View Full Version : Marnie's Snakes
05-02-2012, 10:41 AM
Oh...sorry Steve!!! Lol...Stupid touch phones. I am always accidently touching the phone and calling people! :rolleyes:. Anyway....I was awake at 3am last night....ask me what I was doing! Well...for the first five minutes or so, I was watching as Cee Cee was doing her best to use her nose to lift the corners of the lid off of her tank! It was very interesting to watch. These snakes are so smart. Earlier in the evening I watched as she used her nose and the side of her face to try to dig her way out of the bottom of the tank. It looked like she was building something! She would move the reptibark carefully with her nose and face...and pat it down with her chin in a different spot...carefully trying to dig her way out of the bottom. When that didn't 3am she decided she would try to figure out how to lift the tank lid. Now..whoever made this "reptile enclosure" didn't make it for snakes...the lid pops right I spent 10-15 minutes rigging the lid so she can't get it open. I am tired...Cee Cee must be tired. I keep looking in her enclosure and telling her to go to sleep!!! Maybe she needs to pop out another baby. I don't know...but I certainly do not need her getting loose in my house.
05-02-2012, 12:30 PM
Cee Cee is now having reabsorbed looking stillborns popping out all over...I just removed three from her enclosure. They look exactly like the ones from last summer...and of course, I keep forgetting to take a pic...I'll get a pic of the next one. I'm sure there will be more. This makes the current count a total of seven babies, three live, four dead. I am praying that just one more comes out alive at least...but I am not hopeful at this point. My thinking is that since she retained them for so long, they were all starting to reabsorb. Depressing. :(
05-02-2012, 12:45 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this :( I'm glad she's at least passing them, for her own health.
05-02-2012, 12:59 PM
That is sad news. Sorry Marnie.
05-02-2012, 02:38 PM
Thanks guys...two more dead babies since the last post. I got a pic and will post it a little later. I guess she should get them all out now...which is good. She is very restless so I'm thinking she will keep passing them. I keep hoping maybe one will surprise me and pop out alive but it is doubtful at this point...they are coming out partially reabsorbed...dried up looking and some of them are not whole. Poor little babies. I'm just so thankful that Zeus, Ariadne, and Perseus made it out alive before she started retaining...I don't know why the poor girl does this. I do know I will never let her breed again. It's just too stressful for her apparently.
05-02-2012, 03:00 PM
I'm glad the three little musketeers made it out! I would avoid breeding her in the future. Two years in a row with complications isn't a good sign.
05-02-2012, 03:16 PM
holly geeez!!! poor girl, its good theyre coming out
05-02-2012, 06:48 PM
Three more...we're up to 12 now. I'd say she's going for another 30 count. Mike, it's actually two litters in the same year...the other litter was last July, so it hasn't even been a year yet. The poor girl has been gravid most of the time I have had her! Yeah...unless she has stored sperm...she won't be seeing another male if I can help it. I got more pics of the stillborns...I've been running around all day. I'll try to get them up tonight or tomorrow.
05-02-2012, 07:22 PM
So sorry to hear about the ones that didn't make it, but be thankful that you have 3 healthy little ones and pray that Cee Cee comes out with no ill effects. Could she just be to young for this? I dunno, just throwing out a thought.
05-02-2012, 08:23 PM
Good news! The babies just ate! They all gobbled up some worm pieces. They really seemed to enjoy them. And I have never seen such polite babies before...they actually took turns eating. One would go up to the dish and eat a few bites, then he would leave and then the next one would go up. The only concern is that one baby wandered off the paper towel and ate a little moss. answer your question...I don't believe she is too young. I believe that she lived under the stairs at the back of my house for 2-3 years before I took her in. Who knows how long she was around before that. I don't think she is really old though...she is still very active. I think she simply tries to retain her litters for whatever reason. It may have to do with her being wild caught and feeling that she needs to protect the babies. Like I said, for that reason...because it seems to stress her out so much...I will not breed her again. I am very thankful for the three little ones that she had that lived! And I am very thankful to have her. I do hope that she gets through all of this...Cee Cee is a tough girl...that I know.
05-02-2012, 08:27 PM
Congrats on the eaters and I hope Cee Cee will be okay.
05-02-2012, 08:30 PM
That's great news! Glad they're feeding :D
05-02-2012, 11:35 PM
Thanks you guys. I'm so happy they ate. Cee Cee had one more stillborn tonight..but now she seems to be resting a bit. Will keep you all posted.
05-03-2012, 01:49 AM
Marnie, under the stairs could maybe explain her chronic RI. Also could the medicine have stressed her too much during her pregnancy? Just thinking "out loud". I could be talking out my behind. :D
05-03-2012, 04:23 AM
And I have never seen such polite babies before...they actually took turns eating.
yeah, so? :p all my litters start out that way. give it a week or two.:rolleyes:
05-03-2012, 04:46 AM
AWESOME!! About the eating that is.
05-03-2012, 10:48 AM
Hmm...Kat...thanks. Never thought of that. She lived under the stairs and the house...probably went in and out of my damp basement...that would make sense about it causing the chronic respiratory problems...I never thought of that. The vet did say that the antibiotics she was on could cause complications with her pregnancy...he was careful to put her on an antibiotic that would be less harmful than certain other ones. It certainly could be a factor...although considering this is pretty much the same thing that is happening that happened last summer...I am going with the theory that this is just something that happens with her. I was actually very surprised when she started having live babies. On that note...I found four more stillborns this morning...making the total count 17 now...including the live ones. And the live ones...I am happy to report, are doing well and love to poop on me! You know what is son and I have respiratory problems. There is a lot of mildew and mold in this old house. I guess this stupid house just causes respiratory problems.
05-03-2012, 09:49 PM
Here are the pics of the stillborns...She is up to 19 total now....3 live and 16 stillborns. Each stillborm coming out is looking more and more reabsorbed. These are from yesterday:
05-03-2012, 09:53 PM
I hope Cee Cee clear these out soon. She's in my prayers.
05-03-2012, 09:53 PM
Oh, wow! Thanks for sharing. A little less "complete" each time.
05-04-2012, 12:09 AM
Yep...the last few I found tonight looked very dry, you could barely see heads...or they were missing half of the body. She is up to a total count of 20 last check. I just hope she gets everything out...I was able to feel her stomach tonight and it feels like she has a few more soft lumps inside...I think she still needs to pass a few more. I will keep checking her stomach. Will keep everyone posted. Thanks for everyone's concern.
05-04-2012, 12:40 AM
Poor girl. No more boys for her.
05-04-2012, 05:46 PM
No...but she will have a roomie soon thanks to Steve. Let's just hope she takes it easy on the radix and doesn't act too territorial or crabby. Last check she was up to 25 babies...just found five more stillborns in the tank. My gosh I would have had quite the litter to deal with if all of these babies had made it.
05-04-2012, 07:40 PM
So for those of you who have taken care of babies...should I definitely be feeding the babies every day at this point?
05-04-2012, 07:46 PM
Small meals. I don't suggest stuffing the little scrubs everyday.:D
They are little eating machines, trying to get out of that happy meal size.;)
05-04-2012, 07:53 PM
I have been giving them a little dish of cut up nightcrawlers each night. Each little scrub takes a few bites and seems to be satisfied. It's late now and I am just getting home so they might have to wait until morning for their next meal though...they ate some worms last night. I will either feed them tonight or tomorrow morning. I might try some tilapia this time.
05-04-2012, 11:05 PM
Gave the babies some tilapia tonight...I think only one baby ate...I'm having a very hard time at this point telling the babies apart! But I think it was Zeus...and I'm pretty sure that it was he who came back a couple of times and ate...I finally had to gently shove him away so that he didn't eat too much...the others did not want any fish. I even tried scenting the fish with a worm..and mixing a little reptamin in it. Cee Cee passed another stillborn...that makes 26 total...I have noticed the stillborns having a very rancid smell at this dead fish. I did not notice that last year, even though it took her three weeks to get them all out. Now, it is possible that I just didn't notice this last year. Perhaps that is normal because they are, in fact, dead. Do you think I should be concerned about this smell? Could it be indicative of infection or sepsis?
