This is not a substitute for qualified and relevant veterinarian care.
Hi I have a problem I have four oregon garters two males and two females. One of the females is a blue one not that it makes a diffrence. When I took...
Hi everyone. I am new to this forum so I don't know much here. But anyway, a while back I got my first pet garter snake. I didn't know whether it was...
After coming in this morning we found 1 of our gartersnakes had died. There was blood all around her mouth and also a considerable amout of blood on...
I went in to feed my little girl Spike who was my first garter snake and she was so healthy the days before she died... Is there a list of things she...
I noticed some brown, dry areas on one of my females cyrtopsis a couple days ago. I though it was just some dust under the edge of the scales or...
Sirtalis has been "grouchy" ever since she gave birth to 8 little ones. She's never striked at me before, and today when I fed her, she didn't really...
Hi, I live in MA. and I was driving and I saw a cat in the middle of the road, as I passed the area the cat backed up (scared of my car) and I...
Tiger seems to have a respiratory infection. She started sneezing about a week ago and I got her in to the vet. The check-up was good except for the...
My name is Jake, Im from northeastern Oklahoma. I recenty rescued and a baby Western Orange Striped Ribbon, his name is (LEO). I came to the forumn...
Hey guys My garter Rita is really sick. I found her laid out in her tank motionless. I waved my hand past the glass a few times and where she would...
Mort, my garter, hasn't ever been tamed- he's very skittish and won't let you touch him. Recently, he's only been inside his cave (as far as I can...
HI. In the basement of my house a Garter Snake, I'm not sure what kind, got itself stuck in a tom cat mousetrap, then fell into the french drain (a...
Last week I reported that my anery female concinnus as passing jellies/slugs. I just notice that she has swollen belly from her vent up about 4...
:mad: The sod has somehow managed to dissapear!!! I've Started to loose faith in his intelligence ... although he's pretty clever for escaping the...
My previous post about Scar concerned my boyfriend feeding him red worms. Since then he has been eating regularly. On Saturday he ate two whole DMF...
So I got one of my snakes popped by this guy who says he knows what he is doing. Snake turns out to be a female but a tiny bit of blood came out, ...
Hello everyone been lurking here for awhile but its my first time posting. So my baby eastern flame regurgitated a pinky piece alittle bit larger...
I sent my boyfriend to walmart to buy worms for Scar, since Scar lives at his house. Instead of buying nightcrawlers, he bought these: They...
Ok,after reading about fecal counts a few times, I wondered what magic these were, turns out its just a vets assistant looking at prepared poop...
On Checkers head, one of his scales is much whiter than normal, and i tried rubbing it, and gently picking at it and its not coming off, is it a...
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