View Full Version : Cuddles!
01-20-2012, 01:41 AM
I wanted to share some photos of my snake as he changes and grows. He still seems so small to me, but he's almost eight inches long now. He was much shorter when I adopted him four months ago. Still, he seems so tiny compared to all of the wild garters I've caught and handled over the years. I remember catching garters that were three feet long or more back when I was little.
I say Cuddles is a he, but in reality I have no idea what gender he is. I just want him to be male at this point. I probably won't be able to tell until he is older. Five/six months is probably too young to tell those sorts of things.
Cuddles is so polite and so sweet - at least compared to the garters that I've caught wild. He's used me as his own personal bathroom a few times, but otherwise he's only musked me three times (once he musked our table in our dorm as well. the smell was awful!). He's never bitten me - never even tried. In fact, he likes to curl up around my fingers and refuse to let go. He even squeezes them sometimes. I try to socialize him as much as I can because of my brothers. If he bit one of them my mom would force me to get rid of him.
Sometimes I take him out and let him explore my bed. Usually he just curls up next to me. A few times he's tried to hide in my pocket. Other times he sits in my lap and watches me. Of course, if my cell phone us laying on my bed that's the first thing he goes to. I'm not sure why. He likes my camera too. At the moment he has decided that my shorts are the perfect place to hide.
When I first got him I never noticed this, but his underside is covered with these red splotches. Eventually I did notice them, and I had no idea what they were. With his first shed they seem to have gotten a bit more noticeable. They're rusty red. The red stripe on his back has also gotten a bit brighter.38533854
I love my snake. Even if he is a picky eater, he's wonderful.
01-20-2012, 02:09 AM
Snakey's belly looks like that too. He's a pretty boy.
Show us a picture of his vent area, 5-6 months isn't too young. They stay pretty small, so it's a bit harder but it's not tooo hard.
01-20-2012, 02:28 AM
Getting a picture of his vent area is so hard. All he does is squirm. But I think I have a few decent pictures.
01-20-2012, 02:52 AM
Looks like a boy to me.
01-20-2012, 03:17 AM
Looks like a boy to me.
Agreed. Tail stays wide for a bit after the vent, looks male to me.
01-20-2012, 06:57 AM
love the belly coloring!
Light of Dae
01-20-2012, 07:42 AM
I'd say he looks like a he. Lol Manly Cuddles :) Beautiful belly! Should take some pictures of his face n all of him so we can see how he's coloring up!
01-20-2012, 08:00 AM
Should take some pictures of his face n all of him so we can see how he's coloring up!
Yes you should.;) Please.
01-20-2012, 12:32 PM
Yep...he's boy alright. Love those red speckles...and love to hear you talk about how much you love the little guy! Yes...we want to see more pics! That little scar a little ways up from the vent...has it always been there?
01-20-2012, 01:10 PM
I wasn't even aware that was a scar. As far as I know it's always been there; if he'd been injured I would have noticed. I handle him as often as possible, unless he's eaten. Something could have happened before I got him. Odd, that I've never noticed anything before.
I'm glad he's really a he. I was hoping for a boy ^_^
Here are a few recent pictures I have. I need to get some better ones.
01-20-2012, 01:40 PM
He's really a beautiful snake! Love his coloring. Nothing to worry about with the scar then...probably just an old small injury that healed.
01-20-2012, 01:54 PM
Well that is a very big coincidence jade has a scar like that in the same exact spot when I got her she was like that already is this common in snakes or just a really weird occurrence.
very nice color , amazing looking snake :)
01-20-2012, 02:03 PM
That is odd. I didn't even know it was a scar - I just thought it was normal. I wonder if it is common.
Thanks :) I love my snake. I'm hoping to have more someday. They're such beautiful creatures! And so far he's far easier to handle than my lizards ever were.
01-20-2012, 02:09 PM
Well I didn't know it was a scar until Marnie pointed it out :) It does seem pretty odd to me though.
This is my first snake so I don't know much but I want more :D well more specifically this is my first reptile!
I don't know if coloring has anything do do with it I doubt it but both are snakes are pretty bright and they both have the same looking scars I feel as if this is something to look into.
01-20-2012, 04:08 PM
Good photos. Good looking snake, I like the red stripe with the muted colours on the sides.
You call that a scar? I'll show you a scar. Just as soon as Vlad has finished shedding, because he's unsettled normally, almost impossible to photograph at the moment. He's got a scar (looks a bit like he may have healed broken ribs as well) about 10cm from his head on his side, it looks like he must have injured himself at some point before we got him.
Light of Dae
01-20-2012, 04:55 PM
He's really a beautiful snake! Love his coloring. Nothing to worry about with the scar then...probably just an old small injury that healed.
Well that is a very big coincidence jade has a scar like that in the same exact spot when I got her she was like that already is this common in snakes or just a really weird occurrence.
That is odd. I didn't even know it was a scar - I just thought it was normal. I wonder if it is common.
Both my Babs n George have marks or indents like that, I think it's rather normal. I remember as a kid catching a garter snake that was as long as I was tall and holding it n I remember thinking it must have been someones pet, it had had Surgery! lol I had seen my moms scars from c-sections n thought they looks similar. lol
You call that a scar? I'll show you a scar.
LOL Typical man eh? Always gotta have something bigger or better. :D
01-20-2012, 05:03 PM
LOL Typical man eh? Always gotta have something bigger or better. :D
I see you've played knifey-spoony before. :)
01-20-2012, 07:20 PM
I just noticed it and wanted to make sure it wasn't a current wound. But it is very big deal. Snakes have marks and small little scars and imperfections here and there. Some they may have been born with...or with wild caught garters, surely they scrape themselves on things in the wild and get little injuries that heal up. Nothing to be concerned about. Unless you see an open wound or a swollen/inflammed area that looks like it is infected...don't worry. If you ever have a question about any sort of issue with your snake...just post a pic and ask. @Dae...I forgot to tell you that I read in a book about the odd shaped scales that you had posted pics of before...they are called cleft scutes and they are a common birth defect.
01-20-2012, 09:09 PM
The "scar" is teir bellybutton pretty much. They all have them and they heal up when they get older.
01-21-2012, 12:09 AM
Yep, what Chantel said. :)
01-21-2012, 01:02 AM
That's interesting to know...I did not know that about snakes. I don't see any marks like that on any of my snakes though.
01-21-2012, 01:05 AM
It goes away as they get older.
01-21-2012, 07:48 AM
Yea I looked it up yesterday the said umbilical scar :eek: , so yea belly button :D
01-21-2012, 02:31 PM
Awesome xD My snake has a belly button!
01-21-2012, 02:38 PM
01-22-2012, 09:23 PM
Some pictures of my baby today, wandering around after taking a worm yesterday. No progress with the fish, but I''ll be trying another worm-fish mixture tomorrow or Tuesday! I really want to get him on a diet that isn't worms. Fish...pinkies...I don't care. I feel like the worms aren't nutritious enough and I don't have supplements yet.
This picture's from a couple of days ago. I thought it was a cute pose.
01-22-2012, 10:10 PM
He is really a beautiful little guy, Ashley! Love that last pose! I really like your enclosure too. But I did want to ask if your wood is from it heat treated? If you bring wood in from outside, you have to heat treat it...or you can end up with mites...mites are a nightmare. Very hard to get rid of. Anything that you bring in from outside has to be treated to prevent mites as far as I know. You may want to get rid of anything you brought in from outside and go to the dollar store and get some fake plants and make some hides out of cardboard...make a waterdish out of a plastic lid..if you can't afford to buy one. And remove the branches from the water don't want to have anything in the water he is drinking. Not trying to be critical...just want your snake to be safe :).
01-22-2012, 10:16 PM
I love it when they do the grass/stick pose. It's so darn cute!
01-22-2012, 10:19 PM
I know! He looks like he is mimicking the grass...
01-22-2012, 10:29 PM
The sticks and the rock were all heat treated. The water dish is store bought. Everything else was bought at a pet store.
On the plus side, the rock and the sticks came from an area that was extremely cold (they were also laying in the snow), which (from what I've been told by people in Montana) means that very few insects/bugs should have been on it because they can't survive such extreme cold (unless it's a pine beetle - but those live in live trees, not sticks!).
I treated them multiple times when I did thorough cleaning of the tank and when I got home. Pretty sure they're safe.
I love the pose. I've caught him doing it a few times.
Once he stretched his body all the way up the side of the tank until he could reach the humidity and temperature gauges.
01-22-2012, 10:44 PM
Oh good to know that they were all heat are right on top of everything, Ashley. Your enclosure looks awesome and he looks very happy in there. Cuddles is so cute. snakes do the "stretch up the glass" thing too. It's so cute...has he ever done it and then fallen down? It's really funny when they do that! Or when they try to lay on the temp and humidity gauges and then fall
01-22-2012, 11:54 PM
I used to have a lizard, and when I caught her I took some things from her natural habitat. I had to treat those, so I remembered!
He's fallen down a few times haha. He's never fallen off the gauges. I have some pictures from Montana where he would sit on top of them, right under the heat lamp. I'd even leave the tank open so he could bask easier (under my supervision!).
01-23-2012, 06:34 AM
Ours are frequently heard falling from the plants in their viv. Eskerina is so proficient at falling that I've considered renaming her... "Timber!", or "Wheeeeeee", or "BungyOooops". If a snake could have an embarassed she would.
01-23-2012, 09:23 AM
Garters are so hysterical sometimes! Gotta love em...
