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01-08-2012, 08:31 PM
Alright. So I picked up frozen silversides from my local pet store sometime before Christmas. I've tried to get Cuddles to eat it three or four times, with no results. He did shed within the last week or so, but he's been acting hungry since then. Still, I haven't had any results.

He's been going to his dish looking for food, and he's had a couple worms in the last few weeks, but I really want him eating more than just worms. But he's absolutely refusing the fish. Even if I wiggle it with tweezers, he just runs off and hides. And he ignores it if I leave it in there with him. I've also tried rubbing the thawed fish in worms, and he still doesn't seem interested.

Any other suggestions? Something I haven't tried?

01-08-2012, 08:57 PM
Cut up the worms and mix fish chunks in with it. Using more worms then fish the first time.
After that reduce the amount of worms.
Make sure the fish gets plenty of worm slime on it.

01-08-2012, 09:27 PM
Try going to the grocery store and getting the salmon fillet or tilapia fillet...a different kind of fish might work. Make sure it's American and wild caught...not from a foreign country and farm grown. It can be expensive but you get can a very small piece..get a fresh piece from the seafood counter...or from a seafood store. Cut it up into small pieces and mix with the worms like Steve said..making sure to put more worms than fish, and get plenty of worm slime. You may have to try frozen pinkies... I know you said you don't want to do frozen rodents...but you may have to if your snake won't eat anything else. Your pet store might have them. You can cut them up frozen, thaw them and feed them. We can tell you exactly what to do.

01-09-2012, 01:08 AM
I actually did try frozen pinkies once...with similar results to the fish. I bought both at the same time, before christmas, to have them just to try. So far it hasn't gotten me anywhere.

I'll try the worms and fish mixed together either tomorrow or Tuesday. I have to do it when my stepfather isn't around or he'll tell me to get rid of it all. It's difficult to get the fish ready in my room.

01-09-2012, 02:20 AM
What Steve suggests should work for both fish and pinkies. You just need to build a taste for the different food without the snake realising.
For prepping food (I'm lucky the wife let's meet do it in the kitchen) I have a plastic chopping board, knife, jam jar for defrosting in warm water, and jam jar lids etc as feeding plates. If you have a surface to cut stuff up on it should be fairly easy to prepare the food anywhere, as you're cutting up small amounts you'd probably get away with using some sort of plastic food container lid instead of a proper chopping board.. Just some ideas.

01-09-2012, 02:27 AM
Yeah...you can use plastic baggies to thaw stuff. Just put the frozen stuff in the baggies and run it under hot water...or put hot water in a small cup and put your fish or pinkies in the cup to thaw for a couple of minutes. You can do that in a bathroom. Like Chris said, you can take a knife..or even use scissors to cut stuff...on a small plate...I cut stuff on paper plates all the time...you could do that in your bedroom...you just need some paper plates, something to cut with, and a couple of paper towels. You can be fairly sneaky about it if need be. Many of us have to deal with people who don't react well to some of this stuff. I'm sorry your family isn't more supportive :(.

01-09-2012, 10:46 AM
We had a vegan friend visit last night. It was feeding night. She had to walk past Vlad's viv with it's 3 thawed pinkies on a platter for Vlad (and the fussy !$%$!%$£ didn't eat for the first time since we've had him, so one of the pinkies went to Lacrimosa and the others were still there this morning, not happy, 50p's worth of pinkies in the bin. Grrrr. Rand over). Not the same as an unsupportive family, but another way that others don't always appreciate that the snake they like to hold also has to eat.

01-09-2012, 12:10 PM
as you're cutting up small amounts you'd probably get away with using some sort of plastic food container lid instead of a proper chopping board.I use the lid from a dip or margarine tub. I cut up the pinkies and fish on the lid, let them thaw to room temp, then feed. Only one knife and lid to wash. My guys wouldn't eat the fish by itself but when mixed with the pinkies, usually eat every piece.

