General topics about Garter Snakes that do not fit into the other sections.
Picked up 3 new semifasciatus (chicago) females that will be bred by the green axanthic. One seems to be normal looking, one is lacking any yellow...
but I have determined I have the two most lovable garters on the planet. This was determined after a faultless, scientific study that resulted in the...
I month or so ago I was talking with a neighbor about my garter snakes. He suddenly said that he had a two headed garter snake many years ago(30 he...
Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus, captive bred by Don Belnap
I was sent a few T.ordinoides(Northwestern Garter Snake) that were rescued by Richard(Concinnusman). During there first night with me one of the...
I just found my Iowa Albino radix dead in his cage. Poor little guy shed last night and somehow got trapped inside his inverted skin. The...
How long after Freud ate is it acceptable for me to hold him without upsetting his little belly? And how long after he eats will he go to the...
Yesterday I built a new enclosure. It's another one of those 6'X2'X2'. With this one I put two partitions in it making it a triple enclosure. At one...
Congratulations to Stefan for topping 9000 posts. Does this mean your going on vacation now?:D
I've attached two pics that I just took of Freud with my cell phone, they aren't the best but I hope they will do... Do you think it is a male Butler...
Sorry I haven't been on in forever but I had a nine page paper on successful aging and a mid term to tend to (in case you were wondering :))... But...
I think one of the babies might turn out to be a blue Bellinghammer! Attached are some pictures. Two of the babies have greenish gray undersides...
As I walked through the big snake room I opened and greeted most of my snakes. I came to the large male enclosure. I say large, as in size and in the...
Found this beauty while walking the dogs. even his back stripe is orange. Unfortunately the flash on the camera washed out some of it. I will...
I attended the 2010 Wasatch Reptile Expo as a vendor for the first time. I made just over what I paid for my booth so I am happy. It was my first...
Hi Everyone! I've been checking out this wonderful site for months now and have been wanting to post pics and info on the Garter Snakes we have here...
While feeding fish off to some of my snakes I saw the ever funny "fish in the belly wiggle". How about we post some video of that action. It's...
In my small snake room I have an aquarium setup for snakes found in the basement. This aquarium sits on a small table I use for food preparation....
Bring it on :D .... we just need favourable wind conditions or a lucky transport :p Ahem, interesting article - Western Newfoundland may be a new...
I wanted to hear from people who have or had a wide variety of garter species and ask you which one you liked best as far as having a great, loveable...
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