01-23-2012, 09:29 AM
Does wood need to be treated if you live in a cold area? Can mites survive cold temps?:confused:
01-23-2012, 09:36 AM
I'd do it just in case.
Light of Dae
01-23-2012, 10:28 AM
Does wood need to be treated if you live in a cold area? Can mites survive cold temps?:confused:
I'd say yes. Lol I burn wood for heat and I'll bring in logs from outside covered in snow and wouldn't you know it as soon as its warmed up there may be bugs n spiders crawling on said frozen log. Lol I've hatched baby spiders cause there was a egg sac attached to one log n within a week the sac was empty! Bugs n such are made to survive winter.
01-25-2012, 03:14 AM
I'd been at my computer for a while tonight (well...this morning, since it's after 1am) and when I started to get up I noticed a little head peeking over a log and staring right at me.
I think he was trying to tell me's bedtime!
We used to keep pretty regular hours in Montana. Lights - including his lamp - off by midnight, a little bit of light around 6am when I got up to work at the high school, and then it was time to wake up at about 8:30 before classes.
Now I'm up until 2am or later sometimes - sometimes with the light going off and then coming back on later. Unfortunately for Cuddles, my insomnia means it takes me an eternity to fall asleep, and I get restless and get up and do things to try to make myself tired. By the time the light finally goes off it's 3 or 4am, and it doesn't come back on until 1pm!
Sometimes I catch him watching me once it's past midnight. I think he knows that it's supposed to be bedtime and wonders why the light is still on.
Then again, maybe he's just exploring...although he was never out of his hide after 11pm when we were still in Montana!
01-25-2012, 03:51 AM
[QUOTE=chris-uk;196509]Good photos. Good looking snake, I like the red stripe with the muted colours on the sides.
You call that a scar? I'll show you a scar.
did any body else hear the music from jaws while reading the above?....dun dun..dun dun..dun dun :eek:
01-25-2012, 02:48 PM
An hour later he was still watching me, and continued to do so until I finally got in bed. When I had to get up and go to the bathroom half an hour after turning the light out, I noticed that he had curled up in his log hides.
01-25-2012, 03:02 PM
What an adorable pic! You may want to try to make the light/dark more consistent for him if you can. It will be better for him. I completely understand the insomnia thing and the odd hours...don't get me wrong. Try to make his light and dark mimic the daylight hours outside though. When it is light outside, have his lights on...and when it is supposed to be dark...if you can't make it dark in your room for him...maybe put a towel over part of his enclosure to make it much as you can cover while still giving him air circulation. It helps them to regulate their cycles and be healthy and active when they should be and get rest when they should.
01-25-2012, 03:58 PM
I try to keep things regulated for him. I'm attempting to get back into a normal pattern myself. I'll try covering his tank with a towel. Since I have to stay in my room at night so I don't make noise for all the working people in the house who are sleeping, it's hard to not be in here with the light on!
I'm noticing some dry, flaky skin on him this morning and I'm worried. It doesn't feel any different from the rest of the skin, but it almost looks like a shed. There's a spot near his head and a spot near his tail. What could it be?
01-25-2012, 04:02 PM
It seems to flake off when I touch it, but I'm still worried. It doesn't seem normal to me.
01-25-2012, 04:21 PM
Could be some retained shed...those are usually areas where some can easily be retained. Can you post a pic? Best thing to do is put him in a shed box and then see if it comes off...let me find you a link for Steve's shed box video...
01-25-2012, 04:24 PM's on this thread...I'm not sure how to repost a video...just scroll down on the thread, you'll see it:
01-25-2012, 04:24 PM
I haven't been able to get a good picture. It's so faint and hard to see, and when I touched it to check if it was rough or felt different from the rest of his skin a lot of it flaked off and now I can't see it at all anymore.
01-25-2012, 04:25 PM
Hmm...I would try the shed box just in can't hurt him.
01-25-2012, 04:26 PM
Yeah. I may do that. He might hate me for it, but it won't hurt him.
I want to feed him tomorrow so I'd like it if he was nice and healthy.
01-25-2012, 04:30 PM
Instead of trying to just turn out the light on nights you cant sleep, perhaps you can cover his tank with a towel. It'll keep it nice and dark for him, so he can get his beauty sleep. :)
01-25-2012, 04:33 PM
If if flakes off I wouldn't be overly concerned. I'd check there isn't any more patches, and a shedbox wouldn't do any harm.
As far as light is concerned (from earlier in the thread). I'm sure there are many garters kept in rooms with us where the room lights are on for our convenience. I know our guys in the livingroom don't seem too bothered, we turn off their viv light so it's not as bright for them, but they seem to be more active in the evening when we're around (quite how I know that is a mystery, if we aren't around we don't know if they are having a party behind our backs) but when we are nearby during the day they are less active than the evening.
01-25-2012, 04:35 PM
I'll try the towel tonight xD Though I plan to be in bed by 10pm.
A piece of whatever is flaking off of his skin just came off onto my hand. It's very light and almost invisible and it was so small that I lost it. I'm going to go ahead and try the shed box for a little while to see if it helps. After I get him to come out of my sweat pants <_<
01-25-2012, 04:43 PM
Haha. They love to hide in warm places. I'd definitly try a shed box or even a soak in some warm water. It's fun watching little ordinoides swim around in the bath tub. Cutest thing you'll ever see (assuming he likes water)
01-25-2012, 04:46 PM
Definitely sounding like bits of retained shed. Was the skin completely intact after his last shed? Check for other bits of skin, then stick him a box for half an hour, if the pieces coming off are small you probably won't see anything in the shedbox afterwards but hopefully you won't see any more loose skin on him when he dries.
01-25-2012, 04:48 PM
The whole thing came off in one piece. I checked the tail and head areas and it looked completely intact.
I still have the shed, actually. Looking at it now, it does look intact, from head to tail.
01-25-2012, 05:02 PM
Hmmm...maybe he just has dry skin. Or something stuck on him like poo? Try the shed box and a little swim might be nice for him...I feel safer using a little plastic tub or bowl when I let Hermes swim...ever since that thread with the member who had the snake that almost went down the secondary drain in the sink. Just put a little lukewarm water in a little bowl and let him swim around in it...make sure you are there supervising. He might really enjoy swimming and it will be good for his skin.
01-25-2012, 05:06 PM
That's a good idea. Swimming would be a new way for him to get some exercise and play. He might really enjoy it.
He's in the shed box now. I'm going to take him back out soon and let him dry out. He's very angry at me!
01-25-2012, 05:18 PM
Poor Cuddles! He will feel better though...
01-25-2012, 05:28 PM
Apparently he doesn't like water.
01-25-2012, 05:30 PM
It may have startled him... Thumbelina loves to swim, but freaks out the first time you put him in the bath tub for a while.
01-25-2012, 05:32 PM
Cuddles is big of a container & how much water should I use for him to swim in?
01-25-2012, 05:34 PM
He looks to be the size of thumbelina, he's about 7-9 inches now I believe. You can use any size, really, as long as he has room to move. I'd say an inch or so of lukewarm water would be good.
01-25-2012, 05:39 PM
Ours are happy in the bath. The Cuitzeos are big enough that the bath is the only option (75cm and 95cm), the checkereds are around 40cm. I make sure there's a RUB lids in there as a resting platform, and offer my hand for rests as well. I put in a about 10cm of water, otherwise they are tempted to "put their feet down" rather than swimming, but it doesn't stop the Cuitzeos anchoring to the plug and going to sleep underwater. :)
01-25-2012, 05:41 PM
Big Mama loves to propel herself a little bit and drift around peacefully on the water, thumbelina swims around like it's noones business... Snap and Ember coil up under the water with their heads sticking out... Everyone is different. :)
01-25-2012, 05:48 PM
Oh dear. He really does hate the water. I put a rock in there so that he could rest on it if he wanted, but when I tried to put him in he wouldn't let go of me and when he finally did let go and realized he was in the water he had a total spazz attack.
01-25-2012, 05:50 PM
Awww. I was hoping he'd swim happily for ya.... Swimming snakies are cute.
01-25-2012, 05:51 PM
I'll just try to get him used to it. He might take to it once he figures out what it is and that it's fun xD
01-25-2012, 05:54 PM
Does he ever soak in his water bowl? It's like he's not used to water.
You could try lowering your hand slowly into the water so he gets used to it gradually and has the choice of staying on your hand or swimming.
01-25-2012, 06:07 PM
I know he's been in the water when I used to give him live fish, but I never really see him soak in it. In fact, the only time I've really seen him in it is when he used to hunt the fish.
I tried lowering him slowly in. I encouraged him to swim to the rock, and he did, but now he won't move. And he just tried to climb up my hand. It may be he just doesn't like it, I guess.
At one point he did let go of my hand. He still didn't like it, and this was his solution:
After a minute he uncurled himself and freaked out again.
01-25-2012, 06:10 PM
Maybe that's his way of having fun? Thumbelina appears to "freak out" in the water, but doesn't want to be taken out. He swims away from my hand in most cases... But I guess Cuddles is clinging... Dunno.
01-25-2012, 06:13 PM
If he were just swimming around really fast and kinda crazy I wouldn't be so worried. But he tries to climb out and he throws himself at the sides. I don't want him to hurt himself.
01-25-2012, 08:59 PM
For Hermes I just use a little tupperware a sandwich size with enough water that he can submerge himself, but that he can lift his head out may take a little getting used to. But...he may not like it...Cee Cee and Seeley get too freaked out. Hermes likes to swim in little intervals...then he gets out. I usually put the container down on a towel for him and let him in for a swim and let him climb out and explore around a bit...then I put him back in...let him explore a bit, and so on. I do that for about ten minutes every couple of days or's his playtime.