01-10-2012, 12:56 AM
My trick to get mine on pinkies was to get some small gold fish from the store and get her to eat one from her water bowl. That was an easy task as the movement made her extremely excited. (gold fish are not a good regular food BTW, but got her excited about it.) I then took a pinky and put it in a bag with some gold fish with minimal water to make sure the fish rubbed all over it. The smell was enough to catch her attention and get her to eat it after a couple tries.

Perhaps getting her used to a fish in a stimulating way might get her interested in migrating to the thawed fillets. I tried getting my checkered to eat fish fillets, but she wanted little to nothing to do with them. She will eat mice now (she is on large now that she is 3), so the fillets haven't been a pressing issue. also the mice give her a good source of calcium.

01-10-2012, 07:58 AM
We had a vegan friend visit last night. It was feeding night. She had to walk past Vlad's viv with it's 3 thawed pinkies on a platter for Vlad (and the fussy !$%$!%$£ didn't eat for the first time since we've had him, so one of the pinkies went to Lacrimosa and the others were still there this morning, not happy, 50p's worth of pinkies in the bin. Grrrr. Rand over). Not the same as an unsupportive family, but another way that others don't always appreciate that the snake they like to hold also has to eat.

enjoyed this Chris ...you always know where you are with garters.....they always let you down :D

01-10-2012, 08:48 AM
enjoyed this Chris ...you always know where you are with garters.....they always let you down :D

couldn't let this one pass veggie snakes great concept :D


my snakes are vegetarian
or so i had assumed
I bought them lots of leafy stuff
hoping it would be consumed
I placed a bright tomato
on the floor just by their head
they wouldn't touch the bloody thing
it was me that turned bright red
I made a mash with carrots
added pumpkin and a sprout
I tried to force feed all of them
but they spat the lot back out
their faces all stared back at me
as they tried to get a take
on the kind of fool who gives this stuff
to a creature loving snake
their contempt for me was palpable
and i thought i heard them say
did you climb out of the gene pool
when the lifeguard looked away
so i threw the veg over our back fence
now there's non left in the house
and the snakes are sleeping peacefully
with their belly's full of mouse.

01-10-2012, 02:10 PM
Love it John!

01-11-2012, 10:48 PM
Alright. He took a worm a couple days ago. Now I am trying bits of worm and fish mixed together to see if they catch his interest. He really enjoyed the worm. It was a baby nightcrawler; the first whole worm he has ever eaten.

I decided to put the worms and fish in tonight because he was at his water dish looking for fish. Sometimes he goes to the water dish just to hang out around the water, but other times he's hunting for the fish that used to be in there. Since he seemed interested today I decided to go ahead and put some food in. Hopefully he'll show interest in the fish and the worms before I go to bed, because I don't really feel comfortable leaving the fish in there overnight.

01-11-2012, 11:18 PM
I know how you feel..I don't like leaving food overnight either. I'm glad he enjoyed the worm and he ate something at least. Did we discuss supplementing worms with calcium and vitamin D powder if he will only eat worms for a while? Don't get discouraged if he does not eat the worms and fish tonight...at least he ate a worm. Do you have more worms? If he doesn't eat the fish and worms and you have more worms, maybe you could offer him another worm tomorrow. You may have to try a few times with the worm and fish mixture before he will eat it...it took me a few times before my snakes would eat it. How are things with your family in terms with them dealing with Cuddles?

01-12-2012, 12:28 AM
If he keeps refusing everything but worms then I will find some supplements to add to that. I have plenty of worms, though they may not last much longer since I've had them for a while. A few have died.

My family is okay. One of my brothers likes to hold Cuddles (with supervision) and the other one tries to grab, but I keep the snake away from him. Both of them love the snake though. I can't take him out when my Grandma is here. My mom and her husband ignore it now, but I think he dislikes it a lot.

