View Full Version : New viv on it's way, advice please?

01-20-2012, 10:30 AM

I've just ordered a new 3ft wooden viv with glass sliding doors at the front. (picture attached)

Mishka (my red sided) is currently in a small plastic tank which is only about just under 2ft maybe. (picture attached)
She is only 10 months and 52cm (I measured her the other day :))
I was just wondering when should I move her into the bigger encloser?
I've only had her just over a week now so don't want to put her in too soon plus she's too small yet, isn't she?

Also I am planning on replacing the top wooden panel with a mesh lid, is this a good idea? I figure it would be easier to clean being able to remove the lid, she would get more light, more fresh air and it would be easier to attach things to and easier to make holes in for the cables etc. , obviously making sure once the cables are through there is not gaps for her to escape!

Any advice and maybe suggestions of how to set it up?

01-20-2012, 10:49 AM
On the whole, I think she'd be happier in the larger viv. At 3' it's a little large for her, but if you provide lots of cover and places to hide I wouldn't be too worried. If she doesn't adjust to the larger viv within a few days you've always got the option to mover her back.

I wouldn't replace the lid with mesh, as long as the viv has suitable vents you should have enough ventilation for her. In the UK I think you'll find it more of a struggle to keep the humidity up around 50% - I'm making an assumption that you don't live in a particularly damp house. We use ExoTerra vivs for our snakes at the moment, and I end up covering most of the mesh lid to reduce the ventilation and raise the humidity.
As far as cables are concerned, if the viv doesn't already have holes for thermometer/hygrometer/thermostat cables... it's easier to drill and seal the wood, as you just need to use a putty to fill the hole around the cable (or hot glue, or some other filler). The mesh will be harder to seal without resorting to tape - tape is a bad thing in a viv.

Check the gap between the two glass door panels. A small garter can often squeeze out through that gap, and believe me, if there's a gap a garter will find it. There's a few techniques for closing the gap if you need to do that.

Other than the above, anything in particular you wanted advice about?

01-20-2012, 10:55 AM
Check the gap between the two glass door panels. A small garter can often squeeze out through that gap, and believe me, if there's a gap a garter will find it. There's a few techniques for closing the gap if you need to do that.
What techniques do you know?

01-20-2012, 11:00 AM
We don't have sliding doors, but I'm sure others on here have said that they do various things, couple that spring to mind:
- folded newspaper wedged in the gap.
- strip of felt (I'm guessing it was something like the soft side of velcro) glued to one of the glass panels so that it blocks the gap.

Light of Dae
01-20-2012, 11:17 AM
What techniques do you know?

I'd use either foam tape or even better use a 'foam rubber weather strip' Something like this, secured with a little hot glue and maybe cap the ends with a extra little piece n hot glue so that she can't get inside it.


That would be my suggestion. :)

01-20-2012, 11:17 AM
- folded newspaper wedged in the gap.
- strip of felt (I'm guessing it was something like the soft side of velcro) glued to one of the glass panels so that it blocks the gap.
News paper seems a bit messy and annoying also a permanent solution.
A strip of the soft side of velcro seems like a genius idea! I will have to try this

So you say 50% humidity? My room is slightly damp but I doubt enough to maintain 50%!
Could I not just have one hide on the cold side with some dampened sphagnum moss in it making sure this hide has a bottom to it as not to dampen the substrate?

I have ordered a combined thermometer and hygrometer so will have to see what my room is like

Also lighting (non heat lighting) I have a heat lamp but want something more for show and more consistent threw the enclosure, what type of lighting would you suggest?

I'd obviously set the enclosure out with a few hides that will be completely dark so she can hide away from the light if she likes although she seems to really enjoy the light, she often comes out when I put the lamp on and rests her head on top of the hide at that side of the tank where the lamp is

01-20-2012, 11:20 AM
I'd use either foam tape or even better use a 'foam rubber weather strip' Something like this, secured with a little hot glue and maybe cap the ends with a extra little piece n hot glue so that she can't get inside it.


That would be my suggestion. :)
AR HA! That will do the trick! I don't know where I'd find this though and would it be expensive?
I'll use the good ol' faithful eBay to help me out!

Thank you for that suggestion! Also what do you think about the humidity situation?

01-20-2012, 11:26 AM
The rubber weather seal seams like a good idea.

