View Full Version : My snake log
Light of Dae
01-17-2012, 11:05 AM
Figure it's about time I make a thread for my snakes.
Babs has come a long way since I got her at only a week old, she's grown like a weed as of lately and just yesterday I got her to eat out of my hand.
George is doing good, but he still won't eat worms or fish, just pinky mice in the middle of the night. He calms down faster when I hold him now, I've gotten him to come into my hand a number of times now by wiggling my thumb over the palm of my hand lol
Got some good pictures of him trying for the contest... Think I should have used this one.
or this one
01-17-2012, 12:58 PM
All looking good.
With all that worm slime on your fingers I would have thought Babs might grab one of them.
01-17-2012, 01:26 PM
Those are beautiful photos! Your snakes look great! Yeah...if I put food in my hand, I know at least when it comes to Cee Cee, I wouldn't have any fingers left when she was done!
01-17-2012, 02:44 PM
I like the photo of George in natural light with ice crystals on the window.
Our Esky has started taking food in my hand and doesn't attempt to eat me even when my hand is smelling of the fish she drops in it.
01-17-2012, 08:40 PM
Lucky you! Cee Cee has taken to nipping at my fingers and assuming there is food in them even when there isn't!
Light of Dae
01-18-2012, 07:33 AM
All looking good.
With all that worm slime on your fingers I would have thought Babs might grab one of them.
Lol I thought she was going to the way she rushed to my fingers I was almost cringing waiting for the bite... But she didn't, she just 'nosed' me lol bumping her nose along my fingers, found her way to the worm :) Still never been bitten!
Jeff B
01-18-2012, 07:47 AM
Lol I thought she was going to the way she rushed to my fingers I was almost cringing waiting for the bite... But she didn't, she just 'nosed' me lol bumping her nose along my fingers, found her way to the worm :) Still never been bitten!
Great looking snakes! I think maybe you meant to write "Still never been bitten....YET" Of course maybe you never will since obviously you are lucy and those two must have nice dispositions.
01-18-2012, 08:12 AM
Mama was one of the best dispositions you'll ever see, but she still latches on from time to time when food is involved.
Light of Dae
01-18-2012, 08:34 AM
HOLY FREAKING COLD!!!! -55c (-67f) with the windchill today... screw going anywhere! .. truck won't start either...
Yesterday I changed George's light bulb out from a 100w to a 50w in an effort to save on power (I'm paying $300 a month!) but I don't think he likes it... I'm changing it back, lol He didn't show himself at all yesterday... Stupid inefficient house.. Almost everything is original from the 70's, the furnace, stove, wiring, The fridge is from the 90's... Almost all original single pane windows, poor insulation etc. I love this place but HOLY CRAP its cccc-cccccoooldddd in here!
Anyways.. Babs is developing such an awesome personality, every morning about 15-20mins after I turn her light on she comes sliding out of her fake rock, slithers atop it n watches me drink my coffee. lol She is getting less jumpy when I walk past now too, Instead of FLYING down arse over tea kettle, she will Start to 'jump' off then realize oh your just going past... again... it's ok. lol She'll have her head n body 'hovering' off her rock for a second, then curl back up. My Babs bunny the Radix snake :)
Light of Dae
01-18-2012, 08:47 AM
Great looking snakes! I think maybe you meant to write "Still never been bitten....YET" Of course maybe you never will since obviously you are lucy and those two must have nice dispositions.
.... I am not Lucy... I am obviously Michelle... lol
Lucky I know. I'm just being a smartarse. :D
01-18-2012, 11:35 AM
Sounds like you have some great snakes there. As far as the house goes...anytime you have an old house, it's cold as house is not really old...I mean it isn't turn of the century or anything...but it has some years on it, and hard wood it can get pretty cold at night if the heat isn't turned up. Plus, we have heat vents in the if there is furniture blocking the vents...that can cause problems too. Of course it is not nearly as cold here as it is where you are...dang!
Light of Dae
01-18-2012, 03:56 PM
AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA Ever wanted to make your snake musk? lol Just pull dumbass like me! LMAFO I was snacking on some pickles n such and after simply drying my hands on paper towel I went to check on George... Not thinking with my pickled smelling fingers picked up George lol I saw his tongue flick, then smelt him as he started squirming lol oops! Sorry George! lol First time he's ever musked lol Comical!
01-18-2012, 04:13 PM
I guess he's not a pickle fan. :D
01-18-2012, 04:35 PM
Ha ha...Snakes don't like pickles. Check.
Light of Dae
01-18-2012, 05:36 PM
lol ya no pickles for George!
Wow has it ever gotten dry in this house! Babs tank is at 20% n dropping! Top is covered, always have a large shallow water dish, now I moistened a bunch of the coco husk. And will be adding a cup with wet paper towels in a second.
I'm out of 'good water' (our well water has WAY too much iron, calcium, lime n sediment) to top up their water dishes till tonight when my fiance gets home n can boost our truck (seeing as it's stone cold dead) so... Oh the joys of this freezing cold weather! Our water lines are froze! So I can't even put the wet paper towels in their tanks because I can't get anything from the taps... Great. I had a jar of water sitting by the tanks which I used up changing out Babs poop water and moistening her coco husk...
Well at least today hasn't been all bad.. Got a call telling me I got a job, a really good job.
Now I'm off to sit beside frozen pipes with my hair dryer... Yay for ******** power bill! $300+ a month for winter! grrrr
... Grumble grumble Can't even do my dishes grrr not like I enjoy doing dishes... grumble grumble... But I hate having dirty dishes... grumble grumble... complain complain.... grrr... $#^% &$%&@ $^%&* ... vent vent vent!!! k I'm done.
GRRRRRRRRRRR FFS ... lol grumble grumble... ffs
Light of Dae
01-18-2012, 05:39 PM
OH and to ad to my wonderful day Whist being cold n building a fire I burnt my fingers! The same two fingers which I slammed in between to big logs when bringing wood in yesterday! Joy. they are throbbing.... grumble.
Least I got a job.
01-18-2012, 09:58 PM
Congrats on the job! Must be that interview you were going to that you posted about before? Good for you!! I need to find a part-time job myself here is getting tight and I'm just sitting around on my keester waiting for my nursing clinicals to start next year. I think I'm going to look around at animal hospitals...
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 08:47 AM
Well this is just great... Got the water running last night only to wake up this morning to NO water at all, not even the toilet is getting water! lol Good side is at least I'm not cold anymore, got the house up to 25c (77f) and am actually hot, I got a heater fan going directly on some pipes, got my hair dryer wedged in the wall aimed at more pipes! This is ********, yesterday I could at least get a few drips, today.. nothing. bone dry. FFS This is worth grumbling about! If my pipes burst... I'm screwed.
01-19-2012, 08:49 AM
One thing I've learned from my stupidly horrible life... When it rains it pours.. and then it dries out for a little bit more.. then it rains some more.
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 08:56 AM
lol I agree. Makes me wonder what I did to deserve this... Maybe it was that I made cheesecakes for my step sisters n my mom n step dad but only gave my sisters theirs cause my mom went on n on about having too much food in her house... So I ate her cheesecake with my Fiance instead.... ? maybe lol
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 08:58 AM
Ha funny I just realized that this site blacked out R e t a r d e d lol didn't think it was such a bad word...
01-19-2012, 08:59 AM
Maybe! Seems like that happens... I do one little mischivous thing... I get a ton of bad stuff flung at me! Haha.
Also, that word might offend people who have mentally challenged kids, or are mentally challenged themselves. I have mental problems, but I can be called the worst words in the world and it doesn't tend to bug me at all.
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 09:35 AM
On a Snake not here...
Babs is REALLY REALLY active she is actually trying to burrow, she's climbing the doors, the temp / humidity gauges, in and out of every hole, nook n cranny of her fake rock cave, climbing up her vines , the flowers, the fern etc I think she's saying shes hungry... She's never been THIS active lol she has been non stop for 2 hours now... Worms n Salmon it is...
George the Brat Let the last pinkie mouse I had go bad over night.. He has only eaten 1 pinkie since I got him on Dec. 28th. He's drinking ok though... Think I just need to get him in his new tank, Which I'm almost done... speaking of which I should finish the lid...
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 09:38 AM
Ha as I typed that she stopped on the doors n looked at me for a minute or two... think her ears are burning cause I'm talking about her? Oh on the move again...