01-12-2012, 02:38 AM
We can tell you specific supplements that you need and that are safe to use. Just let us know if you want to try that. Can you get worms around there? It's nice that your brothers love Cuddles. And although your mom and her husband dislike him, I guess it's good that they are at least tolerating him and letting you keep him. They may not ever love Cuddles the way that you do...and that is okay as long as they allow you to have him and don't give you a hard time about him, then just take what you can get...that's the way I look at it...some people just don't get us snake people ;).

01-12-2012, 03:45 AM
I have easy access to worms, except that my school hasn't sent my last paycheck yet so I'm currently out of money and a job. That's been the big road block since I've been home. Hopefully I'll get my job and my paycheck soon. I could probably borrow money from my mom for worms, though. Supplements, however, would be another story entirely.

I don't think my mom and her husband will make me get rid of him unless he causes a real problem. The boys come in every day to see him, and I don't think they would take that away from them. They'd be very confused little boys. As long as I'm responsible for him, they don't care. I got my mom to touch him once, and they've even admitted that he doesn't look so bad.

01-12-2012, 07:37 AM
See? That's progress! It might seem small..but it is...like I said, just give it time. Two years ago if I had asked my mother if I could have a snake in the house she would have said "no" without a doubt...now she not only allows me to have three, but she asks about them all the time and knows I'm getting another one in the spring. I'm not saying that your mom will ever love Cuddles...but you never know what will happen...just give them time. The supplement you need costs about $12 with shipping if you order it online...here is a link...or you can look for it and see if you can find it somewhere cheaper: http://www.amazon.com/Rep-Cal-Calcium-Vitamin-Ultrafine-Powder/dp/B00076HTQA

01-12-2012, 09:25 AM
Two years ago if I had asked my mother if I could have a snake in the house she would have said "no" without a doubt...now she not only allows me to have three, but she asks about them all the time My mom has held the hognose and the leopard gecko, but neither are very fast. I doubt she'd try to hold a squiggly garter! She was very glad when we sold the ball python (to use the money to buy garters!) She was always nervous of it. She doesn't understand the tarantula either...

01-12-2012, 01:43 PM
My mom has said absolutely no to any snake bigger than a garter. Which is why I couldn't buy any corn snakes. Now my parents are getting old and they are getting ready to sign their house over to me...I'm thinking once the house is in my name, I might just have to get that corn snake...heh heh. If I brought a python in here or a tarantula...I think everyone would probably move out. They are my parents...so I do try to respect that they live here too.

01-12-2012, 01:48 PM
Marnie, I can't see you with a corn snake.
Not after your start with Garters.
It's like requesting coach after you've been seated in first class and paid for first class. (No offense intended towards anyone corn owners) ;)

01-12-2012, 01:58 PM
I actually like corns. I kind of fell in love with this really big cornsnake at my pet store. She is so sweet...she slithers up my arm and curls around my neck and just sits on my shoulder. She is so sweet. I know they aren't garters and never could be...they don't have the personality or curiosity. I think as long as I could appreciate the corn for the corn...and as long as I had my garters...I'd be fine. I would never replace garters with any other snake though!!

01-12-2012, 05:28 PM
If I asked for a python I think my mom might explode. She never let me have snakes because she thought I wanted one of those xD But I always wanted garters. As for a tarantula....I would move out if I knew one of those was living in this house! I don't mind the daddy long-leg spider that lives in my closet, but anything else is a no-no. I'll kill it on the spot, no questions asked (that's a step up from my mom, who can't even kill them!).

I'll look into the supplements once I've gotten a job. In the meantime, I will keep pushing the frozen fish and I will continue to try and find safe live fish that he can eat occasionally.

01-12-2012, 05:53 PM
We have an infestation of Giant house spiders (Tegenaria duellica), those are KOS, and so are most other spiders except jumping spiders. Those little guys make me laugh.
I have bad reactions to spider bites, though.

