View Full Version : T.s.parietalis temps

02-04-2012, 06:59 AM
I've got a little female red-sided who only comes out after the heat lamp has shut off and temps are down to about 69-71F. I'm experimenting today with using a CHE for heat to see if maybe it's the light she dislikes. However, as has been pointed out to me, this subspecies ranges pretty far north and I have to consider if maybe she just likes cooler temps like this. I find it hard to believe that they would like things that cold, but crazier things have happened. Any other red-sided keepers out there that have found that their snakes like it cooler/darker?

02-04-2012, 07:10 AM
I've got a little female red-sided who only comes out after the heat lamp has shut off and temps are down to about 69-71F. I'm experimenting today with using a CHE for heat to see if maybe it's the light she dislikes. However, as has been pointed out to me, this subspecies ranges pretty far north and I have to consider if maybe she just likes cooler temps like this. I find it hard to believe that they would like things that cold, but crazier things have happened. Any other red-sided keepers out there that have found that their snakes like it cooler/darker?

If she is WC you can expect her to want it cooler at this time of year. My CB red-sideds are quite happy to 'bask' (I provide belly heat) in full view under the lighting (although you're more likely to see the male, I have found the female to be more inclined to stay under cover). Is your light on a thermostat - and what heat gradient do you have in the enclosure when the light is on?

02-04-2012, 07:35 AM
She's CB and I keep a gradient of low 80F's to low 70's during the day with a basking spot at around 85 or so. The light isn't on a thermostat, but is on a timer. I have a thermostat, but have a heat mat running through it.

02-04-2012, 11:22 AM
I have a 7 month red sided CB , She spends time on both sides but I feel as if she really likes the dark since she is always in her hide and on the cooler side of the tank. It just depends what you snake likes.

02-04-2012, 01:03 PM
The temps sound fine - as long as she's still eating then it just sounds like she's shy of the light. I find females a little more secretive than males in general though.

02-04-2012, 08:47 PM
getting rid of the glaring light worked like a charm: she was out groovin around all day. i guess i'll have to get a dual timer to set up a UVB and my heat. i'll probably just have the UVB run from noon - 5pm or so.

02-04-2012, 11:15 PM
Okay...so I'm confused...what kind of light did you have before and what kind of light do you have now? Because my UVB flourescent light is much brighter than my basking light. My snakes also dislike the bright light...but they dislike the UVB light and prefer the basking light...which is either a 40 or 60 watt light bulb in a dome light fixture. Glad to hear she was out and about all day btw...great news!! I just ordered a blue moonlight bulb for my albino...I'm wondering if maybe the red light he has now is too much light for him...albinos don't like much light at all.

02-05-2012, 06:10 AM
albinos don't like much light at all.

They also should never be exposed to UV .... a point to remember.

02-05-2012, 06:57 AM
my basking bulb was a uvb emitter as well, though in low levels. the care sheet suggested 8-10h of exposure/day, but i think that's too much in her case. i am now using a 60w che and have ordered a compact 5.0 reptisun.

02-05-2012, 10:08 AM
Okay...well just to let you know...I have a 5.0 reptisun...now mine is not compact, but my snakes seem to think it is a bit bright for them...that is the UVB bulb that I am referring to that they don't like so much...but maybe the compact one isn't as bright. You may want to try just using 40 or 60 watt light bulb...even a soft white perhaps...for basking. I just use regular light bulbs...many other members do as well, for basking...saves money....when you aren't using the UVB. They aren't as bright as UVB bulbs, generally. My snakes like them for basking.

And Greg...only red, black or blue night heat bulbs for my albino...never any UV bulbs :). Thanks!

02-05-2012, 01:21 PM
Well , I only have a 75 watt soft white bulb which I use during the day. At night I use no lights at all. and my temps are always low 70/ low 80

02-05-2012, 01:54 PM
I thought about maybe going up to a 75 watt bulb...I bought some at the dollar store a couple of days ago. I don't trust my thermometers though...I mean, I'm not sure what temps the thermometers are reading. I have these stick on Zoo Med thermometers on the upper left side...the warm side...and the upper right side..the cool side. I suppose they are reading the ambient temps on both sides...but then I have a heat mat on the warm side too. Now I also have a thermostat...which I set to turn off if the temp goes over 88...but the thermostat has a probe that goes in the substrate so I don't know if it is just measuring the heat mat temp or the ambient temp too. My thermometer gives an ambient temp reading of 68 with the heat mat on if I turn off the night heat bulb...so I have been leaving it on.

02-05-2012, 02:24 PM
Mine are able to stick but I don't stick em at all, I leave them on the substrate so I can get the temperature of that area and not of the top. I have 2 thermometers and one from petco which was given to me and one from kitterz ( no idea what brand that is ) my hygrometer is also from there. My petco one is off by a couple degrees but I can tell around exactly where its at. Jade is under the light right now , she loves it.

02-05-2012, 04:43 PM
Since doing away with the light, my girl (still haven't decided on a name) is out all the time on her plants. She's mellowed way down too and just hangs out on my hand for like 5 min at a time just tasting things. very cool.

02-05-2012, 04:46 PM
Well she just has to get used to everything it takes time :)

02-05-2012, 04:48 PM
Sometimes it's good to wait on a name because then you can find one that suits the personality of the snake after you have some time to get to know her a bit.

02-05-2012, 05:50 PM
Sometimes it's good to wait on a name because then you can find one that suits the personality of the snake after you have some time to get to know her a bit.

i completely agree

02-05-2012, 06:56 PM
It's funny because two of my cats...we have not called them by their real names in years...I started calling them other names somewhere along the way and those names took...and now those are their names. It makes it very confusing at the vet...the cats have no idea who you are talking to if you call them by their actual names.

02-06-2012, 11:59 AM
haha you sound like me, my cat knows all his names though. I think I like "Ivy". I wanted to go with something more meaningful and creative, but Ivy just seems to fit her.

02-06-2012, 12:00 PM
she pooped on my girlfriend last night after sitting and relaxing for about 10 min. not a good move on her part, but I was proud.

02-06-2012, 12:07 PM
she pooped on my girlfriend last night after sitting and relaxing for about 10 min. not a good move on her part, but I was proud.

Just territorial marking.:D

02-06-2012, 12:19 PM
Uh oh, I didn't know that I was supposed to be doing that......

02-06-2012, 01:42 PM
I think your girlfriend can handle the snake marking her territory more than she could handle you doing it...lol. Perhaps Ivy was jealous of the "other woman"...;). Interesting thing has been happening...we were talking about your snake...I like the name Ivy, btw...liking the temps cool, and I mentioned how Hermes, my albino checkered, always likes it warm. Now all of the sudden he wants to be on the cool side of the tank, in the dark, all the time. I have no idea why the sudden change in preference.