General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
Hi there, sorry if this is the wron section but I wasnt sure how to post in the for sale for a wanted add. I just wondered if aybody know any...
my pugets seem to be snuggling a lot but i dont know if they mated is there any way to tell?
I could imagine most of you are like me... "No, this is it, this is my last snake. No, really, I just can't get any more. Definately not. Apart from,...
Tonight I went through a pile of pinkies... Rufio made a start by having his first complete pinky... Followed by Luna... Then Sola...
Almost 2 months ago I found that the california redsided baby that I separated because she was trying to eat the other babies, escaped. I did all the...
Yesterday I had the day off as I am lucky enough to have all federal and state holidays off. Unfortunately my day started off needing to take my...
Sorry if I put this is the wrong place but the forum wouldn't let me post in the for sale/trade/wanted section.. But any who.. I have a water...
Hi Guys,:) I've got a couple of Garters I'm looking to exchange. They are snakes that were incorrectly sexed as neonates and so are surplus for...
Hello everyone. I'm posting this here as i am giving some of my garter babies to good homes.they won'tbe ready till next spring,I'd prefere to not...
At least, that's as far as Scott Felzer, myself, and numerous others I have spoken with say. In late august of 2007 I was on vacation at...
I was just wondrin if anyone here in the UK has any checkered lovelies from last years season left or spare??? I've got a gap to plug as I'm missing...
Ooooooooh I want her I want her but I can't. So one of you can get her and then sell her to me when I'm ready for more. :D
Guys... I'm worried about little Miriam. She is just so... sluggish lately. She ate two small guppies over the weekend, but only because I dangled...
Well ... in Squiggles' absence I thought I'd share some of Slithers' prowling action ... she just doesn't stop!!! The domain ... Peek-a-boo
well i went to feed all my snakes and checked on my garter snake.. he had been in a sleep like state for about 2 weeks didn't thank nothing of it.....
...I came across on
so im taking the male out a week and a half early to feed him up then im introducing the female to him, if everythings good than the male will be...
Tigerlily's babies are growing slowly but surely.
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