01-12-2012, 06:46 PM
Any spider that looks like it might be willing to crawl in bed with me dies. I don't mind spiders, but they do freak me out a bit. Daddy long-legs not so much.

Cuddles just took a worm. But he didn't take anything last night. I'll try the worm/fish mixture again Saturday or Sunday.

01-12-2012, 07:17 PM
Okay...normally I would say I respect all living creatures...but spiders must die. As far as the daddy long legs in your closet...um, sorry..no. It would die. Chantel...I don't care how poor I am...I would sleep in the street if my house was infested with any kind of spider. Do you remember last year when I was posting about the spiders that started flying in my air conditioner and landing on my bed?? I slept on the couch for weeks until pest control could get rid of those suckers. I use what little money I have to have pest control come and spray for spiders every couple of months at my house because we get them in my basement and I do not want them coming up in the house.

Ashley..I'm glad he ate another worm. Yeah...just try the fish again. You picked the best snakes with garters.

01-12-2012, 07:25 PM
The only reason I let the daddy long-legs stay is because he never leaves the closet, he doesn't hide in my stuff, and I tried to kill him twice and he still survived. Also, it's impossible for him to bite me, so that's not a problem.

Do you think he might take quicker to f/t mice than fish? I have two pinkies in the freezer and I could try one chopped up with the worms. I was thinking he would take to f/t fish because he started out on live fish.

01-12-2012, 11:09 PM
You never know. It's hard to know what they will like. One of my snakes prefers pinkies and one prefers fish and both lived on worms in the wild. So it wouldn't hurt to try the pinky...since you are having such a hard time finding live fish he can eat and you want him to have something beyond worms. Give it a try.

I would be afraid I would put a sweater on and the daddy long legs would be in it....but you said he doesn't hide in your stuff. I don't think I could sleep knowing he was in there though...I would think he was crawling in bed with me all night...lol.

01-13-2012, 12:10 AM
I'll try a pinky mouse this weekend. Maybe that will change his mind about frozen food.

The daddy long-legs spiders usually don't hide in stuff like that. At least not around here. Their webs might touch stuff, but the webs are small and easily broken. I've also never found one in my bed. I've found some nasty spiders there, though.

This particular daddy long-leg survived two attempts on his life, so I gave him the benefit of living.

01-13-2012, 08:27 AM
Right...I understand you letting him live. Okay...if I found spiders in my bed...I'd be sleeping on the floor!

01-13-2012, 02:15 PM
If there are spiders on my bed, they probably came from under my bed, in which case, I would not be sleeping on the floor! I'd be on the couch!

There was one time my friend and I had been watching paranormal television shows in the dark in my room. All of a sudden I pointed to the floor and said "Oh my gosh!" It totally scared her. Then I added, "Look at the size of that spider!" There was a huge spider scurrying across the floor of my room. THAT was terrifying. I don't think we ever managed to kill it, either.

01-13-2012, 03:15 PM
All this talk about spiders and what do you know? A spider was crawling across my bathroom floor after I got off of here this morning. I hadn't seen a spider in my house in months. Just thinking about them is attracting them!

01-13-2012, 07:51 PM
I think there may be a worm loose in the tank. Wonderful.

01-13-2012, 07:57 PM
A worm loose in the tank? Make sure you get it out of there as soon as possible. I don't know what you are using for substrate but if it gets substrate on it and Cuddles eats it, it could cause an impaction...very bad.

01-13-2012, 08:03 PM
A worm loose in the tank? Make sure you get it out of there as soon as possible. I don't know what you are using for substrate but if it gets substrate on it and Cuddles eats it, it could cause an impaction...very bad.

In addition to that the worm might dry out. Garters will still try to eat them anyway possibly causing an impaction.

01-13-2012, 08:13 PM
I'll get it out soon. Hopefully before we leave -_-
I'm not quite sure how it got out...the container has very tall sides and it was inside of it all day.