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 10:44 AM
Babs has now eaten ans is very fat and is still cruising around, a lot slower now, she should rest soon lol
She ate so fast it's a wonder she don't have hiccups lol With the first bite of worm still hanging out of her mouth she was eyeing another and there was no break of push it down, readjust the jaw it was straight for another with the one worm still right behind her head lol Eager Beaver!
George is up n watching.. Maybe he intended to eat the mouse this morning but I wasn't going to trust that it was good anymore, sitting out for 10hours.... no. Maybe I'll see if he'll have Worms n Salmon like a good snake... lol Babs didn't leave any left overs so I'll have to cut some more up :) He normally isn't up this early, he is like a teenager who gets out of bed around 1pm or 2pm lol
I think it's cause the house is so warm now... Tanks are up about 10 degrees from normal... Won't hurt. Hopefully will increase Georges metabolism enough to make him hunger enough to eat what I give him! Picky Ba@$%$d!
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 10:52 AM
...Still can't get a drip out of any of the taps.... grrrr
Light of Dae
01-19-2012, 04:10 PM
Hmmm George is so so shy!! I'm going to make a point of handling him almost every day at least once or twice a day! I can't stand it! I was sitting on my couch which is near the tanks n he had his head resting on the food dish full of worms n salmon lol like he was basking in the smell! (Like me as a kid with my nose hovering over fresh baked bread when it's too hot to eat but just loving the smell) I uncross my legs and BOOM he retreats! I can still see him watching me through his vines but I don't think he'll eat now...
Babs is just getting bolder n bolder earlier when I fed her she came right up to my hand, so I said hiya Babs n she looked up at my face, flicked her tongue, n went to her buffet :) George... needs to get closer to that point... He hides to much! Babs never hides (unless she is in the process of ripping off her old skin) she is always out in the open, either in her vines or atop her rock.
On the water front here I hope to be hearing it run soon. I crawled underneath my trailer n plugged in a space heater n the heat tape. Fingers crossed! I want to do my dishes n wash my face n have a shower n such!
Light of Dae
01-23-2012, 07:59 AM
Yay, got water running yesterday and don't seem to have any burst pipes!
Babs is doing great, getting bolder every day! George is also showing him self a little more. I bought a bunch of pinkies and he already let one go to waste! It sat out all night for him! I'll try one during the day today.
01-23-2012, 08:50 AM
Good to hear Babs is doing well. Being bold is typical for a radix.
Hoping George will continue to improve also.
01-23-2012, 10:08 AM
Come on George! Stop wasting food! If Cee Cee the piggers were there, she would eat it in a fact, I better not mention it too
Light of Dae
01-23-2012, 10:52 AM
I know eh? I'd of given it to Babs but it sat out all night... I'm not sure I'd trust it. Almost 12hours... From 7:40pm to 7am ... Garbage!
Babs is got blue eyes again... It's only been 13days since her last shed! I'll get pictures :)
01-23-2012, 12:18 PM
I know eh? I'd of given it to Babs but it sat out all night... I'm not sure I'd trust it. Almost 12hours... From 7:40pm to 7am ... Garbage!
Babs is got blue eyes again... It's only been 13days since her last shed! I'll get pictures :)
A 12 hour old pinky to a radix is just aged meat. In the wild it would have been eaten without hesitation. :D
"Waste not, want not" It's a radix motto.
Light of Dae
01-24-2012, 10:08 AM
A 12 hour old pinky to a radix is just aged meat. In the wild it would have been eaten without hesitation. :D
"Waste not, want not" It's a radix motto.
Fair enough, lol good thing I hadn't taken out the trash yet, it was sitting on a 'clean' plastic waffle bag that I threw out at the same time. :) It was still rinsed and then doused in worms after being cut in half. I think Babs is getting more n more of a taste for mouse! She had a few little worm chunks then got the pinkie n after the first half of pinkie she actually pushed a worm off the second half before grabbing it! Then finished her worms after like a good fat Radix, lol My fiance is just in awe of how fat she looks after she's eaten lol I noted how he looked after I made Steak n Scalloped Potatoes n Awesome Salad :D
Aaaaaaand then there is George.... Yet another pinkie sat out, untouched... He is currently in time out for not eating his supper AGAIN! (A towel over his cage so he cannot see me or anything outside of his tank) He can stay in time out until he eats his supper! Bad Scale-y Child! He has lost weight, I'm not overly concerned, but I am a bit. He drinks water, is active-ish, His skin doesn't feel loose or anything, he just looks hungry... Odd thing George is. Do you think maybe he feels to cold at night n that's why he's not eating? How long is a whole pinkie good left out?
01-24-2012, 10:41 AM
What do you feed them besides pinkies? Because Seeley was not eating recently when I was feeding pinkies and then all of the sudden when I offered fish and worms, he went crazy for the worms. I noticed you mentioned you feed fish too? I think you have mentioned fish before. Is it just the pinky he is refusing? I'm weird about leaving food out...I don't leave it out for more than a couple of hours...I kind of go by the same rule of thumb as people food. I'm also weird about letting my snakes get too cold at night. Other members argue that they can take it pretty cold...and I know there is supposed to be a temp drop at night...but I don't let it get lower than 70 degrees in their enclosure.
Light of Dae
01-24-2012, 10:46 AM
I was told pinkies were all he would eat.. I've tried worms n salmon... I've got some frozen minnows I can try.. Tried a live guppy n he had no interest at all... He has only eaten one pinkie since I bought him a month ago...
Light of Dae
01-26-2012, 09:54 AM
Well George ate a minnow yesterday! I know Minnows aren't ideal But I honestly didn't think he'd eat it lol I'm most likely going to the city tonight so I'll stop at a Petco or Petsmart n see if I can't get some frozen silversides :)
Babs shed this morning, perfectly yet again! 16days in between her last shed, How crazy is that! :D My growing machine! lol
Yesterday I cleaned her fake rock n while trying to take it out she wouldn't leave me alone lol It was so cute! she came down from her vines to my hand, so I stopped for a bit let her check out my hand. Then went to 'shoo' her along so I could remove the rock and she comes back n sits on it! I move her along again, two seconds later shes on her vines coming towards me AGAIN lol it was so cute! So I gave in, took her out n gave her a warm bath :)
Ahh bath time :)
This was Georges' Time Out lol
01-26-2012, 11:45 AM
great pics! *gulp* is a good shot!
01-26-2012, 11:58 AM
Looks like someone is about to shed! Have you tried mixing the pinky with the worms or fish for George? Cut it all up in to little pieces so the scent is all mixed together and see if that will get him eating something else...It worked with my snakes.
Light of Dae
01-26-2012, 04:49 PM
Looks like someone is about to shed! Have you tried mixing the pinky with the worms or fish for George? Cut it all up in to little pieces so the scent is all mixed together and see if that will get him eating something else...It worked with my snakes.
Lol Babs did shed this morning! the blue eyes where on the 24th, bath with 'clear' eyes yesterday. will take shiny freshly shed pictures soon.
I've tried that for George but although he was interested n sniffed it all, no go. but will try a couple silversides (providing I find some) seeing as he ate a minnow...and I have yet to try a 85%mouse to worm ratio. He also didn't touch worms n salmon, nor just salmon. Picky eater!
Light of Dae
01-28-2012, 11:39 AM
All Shiny n cute! The jar was to help humidity get a little higher... Didn't work very well ... Oh well still had a perfect shed at 25%
Who Me? Cute? Here you can see what I think is a unique pattern to her... Solid black stripes along her dorsal stripe, spots atop her lateral stripes. There is no sign of spots forming along the top. Also note her dots on her head n the first little bit of her dorsal strip are white-ish.
Here I lined up the sheds to show you the growth of just 15days :)
Light of Dae
01-28-2012, 11:46 AM
Here you can better see her neat pattern. ... sorta... This shows her color a little better.. The bright orange surrounded by solid black stripes, the brown-y purple-y color, the light yellow spots n stripe, and the beautiful olive green towards her belly :)
01-28-2012, 02:32 PM
Pretty little snakie :)
01-28-2012, 02:37 PM
Yes...very pretty!
01-28-2012, 03:02 PM
Any radix pattern = Neat ;)
Babs looks very nice.
Light of Dae
01-30-2012, 09:09 AM
I forgot to mention that I have changed out Georges aspen shavings for paper towel until he learns to eat when I give him food n while I am present n watching. I'm far too nervous that he would ingest substrate. Oh and speaking of that picky snake he let a minnow go bad the other day as well a mouse... 24hours untouched... well he moved the minnow around... it was half out of the dish.