01-25-2012, 10:10 PM
I may do it once a week just so he has a chance to get into contact with some water. If he hates it, I won't push it, but I think it would be good for his skin.
I'm actually amused at how he sat on top of the water - floating - all curled up like he was in the picture. He was like that for a couple of minutes.
01-26-2012, 12:44 PM
Yeah...he may not have known what to do with water...maybe he has never experienced it in the sense of swimming before. Have you ever seen him swim around his water dish or soak in it?
01-26-2012, 05:19 PM
I've never seen him swim in it except for when he was catching fish. Maybe if I get him used to it, he'll learn. He may never like it. I may try to soak him every once in a while for his skin, though.
Speaking of skin, I checked him this morning and those spots appear to be gone. I'll check him daily to make sure they don't come back, just to be sure. But he's looking happy and healthy today.
01-26-2012, 06:19 PM
Probably just a couple of small patches of shed then. When he sheds next inspect the shed carefully to check for any holes or tears. Eyecaps and tail are the first bits of a shed that I check, then I run down the whole shed from head to tail looking for holes.
01-26-2012, 09:54 PM
Searching the term "flakes" brought me here. Were they anything like this:
I just noticed it yesterday/today on my snake.
01-27-2012, 12:07 AM
Actually, yes, it did look a bit like that. Whatever it was, it's off now. Thirty minutes in the shed box and a long swim helped a lot.
I did check the shed when I found it and I didn't see any holes or missing patches. It's possible they were small enough that I missed them. My eyesight isn't great.
01-27-2012, 01:14 AM you notice your albino looking more yellowish when it is about to shed? Hermes is due to shed soon and he looks yellowish to me. I noticed your albino had a bit of a yellowish tint in the pics you had that normal for albinos? Does that become more prominent before a shed?
Ashley, I'm glad that Cuddles skin looks better now.
01-27-2012, 07:01 AM
Marnie, it's funny you should say that because I was thinking that she was looking a bit more pale than normal! She's always been very yellow. I have noticed it in her eyes before a shed. They're not as red and almost tinted or muted.
01-27-2012, 07:22 AM
Okay, well thanks...that is good to know...maybe Hermes is just starting to develop the yellow tones since he is so young. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with him! (Sorry, Ashley to steal your thread there for a minute!)
01-27-2012, 07:50 PM
^_^ I don't mind
Cuddles officially stays up later than I do!
Two hours after I went to bed I had to get up to take something for a headache, around 2am. I turned my closet light on, not the main light, and this is what I found:
So apparently he explores after I turn the light out. So much for trying to keep it dark for him!
(I just love taking pictures of my snake)
01-27-2012, 07:55 PM
I know what you're talking about Ashley.
I will do a middle of the night security check in the snake room and find most of my snakes up and out of there hides.
Shinning a light on them doesn't startle them at all, they just look at me as if they are saying "WHAAAAAAT?"
Funny little scrubs.
01-27-2012, 08:52 PM
Hermes...being that he is an mainly a nightowl...or nightsnake, I should say. He usually waits until all of the lights are out and the house is quiet and then he comes out to explore. Cee Cee and Seeley usually turn in for the night when I put their night bulbs on...but if there is any kind of noise during the night, they will wake up and come out to see what is going on. Sometimes, Seeley likes to bask under the night bulb. I love taking pics of my snakes too...I think I have more pics of my snakes then anything else these days.
01-28-2012, 10:23 AM
Poor Cuddles :(
He probably didn't get any sleep last night.
I feel so bad for him. I was up all night throwing up and there was a lot of activity in my room all night. And my door has to stay open for now so, even though my light is off, there's lots of noise from everyone else who is awake now. I'll have to make it up to my snake somehow D:
And we were just getting back into a normal routine too!
01-28-2012, 11:01 AM
Are you okay Ashley?? What's going on? Stomach virus?
01-28-2012, 04:08 PM
I'll be okay once I've replaced all the nutrients I lost last night and my body is back to normal.
We think it might be food poisoning, but if other people in the house start getting sick then it's probably norovirus - which I sort of had once a few months back.
I will admit that I'm in a lot of pain. My muscles are sore. But I'll be fully recovered in a couple of days.
I was supposed to feed Cuddles today. Fish and worms again. But that won't happen until Monday at the earliest. I don't think I can stomach the fish today. And our light routine will be all messed up again, unless I manage to sleep early. I'll have to find something to cover his tank.
01-28-2012, 05:45 PM
If you're being sick I'd avoid feeding until you're better. A virus is unlikely to be transmitted to a reptile, but if you have some sort of bacterial food poisoning that could affect a snake (on the other hand it could be something that snakes are resistant to, or possibly even salmonella that you picked up from Cuddles... I'd be interested to know what proportion of reptiles do carry salmonella on their skin because it's often cited as a risk to reptile ownership. I can see a Google coming up).
01-28-2012, 06:01 PM
I have had food poisoning and norovirus so I feel your pain. Sorry Ashley... Yes, speaking of Chris you wash your hands each time you handle Cuddles? Reptiles do carry's important to wash your hands after handling your snake. We have had discussions about this on the forum...some members insist they never wash their hands and have never gotten sick from their snakes...others always wash their hands before and after handling. Some people are more susceptible to Salmonella then others...and as Chris said, there may be a proportion of reptiles that carry salmonella while others may not. I am extremely susceptible to it and always wash my hands after handling my snakes. This by the way is probably not something that you want to mention to your family...given their reluctant feelings toward Cuddles to begin with. Just make sure you wash your hands from now on and make sure your brothers wash their hands...just tell them it's a good idea to wash their hands after handling him since he is a reptile...or something to that get the idea.
01-28-2012, 06:06 PM
According to the CDC, 90% of reptiles carry Salmonella...that was according to a report published in 2003. There is your google, Salmonella and Reptiles - Incidence of Reptile Associated Salmonellosis concerns CDC (
01-28-2012, 06:15 PM
I've been searching to find a paper that supports the statement "up to 90% of reptiles carry salmonella" with a statistically significant sample. It seems to be a figure banded about with citing a reference. I found an article that described tests on 16 snakes where 81% were carriers, but 16 isn't statistically significant. More research tomorrow I think.
01-28-2012, 06:24 PM
I've been raised to be very careful about salmonella because my mom had a particularly bad case of it as a child, though that was from food and not from handling a reptile. I also have had several lizards, and my mom always made me wash my hands after handling them. I almost always wash my hands after handling, though there have definitely been times when I haven't.
I might believe this is salmonella, except that i don't have chills or a fever and the abdominal pain didn't start until after I started dry-heaving last night - which, from my experience, tends to cause a lot of pain. I used to dry-heave a lot as a child; I remember the pain really well.
I'm pretty sure this is food related. I have a lot of issues with food and I've been developing an issue with what I ate last night. Unfortunately, I didn't really think about that. Usually I don't have a problem with Taco Bell, but I started having some sensitivity to their food while I was still in school. There's a really good chance that I just have to stop eating there now, and that their food was what caused it.
01-28-2012, 06:57 PM
I may have to talk my mom or someone else in the family to feed Cuddles for me. I just threw up again and if I'm still having trouble tomorrow I'm having my mom take me to urgent care or something. It's been almost twelve hours since I was last sick, so I shouldn't have gotten sick again. I was even feeling better (though, I do feel much better after being sick again, for some reason).
I know that my stepsister's husband likes snakes and has handled Cuddles before. If this goes on much longer I will ask her to come with him to feed Cuddles for me.
01-28-2012, 07:15 PM
Waiting a few days until your well shouldn't cause a problem.
01-28-2012, 07:15 PM
Anyways, mom was talking to someone who had the same symptoms as me. Turns out there's a virus going around.
My sister was recently sick, though not in the same way. She blacked out and had to go to the doctor. They took blood and tested it and she had a virus. It's possible I got it from her.
It's also possible I got it from any of the other people I see throughout the week, or somehow picked it up from sick people at church last Sunday.
Basically, at this point it's not looking like salmonella.
01-28-2012, 07:27 PM
Well that's good. Just wait until you feel better to feed Cuddles...he should be okay for a couple of days. Get some rest...lots of rest and if the vomiting doesn't stop, make sure you see a doctor. Don't let yourself get dehydrated. Keep us posted about how you are doing when you feel up to it and hope you feel better soon.
Chris..ever since I learned to determine the validity and reliability of research in grad school it always amazes me how many studies claim to prove findings without significant sample populations or without accounting for extraneous variables and so whenever I see a study that claims something...I always wonder if it was actually a valid study...chances are, probably not. You would hope that the CDC would conduct valid studies...but...
01-28-2012, 09:46 PM
I'm nibbling on some saltines and sipping water and 7up. If I throw up tomorrow
i'm goin to a doctor, even if that means going to the ER (I have a fear of hospitals because people have recently used them as a threat against me).
If I'm still sick Monday night I'll get someone to feed my snake. I can trust my stepsister and her husband. They like him.
01-28-2012, 11:45 PM
Well...try to get some rest and see what tomorrow brings. Do not worry about threats like that...if they are the type of threats I imagine you are talking about, I used to be a shrink and those threats don't usually end up amounting to much. PM me if you need to talk about it. I'm glad you have someone to take care of Cuddles. Feel better soon, Ashley.
