Discussion related to the care and keeping of Garter Snakes.
I think a thread discussing the quarantining of snakes is long over due. Whether those snakes are CB(captive Breed) or WC(Wild Caught) ...
Anyone who has been here a while may recall me having no less than two incidents regarding the loss of snakes after eating (supposedly) tainted fish...
... and demands food that isn't toxic.:rolleyes: So this is my little Rick 'Houdini' James. He's WC, probably not all that long after...
i've heard that it is okay to feed ribbon snakes rosy red and guppies if not where can i get tadpoles from?
Okay, so we all know how convenient it is to feed our animals rodents, if they'll take them, nice square meal: flesh, bone, vitamins and minerals all...
I've read a few posts and whatnot, and I'm sort of tired of hearing this but... WHAT'S THE DEAL!? Everywhere I go, it's "amphibians are loaded with...
It has finally happened. The snake mite has somehow finally made it's way to my snakeroom. I am very upset!!! I always treat for and check for mites...
Last night I went to the store and brought frozen tilapia. I read the ingredients label and, there weren't any preservatives should it still be...
Thanks for everyone's suggestions regarding the feeding of Northwesterns. I have not witnessed any consumption of earthworms or slugs;the slugs...
Okay, I am pretty knowledgable about exotic snakes but I know barely anything about native species (I live in Nova Scotia). I just caught a neonate...
I just wanted to thank everyone very much for there advise on feeding my new garter. I got two fuzzies and scented them with goldfish and my snake...
So, there is so many questions... I feel like a four year old asking why, why, why all day... I gave my MALE snake with a girl name some fresh...
My garter is getting stinky even though I keep his cage clean. I noticed it when I was holding him. Should I bathe him in warm water? Or should I get...
Hello from Eureka! I am curious if anyone on the forum has experience with Northwestern Garters in captivity. In the wild these small garters...
Today, I'm gonna teach ya'll how to make a perfectly delicious meal for any size garter! I call it mashed tilapia, and it's sure to hit home with...
I'm a teenager, and I love love love snakes. Always have. My brother used to have a cornsnake, but now that all my siblings are gone, and after much...
I recently took a closer look at my butler's poo (Which contained his last wild meals), as well as some of my easterns who are out in the pen, and I...
Since I caught her yesterday, I wasn't sure how long it would take for the adjustment of being in unfamiliar surroundings. I picked up some Canadian...
Finally, i was desperated īcause he wonīt eat (itīs been a month) and he was getting skinnier each day, and we force fed him with 6 small (1 cm)....
One of my baby sirtalis was eating today, and she ate two small earthworms (wild caught, not red wigglers)... then she proceeded to regurgitate one...
im gunna make a tub rack for my garters, for 1.2 red-sideds or easterns a 34"x 17.5" would be big enough right? and what about 1.3 Pugets?
Silly question, but whenever I'm a little concerned about the size of a prey item WHY does Sly have to eat them backward? :confused: Totally...
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