Meanwhile in the well behaved tank, Babs has a full belly and is happily basking n digesting her worms n mouse. :)
George has been a little more active n seen since he ate the minnow a couple days ago, maybe hopefully that means he'll realize that food is good n that he should eat again and more frequently! I'll try a minnow scented mouse today since he seemingly liked the minnow...
01-30-2012, 12:27 PM
Maybe that will work...keep us posted!
Light of Dae
01-31-2012, 07:06 AM
grr on George. Minnow-y mouse still there... lol Meanwhile Babs is looking at me like I've digested enough, I'll eat it! (She still has a bulge, yes them scales make her look fat right now) I know she'd eat it in a heart beat...
01-31-2012, 09:28 AM
Sounds like Cee Cee...she would eat until she puked if I let her!
Light of Dae
02-02-2012, 08:40 AM
Go George! Go Go Go George! He ate a worm yesterday! I think I'll treat him with another today! ... Seeing as there is no bulge lol Yay George! One of my favorite things to see is an empty dish!
Babs is still awesome... so is George... But I've had my little Radix since she was a week old so... She can't help but be my favorite.
02-02-2012, 01:18 PM
Good news. Way to go George.
02-03-2012, 09:48 AM
This was Georges' Time Out lolIn order to get my hognose to eat on a regular basis, I've done a variation of this. I put him in the deli cup with his fuzzy mouse. Then I put the deli cup back into his tub. I can leave him for several hours if needed, knowing he's securely locked in, still kept very warm. It's worked the last three weeks.
02-03-2012, 12:52 PM
Did Jason give you that tip, Theresa? He told me to do that with Hermes when he wouldn't eat when I first got him. It didn't work with Hermes...he got too nervous...but I figured out a kind of variation on it that worked for him. I always put his food down on a little plastic lid and then put his hide over the lid...then I put him in the hide with the food. It always works...he stays in there until he eats.
Light of Dae
02-04-2012, 10:44 AM
Yay George He ate his pinkie mouse and half a worm last night! Good boy George!
I think Babs is almost as long as George is, just not as wide... Babs is going to be big I think, George is 10-11 months old Babs is only 7 months old (I think, don't have my phone with the date saved here) Babs is around 16" where as George is around 17"-18". He is twice as wide as she is though.
02-04-2012, 10:48 AM
Nice going George.
02-04-2012, 01:03 PM
Good job George!
Light of Dae
02-07-2012, 08:16 AM
Well, I'm going to leave George with another mouse n see if he eats it during the day while I'm gone at work. I'll leave him some worms too... He seems to like worms.
02-07-2012, 08:24 AM
Seeley is on a "I'm only going to eat worms" kick now. Little stinker! He just has to make it difficult for me when I have a nice bag of frozen pinkies in the freezer and what is left of my worms are dying. I just ordered some good worm bedding and worm food and a nice container for them...with the help of Steve, though. Now I have to go buy some more worms when the stuff gets here. Luckily, Seeley is getting ready to he won't eat for a few more days.
Light of Dae
02-09-2012, 07:27 AM
Well I have been happy with Georges attitude as of late, he has been eating better and he settles down a lot sooner then before when handling him. He has got some girth back and hangs out in the open most of the time now. Good boy George.
Babs is doing good as is expected lol Yesterday my Momma in-law came over, I love my Momma in-law, and Babs wouldn't stop staring at her lol She just couldn't figure out this new person sitting near her! Momma moved to the side, Babs head followed! It was cute. I explained that they can recognize my face n that Babs was probably wondering who she was. Momma looked at Babs, smiled, waved, said 'Hi I'm Anita, nice to meet you', then she couldn't help laughing (she was talking to a snake, What a crazy thing to do) And I swear Babs acknowledged her, then went curled up on her rock, and just observed us casually, rather than staring at Momma.
02-09-2012, 11:55 AM
So far it hasn't seemed to me that my snakes like anyone but me...they jump and hide when anyone else in my family passes by the tanks. But interestingly, when my mother has been helping to hold Cee Cee when I give her the injections for her RI, she has not musked my mother or tried to bite her like she does with the vet and the vet techs.
Light of Dae
02-09-2012, 08:49 PM
Well your mom probably don't smell like the vets and hasn't tried using the "OH MY GOSH IT"S SUCH A DANGEROUS AND VENOMOUS SNAKE!!!!!!" Grip on Cee Cee either. So I think Cee Cee has a slightly higher opinion then someone who sticks like vet tech n reminds her of the "OH MY GOSH IT"S SUCH A DANGEROUS AND VENOMOUS SNAKE!!!!!!" Grip. So I think your moms okay if she can avoid those two things. :D
02-09-2012, 11:20 PM
Lol...well the first vet tech and the vet did not act like that. It was just the Interestingly, the one who claimed she had a garter when she was little. I don't know what kind of garter she had...maybe a infernalis or something! Or maybe one of those rare cobra garters...rofl. But Cee Cee musked and bit at all of them nonetheless...even the ones who were nice to her. She just doesn't like animal hospitals I guess! Speaking of all of this..I gave her another shot tonight...she was very well behaved :).
Light of Dae
02-12-2012, 10:52 AM
Hey I don't like the vet / clinic / hospital smell either Cee Cee, doesn't mean I bite or fart on them, so you (Cee Cee) BEHAVE the next time at the vets! lol
It's good that she behaves at home though.
02-12-2012, 10:56 AM
You mean you don't bite and poop on the doctor when you have to go in for a check-up? Lol... Hey...speaking of...what's the update on your situation???
Light of Dae
02-12-2012, 11:01 AM
:) I'm pregnant
02-12-2012, 11:08 AM
Ahhh...I thought for sure you were going to say no because we hadn't heard anything. So? What does Cole say? What's the plan?
02-12-2012, 11:09 AM
Light of Dae
02-12-2012, 11:15 AM
Well it's still a wait n see thing, we don't want to get our hopes up just yet. I mean I'm excited n bouncing off the walls, but yet really scared that I'll lose it again. We got the room in our house n some money in savings so it's okay in that aspect. Lol Cole is just annoyed that he has to clean the cat litter box now lol
Fingers crossed. :)
02-12-2012, 02:55 PM
Lol...well, keep us posted. My fingers are crossed for you too!
02-12-2012, 04:00 PM
Was I the only one who got caught off guard by the pregnant thing Lol Congratulations :D
02-12-2012, 07:25 PM
She was talking about it on the Oh So Quiet thread a couple of weeks
02-12-2012, 07:52 PM
I didnt know that so in my head it went from " Snake " to "I'm pregnant" Lol
02-12-2012, 07:53 PM
Lol...yeah...I can imagine it sounded pretty funny!
02-13-2012, 05:43 AM
:) I'm pregnant clever you did it without brumation....:D
edit pay no attention to my signature...:D:D
02-13-2012, 07:53 PM
Light of Dae
02-13-2012, 08:39 PM
Thank you all for the congrats.
I am on my way to Calgary for a few days, for work training. Snakes have been fed n Both ate all their food, So they are good there. I just gotta get Cole to turn on n off their lights. Should be fun, Company car, paid for food n hotel, and nothing to do lol.
02-13-2012, 09:01 PM
Have a nice trip!
Light of Dae
02-16-2012, 08:33 AM
I miss my snakes! ... and my Cole n all my pets. Calgary is lonely
02-16-2012, 11:34 AM
I like how you said the snakes before the have your priorities in check. :D
02-16-2012, 12:15 PM
:D !!Congratulations!! :D
Light of Dae
02-18-2012, 02:27 PM
Back home! Oh I love home! My cats were all over me, Shade wouldn't let me outta her sight, my snakes seemed happy I was home, even my salamanders came out to see me! Then Cole got home from work n lover'd my up with hugs n such lol So happy to be home!
I've been really busy with my new job n such so I haven't been posting much at all. How ever this could not go with out being posted...
George is going to shed! Yay! I think he deserves a treat!
02-18-2012, 02:50 PM
[QUOTE=EasternGirl;199268]You mean you don't bite and poop on the doctor when you have to go in for a check-up? Lol... I'd like to!!! :p
02-18-2012, 04:27 PM
George is such a handsome fellow!