05-04-2012, 11:59 PM
i think its indicative of decomposition. the dead ones are rotting. it can cause sepsis for mom if they dont all pass in a reasonably short time but often they just come out before mom gets sick.
05-05-2012, 01:27 AM
This is starting to sound exactly like what happened to my bigger female vagrans in 2010. Dead babies popping out, smelly, half of the body missing. Took a month to clear most of them out and the last one was expelled about 3 months later.
That turned out okay for the female, by the way. No complications following that disaster.
05-05-2012, 01:45 AM
It's happened to me perhaps more than 5 times over the years. not sure about the cause, but only one very old female was lost. the rest were fine.
05-05-2012, 02:25 AM
Thanks, Richard. Yes, the ones that are coming out now are starting to come out with partial bodies...either the front of the body with the end of the body missing...or the end with the front missing...but it seems that she will then pass the other half a little later. Sometimes she will pass all of the body...but it will be torn in half, and sometimes they will come out whole either stretched out or coiled up tightly in sacs. They are all very dried up, rancid smelling, and looking more and more deformed and reabsorbed...less and less like babies. She now looks very skinny. I can actually see the bumps in her at this point of the stillborns left that she needs to pass...this is very fortunate because I should be able to tell when she gets them all out. Thanks for your helps to hear from someone who has experienced this firsthand with one of their snakes.
Light of Dae
05-05-2012, 06:12 AM
Ceecee is a tough girl, it is nice hearing from people who've had this sort of thing happen before, gives you a little more peace of mind that Ceecee will be alright .
Glad to here the little ones are doing good :) Try mincing up a worm like into a mush, then slather fish chunks in it... they wont even know they are eating fish till its half way down! hehe. It works wonders for George who doesn't like salmon, will not touch salmon even when it is coated in slime, he pushes it away... But with worm mash... He'll gulp it down so fast, he doesn't have a clue! *insert evil laugh here* :D
05-05-2012, 02:27 PM
Well, as of last night in the middle of the night...Cee Cee's total count was up to 27...but she doesn't look lumpy anymore and she hasn't passed anything since last my finger's are crossed that she is finally done. My word, the girl has large litters! I can't get over how skinny she looks now...she looks like a different snake! And she is so light. She just looks very small. is another cute baby pic for your enjoyment:
I have no idea who this is! Lol....
05-05-2012, 02:34 PM
I'd offer her some food, something at least slightly fatty, like a pinky. She'll need to gain some more weight back.
05-05-2012, 03:18 PM
Hope Cee Cee will recover quickly.
Invisible Snake
05-05-2012, 03:30 PM
I agree with kibakiba you should offer her a pinkie or 2 and if you have reptile vitamins/calcium you should sprinkle a little on the pinkies. Btw cute looking babies :)
05-05-2012, 04:08 PM
The babies are so cute. Congrats on getting them eating.
05-05-2012, 04:23 PM
Thanks. I have been trying to offer her food often but she keeps turning her nose up at everything still. I have offered her pinkies...her favorite, salmon, talapia, and worms. She just doesn't seem interested yet. I will keep trying though, of course. I will put some repcal on whatever I offer to her.
05-05-2012, 04:35 PM
a forced, yet gentle swim in warmish water might help losen her up and get the rest out.
05-05-2012, 05:07 PM
I have to go out in a bit and I won't be home until late...but I will try that tomorrow.
05-05-2012, 07:32 PM
If I remember correctly, it took a day or two after the birth for Mama to eat. Once she did start eating, she was ravenous as ever. Much like she is now.
05-06-2012, 01:08 AM
In this case, the "birth" isn't quite finished. I'd say if she got through it before, she'll probably get through it again. Still, i think i would prevent her from breeding again.
That very old concinnus I was telling you I had did the same thing. Her last successful litter was enormous (53 count). After that, the last 2 attempts were also high count but problematic. She was around 13 at that time. Same problems you're having. I would definitely retire her. Too risky for her.
05-06-2012, 02:23 AM
An hour ago I found a group of three babies all tangled together as if they had been in the same was very odd. That makes the count up to 30 now. She came out to see me and I see another distinct lump in her abdomen...she must have some more in there to get out. She was gravid when I first found her outside and the second time that she became gravid was accidental on my part because I thought Seeley was female when I put him in with her. I never intentionally bred her. I have no plans to breed her again...Steve is sending me a same sex radix roomie for her next week or the week after. No more lovins for Cee Cee. The plan now is to let her rest, recover from of all this, and try to get her to gain a little weight. :)
05-06-2012, 08:04 AM
Interestingly, Cee Cee is now up to a count of 32 this time...more than last summer. Now the stillborns are coming out in groups. I'm wondering if these would have been twins or triplets or if it just has to do with the stillborn factor. It seemed as though the group of three I found last night and the group of two that I found this morning were entangled and enclosed in the same sac. She must be nearing the end of this ordeal now. She is still restless though, so it may not be over yet.
The little scrubs are doing well. They ate more worms last night...their favorite meal at this point. They are still very polite when they eat, taking turns to go up to the dish...occasionally one might do a little strike and poke at another...which is very adorable. I have to watch them eat very carefully at this point. Sometimes a little one might take a bite that is too big and I will have to pull it back out of his throat as it will dangle from his mouth and he can't seem to figure out how to get it out or It is really a joy looking after the little scrubs...but I must say, as sad as I am for all of the little ones lost...I can't imagine taking care of 32 scrubs! That is a lot of little mouths to feed!!!
05-06-2012, 01:15 PM
Can you see anymore lumps in her belly? Cee Cee will get her weight back up in no time :)
05-07-2012, 02:05 AM
I can't imagine taking care of 32 scrubs! That is a lot of little mouths to feed!!!
Try 50. I did that, 2010 season. I've even done 80 before. Yeah, it isn't easy. and that doesn't include all the adults. I can't imagine how Steve keeps up, retired or not.
05-09-2012, 02:15 PM
Okay...she keeps digging and burying stillborns down in the reptibark. She's up to 37 now...good grief Ceecers! I don't see any lumps anymore...but she stills acts restless.
I put some more little fake plants in for the babies and they are having a blast playing on them. They really like it when I mist the plants with water. They are so curious and playful. Two of the babies seem to be inseparable and one is very independent...luckily, as far as I know...since I'm having trouble telling them apart...the inseparable ones seem to be Zeus and Perseus..the ones I am keeping and Ariadne seems to be the independent one, the one I'm giving to Mike. I wouldn't want to separate the ones that are curled up together all the time. They sure love to eat now...and have chubby little tummies to prove it! They have learned the cute little "feed us...we are cute little starving can you deny us food?" face...that breaks my heart.
Every enclosure needs to be cleaned..and I am trying to figure out when I have time to do all of this! I need to make preparations for the arrival of two radixes and an albino that are being sent to me next week from Steve. Following a quarantine period, the radixes are same sex roomies for Cee Cee and more canoodling for those two..and the albino is going in with Possum and Hermes. So excited for new arrivals!
Possum has apparently been lying under his hide pooping and urinating...nice mess, thank you Possum. He was out exploring and playing all night last night. He was playing peek-a-boo...peeking out upside down from the cool was so funny! He decided last night that he was going to work all evening to find a way to escape. I think Hermes might be getting ready to shed. I can't believe how big both of them have gotten. I will try to get pics soon. Seeley is doing well...although he keeps getting substrate in his mouth...I have Boxo in his enclosure, which is like Carefresh but smaller. He loves to burrow and make tunnels in it. I'm thinking of switching all the snakes over to bigger aspen shavings that I saw at the pet store. Lots of cleaning and rearranging to do before the new snakes come next Tuesday.
