General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
Figured I'd just restart the thread, since it's been a while. Here is Petra, my 1yr old male T.s.conccinus (Oregon Redsided) going through his shed...
What's the garter in your avatar? Really beautiful imo (I gotta thing for blue/turquoise in Thamnophis.)
Pics! (I'll format mine tommorrow so I can post them)
will my garters try to mate in the spring when it warms up even if i dont hibernate them?
Do any of you know any good snake poems I've allways been a fan of DH Lawrence and quite like his snake poem if anyone knows any more I'd like to se...
I am just curious... :p What was the reason you picked the forum-name that you use? Or what does it mean? Mine was still free and seems...
Howdy and Happy New Year! Figured with all the talk about shedding and such, I'd post a pic of my male (formerly female.....hemipene eversion is NOT...
I find it quite frustrating that I can only share 4 pics every post, so I'm redirecting you to this thread on a Dutch forum. There are 20 pics in the...
Here's one many of you may find useful. This is freeware, designed for accurately measuring a snake. If interested go to the link below and down...
2 years ago? something like that, has grown alot and moved cages ;D The one hes in was temporary, right after I caught him =)
Does anyone know where I could find a nice male albino checkerd garter, which is at least 2 years or older?:confused:
Here's a pic of one of my baby T.s.pickeringii. This is the one that's been doing really well and is now eating scented pinky bits. The other one is...
How often should garter snakes be handled. The snake was coping really well with being handled gently for a couple of minutes every day up until...
I have never been into all this morph stuff when it comes to reptiles. To me nothing was ever as pretty as a nice looking "normal" specimen. I do...
Here are a couple of T. radix I picked up. I had never paid much attention to plains garters before but of the ones I have seen I don't remember...
:confused: :confused: What is the most amount of snakes you have in one cage?:confused: PS: Controversial Topic (I think)
I was wondering if this is a Blue Eastern Garter Snake? I live in Central Florida.
Hey everyone! I have been feeding my garters unscented pinkies and adult rats and mice for a long time now, and i am going to soon put a bunch of...
Not much going on so I thought I'd try taking some pictures of my eastern black neck garters. A little math lesson for you. Cheap camera + non...
Post pictures of your biggest garter snakes. (Mine's tiny so no post for me)
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