01-29-2012, 01:26 AM
I'm feeling a lot better now. Most of the aches and pains are gone, with the exception of the lovely migraine I developed. That was a result of crying after a fight with a friend, however, and isn't related to whatever is wrong with me. I should be back to my old self within a couple more days.
The only reason the threats scared me was because I didn't want to be treated like there was something wrong with me. I mean, there is something wrong with me, but I don't believe that a hospital is the right setting for that sort of thing. Mostly I was afraid of the Helena hospital. I knew of people who had ended up in it's psych ward and I didn't want to be one of them.
But, I'm feeling better so hopefully things will be okay. I'm trying some things to get rid of the headache/migraine and then I'm going to sleep.
01-29-2012, 01:35 AM
I know how you feel, not wanting to be treated like something is wrong with you. It's not really fair to threaten that sort of thing... I'd get pretty angry at someone if they decideed to threaten me with hospitals, I also hate being around them... They just freak me out.
01-29-2012, 02:02 AM
Yeah. I had hospital issues to begin with. Just don't like 'em much, I guess.
I remember my friend telling me she was going to call 911. I freaked out and ended up having a panic attack. And then, wonderful me, I started devising ways to escape the paramedics if someone ever did call them.
I may have developed a slight phobia after that xD
01-29-2012, 07:27 AM
It isn't very helpful when you are already feeling bad to have someone threaten you with a hospital. The last thing a person in a vulnerable place needs is to feel more of a sense of losing control. Migraines are the worst...I have chronic ones...feel better, Ashley. Just remember you always have us to talk to...:).
01-29-2012, 11:21 AM
It isn't very helpful when you are already feeling bad to have someone threaten you with a hospital. The last thing a person in a vulnerable place needs is to feel more of a sense of losing control. Migraines are the worst...I have chronic ones...feel better, Ashley. Just remember you always have us to talk to...:).
strange you mentioning a fear of hospitals as i am due to attend my local hospital for a scan on Tuesday, now while this would normally bother me not at all, this visit entails me showing of all my delicate parts:o and if that's not enough they will be running them through some bloody scanning machine to record their image for posterity no doubt,..the only upside to this terrifying experience is for the nurses and other female staff who will be under the impression that they have George Clooney standing in their treatment room buck naked. ;)
so there you are Ashley hospitals do have an upside :D
01-29-2012, 12:07 PM
We will expect postings of the pics John...uh..oh...there's that dirty mind again! Lol... That actual sounds horrible...sorry you have to do that. If it makes you feel any better, I have surgery in April and the male doctor gets to cut out some of my female parts...not exactly looking forward to that...actually staying overnight in the hospital is what I dread the most...I hate staying in hospitals...then again, does anyone actually like staying in hospitals?
01-29-2012, 12:35 PM
[QUOTE=EasternGirl;197694]We will expect postings of the :eek:
.then again, does anyone actually like staying in hospitals no
01-29-2012, 04:43 PM
then again, does anyone actually like staying in hospitals?
Some people do! Like homeless people, who get fed and have a bed to sleep in, or people who want attention all the time.
I can't eat hospital food. Just looking at it makes me nauseous. I think the most I ever managed when I was in the hospital a year and a half ago (when my mom was having a c-section and my brother was born) the most I was even able to stomach was the french fries - and even those were questionable.
I never did like hospitals to begin with. I was blessed with a phobia of needles from my father (genetic phobias are the worst) so I get nervous being anywhere near a hospital because I associate it with surgery and needles and such. I was threatened with a hospital several months back because I wanted to take a whole sleeping pill instead of a half. I have insomnia and I was on a new sleeping medication, which was dangerous because of my mental state but I desperately needed sleep. I'd already taken the half and it wasn't working because I was sick and having problems. When I said "sleeping pills" my friend panicked and threatened to call 911, even though I was referring to two halves. She texted me, said she was going to call 911, and when I texted her to explain myself and beg her not to she didn't answer for a really long time and I started panicking. That's where the fear of hospitals started to get worse. If someone called the paramedics now, I'd be gone in an instant; they'd never find me. (I also started really disliking hospitals when I saw my mom after her c-section. She looked miserable and so sick and that just terrified me)
But anyways, I feel much better this morning. I'm still fighting nasty headaches and my throat is swollen and sore, but that will fade eventually. No hospitals for me! I even managed some chicken noodle soup when I woke up this afternoon (took me until 5am to fall asleep because I couldn't get the headache under control). I'm sticking to bland, safe foods - saltine crackers, chicken noodle soup, and (eventually) toast if I think I can stomach it. I hope to be on more substantial foods by tomorrow.
It's been tough. I haven't been allowed to play with or hold my brothers because mom doesn't want them sick. I'm too afraid to touch Cuddles because I don't want to make him sick if it's some sort of bacterial infection he can catch. At this point it's looking like some kind of 24-hour bug. Once I'm through today and I've managed to clean myself and my room up I'll feel better about handling my Cuddles.
I took pictures of him last night!
I noticed he was sleeping underneath his log, where he started to create his own hide. He moved back into the cave later because he wasn't under the log when I woke up and I'm watching him peek out of the cave now xD
Is a 10gal tank big enough for him? He's barely eight inches long at this point and I don't anticipate him getting especially large or anything. And I'd like to get another snake eventually (same species - probably a wild-caught garter). Will a 10gal be big enough for two northwesterns?
01-29-2012, 06:35 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better! My son inherited a skiddishness concerning medical things and the like from his father...who is terrified of anything medical. I'm the exact opposite...takes a lot to bother me, so I wish he was more like me...but oh well. I don't know exactly how big northwesterns get...I know males are generally smaller than females in all the species...but my male eastern who is quite small is already 2 1/2 feet long at 2 years old. I personally wouldn't put two snakes in a 10 fact, I have my baby, Hermes...who is probably a little smaller than a 20 gallon already. The more space for exploring the better. Not saying that Cuddles isn't okay in a 10 gallon for now...but in case he gets bigger, and if you want to put another snake in there at some point, I would consider getting a 20 gal. Look on Craig's List for people selling them for cheap. I've seen other members do that.
01-29-2012, 07:04 PM
Yeah. I got the phobia from my dad and mom knows it's genetic (didn't grow up with my dad around, so I couldn't have just picked it up from him), but she picks on me for it anyways. She talks to me like I can just stop being afraid of needles of my own free will. It gets annoying. But, hey, she thinks snakes are creepy and won't touch them because she's afraid, so she can't complain about me being afraid of something!
From what I've read on northwesterns it sounds like they don't generally get over three feet in length, and that's about the maximum. I'd say he'll stay around a foot and a half to two feet once full grown, but that's just my guess for now at his size.
Once I have more resources at my disposal I want to start adding in platforms to make use of the height. Do you have any suggestions on how to do that? I'm not really good at building things, though I can get creative xD
I know tape isn't safe. What kind of substances are good for attaching a platform to a glass wall?
Also, I have another problem that I need to fix. The lid on my tank doesn't fit very well because the tank I have was designed a bit differently and had a special lid. I broke that lid years ago, when the tank was no longer in use. It had a special door and everything and slid back and forth for opening. It was really handy with those horrible lizards I kept in it (by horrible I mean, as wonderful as they were they really loved to try escaping and those critters are fast!).
Here's my problem...
As you can see, there's a gap there, though that's less of a problem at the moment because he would have to physically lift the lid to get out there (there's a gap between the tank and the overhang of the lid, but not between the top of the tank and the lid, if that makes sense). It needs to be addressed, but there's a more pressing problem.
The real problem is at the back of the tank:
There's a significant gap there where he can definitely find a way out. That's where the old lid used to clip onto the tank, so that side is shorter than the other sides. He hasn't tried to escape from it - he sat up there once, but shows no interest in trying to actually escape the tank, thank goodness - but that doesn't mean he won't. I haven't figured out what to do with it yet. Any suggestions?
01-29-2012, 07:21 PM
Does this lid slide on or sit on top?
01-29-2012, 07:30 PM
It sits on top. I wanted a sliding one that would fit, but all they had was something I could sit on top. I was a little frustrated with their options.
01-29-2012, 07:32 PM
So you have it flipped upside down sitting on top?
01-29-2012, 07:44 PM
No, it's right-side up.
01-29-2012, 07:53 PM
Not sure how to help without knowing exactly what you've got there.
Might be better to locate the proper lid or purchase (craigslist: goa classifieds for jobs, apartments, personals, for sale, services, community, and events ( a different enclosure.
If you have an open area and the snake can reach it you are moments away from having that snake get out.
They are escape artists.
01-29-2012, 08:04 PM
Finding the right lid for this tank may be impossible. I've been looking for other enclosures, but I haven't found anything as of yet. Let me see if I can get some better pictures...
3995<-- the lid, upside-down
3996<--right side-up, as it would sit on top of the tank.
These are some pictures of the rim around the top of the tank. It was designed with a lid that slid in and then clipped on. It was relatively unique around the time that I bought it - other stores weren't selling the same model - and I haven't been able to find a replacement.
The lid I have pictured above sits on top of the tank. Because the tank was designed for a slide-in lid, the one I have for it now leaves a gap at the back, where the tank's side is lower.
Petco, the store I bought the original tank and lid from, does not sell replacement lids of this style. I wasn't able to find any replacements available at PetSmart either, and the only other pet store I know of in the area that sells tanks/aquariums is a mostly aquatic store with lids similar to the one I currently have (that petstore is also in a bad part of town and I am not going back there).