05-09-2012, 02:31 PM
Sounds like Cee Cee should be about finished. That will be a relief for you, I bet! Looking forward to getting Ariadne :D Can't wait to see your new arrivals! Always enjoy the updates :cool:
05-09-2012, 04:18 PM
Awesome news, starting a boy band of albinos it seems.
And where did you get those hanging plants at? They look really neat.
05-10-2012, 08:14 PM
I got the plants at different places...a couple at Petsmart, a couple from a place online They have a nice selection. I think I got a couple at my local pet store...PetKare. Cee Cee is now up to a total of 40 babies. That is a big litter. She looks so skinny..I have no idea where they are coming from now. But she is still very restless. She must be near the end of this. I bought a new 20 gallon of the Zilla critter keeper tanks with the slide lock lid...I have been cleaning tanks and moving snakes around all afternoon and evening in preparation for the new arrivals. Cee Cee's tank had to be cleaned was quite gross from all of the birth action going on. Possum and Hermes' enclosure is all nice and clean. I have a clean tank ready for Seeley to be moved into. Leftover tanks will be used for quarantine purposes and a feed tank. The babies are fed and fat and happy...a very productive day!
Light of Dae
05-11-2012, 07:02 AM
I personally didn't like aspen when I used it... Even with the bigger shavings. Neither Daffy or George had had a problem shedding before I put aspen in. I think I liked the coco husk best. I bought bricks of it and just broke it apart dry. You can mist it down and it dries out nicely, It doesn't mold, It lasts long, Pretty easy to spot clean. You could 'wash' it too... Pot of hot water, mixed around, then rinsed n set out to dry off. I washed mine a time or two and never got to the second brick I bought. I just put paper towels in while it dries.
Awesome to here you had a productive day! I'm SO jealous you are getting some famous Ranch Radixes!
05-11-2012, 11:58 AM
I'm pretty excited!!! Where do you get the coco husk? I got some ecoearth stuff before...that I thought was coco husk...but it was like soil but drier and very dusty...I don't think it is what you are talking about.
This morning I discovered that the cutest thing in the world has to be a baby scrub yawning! :)
05-11-2012, 01:01 PM
Yawing babies and no pictures?
05-11-2012, 02:10 PM
Easier said than done. Steve has some great yawning pictures.
Light of Dae
05-12-2012, 08:32 AM
This is what mine looked like ^^^
Came in a packaged brick like this ^^^
^^^ I've seen it like this too in loose bags..
Just look for the stuff that looks like bigger pieces like the first picture.
I use EcoEarth for my salamanders, scorpion n tarantula, but wouldn't use it with my snakes unless it was just a layer in a live viv.
05-12-2012, 11:57 AM
Right...I layered it with the reptibark...but it still was a complete mess! Now that I see that package you posted...I know that I have seen the bigger pieces at the pet store. I'm going to try it...thanks!
Yes...if I could catch those babies yawning with my camera..I would post a pic...but I never know when they are going to do it so it's kind of hard to catch it on camera. :) I've only seen it twice myself!
Hermes shed his first almost perfect shed last night. If you guys remember, he was having a lot of problems with his sheds coming off in pieces. I wasn't even sure he was going to shed...I thought he was maybe acting like he was going to...but it's so hard to tell with him. Then Julian came and told me there was a shed in the tank. Possum shed a week looked at the shed and it was almost perfect...just a little missing from the tail. I took Hermes out and managed to get what was left off of his tail with my fingernail...he of course did not like this and musked all over me! I noticed he has a little tiny bit of tail rot on the very tip of his tail...probably from a past shed. I don't think there is much I can do about it now...I should have caught it earlier, but I didn't. It's only the tiniest little spot though. Not much to do with that huh?
05-12-2012, 12:04 PM
There's another coconut product that is made from the husk but it's finely ground. It is pretty safe even if your snakes swallow it. I like to use it in combination with reptibark. Eco Earth® Coconut Fiber Substrate (
05-12-2012, 12:52 PM
Yeah...that is the stuff that I was using in combo with the reptibark too. I was looking more for something that I could use instead of the reptibark or aspen...alone as a substrate. The reptibark and aspen bother me with all of the wood splinters. Carefresh bothers Cee Cee with her breathing issues.
On the note of Cee Cee. I am really concerned with how skinny she looks after all of this. I think she is finally done with delivering stillborns...ending at a total count of 40. She is so skinny now...I actually see skin folds. She still won't eat. I got some farm-raised steel-head trout that I am going to cut up to freeze today. I have to feed the babies...I will try to feed Cee Cee some...but she still doesn't show any interest in food.
05-12-2012, 12:56 PM
Hmmm... the aspen I get from walmart has no splinters. It's shavings, not shredded. And it's cheap. Like $2.50 a bag and it goes a long way. The folds you see are from stretching of the skin. If you can get her to eat, the folds should be gone in a week or two.
05-12-2012, 01:09 PM
I saw the aspen shavings and considered that. Maybe I will give that a try. Thanks. I might try the coco husk too. I'm going to keep trying to get her to eat!
Light of Dae
05-12-2012, 05:47 PM
I'm switching back to coco husk soon here. It works awesome by itself, they can borrow it in and all. I noticed that it keeps the smell down too.... Been using this 'crinkle cut colored paper' by carefresh... I like it, snakes like it.. My only complaint about it is, it does nothing for smell. I just cleaned the tank and smelled fine, a few hours later n one poop. You can smell it as soon as you open the tank. Coco husk seems to eliminate the smell.
05-12-2012, 07:29 PM
Cee cee will eat when she's ready. Just keep offering her food.
05-12-2012, 09:17 PM
Thanks, Chantel. Michelle...I tried one of those recycled paper products and I didn't care for it much either. I didn't like the way it flew all over the place.
05-13-2012, 07:29 PM
The babies had their first food fight tonight and scared the crap out of me. One baby grabbed the other baby by the throat and wouldn't let go...I had to pick them up and pry the one off of the other. I'm not sure who the perp and victim were in this scenario...I believe little Zeus may have been the biter and Ariadne the bitten. The bitten snake seems fine...I didn't see any wound or problems with the neck or head...everyone seems okay tonight...but I keep checking in on them to make sure that no one was injured. What do I do to prevent this? When I tried to feed them with the hemostats, they seemed afraid of the stats...they are considerably bigger than the scrubs. I have been putting the food on a little dish. I was actually picking up pieces with my finger and they were eating it from my finger when this happened. I was feeding each one individually, as you would with the stats. Should I separate them to feed them?
05-13-2012, 08:37 PM
Starve them for a while, so they'll take food off the hemostats... or just watch them carefully when you feed them. When I fed in a dish, I didn't let any of them go near each other.
I cup my babies in my hand and let them calb down, and then finger feed them when they're ready.
05-13-2012, 08:46 PM have a point...that was my bad..letting them all go up to the dish at the same time. Before, they were taking turns...I fed them trout tonight and it seemed to make them go crazy! They really loved it. I always make sure to sit there and watch them case they have any issues...I will make sure they take turns...and I am going to try the hemostats again. Thanks. As far as holding them...they are very wiggly and skiddish when I hold them....they are fast! They wiggle and squirm right out of my hands. It makes me nervous because I have dropped them a couple of times...and one almost got away! They will take food from my fingers absolutely adorable!
05-13-2012, 11:01 PM
The babies had their first food fight tonight and scared the crap out of me. One baby grabbed the other baby by the throat and wouldn't let go...I had to pick them up and pry the one off of the other.
Welcome to my world. This is "par for the course". It's the daily routine. 1) wake up. 2) have coffee and breakfast. 3) feed a buttload of baby concinnus'. 4) pry them off of each other....
