View Full Version : May get a northwestern

01-18-2012, 01:16 PM
Depending what time I get finished working with a customer tomorrow I may stop into a shop nearby and get a northwestern. I'm hoping they get back to me with details of size, sex etc because the shop is only a 15 minute detour on my drive home.
Anyone think of a reason not to keep a northwestern with a Cuitzeo? I believe they have a good temperament and would hope that would rub off on the Cuitzeos and help Vlad or Lacrimosa come out a bit more.

01-18-2012, 01:28 PM
I don't know anything about T.eques.cuitzeoensis but following all the quarantine rules, size and sex rules I would guess it should be fine.
Just keep in mind you will be introducing new pathogens to each. ;)

01-18-2012, 01:43 PM
Hmmm. Good point, I was planning to quarantine, but on reflection my Cuitzeos are too precious for me to risk introducing pathogens that they may not have defences against. I believe that the northwesterns in the shop are WC. I don't know what sort of quarantine period I'd be happy with, probably 3-6 months. By which time Lacrimosa will be 2 and the rate she's gaining weight may be ready to live with Vlad again.
If the northwestern can't live with an existing group it's just going to be taking up space I have reserved for the infernalis. It was a nice idea and increase may stop by the shop anyway, but now I'm questioning the practicalities, and I'd kick myself if I found an infernalis (or viperine, or dice snakes available next week and couldn't take it for lack of space).

01-18-2012, 02:01 PM
Northwesterns (T.ordinoides) are an awesome snake also. You would not be disappointed if you had one.
Can you get some photos and post them.
Always love looking at Northwesterns.

01-18-2012, 02:08 PM
If I get to the shop I'll snap a picture.

I'll have to make the call if I get there. And I suppose I'd better consult the wife, I'm expecting a phone call when she finishes the essay she's writing and checks the forum. :)

01-18-2012, 08:13 PM
If they are northwesterns, you need at LEAST one of them. They won't disappoint!

01-18-2012, 08:46 PM
My NWs get along very well with the Pugets. You will love having a NW. They are so great! They a very sweet and interactive.

01-18-2012, 09:09 PM
You will love having a NW. They are so great! They a very sweet and interactive.


01-18-2012, 09:50 PM
Northwesterns are definitely on my wish list! I will definitely get one in the future...probably after my radix and my flame.

01-18-2012, 09:57 PM
Northwesterns are definitely on my wish list! I will definitely get one in the future...probably after my radix and my flame.

Maybe I can add in a Northwestern (T.ordinoides) with your Spring radix shipment.

01-18-2012, 10:02 PM
Oooo...I wonder if I could get my family to agree to that one! We will definitely have to discuss that! "Oops..how did that get in there? Now I'm telling you I was only supposed to be getting one snake in this shipment. Must have slithered in there by accident...Oh well, guess she needs a home now..." Lol...

01-18-2012, 10:59 PM
Just don't tell them. :D

01-19-2012, 11:17 AM
If I get to the shop I'll snap a picture.

I'll have to make the call if I get there. And I suppose I'd better consult the wife, I'm expecting a phone call when she finishes the essay she's writing and checks the forum. :)
I really do hate to be a spoilsport but my experiences with the British pet shop trade leaves me with a somewhat doubtful view of these snakes turning out to be northwestern's,.. as Greg will no doubt verify when it comes to garters the attitude seems to be its only a garter ...just a starter snake so no need to be accurate, they don't usually have this attitude to other snakes normally identifying them accurately.... of late the said shops have been selling parietalis as northern garters so calling them northwestern is not too big a jump for them.

01-19-2012, 01:09 PM
Didn't get away from my customer until later in the afternoon, so didn't make it to the shop. Given that this shop had something non-Cuitzeo advertised as a Cuitzeo last year (I think John said it was a sirtalis of some description) I wasn't convinced that it would be what they said, I think they probably managed to identify the albino checkered that they said they had in stock properly.