Edit: Also, I tried the Portland Craigslist with no luck, but I've been keeping a close eye on it since I've been home.
01-29-2012, 08:11 PM
I would say build a custom lid for it. That's easy for me to say since I've done it before for tanks like that.
The custom lid would sit on the slide rails and would have a lower front lip to cover that open area.
01-29-2012, 08:31 PM
How would you go about building a custom lid? At this point my resources include cardboard boxes, scissors, Elmer's glue, and whatever random assortment of objects I might find in our garage.
01-29-2012, 08:36 PM
They do still make tanks like that but only in 20 gallon and they aren't cheap...I have one. Got it at Petsmart...they don't make them in 10 gallon. Yeah, the only thing you could do would be to make a custom lid that slides into it like Steve said...but he's handy like that...I wouldn't be able to do it. If you put heavy things on top of the lid...does it make the top of the lid sit against the tank rim enough so that if Cuddles got up into that inside gap area he at least couldn't get past the lid? Does that make any sense?
Do you have a hot glue gun? I would think that you could use a hot glue gun to glue platforms against the glass...but you would have to make sure they were glued on very securely so that they couldn't come off and fall on Cuddles...a better idea may be to make a platform that can just stand in the tank. Jesse has one in his tank...I keep trying to get him to PM me instructions on how to build it...but I think it looks pretty simple...and now I can't find the thread. But it looks like he just basically made a small wooden table and put it in the tank. I was thinking of going to the dollar store and getting a small plastic stool to use as a platform...when I get it set up in the tank, I'll post pics.
01-29-2012, 08:43 PM
How would you go about building a custom lid? At this point my resources include cardboard boxes, scissors, Elmer's glue, and whatever random assortment of objects I might find in our garage.
I will try to post a few photos of one I made to give you an idea.
01-29-2012, 08:43 PM
Projects will have to wait.
I'm going to have to find someone to take care of cuddles for a while. I can't do it right now.
I feel like my whole life just fell apart. I may have to go away for a while.
01-29-2012, 08:44 PM
Be sure they know what to do. How long will you be gone?
01-29-2012, 11:49 PM
Ashley...please PM me and I will give you my phone number and you can call me and we can talk...there are people on here that care about you...let us be your friend and help you with whatever is going on. I'm going to PM you my phone number now...just call me if you can.
01-30-2012, 04:00 PM
Hopefully I won't have to go anywhere at's up for debate at the moment.
In the meantime, I'm brainstorming ideas for tank improvements, but I'm still weak from being sick so there's only so much I can do.
I am well enough to handle Cuddles again, though - which is apparently making him quite happy as he's already curled up in my shorts again - and I wanted to check his skin. While there isn't as much flaking as there was previously, I did notice one spot and I tried to get some pictures of it. It's so tiny that it was difficult, and the flakes are nearly transparent so they are very hard to see. I tried flash and non-flash pictures. I'll see if I got anything.
Honestly, it reminds me of what my skin does (my skin is extremely dry, and I'm very close to having eczema like my brothers) when it is dry or something, although his skin doesn't get rough and mine usually does. It's odd that there's still some flaking spots because the humidity in his tank is higher than normal thanks to the rain we've been having.
The flakes are gone now. They must have rubbed off when he was crawling around in my shorts. This is the only picture of the flaking that I got (circled it with a red circle). Like I said, it's almost invisible.
01-30-2012, 04:36 PM
As long as he is eating, drinking, pooping and active...I wouldn't worry too much. He probably just had a little bit of shed left or maybe snakes just get some dry skin patches...a couple other members have recently reported similar dry skin patches. Try giving him a little warm bath every couple of days and see if that helps. It doesn't seem like anything to worry over at this point.
01-30-2012, 04:46 PM
Good looking Northwestern (T.ordinoides)
01-30-2012, 05:01 PM
He is a really beautiful snake!
01-30-2012, 05:30 PM
Thanks! I think so too. He's my little sweet-heart. Although, I have to say I really want an Oregon spotted. They're pretty too.
01-30-2012, 08:37 PM
Getting more garter snakes is always a good thing!
01-30-2012, 08:41 PM
My mom seemed totally unenthusiastic when I mentioned wanting more xD
Do wild-caught garters make ok pets (if they're well contained)?
I don't know that I can afford to buy snakes. Catching them seems easier. And a friend of mine needs a pet. I think a snake would be good for him, once he learns how to take care of it.
01-30-2012, 08:49 PM
Yes...many members on here have wild caught garters...two of mine are wild caught. Remember though...that you don't want to pluck a snake out of it's natural habitat if it is thriving just for the sake of having a pet. Many members who have wild caught garters have them because they wouldn't have survived if left in the wild...they were rescued snakes. It's a judgement call...if you see a snake in the wild and it seems happy and healthy and taking it out of it's natural environment would disrupt things for the's probably best to leave it be. But if the snake is in danger of being killed or struggling to find food and taking in it would be better for the snake, then I say you are doing a good thing. Seeley was trapped in a spider web in my basement in the cold winter...and Cee Cee was in my flower bed about to be mowed over by a lawn mower. Also...some wild caught snakes do not adjust to being in captivity...others adjust quite nicely.
01-30-2012, 08:53 PM
We get a lot of injured ones around here. We used to find babies in our yards that were hurt or having trouble surviving. Mom always made me let them go. I know we'll get some in our yard this year because of the type of yard and vegetation we have, as well as because of the new area we live in. I've found that trying to handle full-grown wild ones can be hard, so I'm more thinking about the ones that I find around here on a regular basis.
I remember a poor baby I found years ago. It was deformed or something, and it probably wouldn't have survived even if I had taken it in. But I was still upset when my mom got rid of it without telling me and without letting me take care of it.
01-30-2012, 09:36 PM
I'm sure you were. Well then, if you find a young snake in your yard this can take one in for your friend and maybe find one for yourself. Just make sure to teach your friend everything you have learned about caring for garters and introduce him to the forum. Yes, Cee Cee is bigger and older and she can be quite fiesty. Seeley was young when I found him...he is very sweet, but they are both very skiddish...they do not cuddle like seriously, they don't like to be held. But Steve has plenty of wild ones that are very friendly and love being held...Chantel has a few too I believe...and Kat may have some W/C garters too. I know all of their snakes are very affectionate.
01-30-2012, 09:48 PM
I've handled a lot of wild garters and they all hated me xD
Not one ever tried to bite, me though, so I figure that's a good sign in some way or another.
We get a lot of injured/unhealthy garters around here because we're right in the middle of the city, but also near a nature preserve on a butte. We didn't get them at my old house because we were basically on an island of concrete and there was no way for garters to get there alive. But at my grandma's, where there's lots of construction and predatory animals (cats, dogs, raccoons, rats, possums) as well as lawn mowers and cars, we used to find a lot of small injured ones in our yard. The one with the deformity was the worst I ever saw. I think they also like our yard for the earthworms and all the places to hide xD
I knew a guy who got bit on the nose by a wild garter. They had caught it and kept it (I think it was near the coast) and it managed to bite him. I thought it was hilarious.
01-30-2012, 10:38 PM
I have seen some decent bite pics on here. Cee Cee has nipped at me a few times but she hasn't gotten me yet...operative word here being "yet". Seeley has never even tried. He's just a sweet little timid thing though. I have had big garters in my basement strike and bite at me when I was trying to relocate them outside. Poor things were just scared though. I have to give Cee Cee a shot tomorrow...we will see if I can still say that she hasn't bitten me after that!
01-30-2012, 11:07 PM
Here's a full mouth bite my Gabby took when she was 10 (12 now).
Looks much worse then it is. Tiny little teeth.
01-31-2012, 12:20 AM
Ouch! I think I'll try to avoid those teeth as much as possible :)
Hopefully if I can handle cat, dog, and horse bites then I won't freak out to much if Cuddles ever bites me xD
Though, I have to say that it would be really fun to go somewhere with a bit pattern like that and have someone ask me what happened. "Oh, my snake bit me. Nothing too serious."
01-31-2012, 06:29 AM
If it makes you feel any better, I have surgery in April and the male doctor gets to cut out some of my female parts...not exactly looking forward to that...
when skimming through the posts trying to catch up i went back to this one, wasn't sure exactly why, then it hit me, when read in conjunction with my new signature they dovetail pun intended :D
01-31-2012, 09:31 AM
Lol, John. Yeah...Steve...that actually looks like it hurt!
02-01-2012, 04:21 AM
I've been toying with a few ideas tonight since I can't sleep, and I think I might be able to figure something out to solve my tank problems. It would ultimately have to be a temporary fix, but at the very least I can get it secure until I can either find a replacement lid that works or a new tank.
If I'm going to make the tank secure then i need to build my own lid. My room came with this nifty piece of wood that is supposed to be used as a lock for my window (the real lock is broken, but so is the window so locking it doesn't make much sense). If I can cut it a little shorter then it can close up the gap in the tank. That alone would be a good enough fix, as I could set my mesh lid on top of it and then weigh it down and the gaps would be gone. However, I might take it a step farther and attempt to attach this piece of wood to something else - like a sturdy piece of cardboard - with some holes in it for air circulation. If I can get something that is the right size then I can build it so that it slides on in a similar way that the old lid did, though I wouldn't be able to make it clip on.
I dunno. It might be too complicated. But at the very least I know that I can make it secure now. It's just a matter of finding the time and the supplies to do it (I know we have them, but making someone tell me where they are might be difficult).