Trout you say? That's like introducing crack to the ghettos of Los Angeles. Violence will follow.
05-13-2012, 11:07 PM
Lol, Richard!
05-14-2012, 08:15 PM
My new snakes are on their way. Steve took them to be shipped a little while ago and I just started tracking their journey...they have not gotten on the plane yet. Tonight, I will be a nervous new mom again. I will let everyone know when they have arrived safely...they are due to arrive before 10:30am tomorrow which point, I will tell everyone their names and once they have settled in, provide pics of course.
Invisible Snake
05-14-2012, 08:22 PM
Sounds great. Are they going to be babies? Will you quarantine them both? With whom will you be housing them?
05-14-2012, 08:31 PM
I am getting 2 radixes and an albino red-sided. The radixes, a female and a male are both 2 years old. The albino is a baby...just a couple of months old. The female radix is going to be a roomie for my female eastern, Cee Cee...the male radix is going to be a roomie for my male eastern, Seeley, and the albino red-sided, a male, will go in with my other two albinos. I will give them all a brief quarantine period out of respect for Steve...because Steve always follows strict quarantine protocol with garters...with CB snakes, when I know the breeder, I only do a brief quarantine. With WC snakes, snakes from stores, or snakes from unknown breeders, I always recommend a 60-90 day strict quarantine. When I found Cee Cee...I quarantined her from my other snake for 3 months.
Invisible Snake
05-14-2012, 08:33 PM
Cool! Hey do you think you will be breeding the 2 radixes next spring?
05-14-2012, 08:34 PM
Oh...also...if the baby albino is too small to put in with my other albinos...he may go in with my eastern babies for a while until he gets big enough to go in with Hermes and Possum. It is going to depend on his size compared to my babies and my albinos.
05-14-2012, 08:37 PM
Are they there yet...... The next twelve hours are going to suck. I hate shipping snakes.
05-14-2012, 08:37 PM
I hadn't thought about it. Probably much as I have found that I love the whole experience of birth and babies with garters...I will be doing my clinical rotations for nursing school for the next two years and I will be crazy busy....too busy to take care of babies. The main purpose of getting these new garters was to provide same sex roomies for my easterns so that I will not have to worry about them breeding again. So...probably no more breeding in this house for a while.
05-14-2012, 08:38 PM
Oh Poor too! I keep checking the tracking page....
05-14-2012, 08:42 PM
They're not even off the ground yet and I'm worried. I won't sleep well tonight.
I'll be glad when I hit the lottery then I can hand deliver my snakes to everyone who wants them.
Note to self: play the lottery:D
05-14-2012, 10:50 PM
I wouldn't say that. Sometimes they don't update the tracking info until the next day. They could be already in the air and even if they're not, they're most likely indoors where you left them, in a moderated "climate". Don't worry Steve. If you packed them well, they'll be fine. They're garters. They're tough. They can handle it. One time I had a shipment "disappear" in the middle of summer and it was quite hot. They arrived safe 5 days later.
But I hear you. There's always some anxiety until you know for sure that they have arrived safely.
05-14-2012, 11:23 PM
The tracking system on the computer lets you see an ongoing update of where the package tells you where it is at any given moment that you check and it seems to be updated regularly...I just checked and they are now in Memphis. I will be worried all night too though. I won't stop worrying until I open the box and know that they are all okay.
I would like to win the lottery too...for many reasons. :)
If I had a shipment of snakes know I would be in my car, driving halfway across the country...stopping at every fed ex between here and wherever they were shipped from...I would be freaking out!
05-14-2012, 11:52 PM
Aw geez, now you're getting me all nervous for the little guy I'm getting on Weds.
Hopefully yours make it to their new home before long.
05-14-2012, 11:56 PM
The tracking system on the computer lets you see an ongoing update of where the package tells you where it is at any given moment that you check and it seems to be updated regularly
There, you see? I know that the web page is updated regularly, but the arrival and/or departure time cannot be updated until the scanner data has been entered into the computer. That doesn't always happen in real time.;)
I know this because I used to work at PDX, for FedX. We scan packages but we don't download the data from the scanner into the computer until we go on break or our shift ends. That means, even if a package was scanned at say, 10am, it's possible it wont show up on the tracking website until as late as 6pm.
05-15-2012, 07:21 AM
Okay...well I'm going to pretend it's accurate Richard...let me live in my fantasy land so that I feel better! :D I just checked and the package is on the truck for delivery in New Castle...which is 15-30 minutes from here depending on traffic. It was put on the truck at 8:15a and I'm sure the guy has quite a few deliveries between there and here...but Fed Ex has never been late and is often early. Getting close now!!! Unfortunately my Mexican housekeeper who is afraid of snakes is here right now...this ought to be fun for her when I open the box 'o
Invisible Snake
05-15-2012, 07:36 AM
I bet it feels like Christmas time today at your house Marnie :)
05-15-2012, 07:43 AM
Yeah...Mike and I were talking about that last night actually. How the true sign of a snake addict is how much you turn into a kid on Christmas morning when you are waiting for a new snake to arrive. I don't think anything gets me quite so excited anymore. Nervous and's almost like waiting to go on a roller coaster! Lol....
05-15-2012, 07:50 AM
I'm excited for you! Can't wait to see what Steve sent ya! :D
05-15-2012, 08:01 AM
Now I'm getting impatient! Come on fed ex guy!!!
05-15-2012, 08:20 AM
Yeah...Mike and I were talking about that last night actually. How the true sign of a snake addict is how much you turn into a kid on Christmas morning when you are waiting for a new snake to arrive. I don't think anything gets me quite so excited anymore. Nervous and's almost like waiting to go on a roller coaster! Lol....
Christmas Day in the the UK this year is going to be Saturday 22 September. I'm sure Greg (and a few others) will concur.
05-15-2012, 08:49 AM
The snakes are here!!! They all arrived safe and sound. Whew... I rushed to get them all out of the box and make sure they were all okay...spent some time holding the female radix and giving her some lovins...they are all beautiful and seem fine...a little freaked out right now, which is to be expected...but not too much...the radixes both ate a worm. I will try to feed the baby albino tonight. I will be calling the female radix, Sadie...the male radix, Sammy, and the little albino red-sided, Mr. Joe Peachbottom...told you I was going to name him after you, Joe! Ha ha... I will get pics this evening when my son gets home from school and can take pics of me holding them.
05-15-2012, 08:54 AM
Ah yea! Glad they're all safe :D Thanks for the update :cool: Can't wait to see the pics of your new additions!
05-15-2012, 09:56 AM
Having a god day then Marnie? Or is that masterful understatement? :D
05-15-2012, 10:01 AM
Radixes in Delaware. One more State off the list.
Thanks Marnie for taking on some of my kids.
05-15-2012, 10:38 AM
It will be a much better day once I can get my doctor's appt. this afternoon over with and get my housekeeper out of here...then I can focus on the new snakes! Luckily Julian's baseball practice was canceled for this that is one less place I have to go today...more time with the snakes!
Question: It is okay to have a regular household lightbulb in the lamp for the albino right? As long as it isn't a UV light...that should be okay for him? He seems to like the light.
05-15-2012, 11:54 AM
Glad t.o hear they got to you all safe and sound
Invisible Snake
05-15-2012, 12:03 PM
Radixes in Delaware. One more State off the list.
Umm Steve we could use some Radixes here in NYC, buddy? Pal? lol jk.
05-15-2012, 12:12 PM
Umm Steve we could use some Radixes here in NYC, buddy? Pal? lol jk.
My radixes are well represented in Queens, Brooklyn and I think I'm missing someone. DE, CT and RI all have some of the Ranch radixes in place.
PM me your request I'm sure we can work something out.