Light of Dae
02-28-2012, 10:01 PM
hmm so George still hasn't shed... I've checked n checked again. He doesn't even look like he needs to shed, he defiantly isn't all shiny n fresh shed looking.. still dull-ish. He was blue blue for three days .. could this end up what some people have experienced as a 'double shed' ? I have tried given him warm baths, shed boxes, rub downs with warm wet towels... he don't wanna shed!
Babs is doing good, body looking kinda dull, she... HE? will probably have blue eyes in a few days or so.
02-28-2012, 10:46 PM
he'll shed in the next couple of days, if not sooner. ;) great looking snakes!
02-29-2012, 05:06 AM
Yeah...give him a couple more days...sometimes it just seems to drag on. They look great! We never decided if Babs is a he or she? Start a thread on it...get everyone's opinion.
Light of Dae
03-01-2012, 09:06 PM
Yay George! He shed! It was not perfect, three pieces. I checked him out and nothing is retained, full eye caps n tail tip. He had shed around the flowers so I think that's why it ripped twice. And he ate some worm chunks.
I took pictures .. just havn't have time to post. freaking life in the way.
03-01-2012, 09:31 PM
Very good news.
03-01-2012, 11:14 PM
shedding and eating is always good news! :)
03-01-2012, 11:17 PM
That's great! Congrats!
03-02-2012, 09:22 AM
Good news...yay for George!
Light of Dae
03-04-2012, 11:23 AM
George is all shiny :)
Babs/Daffy is on the edge of concerning me... He has got a lip infection, you can see it in these next two photos.
03-04-2012, 01:42 PM
Minor lip infection in my opinion.
You might also check to make sure there isn't a couple retained supralabial scales.
Sometimes those retained scales can curl the lip slightly making it look infected.
Both snakes are looking good.
03-04-2012, 08:10 PM
03-04-2012, 08:25 PM doesn't look too bad...use some hibiclens. Put a few drops of hibiclens in a cup of water and dip a cotton swab in it...dab up under the lip where it is infected a couple of times a day for a couple of weeks...should take care of it. Of course, like Steve said...check and make sure there isn't any retained shed around that area first.
Light of Dae
03-18-2012, 09:18 AM
Ok So later today I will post a few pictures, I got the new tank finished n set up. Got George n Daffy in there together and they are getting along great, hoping Daffy brings George out of his shell. Going to buy a UTH today and get them a little warmer :) Seeing as my last 100w bulb burnt out :P
Everyone is doing great, I've just been SO BUSY I love my new job but am missing being a homebody.
03-18-2012, 10:24 AM
Well thanks for the update! We miss you too! Glad you are enjoying the new job.
Light of Dae
03-18-2012, 09:43 PM
Here is the tank, so far... I've got plans for a platform yet.
Checking out the new place.
Ain't this cute!
03-18-2012, 09:48 PM
Nice photos.
They both have beautiful eyes.
03-19-2012, 01:45 AM
Nice photos, love the last one. The fake rock turned out well, but I assume it's difficult to fish them out if they decide to hide at the back?
03-19-2012, 07:05 AM
Aw, they're homies! :D
03-19-2012, 07:56 AM
Looks great! I love it when they snuggle like that...they look so cute. Beautiful snakes you have there!
Light of Dae
03-19-2012, 08:34 PM
Nice photos, love the last one. The fake rock turned out well, but I assume it's difficult to fish them out if they decide to hide at the back?
Thank you, It's not to hard, I just make faces at them n wave my figure in a mothering "your going to be in trouble if I get to three! ONE! TWO... Good snakes." kinda way lol
Light of Dae
03-23-2012, 12:09 PM
So I revamped the tank with more branches n vines as well a UTH which is just to the right of the fake rock.
View from the 'mountian top'
Light of Dae
03-23-2012, 12:33 PM
Love how they are both trying to hide here. Oh n don't mind the thread in the picture, it was a loose piece that I thought I had lost... Turns out it just stuck to the branch n vines :rolleyes:
Wait.. did you say something about food?
I secured the lamp cord to the lid with a giant bobbie pin. Here you can also see the mesh that I used to snake proof this 'hamster cage like lid' Which you can buy in stores n its sold as a 'snake proof' lid. HA maybe for big arsed snakes like a boa or something like that lacking curiosity lol Either way it is NOW not just 'snake proof' it's GARTER SNAKE PROOF!
The white strip is a shoelace that I stitched on to cover the sharp cut edges of the wire screen/mesh.
03-23-2012, 01:02 PM
Looks good! Love the pics with the snakies poking their heads out. So cute! Yeah...I love the stores' ideas of snake proof tanks and lids. Is that aspen you have in there? The pieces look so much bigger than my looks better than the stuff I have.
Light of Dae
03-23-2012, 01:17 PM
It sure is aspen. This stuff is considered 'shaved' where I think the stuff you got is 'shredded'. I ain't sure I like it much. I have to dust it before putting it in. I've come up with a good method for it if you want. There are still lots of smaller pieces in it, but they tend to sit on the bottom. snakes love borrowing in it.
03-23-2012, 02:12 PM
I think I read where you said something about sifting it through a window screen? I was just thinking it might not be sharp like the pieces of the shredded aspen...those pieces give me splinters when I'm cleaning it or putting it in a tank...and it gets all over the place.
Light of Dae
03-23-2012, 02:50 PM
yea, this stuff is pretty good. Yea window screen basically. It's not hard.
03-23-2012, 03:51 PM
I'd like to see even a garter get through the lid now that it is properly snake-proof. Before the extra grill it wouldn't have been much of a challenge.
Light of Dae
03-23-2012, 05:03 PM
:D Garter proof was my plan :D I knew before I bought it all at a value village that I'd have to do something about the lid :P Heck now it's even bug proof! :)
Light of Dae
04-05-2012, 09:40 AM
So Babs... Daffy... (Still not sure on if my Radix is a she or a he...) for the first time had a small issue with shedding, just missed the tail. It was REALLY obvious and impossible to miss. So it was bath time, little dip in some warm water and it didn't take much at all. Just held onto it really and she did the rest. I think she knew I was helping her... because she was weaving through my fingers like normal then completely stopped when I grabbed her tail n just pulled her tail free. Then she just turned n looked at me, like she was saying Thank you. Who ever said owning a snake gives nothing back, never owned a Garter.
This little Radix of mine is turning SO green, I love it!! NONE of these pictures do her ANY justice as to how green she really is. Her nose is like a bright forest green and her lateral stripes are light olive green and just above that is turning the beautiful bright forest green. <3
Look at her/his tail here... Male ? Female ? I no know anymore.
Light of Dae
04-05-2012, 10:00 AM
George is doing good, still little shy when in tank and takes a minute to calm down when first taking him out, but he is eating better. Although he still waits awhile before investigating any food, unlike little piggy Radix who is the first one to flick a tongue and then races over, George sits back n waits, flicking his tongue but not bold enough to be first in line, he always waits for the second course. :) Good boy George. He has also developed a fondness of sitting in my lap :)
04-05-2012, 10:38 AM
I would like to see a nice photo of the underside of the tail to be sure on that radix.
From the head structure I'm leaning toward male.
My favorite radix color is the green phase.
04-05-2012, 10:43 AM
The snakes are looking good! I would have to see a closer pic of that vent to decide sex. I thought we decided male though. Could you post a pic of George on the "ID please" thread...we are trying to decide if Rod's new snake is a marcianus...I don't think it looks like one...I don't think it's checkered enough.
Light of Dae
04-06-2012, 09:33 AM
I'll take more pictures in a bit here... Stupid housework getting in the way... Completely re did our living room arrangement... I'll now have an ENTIRE ROOM for me critters! Yay... OH AND my fiance said I can build something I've been wanting to for a while now... A giant living 'picture' A wall mounted / braced, rain-forest terrarium with creatures and critters alike... :)
Light of Dae
04-10-2012, 03:22 PM
:D I am so excited! Charles P IS going to GIVE me a couple young snakes! Easterns to be exact.. Some of the bright orange n possibly a red one as well :D I can't wait! I've searched around n found the best price for shipping was through Reptile Express, 2nd place was Air Canada Live. Reptile Express was just a hair cheaper and was more accommodating with a pick up from Charles town and a shipping kit with an insulated box, heat packs, and printed labels.
*Sigh* I love my addiction.