Hah. If I wanted to get complicated I could build a wooden frame with mesh on top. If it were just the right size and shape then it could slide in perfectly and fill the gaps...maybe I will see if my friend can help me with that. Her family used to do all their own work on their house - deck building and such.
02-01-2012, 07:28 AM
That is what Steve had originally suggested I do when I was having problems with one of my tank lids...he builds all of his own custom stuff. He might be able to tell you how to do it...although it may be easier to have someone, like your friend...who is there with you to help you do it.
02-01-2012, 04:31 PM
Even if my friend can't help me, I think I can figure it out enough to make it secure at the very least. It might look ridiculous, but that's not really important. I was looking through the garage and we have a lot of interesting random things sitting around that might help me. And I can always have my mom ask her husband for help. He doesn't like the snake, so I'm sure he would like the cage to be more secure.
Today's project is fixing Cuddles' lamp. Unfortunately, I haven't found the pair of pliers that I need. So I must continue my search of the garage.
02-01-2012, 05:50 PM
Good luck!
02-01-2012, 08:18 PM
One lamp fixed! Cuddles now has daylight again!
Now to crochet...and run to the dollar store.
02-01-2012, 09:35 PM
Double post >_<
Cuddles has new decor. He's enjoying it!
He also realized I was watching him and decided to hide.
He changed his mind about hiding xD
02-02-2012, 09:23 AM
He is a cutie!!! :)
02-02-2012, 02:35 PM
He is ^_^
He's very active today. He seems to really like what I've done with the tank. He hasn't been this active in a long time.
I think I've taken like fifty pictures of him today. He's so beautiful.
02-02-2012, 02:42 PM
Yes they are. So nice to see you enjoying him.
How about posting us some photos. Please. ;)
02-02-2012, 02:51 PM
I caught that one last night when I woke up to go to the bathroom. Noticed the little guy peeking out and had to take a quick picture.
These are all this morning/afternoon. He's been doing this for an hour or two now. I missed a few good shots - mainly when he was stretching himself as high as he could against the glass. It's really unusual for him to be out this much in one period of time.
02-02-2012, 08:25 PM
Those are great pics Ashley! I like the new decor...I have a plant just like that new one you got...but I had to take it out because my snakes were afraid of it :rolleyes:. The last pic of Cuddles in the first set of pics that you posted...when he changed his mind about just too adorable!! He likes his new stuff too much to hide...
02-02-2012, 08:34 PM
Good looking Northwestern (T.ordinoides) Never get tired of seeing them.
02-02-2012, 11:06 PM
My friends on Facebook really liked that picture, too, Marnie. It is quite cute. He was actually trying to get to the camera. For some reason he likes it a lot.
I think he likes having his lamp back. He keeps going over to the warm side of the tank and sitting in the light. The cool side of the tank stays at a pretty good temperature, despite the heat in my room. There's a lot of shade, plus the water, and it's near the window. I picked up some smooth rocks at the store as well and they stay pretty cool. That side of the tank actually looks a lot like the type of places I find snakes in when we go camping. Just...minus the snake grass and the fake-looking plants xD
That reminds me of the time we went out to a creek/stream one summer to swim. It was really nice and I won't swim in lakes so it was good for me. When we first got there I noticed a huge snake sitting on a log in the water. I think it had eaten recently, but that didn't really occur to me, I guess. It was just resting. The first thing that I did was hop in the water and try to catch it. Mom was so angry at me, haha. It was probably a good thing that it got away because it acted pretty aggressive and I probably would have gotten bitten. But I did catch some baby fish and a few frogs that day.
I'm glad Cuddles is happy. Sometimes I wish I was him. Then I could be happy too.
02-03-2012, 01:04 PM
Garters really enjoy the wild, they will come out in the sunlight and bask under it...which is why is he enjoying his lamp so much. I'm glad Cuddles is so happy. Sometimes I look at my cats and I, they really have the life...lying around sleeping all day...getting fed, being pet, snuggling...looking like they don't have a care in the world...I want to be a cat. So, I get what you are saying. You'll get there, Ashley...;).
02-04-2012, 06:54 PM
Alright. So, all of my night crawlers died so I went out to our backyard and dug up some worms.
Are those safe to feed Cuddles? They look just like the night crawlers I had, so that's what I'm assuming they are. There shouldn't be any chemicals in our back yard as far as I know, so they shouldn't be contaminated. But I don't want to feed them to him without being pretty sure that they are safe.
The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is that my stepfather spread some mole repellent through the backyard like a month ago. But I found these worms in the garden area, which is separate from the actual backyard, so none of the repellent was spread around there. It wasn't a liquid repellent of any sort.
02-04-2012, 07:43 PM
If they were found in the soil I think they are probably safe.
Any chance you can post a photo or two?
02-04-2012, 10:59 PM
They're really small - it's a bad season for worm hunting right now.
I just can't tell what kind of worm they are. They're too small for me.
I probably won't feed them to him any time soon. More or less thinking about raising them if they're safe.
02-04-2012, 11:10 PM
Those are nightcrawlers. I would double check and ask your stepdad...make sure he didn't put any of the mole repellent where the worms were.
02-04-2012, 11:13 PM
I was watching him put the mole repellent down. Mom and I were amazed because he was actually doing something other than watching TV, so we watched. He used it all up then, and not in the garden part - we haven't gotten any moles there, but the opposite side of the yard had a major problem with it.
02-04-2012, 11:17 PM
Well...those are the right kind of worms...look just like the nightcrawlers I have.
02-04-2012, 11:19 PM
Anyways, checked on the mole repellent. Genius stepdad doesn't remember a thing. But I looked up the brand I remember it being - I read the bag, so I remember - and it says that it's safe and there's no poisons in it.
02-04-2012, 11:31 PM
Cool...guess you're good to go then.
02-09-2012, 02:17 AM
This is mostly for curiosity's sake...
I know garters can eat slugs. Can they eat snails as well? I read somewhere that they could, but I wanted to ask to find out if that was true.
We don't get snails around here, so it's not an option, but I'm still curious xD
02-09-2012, 02:34 AM
If you peel the shells, they can. Mine get them as a treat a couple times a year.
02-09-2012, 02:44 AM
Ok. Awesome. I was curious because of the shells. Not quite sure how that would work.
Do they eat them in the wild?
02-09-2012, 03:54 AM
I'm sure some do... I know dekayis can pull snails out of the shell, but I don't know if garters are able to do it too.
02-09-2012, 04:24 PM
Hmmm. Would snails be a good thing to try with Cuddles once in a while? I'm already planning on trying slugs here and there, since we'll get them occasionally starting in the spring.
02-09-2012, 04:43 PM
They can carry parasites, but it's for you to decide whether it's worth it or not... I do give them to mine when they're available because my snakes likely have parasites already, since they are wild caught... Everyone feels differently about that, though.
02-09-2012, 07:33 PM
What about store-bought or home-bred snails? Would they have a lot of parasites?
02-09-2012, 07:39 PM
I don't know much about snails...or slugs, but I thought someone said something before about being careful about slugs because there are a type that can be bad for the snake. Personally, I stick with stuff that I know to be safe. You could do a search on the forum for snails and slugs and you would probably find threads discussing them.
02-09-2012, 09:15 PM
I'll take a look. If it's a possible food source then I would like to try it since he seems so picky. To put some variety in his diet.
I haven't had any luck with frozen fish, and I only have 1 pinky mouse left, so I want to wait until he takes something dead before I try that last pinky. I got a couple cheap guppies - not feeders, but still guppies - that I'm going to try to use to convince him that the frozen fish is good.
02-09-2012, 10:11 PM
You want to avoid the really dark brown slugs. If your snake ends up liking slug, you could use it to scent too. That way there is less of a chance of choking on the slug slime.
02-12-2012, 10:27 PM
I haven't been interacting with Cuddles much lately. I feel bad, but my brothers, sister, and mom have all been sick, along with the baby we have for daycare. Changing diapers and holding the older brother, I don't know what might be on my hands anymore. So I've been avoiding Cuddles in case it's a bacterial infection of some sort. Whatever it was, I wasn't the only one to get it, so it obviously wasn't salmonella. Because my sister and my mom never touch Cuddles, and the baby has never been in contact with Cuddles either. She got sick before we were watching her more regularly. It's got to be some bug that's going around in the area.
02-12-2012, 10:33 PM
It's that time of the year. Bugs going around.
02-12-2012, 10:35 PM
He'll be okay Ashley...Just go over to his tank so he can see you and talk to long as you can interact with him a little, you don't have to necessarily hold him for him to know you are there. It's good that you are concerned about him and you don't want to make him sick. Can you get some plastic gloves so that you can feed him? I really doubt that you will pass anything to him but if you want to be extra careful, then just wear some plastic gloves when you prepare his food. It sounds like a virus. I hope everyone is better soon.
02-12-2012, 10:41 PM
He ate recently, so I'm not too worried about feeding him yet. I'm more worried because Kaleb had something different than all of us. We all threw up...he didn't. It looked like an infection of some sort. Without knowing what it is, I don't want to accidentally pass something on to him from my brothers.
Within a couple more days things should finally be better. I'll cut up some frozen fish and mix it with fishy water. Hopefully he'll go for that.
02-12-2012, 11:19 PM
Okay...well, keep us posted and hang in there. Cuddles will be okay...just pop your head up to the tank and let him know your still around when you can.
02-13-2012, 12:29 AM
Turns out it's probably better if I leave him alone for a while. I'd been wondering where he was - he hasn't been out today - so I lifted up his hide to check. His eyes are cloudy. My baby is getting ready for his second shed ^_^
02-13-2012, 09:04 AM
Just keep an eye on him and make sure his humidity stays up. Keep us posted!