05-15-2012, 12:25 PM
Still need some on this side of the pond Steve. My ninja mongooses are kitting up and coming for the B&W babies. ;)
05-15-2012, 12:32 PM
Still need some on this side of the pond Steve. My ninja mongooses are kitting up and coming for the B&W babies. ;)
Best of luck in your future endeavors:D
05-15-2012, 02:51 PM
Steve...the radixes really do work magic in socializing other snakes...I was holding Sadie for a while and giving her some lovins...and Cee Cee saw what was going on and wanted some attention. I saw her looking at me after I put Sadie away. I opened her enclosure and she actually climbed into my hands and then laid on my lap and let me stroke the back of her head, exactly the way I had been doing with Sadie! She has never done that before!
I will get pics of the snakes for everyone soon. The sun finally came out here and my son is outside enjoying it! I need him to take the pics.
05-15-2012, 02:55 PM
It's that radix magic.
Glad Sadie is earning her keep.;)
Looking forward to seeing some photos.
05-15-2012, 07:26 PM
Okay...these are the best pics I could get today with a tired young boy taking photos...I will get better ones soon, I promise...
Introducing...Sadie: 51565157
Sammy: 51585159
and a poorly lit picture of Mr. Joe Peachbottom: 5160. All three snakes ate worms for dinner. They are all settling in very nicely!
05-15-2012, 07:32 PM
yep me and peachbottom where roomies for a while
05-15-2012, 07:37 PM
I know...he won't stop going on and on about you..."Blah, blah. Joe's house...we always had the good Joe's house, we got to watch cool t.v. shows, at Joe's was a constant snake party....blah blah!"....
05-15-2012, 07:40 PM
And you should hear the radixes..."What kind of tiny little enclosures are these??? At the ranch we had snake castles fit for a king!"....
05-15-2012, 07:42 PM
They look great and they are all eating. They have been trained well.:D
I'm going to miss seeing Sadie with all the other big girls but I know she's in good hands.;)
05-15-2012, 07:48 PM
I know...he won't stop going on and on about you..."Blah, blah. Joe's house...we always had the good Joe's house, we got to watch cool t.v. shows, at Joe's was a constant snake party....blah blah!"....
lol thats right! thats how we role round here;)....or something like that
05-15-2012, 07:48 PM
Sadie is enjoying the paper shred substrate I have in her enclosure. She has been playing and making little holes and poking her head out all evening. I put a UTH on the tank for her. She loves her worms...she is a big sweetie! Sammy is still a bit bugged out. He is still very skiddish with me...but he did eat his worm and he seems to like to swim in his water dish. Little Joe ate a dish of cut up worms and enjoyed rolling in the dish and getting himself all dirty. He's a bit skiddish too...he likes to hide. I will take good care of all of them...thank you so much Steve for entrusting me with the care of these wonderful snakes!! I am honored.
05-15-2012, 08:47 PM
Those are some beautiful garters Steve sent you! Looking forward to reading about the adventures they have with you! :cool:
05-16-2012, 12:52 AM
It's so great that Steve has introduced you to the "Joy of radix". You will enjoy having those guys around the place.
05-16-2012, 09:56 AM
Yes...I'm very excited to have them here...and little Joe Peachbottom too. Sadie decided last night around 2am that she wanted to go swimming. I found her trying to stuff her body into the small water dish that I had in her quarantine tank. So I quickly got her a large bowl of water...and she went swimming! She continued to swim on and off through the night...and my son found her swimming again when he got up for school. Just now I went to check her and she was burrowed resting...but then she came out for another quick dip.
05-17-2012, 11:19 AM
Possum shed again. I don't know what is going on with the shedding albinos...Possum and Hermes have been taking turns shedding on a weekly basis for the last couple of weeks. Growth spurt? Increase in humidity?
Sadie seems to have calmed down today. She isn't hiding or soaking as much and she seems to have warmed up over the heat pad. Sammy is still a bit jumpy when I go near the enclosure...but he is exploring around and seems to be having fun. Little Joe likes to explore too. The babies are doing well. Cee Cee has calmed down more stillborns to report. Seeley is doing well. Hermes is doing well too.
05-17-2012, 11:28 AM
Good news all the way around. Thanks for the update.
05-17-2012, 01:41 PM
Glad all is doing well for ya! :cool:
05-17-2012, 05:03 PM
Sadie just likes to swim I think. I put her swimming bowl back in her enclosure for her and she starting swimming again. She looked very happy. I took her out and gave her two big fat worms to eat...she took them from me while sitting on my arm. I might give Sammy another worm tonight too. He is still spazy when I go near his tank...and if I hold him he kind of freaks out a bit...but he will calm down if I stroke his neck. Little Joe ate a dish of worms and crawled around in them and got himself all dirty again! He has a big fat tummy now. The babies ate worms and started going crazy for them and getting all tangled up around each other and nipping each other on the head. They are crazy, fat, food fighting little demon babies! Lol....:D
05-19-2012, 09:41 PM
Great pics. Congrats to Marnie and Steve both ends of the snake exchange went off without a hitch and everyone seems to be settling in fine (I just read the last 6/7 pages of the thread). Marnie LOVE Mr. Joe! Where is he calling home? With the other albinos or the babies? Any time you want to share pics of those albinos I'm your guy. I don't know if it is because of finding ours and taking her in or what but I love the albinos.
05-20-2012, 10:37 AM
After quarantine, little Joe Peachbottom will be going in with the babies until he is big enough to go in with the other albinos. He is still very small...he is actually about the same size as my he will be perfect in with them. He has a bit of growing to do before he can go in with Hermes and they are both about a foot long now....probably a bit longer...I need to measure them both...Possum is actually a bit longer than Hermes. I will get some pics of all of the albinos up for you soon Dan!
One of the babies is getting ready to shed soon. I see blue eyes and dull skin...and he or she is hiding a lot. I think it is Ariadne...but I really have trouble telling them all apart now. All I know is that two of the babies...who I think are Ari and Perseus are downright piggies and the other...who I think is Zeus...does not always want to eat. I often have to take the one out and put him in a little container with his food to get him to eat. I need to try to look at them all soon and see if I can try to figure out if they are male or female.
Everyone else is doing well. Sadie is not hiding like she was. She has a UTH now and a little cave and she seems to love lying over the UTH. She is very active and exploring. Sammy is still shy...but he likes to poke his little head out. Little Joe is very active. Seeley is good...Hermes and Possum are good. Cee Cee is doing great...still restless...but seems healthy. She still hasn't eaten though.
05-20-2012, 10:47 AM
That sounds great can't wait to see the pics!
05-20-2012, 11:11 AM
Good to hear things are settling down for the new crew.
05-20-2012, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the update :cool:
05-20-2012, 05:09 PM
So...Steve...was Sammy always a pistol? Or is it just me? Lol...I took him out tonight to feed him and we were butting heads to say the least. He was thrashing all over and attempting to bite me and I had to keep telling him that we were not going to do things like that. Then he would settle down a bit and sit in my hand and eat politely for a minute...and then he would get stubborn and angry again and decide that he was in charge and that he was going to bite the crap out of me. I won the battle. He ate his worms and my fingers are still on my hand. We are going to have to have some bonding sessions or something!
Sadie enjoyed sitting in the front of my shirt and leaning out and eating her worms! Little Joe and the babies are all very fat right now...ha ha. Seeley ate a little. Possum and Hermes had some pinky and look all fat and happy. Cee Cee is still refusing to eat.
05-20-2012, 05:14 PM
The biting is something new but the rest is typical male radix attitude.
05-20-2012, 05:21 PM
The biting is something new but the rest is typical male radix attitude.
Really? Lipwig will happily curl around my fingers and watch TV with me. Although he's on hunger-strike at the moment, except the bit of worm he scoffed yesterday. Both the radix we have a good to hold.
05-20-2012, 05:27 PM
There are exceptions to the rule but most male radixes don't want to be disturbed unless you have food or a lady for them.