Only bad thing about it is... It is to darned hard to get snakes from the states into Canada, however I had email Scott Felzer and he said there was a lot of interest for his snakes in Canada and that there was talk of 'pooling' an order together across the boarder then distributing them from there. Hope that it pans out and I'm able to get more... and More n MORE MOOORRREE MORE hehehehe must have more hheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh ehehehe ......*THUD*
(passed out from hyperventilating)
*Sigh* Still love my addiction.
04-10-2012, 03:26 PM
WOW. You've got it bad. I'm so happy for you.;):D
04-10-2012, 03:31 PM
You need to get a few active breeders in Canada. With you addicted and expanding your garter collection things are looking brighter for 3 years time, just make sure when you import a pair that they are unrelated and good to breed together if you want to. :)
Light of Dae
04-12-2012, 03:40 PM
I am DIEING to import pairs to breed!!! I'd love to be THE Canadian breeder! Oh I don't know what I do with myself!
I would easily become the Crazy Garter Snake Lady.... Maybe I could get an Import Export Licence and maybe that would make it easier to get new breeders
here and oh the different breeds and colors I could have! I'd have WALLS lined with homemade tanks and maybe I could come up with a 'Central Heating system'
like heated water... cycling through pipes doing loops in the warm ends of all the tanks.. and.. oh my...
I'm going on and on.. I'll stop... for now... I'm currently at work...
Found a computer that didn't have EVERTHING except Google blocked...
I'd love to bring my snakes to work with me..
Then I wouldn't be so bored...
I don't like getting paid to...
sit on my butt..
all day...
04-12-2012, 05:23 PM
You can contact dieselbaby ( if you haven't already done so. She's bringing in some of Scott's snakes through Reptile Express.
There was also this one on ReptilesCanada: Garter Snakes - Reptiles Canada Forums (
I e-mailed the guy a while ago but didn't get a reply.
Light of Dae
04-24-2012, 09:19 AM
Busy busy busy! Snakes are doing great. I've changed their tank again... I reset up my ExoTerra cause I wanted front opening doors again. I also changed from aspen shavings to carefresh crinkle cut colored paper, It's cute and safe for them to eat on. Also added a moist hide with moss, it's just an old worm container with a hole in the lid, they love it! George is still working on getting over his shyness, being in a tank with front doors is helping and he is eating more now.. Still never the first to the dish so I make it really full so that after Daffy is done there is some left for George. Another reason I changed them to this tank is it was impossible to keep the other one humid, it was so dry they both had broken n issue sheds. Both of them I had to help get the tail pieces off and both where ripped n scattered around the tank. I had enough, Daffy had never had trouble shedding before. I'm sure Daffy is a male as well now. Hence the name change... Babs is a female bunny off Animaniacs ... So Daffy he became. ... No need to explain who Daffy is right? Now... pictures are needed...
I was going to use this one for this months contest but alas I was a day late.
Light of Dae
04-24-2012, 09:45 AM
Invisible Snake
04-24-2012, 09:54 AM
Beautiful snakes! I especially love that pastel checkered.
04-24-2012, 10:06 AM
Great snakes, and a colourful viv. :)
04-24-2012, 10:46 AM
Beautiful green phase! Mine is getting some amazing colors also! I swear she is getting peachy coloring on her sides! I wish I had a camera!! She is one that Steve sent me. Her name is Jade but I think I should have named her Olive! ;)
Light of Dae
04-30-2012, 07:26 AM
So George shed again. It was almost perfect! I thought it was at first glance, but upon closer inspection... It had looked like the tip of the tail had just slide out n not fully reversed the shed skin... But alas looking directly at the tip of the shed I could see it was missing. So I tackled him with a warm wet towel n my finger nails... He was not pleased. He also pooped in his shed, like a brat.
George was actually the first on to eat the other day! I saw him out n about n Daffy was still sleeping n the tank was nice n warm. So I chopped up a whack load of worms n chopped up two pinkies n filled the dish... I then sat back n did some house work... peeked in n saw George fat n sneaking up for some more yet! Daffy was snoring I swear! George was all happy n fat basking out in the open on top the vines when Daffy finally stopped dreaming of worms n realized that there really was worms waiting for him. Later on they were both fat n basking together.
Daffy is still awesome. I poked my head in the doors to the tank n he just turned, looked at me n heading towards my nose till he was touching it. George looked on from the moist hide, envious of his bravery.
04-30-2012, 07:41 AM
Good update. Thanks.
04-30-2012, 08:30 AM
Such beautiful snakes! And congrats on the easterns! I don't think I have to tell you how I feel about easterns....:D.
Glad all is well in Canada!
Light of Dae
05-03-2012, 07:37 AM
So Last night I had a dream that I had George out n he kept leaping out of my hands! I dropped him like five times! And Daffy just poked his head out the tank doors n watched me continually drop his buddy! Then Lewie almost got him but I snatched him up just before he became a cat toy, but I did so so fast it felt like I half squished him! I put him back in the tank n he flew out of my hands again n smacked his head on a branch! I then went to bed... It was only a dream.
I woke up so worried I had hurt George when I turned on the lights n saw George out in the open sitting on top of the vines, I sighed .. it was only a dream. George is weird, he has been out in the open at night rather than curling up n staying warm with Daffy like he used to. I looked at the temp gauge this morning cause it is cold this morning... (like cold as in I'm out of propane, and running very low on firewood). Anyways the tank was at 10c ... I think I'm going to attach the UTH and just turn that on for nights. Daytime temps are perfect, I get 30c warm side, 23c cool side. They are always up in the main heat area. I am now using two bulbs for light n heat... the original 50w normal bulb, and now a 75w daylight spot light, for heat n full spectrum. They both love the additional light n heat. If I got a fire going n it was a lot warmer in here and I shut off the 75w bulb they end up hiding, turn it on n shut the 50w off though and they stay out under the 75w.
05-03-2012, 11:43 AM
Maybe you subconciously knew that it was too cold for George so you turned that into something else in your dream...sorry, just the old shrink coming out in me! I have dreams all the time in which my cats are escaping and I am running around trying to get them back. If I'm not worrying about my animals when I'm awake, I'm worrying about them in my dreams...No rest for the wicked! Lol. I think the UTH is a good idea. I always leave mine on for the snakes when it is cold at night here. Let us know how he does with that.
Light of Dae
05-03-2012, 05:45 PM
lol maybe eh.
So I'm getting around 600 frog eggs tomorrow... :) They are from a guys own frogs not just wild caught n captive born.. They'd still run the risk of parasites eh? Was thinking I could freeze some after they metamorphisized n are full grown :) Also planing to 'populate' my dugout as there are little to none in it and I need help killing mosquitoes :) The rest will be pets :)
Speaking of there being little to none... I found one today Cute tiny little guy.
Light of Dae
05-06-2012, 09:21 AM
George is eating great these days, I think he finally picked up a clue from Daffy about appetite and just get over yourself n eat! I gotta feed today, and I'll try n get pictures of him actually eating!
Then I gotta find something HUGE to take pictures for this months contest.... An Idea for anyone that can get a Giant Pretzel... I have no where around here to get one. I've got small ones in front of me now...
... Hey I just got an idea.... hehehe I'll have an awesome picture ... Just gotta buy one or two things n awesomeness shall be here..
So I didn't get 600 frog eggs... I got about 1200 lol Two little tadpoles are swimming around already. I think they must have been from an adjoining egg mass that was laid earlier. The majority of the eggs have little almond shapes to them, some are more like commas. :D
My snakes are both happy n staring at me ...
I think I must feed them...
Worms n Pinkie chunks they tell me...
I'll be back after tending to my masters...
Or later on with pictures ..
Got lots of running around to do today, as well as heading up to the city..
But there will be pictures!!!
Light of Dae
05-12-2012, 08:35 AM
Ok. So I'm going to head up to the closing pet store again today... Just to see what they have left, and help them 'clean it out' :) At awesome Cheap Rates!!! Today is the last day they are open!!!!
05-14-2012, 05:57 PM
I was told pinkies were all he would eat.. I've tried worms n salmon... I've got some frozen minnows I can try.. Tried a live guppy n he had no interest at all... He has only eaten one pinkie since I bought him a month ago...
Hi Michelle, I seem to be late to the party here.
Just to clarify as there seems to have been a misunderstanding, but when I sold you George I never said he would only eat pinkies. His whole life he ate mostly fish & worms (salmon, trout, tilapia all had been eaten) with a little chopped pinky here & there for variety. I had in the last month-two months before you got him switched him to mainly pinkies as I was finding most wanting their garters switched to pinkies for ease of feeding. I did mention this all to you, but at the same time you did just drive an awful long distance to pick him up & were clearly quite excited :) I'm sure it was all a blur.
