Relax and kickback in the Garter Snake lounge. Got something to say that does not deal with Garter Snakes? Here’s the place to say it. General chit chat welcome!
I decided it was time to start a thread dedicated to animal and nature related videos and channels that people have found on YouTube and other...
Post some pictures of your other pets. Angel the Jack Russell Terrier No name for my Oregon Newt No name for my Brown Anole
sorry but it went quiet and i got bored so i thought i would get this going:D
I was going through my photo archives the other day and I started thinking that maybe it's about time that we had a nature photography thread. The...
Lonesome George Passes On- the Last of His Kind | The Reptile Report What a terrible loss.
Rules are as follows. All photographs are to be of wild herps in native surroundings. No pets on the lawn pictures, no zoo pictures. I will lead... some read in my introduction, I have been keeping snakes for many years, but only recently did I get my very first garter, a Thamnophis...
Okay, I should know this by now, Beardie, he is going on 7 yrs in Nov. I got him in Feb 2001. Only 2 times in the last 4 yrs he has slept, thought...
I have a Sierra Garter. It's wild caught, and would normally thrive on a diet consisting solely of fish and amphibians. I would really like to be...
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, or even if it's allowed. If it's in the wrong place, or actually not allowed, please move or...
Well, the other day I had a very astonishing conversation with a roach friend of mine and found out that he'll be importing 4 pairs of Marcopanesthia...
Well im thinkin of breeding my own mice, i now have a Ribbon, Garter and a Ball Python plus there is another reptile show Dec. 6th so i know ill be...
We go to this zoo often, but yesterday's visit prooved to be the most active. Most of the time the animals aren't on display (or at least the days...
Some are obvious, some less so. I have one snake covered in spots, his name is Spot. Magma is red like lava, Melanie is Melanistic, Sky is blue,...
Happy Birthday, Joseph... hope it's a great one!:)
Last night I got Swiper 4 minnows. He was all over the tank so I thought he was hungry again. Well I put the minnows in a bowl with a pinky. I wanted...
ok so you may think that i'm really dumb for doing this............ but i kind of....... lost my trutle........ i was cleaning his cage and so i set...
well im having very bad luck getting my garter to east pinks. and now he refuses to eat earthworms. so far he seems to love salamanders, i drop one...
This snake was in a box at my Dad's worked. The box was from China. What type of snake is this??
Ok I have had my Red Sided Garter for just a little over a month now. Hes from Kyle :D He has not ate for me. Not one damn thing. I have tried fish,...
"Junior" my little disabled Dekayi passed today. This is the one who nearly choked this spring for those who remember. He had some disorder...
Several people have asked me to sell them baby milks. I looked all over and could find no CB offered anywhere.. Would $50.00 each be...
It was a lovely day out.... I decided to take some pictures of George my Ball Python, he is 734 grams, 35 in long.
Hi We've just brought a checkered garter, and so far he's on 1 pinky a week. How do we know when he wants more? (if he will) Are pinky's the best...
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday to you, too. :D
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