General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
Received a call today from my friend Steve Schmidt. He did a search on Thamnophis using Google Scholar and found pages and pages of scientific...
couple Texas Thamnophis species...ocellatus from Austin
Just looking at the current poll about this forum the conclusion is that women like big snakes Well like one of my ex's said if your going to have...
Dear all, as part of a wider audit of most of the world's snakes Thamnophis and related genera have been rearranged and include new names and...
What does radix mean?
Yeah I need to be here more often but Miss Marley is coming along nicely and still pretty friendly and has had a remodel. From when I first got...
Picked up some garters today, didnt manage to get pictures of everybody but heres a few:<br><br><br><br> Took alot of time and work but they are...
Went to clean the water dish and realized I hadn't seen Maria yet today. Did a head count and no Maria. I have no idea when she got out or which...
Went herping today locally for the first time in probably 3 years, only went to one spot, which is just one street leading to a business and the...
Doing all the reading of posts the last few days with different breeding topics in the air, possible new morphs, people working on breeding projects...
Quality is a bit crap
So this could spark some debate...:rolleyes:, Steve and I were talking about wc snakes the other day and my situation is what it is, albino plus wild...
I'm new here and don't know whether or not this is in fact a garter snake. I am quite interested in adopting a garter snake from craigslist in...
Started taking pictures out back again.
March in Iowa is usually a cold/snowy month. This year March as been very warm and dry. I still think Winter isn't done but the forecast for at...
Is the common garter snake the only garter snake species In the U.S that has full species status?
Is anyone else around heading down here for it? There's about four every year around here and it'll be my first time going since I have part of that...
Up until recently, I thought I had two girls. Now my albino kind of looks like a boy. Thoughts please! :D Finally, I'm pretty sure...
Hi here are our newest garters. Itīs a pair of Thamnophis sirtalis similis, they are 10 month old and very relaxed. male ...
I ordered a CB11 T.macianus and i was just wondering if i should leave it for a few day to settle in.How long i should leave it alone for when it...
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