I wish you would have contacted me when you had some feeding concerns though as I would have happily helped you get him back eating again.
That said George looks great, a lot like his daddy (my avatar pic) & you've clearly cared for him very well which is great to see. It's pretty cool to be able to see one of the snakes you've produced thriving in it's new home and growing up.
Congrats on the pregnancy as well! :D
05-15-2012, 08:04 AM
Glad to hear the snakes are doing well!
Light of Dae
05-21-2012, 01:26 AM
So took everyone out for some grass n sunshine....
05-21-2012, 01:28 AM
Lookin good! Love that one with the dog.
Invisible Snake
05-21-2012, 02:07 AM
Good pics, I'm surprised the dog didn't bite the snake.
05-21-2012, 02:52 AM
My dog wouldn't bite any of my snakes. She knows if I'm around, anything near me is not a toy.
05-21-2012, 05:41 AM
Both good looking animals.
Light of Dae
05-21-2012, 08:25 AM
Light of Dae
05-21-2012, 08:43 AM
Shade is awesome. She listens so good n knows not to go after or even lick my snakes. She will sniff n look at them if I let her, but if I say no, she will ignore them n will turn her head away. Good girl.
Even my pregnant kitty(anyone remember me talking about her being a horny teenager?) Knows better then to bother my snakes. But she did have to come see what I was looking at in the grass, then decided she didn't care about them lol
I picked up this HUGE tank for 50bucks! It is 5'x2x2.5 It is awesome! ... What to put in it though...?
05-21-2012, 09:22 AM
Awesome tank at an equally awesome price.
Dogs rule and cats drool.;):D
05-21-2012, 09:41 AM
WOW, huge tank. Somebody is going to be very happy calling that home.
05-21-2012, 12:44 PM
Great tank! Love the outside pics of the snakes...I really love George, he is one handsome fellow. Daffy looks great too. It's so awesome how you can take your snakes outside and they won't flee...I can't do that with my easterns...Cee Cee would be gone before I could catch her! I think that I am going to take Sadie outside though on the next nice day we's been raining here and is going to continue for another week. I think Sadie could definitely sit in the grass and explore without me having to worry about her bolting like Cee Cee.
Light of Dae
05-21-2012, 02:29 PM
Haha I really didn't 'let go' of them. Most of the time I was still holding their tails... Few times George disappeared and pulled himself so tight under the old grass that I had to let go of him n watch VERY carefully to see n find him again. They are to small for me to let go, too fast.
Light of Dae
06-09-2012, 06:34 PM
Ok So I have some good news and some bad news to share today. I always prefer to hear bad news first so...
Two bad things actually... First my scorpion died. I didn't realize the light from the adjacent snake tank was stressing him out.
Secondly n more upsetting is my dear Daffy, my Radix is on the run. Has been on the run for two weeks now. I've looked EVERYWHERE, tried EVERYTHING. :'( I'm so lost with out my little pig of a Radix greeting me every morning.
Good news
My Eastern Flames are going to be here on the 12th!!!! Perfect birthday present for myself.
Invisible Snake
06-09-2012, 06:37 PM
Sorry about your scorpion passing away and I hope you find Daffy soon :(
06-09-2012, 06:41 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about your scorpion, and hope your radix turns up soon!
And on the other hand those flames sound exciting :D
06-09-2012, 06:42 PM
Hoping Daffy makes an appearance soon.
Maybe she's only out on a short walkabout.
Light of Dae
06-10-2012, 08:14 AM
I think Daffy enjoyed the photo shoots n time outside too much... I don't have much hope in finding him... there are so many places in my house that a full sized boa could get out. Daffy, He well was growing big but he was still small. I've searched under the house and around the yard n all sorts of spots where he could be hiding.. I've put out warm towels and hides down n all.
06-10-2012, 08:21 AM
:(So sad about both things, but don't give up hope. Ya just never know who's lurking around the corner.
Light of Dae
06-10-2012, 08:42 AM
Good thing is I have not found him dead half eaten by the cats.
06-10-2012, 08:42 AM
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Think positive and keep an eye out:)
Light of Dae
06-11-2012, 06:29 AM
My Eastern flames will be shipped out today!!!! I can pick them up on Tuesday morning!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited!!!! I'll post pictures, lots of pictures!
06-11-2012, 06:51 AM
We can't wait also.
06-11-2012, 01:46 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Daffy! Sorry about the scorpion as well. Don't give up hope on Daffy showing up...he knows where the food comes from and I have heard so many stories on here of people thinking they will never find a lost snake and then the snake just shows up. I will be hoping the best for you. Looking forward to pics of those flames! I just love flames!
06-11-2012, 05:33 PM
Ooh me too!! I can't wait to see the flames :D
Light of Dae
06-11-2012, 08:06 PM
I'm excited, I get to get off work early to pick them up!!
Light of Dae
06-12-2012, 06:35 AM
They are coming today today today toooday toooday!
Snakes snakes snakes in the mail! Tooday Today today!
Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to end up speeding to work, speed leaving work, pick them up n drive like my grandma! (my grandma is a great driver)
Ps I'll have to also post pictures of my very pregnant kitten Piggy... I've been saying for two weeks now that she is going to burst n that she couldn't get any bigger... but she is just getting bigger n bigger! Still... Any day now all I'll be hearing is... mew.
06-12-2012, 06:48 AM
06-12-2012, 09:23 AM
I'm excited/maybe a little jealous :p
06-12-2012, 01:55 PM
Definitely jealous. My fiance would kill me if she found out I paid the going rate for flames... so I ordered 3 Pugets and 3 red Plains instead (shhhhh) ;)
06-12-2012, 01:58 PM
Definitely jealous. My fiance would kill me if she found out I paid the going rate for flames... so I ordered 3 Pugets and 3 red Plains instead (shhhhh) ;)
Just tell her you got mates rates, and a bulk discount. :)
Unfortunately for me the wife knows the going rate for garters, no pulling the wool over her eyes when I bring a new snake home.
Light of Dae
06-12-2012, 05:09 PM
THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Alive n Well!!!!!!!!!
charles parenteau
06-12-2012, 05:18 PM
I'm very Happy Michelle !!This is awesome .....Reptile express is the best !!!
06-12-2012, 05:20 PM
Light of Dae
06-12-2012, 05:21 PM
Awesome box!!!
Uh...??? Where are they!!!!!!
IT's EMPTY???!?!?!?
Oh there is one of them....
Light of Dae
06-12-2012, 05:28 PM
Oh there you are!
Ever cute!!!!
Going out to explore!
Crunchy paper!
Checking it all out.
06-12-2012, 06:00 PM
06-12-2012, 06:27 PM
Light of Dae
06-12-2012, 07:35 PM
They are settling in nicely, Both have found the water, one went for a swim. I'll leave them be for a while. I'll offer some food tomorrow, Worms n pinkie parts perhaps? I think I'll try that.
Invisible Snake
06-12-2012, 07:39 PM
Good looking flames. Try to offer them the same food they have been eating, mixing in whatever you plan on feeding them from now on.
06-12-2012, 07:41 PM
They look fantastic! Congrats!
06-12-2012, 09:27 PM
Very nice. Congrats, that was very cool of Charles. :D
06-12-2012, 10:19 PM
06-13-2012, 07:15 AM
Very nice!! They made it almost all the way across Canada!
Light of Dae
06-14-2012, 08:03 PM
:'( Found Daffy..... flat, dry, dead. :'(
06-14-2012, 08:28 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that :eek: I know that has to be hard:(
06-14-2012, 08:31 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss.
06-14-2012, 08:35 PM
So sorry. That is very sad.
06-14-2012, 09:22 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that!
06-14-2012, 11:58 PM
Sorry to hear it.
charles parenteau
06-15-2012, 05:47 AM
Sorry to hear that !!Not one of the snake I gave you????Hope not!!!
Light of Dae
06-15-2012, 07:09 AM
The flame girls are doing good, so is george.
Light of Dae
06-15-2012, 07:18 AM
06-15-2012, 07:25 AM
06-15-2012, 10:07 AM
Sorry to hear about Daffy. Not that it's any consolation but as sad as it is, it's better to have found the body than to always be looking out of the corner of your eye wondering if Daffy would turn up.