I've learned to live with that. I love by boys but it's not the same relationship I have with the female radixes.
They enjoy just hanging around with me.
05-20-2012, 06:42 PM
He seems scared...I think that is all it is at this point. He may have also been confused and smelling worm on me. We got to the point where I would put my finger up to him and he would not bite...then he would just bite at the worms on the tweezers. He really freaks out when I open the tank though...he jumps across it. When I pick him up he flails around for a while and then he will calm down a bit. It may just take him some time to get used to things. I will work with him...he'll get over it. :)
05-20-2012, 07:10 PM
When he gets used to you feeding him he'll calm down some.
Just make sure you offer him food when you get in to see him.
05-21-2012, 12:57 AM
He's gone from a front opening viv to a top opener hasn't he? That could have something to do with the panic when you open the lid Marnie.
05-24-2012, 04:19 PM
Right...this is most likely the case...although he tends to flee when he sees me approaching the enclosure. But he is calming down some now...he doesn't automatically take off when he sees me now.
Just fed the babies and little Joe...all are very fat and happy now. It was worms on the menu tonight. Speaking of fat babies...Ariadne just shed a perfect shed! I can definitely tell it's her now after the shed because she has a little mark on her lower half that I can see clearly again. I can't believe how much the babies have grown! I will have to get measurements on all of them soon. I tried to look at their vents to see if I could determine sex...but I really can't yet. Here is a pic of Ari's shed:
5294 Ariadne will soon be with Mike as he is coming to Delaware for a visit in two weeks...we are going to be going to the snake expo in PA. Then Mike will take Ari home to live with him. Zeus and Perseus will be staying here to live with us permanently. Zeus and little Joe have become Julian's garters. Mike will be the first forum member I will get to meet in person. He will get to see all of my snakies too! Btw...Mike, I will not be offended at all if you decide to change Ari's name...she will be your snake and you can feel free to name her anything you like! :)
05-24-2012, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the update, love reading about the gun in the other post. Would love to see pics of the babies.
05-24-2012, 08:48 PM
Yay, Ari! :D I'll keep the name, I like it! Glad she is growing and shedding. Really looking forward to meeting you and the garters! PA should be a good time as well. I'm excited! Lots of exclamations!!! lol :p
05-27-2012, 09:47 AM
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been around schedule has been crazy! I have been volunteering a lot at my son's school and baseball is keeping us busy. Now swim team practice starts this week! Anyway...all the snakes are doing well. Everyone had trout yesterday...except for Cee Cee, who is now preparing to shed and still refusing food. I'm hoping maybe she will eat after the shed because it has been a couple of months now. The babies ate their trout without any food fights. Little Joe ate a nice big dish of trout too. Sammy coils and strikes at his food like a crazy cobra! I fed him with the hemostats. Sadie was doing the funniest thing yesterday...she was sitting in her water dish while I fed her from the stats...she would take a piece of trout and then go underwater to eat it! I think she thinks she is a water snake! My family was watching was really neat. She also liked me to drop some pieces into the water so that she could go underwater to get them. Funny! Another baby shed...I believe it was Zeus. Here is a recent pic of two of the babies:
5363 Dan, I have not forgotten that you want to see pics of the albinos...I need to get some more...they are always hiding!
05-27-2012, 10:24 AM
No problem, I understand busy. I check in often to see whats new.
05-27-2012, 12:28 PM
The babies are looking good! Hopefully Cee Cee's appetite will return after the shed :)
06-04-2012, 11:43 AM
Hi everyone! Again...sorry I haven't been around much...busy, busy, busy! Update on the snakies....Let's see...Sammy shed and he looks all shiny! Two of the babies and Little Joe shed...another baby is getting ready to shed soon. Cee Cee shed...but she still won't eat. Anyway...everyone is doing well and here are some pics:
5449 Possum and Hermes lying together. 5450Little Joe545154525453
Baby Zeus, Hermes, Possum...
06-04-2012, 11:47 AM
Good looking crew you have there Marnie.
06-04-2012, 11:48 AM
Sadie in her favorite hide...5454 Cee Cee...5455
Sammy...5456 One of these days Sammy will stop being so squirmy and I will be able to get a pic of the brilliant red colors on him...he even has red spots on the tip of his nose!
06-04-2012, 11:50 AM
Why, thank you Steve! Some of that is your doing!! :) Beautiful snakes you raised.
Invisible Snake
06-04-2012, 11:53 AM
Awesome looking posse of snakes you have there, thanks for the update :)
06-04-2012, 11:59 AM
Thanks! I don't have all of them in the pics...I didn't get any pics of baby Perseus, baby Ariadne or Seeley...because they are all hiding and sleeping right now. But do click on the pic of Little Joe...the albino red-sided, and check out his spectacular peach coloring! I posted the pics of the albinos for you, Dan! ;)
06-04-2012, 06:24 PM
Lovely photos! :cool: Looking forward to watching all the little ones grow, especially Little Joe and Possum. A snow and an albino red sided are on my list of garters to eventually get :)
Light of Dae
06-04-2012, 07:36 PM
Glad to see everyone is doing awesome!
06-05-2012, 04:35 AM
Amazing group, very happy gang! Thanks for the update and the pics.
06-05-2012, 05:06 AM
Looks like a healthy and happy nest. Love the babies!
06-05-2012, 07:45 AM
Possum has gotten really big! He must be close to 20 inches long now. I need to measure everyone. Mike, your girl is about to shed again!! Those babies are growing like wild fire. They love to eat...I had to break up another nasty food fight over pinky pieces yesterday. I do believe Ari started the fight...again! She bit Zeus on the head and wouldn't let go. I picked them up and they were still in a dead lock...I had to repeatedly tap Ari on the head until she let go. Zeus was unscathed. Little piggy monsters! It must be a comical thing to watch me watching the babies eat. I am always yelling and scolding..."Stop that! Quit trying to steal food! Hey! Don't you bite him!"
It just dawned on me that I will be saying goodbye to little Ari in just a few days. I feel a little twinge of sadness I wasn't expecting. But I know she is going to a good home with my good friend, Mike. :) I wonder if the other babies will miss her. I wonder if that happens with garters. will probably just be thinking..."Hey, the pig is gone! More food for us!".:D
06-05-2012, 07:48 AM
I added something to the post above.
06-05-2012, 08:53 AM
Hi everyone! Again...sorry I haven't been around much...busy, busy, busy! Update on the snakies....Let's see...Sammy shed and he looks all shiny! Two of the babies and Little Joe shed...another baby is getting ready to shed soon. Cee Cee shed...but she still won't eat. Anyway...everyone is doing well and here are some pics:
5449 Possum and Hermes lying together. 5450Little Joe545154525453
Baby Zeus, Hermes, Possum...
wow didnt take long...look at your collection now!!
06-05-2012, 10:52 AM
It just dawned on me that I will be saying goodbye to little Ari in just a few days. I feel a little twinge of sadness I wasn't expecting. But I know she is going to a good home with my good friend, Mike. :) I wonder if the other babies will miss her. I wonder if that happens with garters. will probably just be thinking..."Hey, the pig is gone! More food for us!".:D
If you're going to be sad then I can't take her! I'll be sad for bringing her home, lol!
06-06-2012, 03:31 PM
Hermes looks huge now!
06-09-2012, 09:28 PM
Went to the Hamburg Expo today with Mike...had an awesome to come. But for now, new concinnus...55525553 Sorry the pics aren't great...will get better ones soon.
06-09-2012, 09:30 PM
Ooooooooh how adorable:) Concinnus are one of my favorites!
06-09-2012, 09:32 PM
Sweet. Nice addition to your crew. Hello Bella.
Invisible Snake
06-09-2012, 09:42 PM
Glad you and Mike had fun there, sweet new addition! I plan on getting a pair of concinnus soon.