I caught the stupid worm. It didn't make it far, and it wasn't out for long because it wasn't very dry. It's been washed and returned to the container. Hopefully it will stay inside of it. I've never had one escape before.

01-13-2012, 09:08 PM
Sounds good. I can't remember if I asked you before what kind of substrate you use?

01-13-2012, 11:08 PM
It's Aspen Snake Bedding, for now. I want to change to bark, because it looks more natural. I'm careful about keeping an eye on him to make sure that he doesn't ingest any of it. If he would take food from tweezers or even outside of his tank then I would give it to him that way, but he refuses food if he's not inside the tank and completely alone.

I was going to switch to bark as soon as I got home, but apparently the local Petco doesn't carry it, even though the Helena one did >_<

01-13-2012, 11:55 PM
The only thing that worries me is that if he has to be alone to eat...he could ingest a piece without you seeing him. Even if the worms are in a container...garters often drag their food off of dishes and so forth and through the substrate. I just had it happen with two of my snakes...and Chantel just lost a snake because of an impaction from ingestion of substrate. Bark is actually just as dangerous for the snake to ingest...there really isn't an absolutely safe substrate. Some members lay dish towels down over the substrate when feeding. With two of my snakes, both who refuse to eat out of their tanks and do not like to be watched when they eat, I lay a paper towel down and then put the food on a little plastic lid under a hide for them on top of the paper towel...then I cover their tank with a bath towel so that they think they are alone...and I can peek under the towel to check on them while they're eating. Just some suggestions...I just want to make sure Cuddles doesn't end up with an impaction...it happens to so many garters.

One more thing about the bark...I don't know if Cuddles likes to burrow...my snakes love to burrow and I recently switched to bark and they don't seem very happy because they can't burrow anymore...so I'm switching back to carefresh.

01-14-2012, 12:17 AM
This reason is exactly why I switched to paper towels , I actually kind of like it better because it use to look like it was tropical because of the color contrast it had. I'm thinking of getting repti bark but still planning on using paper towels for a while.

01-14-2012, 02:03 AM
I'll try some of those ideas. I did lay paper towels down once, but he refused the food that time so I ended up taking it out. I never did try it again later. I'll try that this next time. I'm not feeding him again for a few days so I'll have plenty of time to figure out what I can do. I want to get him to start eating outside of the tank, on a paper towel or something, so that I don't have to worry so much about substrate.

01-14-2012, 11:53 AM
An idea for you Ashley...when you get a job and some money...and for you as well John, is a separate feed tank. That is what many members use for feeding. You can just actually go to a dollar store and get a plastic shoe or storage tote and put some little holes in the top for air..and use that...or you can get a small 5 or 10 gallon tank. Many people use the plastic totes because they're cheaper...I have a pet store near me that sells me used tanks and I have a plastic turtle terrarium that I use. Then you just keep paper towels in there for substrate and put a couple of hides in there if you want and move the snake into that tank for feeding. Now mind you...it depends on your snake how well this will work...Cee Cee is a pig and will eat anywhere, so I can move her to a feed tank with no problem. Seeley will sometimes eat in a feed tank...but he is very skiddish, so sometimes he refuses to eat anywhere other than his tank. If I put some hides and some of his plants in the feed tank and cover it with a towel...sometimes he will eat in it. I tried moving Hermes to the feed tank last night and he just flipped out the whole time wondering where he was and refused to eat...so I had to move him back to his enclosure and put his food on a dish on a paper towel under his hide.

01-14-2012, 02:24 PM
I actually have some plastic containers that would work well for that. I'll try that idea, since it seems the easiest. Then I don't have to move things around in the tank just for feeding. I can take him out and put him in something else...

I'll try that tomorrow when I try the worm and mouse mixture and see how it goes. He seems to adjust quite well to new tanks, so if I can move one of the plants and the smaller hides into it, I think it should work.

01-14-2012, 03:07 PM
Yep..sounds good, try that. Let us know how it goes.