Light of Dae
06-16-2012, 11:10 AM
I agree with that. George just looks so lonely now... I found two baby checkered garters at a 'Big Al's' a big fish store. I inquired about them n picked both of them up, they were young but both looked like females... I asked what they were feeding and I got a lady telling me they get pinkie mice and minnows. I held my calm and explained about thiamise and the dangers of it, they have feeder guppies and should use those instead. She instantly changed her tone of voice n said 'well duh, we use guppies when we have them but its like only 2 times a week they get fish anyways and its not bad' I kinda wanted to slap her... she just started acting like a 'know-it-all' (typical pet store attitude)
Cole was with me and before talking with this ... lady and he was asking me 'why don't you work at a pet store?' After talking with this lady I told him that is why.
Light of Dae
06-16-2012, 11:40 AM
Oh and they had Tiger Salamanders mislabeled as 'water dogs' ... Most of them had morphed into terrestrial ones already n were all piled up on top of each other fighting for the small bit of log n 'land' that was in this water tank. The ones that are still aquatic were starting to lose their gills n will be needed land soon too.. ffs.
06-16-2012, 01:36 PM
Are you thinking of "mudpuppies"? They look similar but remain aquatic and are sometimes called waterdogs. Tiger Salamander larvae are normally referred to as "waterdogs" too so they did get that right.
Caudata Culture Species Entry - Tiger salamander
(, Water Dogs.htm
Light of Dae
06-16-2012, 05:03 PM
No they were tiger salamanders just like mine. all were already morphed or in the process of morphing to the terrestrial adult.
Light of Dae
06-16-2012, 11:54 PM
All snakes n critters are doing great, Both Eastern Flames ate some worms n chopped pinkie mice the other day, just enough to round their little bellies! I'll figure out names soon, one I think I might call 'Vee" like V for Vendetta. and the smaller girl I'll figure a name out yet, she is more naive n calm when holding, however she was all calm in my hands n I took her outside to show her off to some company n she (Still calm) started musking all over my hands in a very calm manner... lol I had to laugh.
Here you can see the 'Vee' On the bigger girl.
George is doing good, lonely but good. He needs a mate *Hint*hint* Spank *hint*Hint* I wanted to buy those checkered girls from the fish store but that lady rather turned me off... Plus they were little over priced. I think. AND I'm trying to save for USA snakes... *HINT* Spank again If you wanna rehome some critters... any girls unrelated to him?*HINT* lol
06-17-2012, 12:17 AM
I think there's a hint in there somewhere... ;)
Unfortunately all the babies I just had are from the same pairing that produced George & not planning on any other Checkered litters this year. That said a friend has unrelated Checkereds in. I can send you his contact info if you like, he owns a reptile specialty store in town here. Otherwise perhaps George might like an Albino brother for a future roomate?
Light of Dae
06-17-2012, 08:28 PM
I think he would be good with a white brother roomie lol I'll take your buddies contact info, any idea how much he'd charge me?
Light of Dae
06-24-2012, 11:57 AM
So I fed some hungry little mouths yesterday, They were so CUTE!! I was picking them up n putting them up to the food n well.. they both enjoyed swimming in their food. lol really enjoyed swimming n playing with their food.
So adorable ain't they? I think they smaller one is going to shed some time in maybe two weeks? Slightly blue eyes as she sits in the dish.
There was a few times when they looked at each other like food. Never bit though, I just picked them up n moved them. It was all good.
MMMM Mouse chunks. Dine in.
MMM going to take this chunk to go!
06-24-2012, 12:05 PM
Wow their colours are AMAZING.Its good to see some garter that are enthusiastic about their food:D
Invisible Snake
06-24-2012, 12:31 PM
Great pics and funny captions :)
06-24-2012, 12:33 PM
Light of Dae
06-24-2012, 12:38 PM
06-24-2012, 12:54 PM
Cute little ones :)
06-24-2012, 02:44 PM
Thats so cute! They're like toddlers, playing with their food:p
Light of Dae
06-24-2012, 09:41 PM
Yea they are eager about their food! Fat little bellies they have now. Couple times I went to pick them up n put them back to the food the bigger girl struck at me twice real fast like but was too short to reach my fingers lol
charles parenteau
06-24-2012, 11:30 PM
Those snake are from a pure wild bloodline....from all the 9 garter snake i kept from this litter I only have one male....we need to keep this bloodline pure so in the very next year I will ship you a male from the same location.If you want....
06-25-2012, 04:51 AM
Beautiful looking babies, but this was not the thread to read while eating breakfast. :p
Light of Dae
06-25-2012, 05:50 AM
I would LOVE a Male or two Charles!!
06-26-2012, 06:13 PM
OOOO me too me too!!!!! I want some!!! :D
Light of Dae
06-28-2012, 10:17 PM
Cute little guy(I'm actually hoping it is a female because if it's a male... it will never mate. It has a stub tail maybe 1/4inch after its vent, looks healed up n all.
Also has a nice fullish belly..
I did notice bumps on the belly though... Parasites? or...?
Looks about the size Daffy was when I got him at a week old, maybe two weeks old?
Will post pictures as soon as I can.
Little one is active and tongue flicking and drinking water
I almost forgot what Musk smelt like...
Light of Dae
06-29-2012, 05:50 AM
Stubby tail is a lot calmer this morning. Looks like she(To young to visually have any clue, plus with most of her tail gone...) had a good nap curled on top of her temp paper towel hide :)
I found Stubbs under a small piece of plywood by our drain spout, I didn't think I'd find a snake, Was actually just looking for frogs as one had jumped in front of me when I was walking across our yard. I was trying to find a froggly friend. I was so excited I almost dropped the board back down lol Picked stubbs up and Musk Musk!! lol
Nice yellow color.
Pictures, yes I know.
06-29-2012, 06:19 AM
Cute little guy(I'm actually hoping it is a female because if it's a male... it will never mate. It has a stub tail maybe 1/4inch after its vent, looks healed up n all.
Also has a nice fullish belly..
I did notice bumps on the belly though... Parasites? or...?
Looks about the size Daffy was when I got him at a week old, maybe two weeks old?
Will post pictures as soon as I can.
Little one is active and tongue flicking and drinking water
I almost forgot what Musk smelt like...
Not sure what to say about the lump. Need to see a photo.
Musk is such a wonderful smell. Hard to believe something so cute could produce something so foul smelling.
Light of Dae
06-29-2012, 06:29 AM
Here you can see the stub. and the tiny cute face.
Found the water!
Light of Dae
06-29-2012, 06:31 AM
The bumps are really small and can only be seen when she was curled around my fingers. I'll try and get pictures of them.
06-29-2012, 06:34 AM
That's a fine looking T.radix (Plains garter) with an all to common stub tail.
Little does it know it's in heaven now. Fresh water, food, protection and of course TLC.
I'm going with male at this point.
06-29-2012, 06:34 AM
The bumps are really small and can only be seen when she was curled around my fingers. I'll try and get pictures of them.
Underside tail photo please.
Light of Dae
06-29-2012, 06:40 AM
lol what tail!
I'll get a few shots of it after work today lol
My first thought was male too but I hope not.
06-29-2012, 06:48 AM
As long as his "package" was spared he'll be fine.:D
Light of Dae
07-01-2012, 09:36 AM
My little Stubby ate pinkie chunks! I ran out of worms but had some worm dirt that I mixed in the water with pinkie chunks n he circled n circled then decided it was safe to eat :D I didn't offer very much cause I didn't want any to go to waste. Plus I want him to realize that After I take him out n he calms down, he gets put back to some food :) I'll do it again today!
07-01-2012, 12:35 PM
Michelle...I am just catching up to this thread as I have been so busy lately. I am so so sorry about Daffy. I just teared up reading that. It's just so hard when you lose a beloved pet...and my thoughts are with you. But I am so glad that you found the little radix. I think sometimes God knows exactly what we need and gives it to us. I remember when my beloved Kaela, my yellow lab, died...I was so devasted. Little did I know at that very moment, my new dog, Presley, was growing inside his mother...soon to be my new puppy a couple of months later. I also love your flames...the pics of you opening the box and container were awesome! Congrats on your new additions.
Light of Dae
07-01-2012, 04:15 PM
Thanks Marnie, Yea I miss Daffy. George just isn't the same without him around. Was wondering if I (After quarantine) put stubby in with him regardless of the huge size difference and just separate for feeding?