Lighting - if you're near an Ikea try this:
LEDBERG 3-piece lighting strip set - IKEA (http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/90192071/)
Perfect for a 3' viv and it doesn't give of heat. I'm using it for one of our vivs at the moment.

01-20-2012, 11:31 AM
Lighting - if you're near an Ikea try this:
LEDBERG 3-piece lighting strip set - IKEA (http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/90192071/)
Perfect for a 3' viv and it doesn't give of heat. I'm using it for one of our vivs at the moment.

PERFECT! That is exactly what I need! Thank you :)

I am actually going to Ikea with my sister on Monday as well!

How bright is it? Where have you fitted it in your enclosure?

Light of Dae
01-20-2012, 11:32 AM
AR HA! That will do the trick! I don't know where I'd find this though and would it be expensive?
I'll use the good ol' faithful eBay to help me out!

Thank you for that suggestion!

Should be decent price... Could find it at any home building supply store. Ebay might be a good choice though too :) There will be different shapes n sizes I'd personally wait till you have the viv so you know what size of gap you're dealing with. As well depending on how the doors are you may want to put it on both inside / end doors. But that's kinda a what n see till you get it.

Your welcome :)

01-20-2012, 11:33 AM
WOW! And it look incredibly easy to fit! Like the fact it has a switch on the wire too!

It is actually perfect!

01-20-2012, 11:38 AM
There will be different shapes n sizes I'd personally wait till you have the viv so you know what size of gap you're dealing with.

Yes, I need to be patient. I will wait till it has arrived, I CAN'T WAIT!
Although I will have a look on eBay now just so I know how much

I love customising new things, I get excited easy as you can tell ha ha

01-20-2012, 11:45 AM

There is some self adhesive foam strip and it's only £1.85 for 9m!
NINE METERS for ONE POUND EIGHTY FIVE that's just ridiculous

Shall look for something a bit more substantial though and maybe a bit more aesthetically pleasing

01-20-2012, 01:27 PM
PERFECT! That is exactly what I need! Thank you :)

I am actually going to Ikea with my sister on Monday as well!

How bright is it? Where have you fitted it in your enclosure?

I've not fitted it permanently yet, I just have it resting on top of the grill. If I was fitting it properly I'd attach it to the top rear corner. It comes in 3 strips about 25cm each, and the viv I'm using it on is just a 60cm so I just use two of the 3. It's plenty bright enough to see what's going on.
If you're visiting Ikea on Monday they have a selection of other LED lighting, I think this one is the cheapest at around £10. I have something similar in my bookshelves which has 4 strips with separate wires to each, so you could be more flexible on positioning the 4 strips - maybe an overkill and is twice the price.
I have all my LEDs running on timer, so that they get a consistent day length. I'll vary it with the seasons, although the ones that live in the livingroom don't get much choice about extra light in the evening - they tend to be even snakes now, more active when we're active.

01-20-2012, 02:31 PM
It comes in 3 strips about 25cm each, and the viv I'm using it on is just a 60cm so I just use two of the 3. It's plenty bright enough to see what's going on.
If you're visiting Ikea on Monday they have a selection of other LED lighting, I think this one is the cheapest at around £10.

I guess I will just see when I get there and if I get this one I think I'll wait till I've set the viv up and see what looks best. I will have to take pictures and post them to show you what I come up with.

Timers! That is one thing I am missing, I think I could really do with timers as I often stay out so would be perfect. Do you just have those plug in things that you plug the lighting cable into?

Also about the sphagnum moss hide idea, what do you think to that?

01-20-2012, 03:41 PM
Timers - yes, I have a bunch of plug in timers. Lights on one timer and heatmats on a different timer so that I can drop the temp at night available different time to the lights going off. That may be fussy, but I like having the control options. We've also got a more complex thermostat for one viv which does the temp drop on one socket and has a second timed socket for lights, expensive but does a good job.

Moss in the hide - good idea. I keep damp moss in the cold hides. A small block of dried sphagnum will last you ages.

It's good fun getting a new viv setup. :)

01-20-2012, 08:42 PM
Chris...I would love to see some pics of your set-ups!

01-21-2012, 06:13 AM
Chris...I would love to see some pics of your set-ups!

Your wish is my command (unless the wife tells me not to)... http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/enclosures/9906-chris-chars-vivs-terariums.html