View Full Version : Cuddles!

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03-20-2013, 10:08 PM
I need to get some photos of Cuddles up soon. Things have been busy lately and I don't have a camera at the moment.

In the meantime, Cuddles is still doing well. The reason I thought him eating several worms is unusual is because he went from 1/3 of a worm to two worms in one week. Usually he refuses more than 2/3 of a worm. Since then he has moved to a full worm each time I feed him and he hasn't been aggressive again. It must have just been that he was close to shedding...or just grumpy.

He's doing great. His colors are as pretty as ever. He ate today. Everything seems fine. We haven't noticed anything else with that eye that was looking funny. I think that he is just over ten inches now, but I haven't measured in a while. He may be closer to eleven.

I want another snake, but my mom says that the only way I can get one is if it can live in the same tank as Cuddles and doesn't get any bigger than he will. That basically means I probably won't be able to get another one until I move out, which sucks. I love garters so much.

03-20-2013, 10:59 PM
Naw... we hate photos. Right guys?

*dodges rotten tomatoes* :p

04-05-2013, 01:22 AM
Finally took Cuddles out for a photo shoot (I still don't have a working camera, and taking photos with my phone is not fun) and...he's in his blue phase! So, I'll be expecting a shed rather soon and I'll be cancelling his feeding plans for tomorrow because he completely refuses food until after he has shed.

I managed to get a couple of pictures while he was squirming away from me:


04-05-2013, 05:32 AM
And of course we're going to see after shed photos, right?

Good looking T.ordinoides - Northwestern garter.

04-05-2013, 02:19 PM
Yes, there will be photos this time!
I finally found my camera charger and now I just need to find the camera itself (they keep going missing alternately)
If worst comes to worst I will borrow my grandma's camera.

04-16-2013, 11:23 PM
Here are a few photos, all of his head because he was being a pain in the butt. I am going to work on getting a few body shots, including a few of his gorgeous underbelly.

04-17-2013, 06:06 AM
Sweet looking rusty old snake.:D