Discussion related to the care and keeping of Garter Snakes.
I think a thread discussing the quarantining of snakes is long over due. Whether those snakes are CB(captive Breed) or WC(Wild Caught) ...
Anyone who has been here a while may recall me having no less than two incidents regarding the loss of snakes after eating (supposedly) tainted fish...
hi all. saturday the 12th i cought a wee garter the my dad uncovered while we were collecting scrap wood from a house being build near us(with...
Hey guys, I just tried something that worked like a charm and though I would share. You know sometimes even though you know there are plenty of...
Hey guys its me again, and i have some questions First, i have a WC red sided garter that i believe is a juvenile female and i have her eating...
This is strangely wonderful. My little Gimpie decided to eat a pinky today. Its her first one, and I've never given her scented anything. Since the...
Hello! I've had Tibby (Eastern garter) since late last summer, and he has always been very friendly. He was always active, crawling around his tank...
Hey i love snakes but also love fishing and have heard trout is a good food for Garters but is Yellow Perch a safe food for my baby easterns? i know...
Monty finally decided earthworms are yummy! I have plenty of them, we dont fertilize/weed kill or anything so I assume they are a safe food source....
Both of my male garters came out of brumation a couple months ago, and I have (finally!) managed to get them on a pinky diet. They are doing...
Hi! Im from Montréal, Québec and I was wondering when does the wild garters comme out of brumation, Because I wanted to catch one or two more...
Hi, I have a garter that I've caugth this summer (on june), and he is still scared when I'm approaching(im not doing sudden moves in front of him)....
Just as the title says. This is a wild caught snake found near my location. It is Black with White/Yellow stripes on the side with a Greyish/Green?...
Hi, I wanted to know if my setup was good or if I had some things to change.... My aquarium is 15gal. heres somme pictures there is a...
My prized silver will not eat.The snake has been off feed since august.I brumated him for 3 months.He has been out since dec.19th.Still has not eaten...
Some of you might remember my reservations about one of my local exotic pet shops. I 'rescued' Panama (a gulf coast ribbon) from there last April....
At this time I have 2 different garter snakes in brumation. T.radix(plains garter snake) and T.s.parietalis(red-sided garter snake). My fridge is set...
Does anyone brumate their garters in groups? I decided to try it this year to see how it works. I just watched a special on snake dens and had the...
To forum members, I would like to make the following offer. 500 large Night Crawlers delivered to your door(U.S. only, sorry out of my control) for...
This question can appear obvious but I had two different opinions. I would like to know if the guppys are rich or low in thiaminase? Thank you. Geo
My chequred went awol for 3 weeks and has gone off her food completely. I've warmed her mice up, I've tried using tongs I've even gone as far as...
Hello togheter, We are from Switzerland and found this Forum in the internet by searching for a Thamnophis page. There arent any german specialized...
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