and it was coming along good untill he shed. I...
I saw a sign at the pet store down the street saying that they now sell Super Worms. I asked if i could feed it to my little guy and if they were...
I was wondering if there are any problems in keeping a male and a female in the same enclosure from babies....? I am starting to build my...
hi all I have a small wc brown snake that seems to love to shed, how often to they shed mine has shed 3 times in 7 weeks :D is this a lot or...
are there any parasites that can come from earthworms? are there any ways of avoiding them, such as tryin to squeez the muck out before feeding :p
Something appears to have happened to injure one of the large snakes that live in my yard. The family has been around for years and I've never had...
I have finally decided to get a snake after 5 years of contemplating it. I have bought a viv and equipment necasary to look after one. I have...
Just kidding:p Just wondering if there's anything you could just find in your back yard or something to use as substrate like rocks, dirt, sticks,...
What is the safest, most efficient way of heating a rubbermaid bin? Can I use a wooden water bowl? They look so much nicer than plain old...
Did you know that feeder goldfish are farmed outside and that they harbour just as many parasites as wild caught feeders would?
I went to see a friend last weekend who keeps ball pythons and keeps studious shedding, feeding and weight records. How important do you think record...
This may seem like a kind of elementary question, but do garters eat their old skin after a shed? My largest snake apparently shed last night (went...
hi all just caught another wct and am wondering if its okay to keep them in the same tank, its a 40 g, tall boy, sal is 11 in. just a baby , and...
It's been two weeks now since mr. pink ate last (1 goldfish):rolleyes: . I've been trying to feed him pinkies with no success. I'm going to try to...
alright everyone I have a question. Since the Xenochrophis vittatus my friend purchased (I am prob. going to get the other 2 they had at the pet...
My WC T. Elegans Vagrans, who I have had for about 1.5 years, has just reached over 12". I think he was about 7" long when he came to live with us. ...
I am a new owner of a garter snake. It is eating VERY well. I have it on roseys and earthworms. It is eating all i give it, I gave it 5 roseys and 4...
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