07-01-2012, 04:58 PM
I would say with a huge size difference as you said, NO.
Separating at feeding time is only a fraction of the problem.
Light of Dae
07-20-2012, 09:32 AM
Wow, been awhile since I did an update...
Everyone is doing great, the flames are viscous eaters and try to attack my fingers, The little Stub tail Radix is awesome n active,(poop looks normal and good) I'll be getting a fecal exam done soon. George is active but still seems lonely, he freaks out being held more then the little ones and since Daffy passed away.
Tanks are almost ready for the new arrivals, just need to buy more paper towels. going to be moving the little radix into a little bigger tank soon too.
Pictures to come!
Light of Dae
07-21-2012, 08:09 AM
Here is one girl stuffing her face.
shedding girl. won't eat
Little guy doing good
Underside vent pic. Male?
07-21-2012, 08:25 AM
I would say male but I'm not sure he'll be functional. He's lost most of his tail and it appears very close to the hemipenis pocket.
Glad it is healed and he's doing well.
Light of Dae
07-25-2012, 07:46 PM
Yup Stubs is my broken little man :) He calms down so fast now, n he eats good, loves his worms, never seen a snake eat that fast.. His head just goes from side to side like a quick metronome. Or its like he is watching one of them crazy cat clocks on double time. He will be attacking a second worm before the first one is even down his throat!
Flames are doing good, growing, one just shed perfectly and the other is completely blue. The girl that was all shiny n clear headed didn't musk of anything when I picked her up... The girl in shed... freaked. lol couldn't see what was going on.
Georgey is getting big, just shed. he is getting calmer again with more handling. Still hides when he eats but that is okay, he eats like a horse :)
Found stuff for new setups at the dollar store. Wooden cube tissue boxes, bottoms slide out for easy cleaning, sealed wooden lattice for climbing on, cheap plastic containers for separate feedings, 12''x12 Plastic plant mat(looks easy to clean n will provide good fun hiding spots, could be strung up.. can see them loving climbing it...)
CANNOT WAIT FOR NEW ARRIVALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-25-2012, 08:09 PM
He may not be broken at all. Looks like the cut was at subcaudal 7 or 8. His wherewithal may still be intact and functional.
Let him pitch next spring and see how he does.
Light of Dae
07-25-2012, 08:38 PM
Let him pitch next spring and see how he does.
I will if I find him a female Radix :) He is kinda young yet, what age do you figure the start out in the wild?
*Im so miffed I couldn't import any Radix >:( I want more Radix!!!*
07-27-2012, 09:06 AM
Not sure. I guess as soon as the girls start smelling good to him.:D
Light of Dae
07-29-2012, 11:35 AM
Lol good answer Steve.
One little Flame is taking forever to shed! The other girl shed in a matter of days.. this one is long past blue eyes n still won't give up her old skin! Anyone think she may be a 'hoarder' ? lol She isn't dried out or anything and has fresh water and a moist moss hide.
Little Stubbs is great n active. Poops good. Loves Pooping in his water though... Brat.
George is doing good too. Got him to eat whilst in my hand... sorta lol
Light of Dae
08-11-2012, 09:46 AM
So I finally bought some silversides! Guess what everyone gets to try today lol Everyone is doing great! George is growing n getting way better being held, flames are little weeds n eating machines! The 11 new ones are all doing great, one female Zacapu shed the other day but I had to help her with her tail just before dinner was served... she wasn't happy bout that, she was the only one who did not eat. I started container feeding them to give every one an equal opportunity with the food. It seems to work really well, I will have to go to the dollar store and get a few more containers though, as right now I did the female group first, then the males and stubby. Would be nicer to do them all at once without having to wash dishes in between.
Here is stubby in Cole's big hands(bear paws) lol I thought it was a cute size difference lol
Here we have the females an their food. Sitting on top the males tanks.
Oh should add, the Chocolate ate while in full blue... Seen here.. smiling at me with a full belly!
Here is the female Flame/ery You can see how red she will be with a full belly, look down by her tail, see the red?
Cannot wait to see how they are all going to color up shed after shed!
I'll post pictures little later of them trying silversides :)
08-11-2012, 11:10 AM
Nice photos.
08-11-2012, 05:48 PM
Awesome! Glad to hear they're doing well:)
Light of Dae
08-11-2012, 11:25 PM
Grr, Got side tracked fixing fences again as my horse was standing beside the highway yet again. She walks right through the fence I swear.
So I only fed Stubby as he was staring at me n following my every move, Worms n silversides... He pushed the silversides to the side n ate his entire dish of worm pieces.
One huge worm cut up, Check.
One small Silverside cut up, no dice.
Light of Dae
08-14-2012, 10:54 PM
Ok so Got every single one of my lovely garters fed on Monday and yes everyone ate something!
I have no big fans of the silversides yet except one female Zacapu who ate everything as fast as she could then was looking at me for more lol she ended up stalking her neighboring container feeding mates lol Also had one Flame (from Charles) attempt to eat a chunk of fish but before biting it she shoved her face into it and tried n tried to eat it but then started to panic cause it was over her eyes and she couldn't get it off.
Melanistic peeking at me.
I added my newest creation to the females tank while they were out :)
Freash out of shed, Chocolate
Hanging with a mexican :) (sorry for the glare on the glass, didn't have any 'good' water left to wipe it with
Fish stuck on head.
08-15-2012, 04:12 AM
Love the picture with the stuck fish... My little Snappy used to wear her salmon as a hat... it was so cute..
08-15-2012, 04:23 AM
I like the setup.
08-15-2012, 05:54 AM
I also like the setup. Lots of things to slithers over, under, around. Makes for happy snakes.
Invisible Snake
08-15-2012, 07:38 AM
I'm really liking chocolate, I was going to purchase him/her from Scott but he didn't have any pics of chocolate so I passed on him/her :l
08-15-2012, 09:33 AM
What's the genetics on the chocolate? The only chocolate i've heard of is vagrans, which Scott's website says he doesn't work with anymore.
Invisible Snake
08-15-2012, 10:23 AM
What's the genetics on the chocolate? The only chocolate i've heard of is vagrans, which Scott's website says he doesn't work with anymore. From what I remember, it is a schuett eastern.
08-15-2012, 10:29 AM
Great pics Michelle! Everyone is looking good!
08-15-2012, 02:22 PM
Awesome pictures! I really love your melanistic:D Also love the one with the fish hat:p
Light of Dae
08-16-2012, 09:17 PM
I have no idea on the genetics on the chocolate... Schuette eastern something sounds right. I almost didn't buy her because there was no picture but said awww what the heck why not. lol Glad I did.
08-17-2012, 09:16 AM
Never heard of a chocolate before. Very cool.
Light of Dae
09-01-2012, 11:07 AM
Had friends come over with their kids the other day... Lol Their mom isn't a ... fan of snakes... She has every right to blame me for their love of my snakes lol
Let her hold the laziest Zacapu girl, who stays in a ball for the duration of being held lol
Stubby is doing awesome! He has got to be the most active of all my garters. Happy pooping n shedding. Loves to eat.
George is also doing good, enjoys when I take him out now. Hasn't musked me in ages.
The lighter of the flame girls exploring my couch. Eating n pooping n shedding great.
The darker flame giving me a proper musking lol Eats, poops, sheds great.
Light of Dae
09-01-2012, 11:59 AM
Will take pictures of all the little ones soon, didn't have time to clean cage last feeding as it was feed n run out the door lol
Now its cleaning n attaching new heat mats to the tanks. :D
09-01-2012, 12:52 PM
You have a great little bunch of snakes:)the flame's colour reminds me of fire skinks.Also what is a Zacapu?
snake man
09-01-2012, 03:47 PM
I think george might be my favorite, all awsome though.
09-01-2012, 05:03 PM
Also what is a Zacapu?
It's a type of Mexican garter. I do believe Thamnophis eques insperatus.
Light of Dae
09-01-2012, 07:33 PM
Here are a few pictures of my Mexican Zacapu girls. The typical "Ball Defense" tactic...
Maybe more like 'I'm small ... don't eat me'... or the 'not moving... you can't see me'
Lol either way its funny. You can flip them over and they don't move except sometimes
they up right their head n watch you but the rest of them stays upside down.
I got more pictures to come of everyone as well!
*edit* these pictures are of one of my mexicans... I had to help her get the shed off her tail. She was very co-operative.
09-01-2012, 07:34 PM
Sweet looking little scrub.
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