General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
I'm a bit behind! Lost time to keep up due to a busy work schedule. I'm happy to report that no mites of any size have been seen sneaking around...
A few days ago my Common Eastern Garter had 13 babies. And here is an update on the Checkered Garter snake babies. 4 of the 5 babies are...
I got 3 new snakes on Friday. They are all very sweet and especially the 2 girls are really social. They all seem healthy. Not too skinny or...
Thought i'd share some pics of these two. First two is of the female. These next three are of the male.
I gave Houdini a chopped worm treat tonight, and everything went normally. I chop it super-fine so he can't drag anything through the substrate. He...
I normally would wait until I have them in my possession but I just couldn't wait this time. I got another trio of granite checkered garters to bring...
I've had my eye on the following species pickeringii,parientalis,radix and any cyrtopsis subspecies.Unfortunately i don't have the room and money...
This is just out of curiosity but is it possible at all? The original snakes would of been imported here originally after all. I started thinking...
I have had my TSI for a few months now. It's a male. I was thinking that I would like to get him a companion. He has a good sized viv. Would it be...
Gave my garters a little treat of worms today. they absolutely love them! was trying to get good video, but kinda hard when the dog is so interested...
Hi guys. I can't remember if I've asked this already but I can't help thinking about it every time I see any pictures from the radix ranch. I know...
Anyone here vending? Or even just going?
Hey guys. Been really busy lately so haven't had much chance to post recently. Domino escaped! He's been gone about a month now. I've tried all...
Im driving about a total of 30 hours soon with my new little friend and was wondering if you guys have any advice for me. Such as tricks to keeping...
I am interested to see if there are any members in colorado who know the best places to find other species of Garter? W. Blackneck Garter Snake...
hey guys we were camping and i caught this snake, i thought it was a garter snake, but then searching google i saw that my snake looks a lil...
Found this lovely girl on Kijiji! Looks like my search for ribbons has paid off! It's going to be even harder to find her a partner though. Anyone...
Got some positive feedback on a picture of my albino Harley that I posted in the Welcom forum, so I thought I'd share a few of the other good ones...
A teeeny tiny update on our season, with still more to come! We’re having a blast this season with many litters, healthy litters, decent sized...
Okay, after a drama free snake year the drama is piling on heavy as of late. Had to split them up (accidental breeding) and got a fresh delivery of...
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