01-15-2012, 02:55 PM
I tried offering him a worm in the feeding tank today, but he refused it. He also refused it while in his normal tank. I think that I can get him to take food in the feeding tank, but it may have to wait a while. My sister is having some problems and it's causing a lot of fights. Our dog is picking up on the tension and trying to hide, so I'm wondering if that's why Cuddles has been acting strange over the last couple of days. Do you think it's possible that a little snake can pick up on tension between humans? Our dog and cat certainly can.

01-15-2012, 04:29 PM
I don't know if he could pick up on tension...but they can feel vibrations that is similar to hearing for us and if there is a lot of shouting he may feel the vibrations and get nervous. If he can see people moving about quickly he may get scared as well.

01-15-2012, 05:33 PM
I had to keep the boys in my room for a while so there was a lot of noise and movement. And there was yelling a few times that could be heard even with my door shut. And the dog was in and out, so I had to raise my voice with him.

He's been hiding for almost two or three days straight, ever since this whole thing started. Maybe it's just been too loud. Hopefully things will be calmer now.

01-15-2012, 06:51 PM
Sorry that is happening. He could be scared of all the movement and noise. Could he be getting ready to shed?

01-15-2012, 08:32 PM
He shouldn't be shedding again so soon, I wouldn't think. It hasn't even been a full two weeks since the last shed.

But, things have calmed down and I had a success with the feeding tank. He took a small piece of worm in a trial run with the container. So, tomorrow or Tuesday (assuming things remain calmed down, which is unlikely since mom is babysitting tomorrow) I will be trying out the feeding tank and some thawed pinky mice mixed with worms.

01-15-2012, 11:45 PM
Okay...sorry...did you post that he shed? I remember now when he was getting ready to and you were worried because you were leaving, etc... But I didn't remember you saying he shed. Are you still posting on your original thread? Maybe that's why I missed it...I've been following this one now. Sounds good about the feeding tank. What exactly are you using for a container? I'm glad he took some worm.

01-18-2012, 12:14 PM
Yeah, I posted that he had shed. It was perfect, and a bit of a surprise for me one night when I was changing his water.

I'm using a plastic tub that I happened to have just brought over from my grandma's house. I'm going to try worms and pinkie mouse today. Well, tonight after I get back from church anyways.

How should I cut the mouse up into pieces? I think I've been putting it off because I'm afraid of what will happen when I try to cut it up like I do with the fish.

01-18-2012, 12:59 PM
Cutting them up while frozen makes the job a lot less messy.

01-18-2012, 12:59 PM
Cut it when it is frozen. Then it isn't that bad. Cut off the head, then cut the head into smaller pieces, cut under the head going down the body in little slices all the way to the feet...then you can cut those slices into smaller pieces if you think the pieces are too big for Cuddles to eat. I know it sounds bad...but it isn't too bad cutting it when it's frozen. I then take the frozen pieces and put them in a cup of hot water for about 5-10 minutes until they thaw. Sometimes you have to touch the pieces to make sure they are thawed. There will be blood and guts once they are thawed...just to prepare you. You will get used to it...

01-18-2012, 05:16 PM
That was a lot less disgusting than I thought it would be! He's in the feeding tank now. I'll wait and see if he decides to eat or not. He's been acting hungry.

Is 80 degrees too warm for him? My room stays at a constant 75 degrees or so and the tank usually registers at 80. That's with my window open and everything. I even had it open when it was snowing last night. The humidity stays constant at about 50%.

01-18-2012, 07:07 PM
It really depends on the snake. If he seems comfortable and he isn't hanging out in the water dish soaking all the time or staying in his cool hide all the time (these would be indications that he is too warm) then I'd say it's fine for him. My albino checkered prefers it warm...he stays on the warm side where it registers around 82 next to his lamp. But my easterns go to the cool side if it gets over 78 on the warm side. 50% is great for your humidity level.