02-14-2012, 09:08 PM
No shed yet. Eyes were back to normal by yesterday morning.
Everyone is feeling better. Mom was the last to get sick, and everyone else is illness-free (with the exception of the Portland sniffles).
02-14-2012, 09:44 PM
I'm glad everyone is feeling better, Ashley. Cuddles should be shedding any day now! Are you able to hold him and spend some more time with him now?
02-15-2012, 12:18 AM
Well, I tried to hold him yesterday. That was probably a bad idea. He musked me when my mom and two of the kids were in my room.
I think I'll leave him alone until he sheds xD But I will be checking on him from time to time.
02-15-2012, 12:44 AM
It was probably because they were in the room and he did not know them...or because he was getting ready to shed. Cee Cee musks strangers. And she bit me when my ex's stupid girlfriend stuck her face up to the I'm sure the bite was meant for her. Heh heh...good Cee Cee. Yeah...just give him some alone time until he snakes always want to be left alone before a shed.
02-15-2012, 12:47 AM
He knew all of them xD But I think he was just mad at me for disturbing him. I had to move things around before I could fine him (he's so small and easy to hide!) and when I caught him he was just upset. I put him back in the tank right away and gave my hands a thorough washing!
When his eyes were cloudy I did get a nice picture. He let me hold him. That was awesome.
02-15-2012, 03:49 AM
They definitely can get a bit fussy when they are in shed mode. Cee Cee can get downright cranky and defensive. Poor thing...I had to give her one of her injections when she was getting ready to shed. Lucky I didn't get bit!
02-15-2012, 12:33 PM
Still no shed as of this morning. Soon, though, I'm sure. He's buried himself under the substrate to hide so I won't bother him. Humidity is up and I'm gonna let him be until tonight.
He's never even tried to bite me and he's only musked me a handful of times...maybe five at the most. He's a good tempered snake.
02-15-2012, 09:02 PM
Just checked on my baby. He's finally beginning to shed. Keeping the humidity up with the lamp on isn't easy, but I'm managing it.
I'm way too excited about this!
02-15-2012, 09:04 PM
Yay! You'll have to get a pic when he's done and all shiny!
02-15-2012, 09:21 PM
I had taken him out before I realized his eyes were cloudy, so I was able to get a picture. Part of why I took him out was to do a quick spot clean and change his water.
Today I had to take him out to clean out some damp substrate that didn't dry after a misting...may have gotten wet when I changed the water. I also had to do more spot cleaning because he apparently needed to use the bathroom quite a bit after the last, short spot cleaning. I managed to get a good shot before I quickly put him back in.
I'll continue to check on him to make sure the shed is coming off properly. It should be done by the time I go to bed. Then I can take/post pictures of his shiny new skin xD
02-15-2012, 09:27 PM
I like his little hat. :D
02-15-2012, 09:30 PM
Lookin good Cuddles!
02-15-2012, 10:11 PM
We're all done shedding!
Noticed not long after I posted the pics that there was a shed laying just in front of the hide. I had to go eat dinner, so I let him be, and then when I was done I checked on him. I saw a few flakes like the ones I've seen on him before, so I went ahead and stuck him in a shed box while I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher for my mom. Everything looks fine now that I've got him out.
I'll post pictures as soon as I take them!
02-15-2012, 10:28 PM
Glad the shed went well.
02-15-2012, 10:39 PM
The shed:
Cuddles after the shed:
02-16-2012, 07:13 AM
His colors are just amazing. I love those speckles on his tummy. I've noticed that the younger snakes have white/almost clear sheds like Hermes...I thought it was an albino thing, but maybe it's a baby snake thing. He looks awesome, Ashley!
02-16-2012, 03:20 PM
02-16-2012, 03:46 PM
You could have named that snake Rusty and been spot on.
02-16-2012, 05:44 PM
Thanks ^_^
He is quite beautiful, in my opinion. Of course, I am slightly biased as well.
Rusty would have been a great name for him! But I named him before I ever saw him, so I didn't base it off appearances. The name Cuddles fit because he doesn't mind cuddling with me, which is wonderful.
I hope his colors continue to become more distinct. He does have quite a bit of red in there! I love it.
02-16-2012, 07:18 PM
I went out today because it was just lightly raining (as opposed to our recent torrential downpours) and found some worms (nice, big ones) under the stones we have in the backyard. I also found some slugs. Not sure yet if I am going to try to feed them to Cuddles, but supposedly they are high in calcium. I am going to keep them in a container as I continue to complete research on the benefits and risks of slugs. If I decide not to use them I'll just toss them back into the backyard (or kill them, since they're destroy the garden come spring/summer and it would be better if they weren't around - I found 13 and one is dark brown/black so I'm throwing him out once I've processed them all).
02-16-2012, 07:34 PM
Slugs are a good food, Northwesterns love them.
02-16-2012, 07:46 PM
Considering how much he loves his worms, I figured he would like slugs as well. I just want to make sure there aren't any dangers involves with taking them out of the garden. I'm 100% certain I'm going to toss out the one that's almost black. But there are light gray ones that I think I may give him. They're supposedly high in calcium, but I need to do more research.
02-16-2012, 07:49 PM
It'd be a good idea if you cut the "skirts" off of them before feeding. It keeps them from sliming. :) It is a nice treat for the NWs
02-17-2012, 04:15 AM
Not interested in slugs yet. I'l keep trying. I even made the slugs a nice little home to live in until they are eaten. Not that I can't find more...I just don't want to! Besides...they actually look kinda cool when they aren't stuck to my feet. I love the way they move...fascinating. I might keep the pretty ones as pets. Got rid of the biggest ones and the dark one, though. Either too big for Cuddles or too dark for me to risk giving them to him. But the ones I have appear to be safe from the research I've done.
Cuddles did eat a small worm (or two?) yesterday, but they were so tiny that I thought he might be hungry again. Clearly he wasn't, even though the worms are most likely fully digested (they are very thin worms, caught in the garden). I'll try slugs again the day after tomorrow.
I may not be online for a few days. I've been really tired lately because my sleeping schedule is so messed up and I haven't been feeling the greatest on top of that. I think a large part of it is the computer, so I am going to attempt to cut a lot of my computer time out of my day, at least for a few days to see if I can regulate my sleeping....less computer, more sudoku and reading. Maybe some Wii Sports when the evil daycare child is gone.
02-17-2012, 05:55 AM
Get some rest and hope you feel better.
02-18-2012, 10:52 PM
Cuddles officially likes slugs. He devoured two within an hour tonight.
02-18-2012, 11:44 PM
Good deal. Treats for Cuddles. :)
02-19-2012, 04:13 AM
This makes me feel a little better about his diet. Supposedly slugs are high in calcium...and I'm feeding them nice, nutritious veggies, so that will certainly add to their nutrition for Cuddles. With the slugs and the worms there's a little bit more variety...doesn't look like he'll be taking f/t fish or pinkies. Once I'm over my new cold (I'm really starting to dislike the daycare kids at this point - ones a brat, and now they're getting me sick) and he's digested the slugs he ate, I'll be trying one last trick to convince him to eat the f/t fish, and possibly the pinky mouse. It will involve me buying more guppies. Yay <_<
If I can get a steady supply of fish going (I may know someone who can send me fish once she has a steady population going - and if PetSmart or Petco hires me I may have better access/knowledge of where to find safe, affordable fish) then I can add that to his diet. I'm looking for guppies, endler's livebearers, or some kind of cross between the two - all of which are thiaminase free. I might be able to find someone here in Portland who is selling them.
If I get fish then he has worms, slugs, and fish, which is far better than an all-fish or all-worm diet.
If only I could get him to eat pinkies.
02-19-2012, 09:48 AM
A cut up slug produces a lot of good scenting fluids for scenting pinkies ;)
02-19-2012, 01:05 PM
Once you get over being sick initially, you will probably build up your immune system with the daycare happens with daycare workers, teachers, nurses, doctors, etc. You could get a tank and try breeding guppies...I've heard of people doing it to feed their snakes. You could also keep a stock of worms like many of us do. I bought a container and bedding and a bunch of worms and I keep them in my basement. I could tell you what to get and how to do it.
02-19-2012, 02:58 PM
I'm keeping a stock of worms and slugs in my room (I could start a zoo!) and I have one guppy left. I need to get more guppies, but I just don't have the money right now. I can't seem to find a job.
I'll try scenting the pinkies with with slug once he's used to eating them a bit more. My main problem seems to be that he only wants live, moving food.
If I can find some cheap guppies then I might be able to get a few to start breeding, but the pet stores here charge 1.50+ and I just don't have enough to buy enough for breeding.
02-19-2012, 03:27 PM
Try feeder guppies, get a bit of them, there'd have to be a male and female in there... Or do they choose all males or all females? (that would be weird)
02-19-2012, 05:19 PM
No stores in the area that I can find sell feeder guppies. Only the fancy ones.
02-19-2012, 05:42 PM
I have the same problem... They like to say that their feeder goldfish are feeder guppies... Hah.
02-19-2012, 05:47 PM
Petco has rosy red minnows and comet goldfish...a-z pets has comet goldfish...caye's pets has feeder whiteclouds. PetSmart (the last time I was there) has feeder minnows and goldfish. So far I haven't found any other stores in my area.
02-19-2012, 06:54 PM
That blows big fish bubbles.
02-20-2012, 07:18 PM
Slugs = disgusting poops.
