This is not a substitute for qualified and relevant veterinarian care.
I had got a Checkered Garter in the mail today. However, I had been informed by the Weather Channel that temps would be in the mid 40's - around...
So, the other day i was taking pictures of Steve, and he had some dust on his head. Today I check on him and I see this. I don't have the...
AAAAgGGGGHHH:eek: I thought as it was too cold to go digging worms, I got some cheap at the bait shop, I asked specifically for Lob worms, not red...
Hey im new to all this reptile care and what not but im ready to learn and do whatever it takes to keep my garter healthy :D, i got a baby albino...
My snake didn't shed for almost a year and then shed about a month ago. He has been fairly inactive the past few days sitting in the corner of his...
This link will help you find a reptile vet in your area across the globe. Arav – Find a Vet
Last night, I noticed that Bucks head was tilted to the side slightly. I wasn't sure what to make of this, so I ignored it. Now, this morning, when I...
The little group of accident garters born in july, a group of fifteen, has experienced a steady decline. I knew a few would die, but recently theres...
Hello, my garter snake here has recently developed something on his neck behind his mouth. I know these pics arent great i just took them this...
I'm getting concerned about my albino Garter, I fed my garters as usual (I have 3 that live together), they all fed until it came to my albino garter...
This is another question about my baby Sithis that had a mouth infection awhile ago. Everything looks the same as it did when I last posted; the...
I have a 3 yr old eastern, Harvey, that recently has been spending alot of time in his water dish. I originally thought it was mites, but I'm not...
I have been watching two of my snakes and one of my wandering and one of my radixes have both developed this odd white coloration on some of the...
So this episode started when I met someone who had an unexpected litterof FL easterns. I bought them wholesalefrom him and rehomed most (donated a...
Hello everyone i'm new on this site and I have a problem and I hope you can help me. I've had my garter snake since last christmas and he has...
Sithis' mouth infection appears about the same, but starting yesterday I noticed his eyes have clouded over. This kind of worried me since I've read...
So I just noticed this the other day on my High Red Plain female. She is seeing the vet tomorrow but wondering if anyone has seen something like it?...
This isn't really urgent so I figured I'd post it in the general talk section... I think it was a little over a week ago that I posted about my...
My garter albino red side female has 3 bumps on her been giving her repti aid anti paracitic and dewormer all natural and Organic but seems not to...
A few days ago I noticed that our Lucky girl (Female T.radix) had what appeared to be a couple missing scales on her tail. I took her out and...
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