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02-09-2012, 06:42 AM
Sunday February the ninth 1964 more than 73 million Americans gathered about the nearest TV set to watch the Ed sullivan show featuring the first american performance by the Beatles, it's claimed that for many Americans this is one of those moments like the Kennedy assassination that is recalled with startling clarity, another claim often made was that crime during that occasion in New York was virtually nil...... the rest as they say is history

02-09-2012, 02:36 PM
Every day is someone's or something's anniversary. Let's keep it to just members' birthdays, okay?

02-10-2012, 05:03 AM
Every day is someone's or something's anniversary. Let's keep it to just members' birthdays, okay?
I'm having trouble following the logic behind you directive Stefan the piece i placed comes under the heading of general chit chat it was non garter related so was put in the members virtual lounge where we raise off topic issues, I viewed the subject as a piece of not too recent history which i hoped would be seen as interesting or enlightening.
It does not in my opinion cross the line in ethics politics sex or religion, which leaves me at a loss in understanding your objection.

02-10-2012, 07:51 AM
I'm having trouble following the logic behind you directive Stefan the piece i placed comes under the heading of general chit chat it was non garter related so was put in the members virtual lounge where we raise off topic issues, I viewed the subject as a piece of not too recent history which i hoped would be seen as interesting or enlightening.
It does not in my opinion cross the line in ethics politics sex or religion, which leaves me at a loss in understanding your objection.

The basic logic is:
Non-garter issues, in the Lounge.

But that's not all there is to it. It continues:
Non-garter natricines, in the Lounge. (Natrix, Xenochrophis, Nerodia, Storeria etc.)
Non-garter, non-natricine pets in the appropriate existing thread (Other Pets) in the Lounge. (Dogs, cats, corns, balls, horses, cows, chickens, elephants etc.)
Non-garter, non-natricine issues in the appropriate existing threads in the Lounge. (music, books, videos etc. have their own existing threads)
Birthday wishes, in the Lounge. (members only, please)
Congratulations on having posted X amount of times, in the Lounge. (members only)
Major personal events, in the Lounge. (births, weddings etc.)
News concerning the hobby in general, in the Lounge.

The list is non-exhaustive, but the logic should be a bit clearer.

Anything that doesn't concern garters, natricines or other herps, members, the hobby etc. should be posted in It's oh so quiet. We tried doing what the "general chit chat welcome" thing in the Lounge without restrictions, it turned into a total cluster****. So that original principle of "general chit chat welcome" is now limited to that one thread in the Lounge.

02-11-2012, 04:03 AM
Thank you Stefan for your explanation :)