01-18-2012, 07:37 PM
Awesome. It's been insanely hot in my room since the snow came. Apparently my mom thinks it's cold. I feel like fainting.
I don't currently have a heat source because the lamp broke recently, so when I get my paycheck that will be one of the first things that I buy.
He spends quite a bit of time in hides, but he moves around the tank throughout the day, spending most of his time on the side farther away from my open window.

He's conveniently rejecting his food tonight. I may have to move him to his main tank and put the food on a towel on top of the substrate, because I have to leave soon. Hopefully he eats something before then.

01-18-2012, 07:56 PM
If you are going to leave, I wouldn't put him in his enclosure with a towel over the substrate...just in case he would get a piece of substrate on his food and try to drag it under the towel and you wouldn't be there to catch it. Better to just have him go without until you get back. I hear what you are saying about the heat...I hear people on here talking about their rooms and houses being 80 degrees and I would be sick. I get overheated really easily...I can't stand it over 70 degrees in my house. At the temps in your house, I'm sure he's fine without the lamp...it would probably be too hot for him with a lamp right now anyway.

01-18-2012, 08:06 PM
I'll take the food out when I leave, but right now he's sitting on paper towels in his main tank hiding (actually, now he's hiding under the paper towels). He's not interested in the worms if they're mixed with the mice, it seems.

I'm worried that even with me watching him he'll manage to eat some of the substrate. He goes all over the tank when he's eating.

01-18-2012, 08:11 PM
Then it's probably best to continue to try to feed him in the feed tank. If he gets hungry enough, he will eat. Try covering the feed tank with a towel like I suggested. It may help. The only other option would be to use paper towels or cage carpet for his substrate in his enclosure all the time.

01-18-2012, 10:29 PM
I don't think he's planning on eating tonight.

Can I re-freeze the bits of pinkie mouse, or is that not recommended?

01-19-2012, 06:35 AM
I don't think he's planning on eating tonight.

Can I re-freeze the bits of pinkie mouse, or is that not recommended?

Definitely not, the decompostion process will already be on the way. Always use fresh defrost. Re-freezing is not an option ;)

01-19-2012, 09:39 AM
Can I re-freeze the bits of pinkie mouse, or is that not recommended?I've refrozen whole pinkies. I'll rethaw and feed to the same snake but never freeze a second time. Our cat got a few when my hognose was on a feeding strike this past fall!

I wouldn't trust refreezing a chopped up pinky. The knife, cutting board, and dish can all introduce bacteria. I have three garters though, so there's not usually anything left over!

01-19-2012, 04:15 PM
I didn't end up re-freezing. I did re-freeze a whole one once, but then someone found that one and threw it out.
I only have one mouse left, so I'll work on silversides with him for now.

01-19-2012, 06:48 PM
Good luck...hope you can get him to eat. I was just reading in a book I have that snakes fed on a fish only diet can't develop vitamin B1 deficiency...which can lead to seizures and neurological damage. Now, from what I understand...this usually happens when the snake is eating fish fillet and not whole fish...but the book did recommend that snakes on a fish diet be given pinkies...and if they won't eat pinkies, then a B1 supplement. They recommended Brewer's Yeast...but I do not know anything about giving that to snakes...can another member please chime in here and tell Ashley if she should be giving a supplement with silversides? If so...where can she get a B1 supplement? I am also thinking that I may want to give a B1 supplement to Seeley because right now he is refusing pinkies and only eating salmon fillet...so I would like to know where to get a B1 supplement as well.

01-21-2012, 05:00 PM
He's showing some interest in the worm-fish mixture today. I think he's more interested in the squiggly worms, but even if he just goes for those it's a start. There's fish on them.

01-21-2012, 05:07 PM
Good to hear. Keep us posted Ashley.

01-21-2012, 07:08 PM
He took one of the worms that was in the fish. That's a start. It was a very small worm, so I'm leaving him in a while longer to see if he eats anything else.

01-22-2012, 12:37 PM
Good luck!