06-09-2012, 09:49 PM
Thanks guys...she's a little thing...just a baby still. But she ate a nice dish of worms tonight. I will have to quarantine her for a nice long period and send a fecal to the vet since I was told she was wild caught. But, she is the sweetest calm and trusting. I got lots of pics from the show! I will post them soon.
06-09-2012, 10:00 PM
Glad to hear things went so well. Looking forward to the photos to come.
06-09-2012, 11:31 PM
Gah! So cute! Looks like she has some nice coloring.
06-10-2012, 12:06 AM
Great addition Marnie!! Cute name too! Can't wait for more pics!
06-10-2012, 04:00 AM
New addition, always exciting. Did you go with the intention of bringing something back Marnie?
06-10-2012, 04:12 AM
Bella is a sweet little baby! So glad you got her :cool:
06-10-2012, 04:41 AM
Nice addition Marnie! My son Will's h.s. graduation was yesterday so again i didn't get to the Hamburg show. Was the concinnus from the same guy Jeff that advertised on kingsnake .com? I'd like to get a pretty female for my one male sometime in the future. the male i got on trade last year and he is a joy tohave so inquizitive and fun to watch.
06-10-2012, 08:00 AM
At this rate you'll have to hit craigslist weekly to keep up with the additions. Nice.
06-10-2012, 08:43 AM
Great addition, hope she does well for you. Look forward to future pics/updates.
06-10-2012, 02:39 PM
To answer, of course I did not go with the intention of bringing a snake back with I swore that I would not buy any snakes at the show...but then one of the last tables we went to had red-spotted garters and Mike and I just went nuts. I will let Mike update you on his purchases. I saw the sweet little girl and had to have her! I am honestly not sure of the name of the breeder who sold her...all I know is that he was from New York.
Little Ariadne has left me...she is in the car with Mike now on her way to NC with him. Mike left this morning and should be driving all day. I will miss little Ari...but I know she is going to a good home.
I am still trying to download the video that I made of the show pics...I will get it up here soon.
Big news...after about 3 months...Cee Cee finally ate...while Mike was here on Friday helping me with feeding. It must have been his presence that got her to eat finally! :) She even let Mike hold her without musking...and my crazy dog who hates everyone made up to him too. Even my skiddish cat liked him...animals know animal lovers...I always say they are the best judge of character. :)
06-10-2012, 02:50 PM
animals know animal lovers...I always say they are the best judge of character. :)
I totally agree, you can't lie to animals;)
Glad to hear your girl is eating, and can't wait for piiiiiics:D
06-10-2012, 03:03 PM
Okay...I will have to add on the last couple of pics to a post because for some reason the video cuts off...I have tried to fix it...but this is my first time making a video and the lighting at the show was please bear with me...but, here it is: (¤t=Hamburgexpo.mp4)
06-10-2012, 03:06 PM
And....5573 5574557555765577
06-10-2012, 03:08 PM
06-10-2012, 03:10 PM
And...5583 That's all folks!
06-10-2012, 03:12 PM
Awesome!!! I love the blue frogs, they didn't even look real, and that lizard's face was way cool!!!! Looks like a great time!
06-10-2012, 03:18 PM
Wow great vid/pics!! I'd love to go to an event like that. Althought I'm sure I'd end up in your shoes Marnie. Coming home with a friend I didn't intend to:p I guess thats the fun of it though..."I'm not intentionally going to buy anything, so I wonder what I'll come home with":p
I've gotta ask: At 3:48 on your video, is that a snake eating another snake!?:eek:
06-10-2012, 03:20 PM
No that one is just resting his head on the other.
06-10-2012, 03:22 PM
Whew! Ok good....I wasn't sure what I was looking at. I even rewound it a couple times and still wasn't sure:p
What?? Marnie, you have been in Hamburg and didn't care to check Euro'2012 (european championship in football, blah, "soccer") that happended to be in Poland, not to mention visiting me? ;(
06-10-2012, 03:32 PM
It was Hamburg somewhere in America :p(not sure where, east coast?)
06-10-2012, 06:06 PM
Hamburg, PA.
That confused me the first time too. I thought it was Hamburg, Germany.
06-10-2012, 06:33 PM
That would be awesome though. I'd loooooooooooooove to go to Germany and want to go to a reptile show....Could kill two birds with one stone:)
06-10-2012, 09:12 PM
Lol...yeah, when Mike first mentioned it...I thought he was suggesting we go to a show in Germany as well. I was like..."Nice to know you are loaded and can afford that...have fun!" ha ha....Bart...I would surely come and visit if I could afford to get over there! Wish I could go to a show in Germany. Yes...those frogs were crazy...if you think they looked fake in the pics, you should have seen them up close! And no snakes were feasting on other snakes lol...sorry about it being hard to see some of the pics...the glare of the lights at the show and the fact that I had to take most pics through containers made some of the pics really poor quality! I did get to pet a baby alligator (he was in the pics) and hold the head of a green anaconda while Mike was holding the rest of him! I was extremely tempted to buy a lavender morph corn of the prettiest snakes I have ever seen and they had lavender kings too...I actually held one that was pretty friendly. But....I just go for the garters in the end! :)
There is another show in August...that I am going to try to get to and take my son this time. I will let you guys know when it is exactly, as that time approaches...if anyone wants to come...Hamburg is near Reading, PA.
06-11-2012, 01:26 PM
Seeley just shed another perfect shed. He has never once had a problem with shedding since I have had him, which is interesting given his stump tail. He always sheds fast too...his eyes will cloud up one day and then clear up the next and he will shed that day. The babies ate some trout last night...Little Joe is a fatty fatso right now...I literally had to push him away and take his dish because he was going to explode if he kept eating! Zeus and Perseus are looking pretty plump too. Bella was not interested in the trout...even after I tried scenting it with worms. I really want to get her fattened up...she is a little slim...but her belly does look full after her dish of worms the other night. Sadie enjoyed being hand fed by Mike and me while he was over on Friday. Sammy had some worms the other day too. I was looking at Hermes last night and I can't believe how big he has gotten. Mike also got to witness Possum doing his crazy upside down and sideways slithers! Lol. Everyone is doing well today...I think Little Joe is looking for more trout! Lol...
06-11-2012, 03:43 PM
Shannon (aSnakeLovinBabe) sometimes frequents the hamburg show. She lives only 45 min away. I think since the baby was born, she isnt going anymore.
EDIT: I guess she did try to get a table there for her clay snakes, but couldn't. Then she went and they had tables there filled with remote control cars and crap. Boy is she pissed. I would be too. That flea market crap doesn't belong at a reptile show.
06-12-2012, 08:20 AM
Yeah...Mike and I looked for her but we couldn't find her. Was hoping to meet her and buy some of her jewelry.
Feeding little Bella some worms this morning since she had no interest in the trout I offered her yesterday. She loves her worms. She also likes to musk me...but she is the sweetest, most docile snake.
I think Cee Cee might have another respiratory infection. She was doing that gagging thing again and I noticed some foam in the back of her mouth when she did it. I don't hear any wheezing though. Other than that, she seems active and alert...and she is eating again. I will just have to keep an eye on her. It might have something to do with the substrate again...this last batch of aspen I bought has a strong wood smell to it. Does anyone else notice their aspen having a wood smell? The smaller shavings that I bought did not have a smell...but they were very I bought bigger shavings.
06-12-2012, 10:02 AM
Thanks for the great update! Vid and pics of the show are awesome. SOOOoooo many cool reptiles and buggy things out there. How much was a black widow spider (my son wants to know)? He enjoyed the video very much, I think this will be in heavy rotation for awhile. "Play it again, play it again!"
06-12-2012, 11:17 AM
Dude, I squash dozens of black widows at home in San Bernadino county, CA. They're everywhere. Especially in the fall. If you really wanted one, then I wouldn't suggest not buying one like that one pictured. She's near the end of her life.