I was used as a bathroom today. Not the most pleasant thing, when you have a bad cold and then you have to do laundry because of it.
He had a tank cleaning last night so I put him on a log on my bed. He thoroughly enjoyed it.
02-20-2012, 08:38 PM
He is so darned cute! Oh he has the cutest little face! Ha ha...slug poops! :D
02-21-2012, 07:57 PM
I'm slightly biased, but I think he's just the most adorable thing on earth (with the exception of my youngest brother).
He musked me today. I was not happy since he was in a place he wasn't supposed to be in the first place. The lady who used to serve as my second mother (in a sense) came to visit and wanted to see him, so I was taking out and he musked me, wouldn't let her hold him, and then crawled all over my hands to spread that lovely smell all over them. I was surprised because he so rarely does that and this is the second time in a week.
Hopefully he won't do that when I offer him some worms tomorrow.
02-21-2012, 08:11 PM
He did that because of her being there...he didn't recognize her and was scared. My snakes do the same thing when strangers are around. He really is adorable.
02-21-2012, 08:16 PM
That's odd, because Sunday night we had a visitor over and I set him right in the guy's hand and he instantly curled up all happy. He'd never met the guy before. Maybe he didn't like this lady or something (which wouldn't surprise me - it happens with her occasionally).
02-21-2012, 08:58 PM
Lol...maybe he smelled something on her that put him on the never know what is going on. Cee Cee never musks me or my mother, but tonight when I took her out to give her her antibiotic shot, she was flipping out...I think it was because my cat was staring at her through the tank before I took her out. She was really on the defensive. She musked all over the place. Poor thing.
02-21-2012, 09:01 PM
Mama doesn't like my mom as much as she likes other people, mostly because my mom becomes scared when she's holding her. She didn't quite like my brother, either... He acts tough but he's deathly afraid of snakes.. even tiny little Angel (RIP)... ;) It could also be that if she was wearing perfume or something, he may have taken that as something threatening.
02-21-2012, 09:53 PM
Right...I was just reading in one of the reptile magazines that John sent me about how if you are afraid when you are holding a snake, you tense up and stuff and the snake can sense you being uncomfortable and tense, which makes the snake go on the defensive and the snake will often then musk and poop. I also think that snakes probably smell things on us like other animals and things like that and become defensive. Perhaps they may even smell something that smells bad to them and become defensive.
02-21-2012, 11:31 PM
I'll be that it was their dog & cats he was smelling on her. Chewy (their dog) is always all over them, and even our dog went crazy when she came in, trying to figure out if they were another dog in the house. Cuddles is used to the smells of our dog and cat, but I bet this one was more overpowering. Also, I think she was trying too hard to control where he moved and he didn't like that. I just sit him in my hand and let him curl up where he likes. He was fine once I was holding him again.
02-21-2012, 11:55 PM
You're probably right...or he just didn't like her. If she was trying to control him, I'm sure that freaked him out.
02-23-2012, 06:17 PM
Yeah. I like to just let him move through my fingers, but she was closing her hand around him. I took him away after less than a minute.
Anyways, Chubby here ate a worm and a slug today. Usually he doesn't eat more than one thing in a feeding, but the last two times he's just gobbled everything down!
02-23-2012, 09:01 PM
Nice little bulge he's got going there. Love those speckles!
02-23-2012, 10:04 PM
He's pretty! Looks like my Blade, only tiny.. :)
02-23-2012, 10:28 PM
I never clicked this thread.
He's awesome!!
02-23-2012, 10:54 PM
Isn't he so cute? He has the best speckles all over him...even on his face and tail!
02-23-2012, 10:56 PM
The red stripes are very pretty!!
02-23-2012, 11:17 PM
02-23-2012, 11:19 PM
You'll learn Ashley...that Jesse is our very special friend on the
02-23-2012, 11:37 PM
lol I am glad you guys think he's pretty xD I'm still trying to convince my mom that his face is cute! I think she has a hard time with reptiles in general.
The only thing on this earth more adorable than my Cuddles is my baby brother with his new haircut!
02-23-2012, 11:40 PM
And don't forget the marshmallows with the little faces.
02-23-2012, 11:41 PM
Cute! Where are you from that you have a NW if you don't mind me asking? I'm in Washington state about 2hrs SW of Seattle.
02-23-2012, 11:52 PM
Portland, OR
His mama was wild-caught; found in a backyard by a friend's kids.
02-23-2012, 11:54 PM
Cool! That's about 4hrs S of me. That's how we got Fish Bait. Willow was gravid when we found her, we just didn't know at that time. Then she got bigger and bigger and popped out 8 babies!
02-24-2012, 12:07 AM
Cuddles was one of 9, though two were stillborn. A few of the others died later, so I'm told, but Cuddles is growing the fastest!
02-24-2012, 01:27 AM
Is there a name for all the red speckles on him? I've never actually seen them on a snake before, so I'm very curious xD
02-24-2012, 02:29 AM
I don't know if there is a name for the speckles...Kat would know. She probably went to bed. She will probably get back to you later about it.
02-24-2012, 07:59 AM
Is there a name for all the red speckles on him? I've never actually seen them on a snake before, so I'm very curious xD
I don't know if there is a name for the speckles...Kat would know. She probably went to bed. She will probably get back to you later about it.
It's called beautiful.
02-24-2012, 11:59 PM
It's just part of their markings. Blade has them too. See, it looks like she tried to put lipstick on during and earthquake. :D
02-25-2012, 12:04 AM
Wow! Those are awesome markings Kat...just look at those perfect speckles around her mouth! Perfect little dots...Oh I definitely want a speckled NW now. Steve and I discussed him sending me a NW with a radix in the spring. I wonder if he has one with they all have speckles?
02-25-2012, 12:10 AM
Not that I'm aware of, I think it's just the red-striped ones.
02-25-2012, 12:14 AM
Cool...I will have to see if he has any of those...they are so gorgeous.
02-25-2012, 12:26 AM
Just looked at all my pics of the NW we have and no speckles on anyone but Blade.
02-25-2012, 08:26 PM
I've caught snakes similar to Cuddles in the wild, but I've never seen one with the red speckles.
02-25-2012, 10:06 PM
I want a speckled Northwestern now! I always want things that aren't easy to come by....
02-25-2012, 10:44 PM
I want a speckled Northwestern now! I always want things that aren't easy to come by....
Sounds like a new morph. :D
You mean a Northwestern (T.ordiniodes) with red speckles in it, right?
02-26-2012, 12:37 AM Cuddles or Blade...with the pretty red speckles...
02-26-2012, 03:05 AM
If I ever find a girlfriend for Cuddles maybe there will be speckled babies xD
I'm not planning on keeping ALL of the babies (if there ever are any).
I may be getting a job. I have two interviews (probably three) coming up this week and that's the part I tend to be good at. As soon as I start making money and I begin paying off my Walmart card (<_< never should have let my mother talk me into getting that thing) and I can take over my Sallie Mae bill, Cuddles is getting spoiled.
On another note, I noticed a few times that I occasionally get moths in my room. They're small, but I don't think they can find their way into the tank...but, still, can they be harmful to Cuddles in any way? They might be getting in through the window. I'm not sure. I'm certain he won't eat them, so that shouldn't be a problem.
02-26-2012, 08:49 AM
Congrats on the possible job! Don't get a girlfriend for cuddles unless you thoroughly understand all of the demands of breeding. Breeding is tough...taking care of babies is tough and demanding. If you decide to get another to get another male. :). I wouldn't want to take care of baby snakes...if Cee Cee is gravid...I will have my work cut out for me. This is why I am getting a female roomie for her and a male roomie for Seeley as soon as possible! Moths in your rooms shouldn't be a problem as long as they can't get into the tank. You don't want insects to be able to get into the tank because they can actually hurt the snake...they can bite the snake. As long as the tank is secure, they shouldn't be able to get in...just check for any places you think they could. I found a tank lid online that fits on tanks to make them has plastic sides that snap down over the top and lock down. I bought it for my tank that I am going to use for the new albino baby that is coming. I haven't tried it soon as I try it I will let you know if it works. They have it in different sizes. The size I bought was $25...but if you get a job and you still need a better's an option anyway.
02-26-2012, 05:54 PM
Even if I did get a girlfriend for him, they wouldn't be together until I was ready for them to breed. They'd be in separate tanks until I knew more about what I was doing. But I have the energy to put the work into it, and I've been learning.
Eventually I'll be maintaining two rather large tanks in my room, for two snakes. It's my room so mom can't say no to me anymore :)
But I understand breeding is difficult and demanding. That's why I've been learning. By the time I can afford what I need, I'll have learned a lot.
I've only seen a couple moths here and there, and i killed them when I saw them. They seem to completely ignore the tank so far. I figure they're just occasionally getting in through some kind of gap in the screen on my window.
Poor Cuddles' tank got too warm last night. Someone turned our heat up too high and it was ridiculously warm in the house. I ended up taking him out of the tank while it cooled down a bit for him. Even with his lamp off, it was over 80 degrees throughout the whole tank. Then, today, I came home from church to find that they had blocked my room off with my new mattress. There had been strangers in my room moving the old mattress out and the new one in. I think it upset Cuddles because he totally freaked out when I lifted the main hide to check on him. I was angry that they had moved things into the room so that I couldn't even access it to check on it when I got home. I was worried they may have hit the tank with the mattresses. Now he's out and about and seems happy. He's been spending a lot of time on the warm side of the tank lately.
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