At home I see them with white, orange, yellow, and red hour glasses on them which are sometimes reduced to just two little triangles instead of a complete hour glass. Sometimes the hour glass isn't even there. In Bakersfield, CA I've even found Brown widows and albino black widows.
Honestly, I think it's irresponsible to bring them into states where they don't live natively. It might even be illegal, or it should be. There's really no way to contain those tiny babies once they hatch. They will get loose, and let us not forget that they are quite capable of killing an adult within hours of biting you, even if you go to the hospital. There's nothing they can do for you if you've already received a fatal dose. you'll be dead in 3-5 hours from respiratory arrest.
With all that said, I've kept them before. They're actually quite docile and not apt to bite unless they are guarding eggs.
06-12-2012, 12:39 PM
It was so much fun meeting Marnie and hanging out! I got to see all of her snakes and help do some feeding. She has an awesome collection! I'm sure that I am repeating some things already said. Cee Cee ate while I was there! That was exciting! All of her snakes had their own little personalities. Possum was definitely one of my favorites to watch. I think I found a soft spot in Presley's heart. He enjoyed some good scratching before I left :D Hamburg was a ton of fun! I enjoyed watching Marnie more than anything! Your first reptile show can be overwhelming. She was taking pictures, taking business cards, talking with the vendors, getting up close and personal with the animals! It was a fantastic experience! :cool:
06-12-2012, 12:46 PM
Awww...thanks Mike! I had a blast too...and I miss you now that you are back home! Presley definitely liked you...which is saying a lot...because he doesn't like anyone outside our family. I have no idea how much a black widow would cost...didn't ask. Mike probably knows. But I agree with everything Richard said. I definitely would not want anything venomous in my house...especially with a child. Too risky. ;)
06-12-2012, 01:00 PM
I miss you too! We'll have to do it again, for sure! :D I still feel bad that the concessions closed before you got your slushie! :( They were asking $15 on the widows.
I snapped this photo of the babies before taking Ari. I think she's the loner in the moss :)
06-12-2012, 02:52 PM
Those babies are so cute! I love how garters always seem to have their heads up. It's even cuter when they're so tiny. They already know how to act like a garters at such a young age:D
Thanks for the great update! Vid and pics of the show are awesome. SOOOoooo many cool reptiles and buggy things out there. How much was a black widow spider (my son wants to know)? He enjoyed the video very much, I think this will be in heavy rotation for awhile. "Play it again, play it again!"
We also have alot of black widows around my house. Have had them inside also(I found one with a web in my bathroom a couple years ago!). I even find the egg sacks sometimes....I see the yellows and the whites also, like ConcinnusMan was saying. I can't say I'm thrilled with them being around:rolleyes:
06-12-2012, 02:59 PM
$15 for black widows? If I caught every black widow I found while herping I could probably herp every day for a few years :p
06-12-2012, 03:06 PM
<~~hates black widows and kills every one that is found in the yard which is tons.
06-12-2012, 03:11 PM
I don't like them, but don't really like smashing things...Depending on what it is and how big it is, it's mostly because I feel bad, but if it's something really big and gross(like a roach) I can't because they're full of guts.....:rolleyes:
06-12-2012, 03:19 PM
Black widows aren't as dangerous as the public widely believes. Sure, you still need medical attention if one bites you, but it has been years since someone in the U.S. died from a bite.
06-12-2012, 03:23 PM
probably because people stay the hell away from them.
06-15-2012, 12:01 PM
Yeah...we studied widows and brown recluse in my medical training. You really need to be more concerned about a recluse bite than a widow bite...because recluses cause necrosis that can spread and you can lose tissue or limbs depending on how far the necrosis spreads. Either way...if you get medical attention right are usually fine with either bite. It's when you get bit by a lot of them or neglect medical attention that real problems arise. But sorry to the spider lovers...if I saw a widow or a recluse around here...I would kill it immediately.
That is an awesome pic that you got of the babies Mike! Funniest thing happened while I was feeding the babies last night...they really love being hand I often put a little piece of food on the end of my finger and offer each a bite. Last night I went to offer a piece to Zeus and he missed the worm and bit my finger and latched on and started munching on it! I pulled my finger back and he was dangling from it munching away! It didn't hurt at all...his teeth are so small...just felt like little prickles...I was laughing so hard! It was really cute. Suffice to say...he was much happier when I pulled him off and gave him a worm instead...much tastier! :D Bella ate some worms last night too. Right I type...I am feeding Sammy, Seeley, Hermes, and Possum. Although, I think Hermes and Possum are done already. I really should time those two...they can put away a dish of food in about 2 minutes! Seeley is eating worms. Sammy finally stopped flailing all over the feed tank when he saw his dish of trout and is munching right now. Cee Cee and Sadie are waiting to be hand fed when their trout pieces thaw.
Oh..and Mike...don't worry about the slushie! Lol. I got my snow cone in the parking lot and it was yummy!
06-15-2012, 02:23 PM
widows are should never kill spiders, they eat bugs
06-15-2012, 02:42 PM
Some bugs I'd rather deal with than have a widow around. Spiders here, if they are seen and are not a jumping spider... they get smashed. They can live in my house, but they aren't to be seen... Ever. One made that mistake last night and it ran at my foot when I took a step and made me cry... It's dead now.
06-18-2012, 08:28 AM
Yeah...sorry Joe...I also think widows are very lovely...and they are fine to look at in a container. But if I saw one in my house...the little sucker would get squashed and so would any eggs I found. I would not be taking any chances of getting bit or having a venomous spider in my house with my child and my animals.
Here are a couple pics of Bella. It is very difficult to get pics of her right now. She loves to be held...but I am not coordinated enough to hold a snake in one hand and take pics with the You should see me try to walk and chew gum! :D. Anyway...I tried to get some pics of her on the bed...but she kept taking off into the pillows to hide. So I had to take them in her quarantine tub. One is very good...I wanted you guys to see her spectacular colors. The other is just so you can see a full body shot...but it isn't a great photo.
06-18-2012, 09:06 AM
Love that deep red coloring on her little head! :D
06-18-2012, 09:41 AM
She's looking very nice ;) Such a cute girl!
06-18-2012, 10:56 AM
T.s.concinnus photos are always good. Great snakes.
Glad you have one with you Marnie.
06-18-2012, 08:28 PM
Thanks! She seems to be a happy girl...although she still musks me every single time I pick her up! And boy can she put out some stink! Sadie is getting ready to shed...her eyes are blue and she is hiding a lot...although she let me hold her today and seemed content lying in my arms...and she ate a worm that I hand fed her!
06-18-2012, 08:42 PM
I miss you Sadie. Be good to Marnie.
06-18-2012, 08:54 PM
Sadie is a sweet girl! I got to hold her while visiting Marnie :)
06-18-2012, 09:21 PM
Sadie is a sweet girl! I got to hold her while visiting Marnie :)
That's my, well Marnie's girl.:D
Light of Dae
06-18-2012, 09:43 PM
As for taking pictures I just hold them by their tails if they won't stay still. None seem to mind at all. It works great anywhere from my lap to outside. :)
06-21-2012, 01:53 PM
Sadie shed last night and it was very cool to watch! Julian watched with me...just never ceases to amaze me. She is so gorgeous right now...and the shed was perfect. So...naturally, my camera is on the fritz and I can't take pics to show you all!!! Grrrr.....
06-21-2012, 01:57 PM
Nice going Sadie. She's a good radix.
06-21-2012, 02:04 PM
She is so shiny! But she still wants to hide. She was showing off a bit after the shed last night though...climbing around and showing off how pretty she is! I took her out and held her for a while and told her what a beautiful girl she is. But today she is back in her favorite shoe box hide.
06-21-2012, 02:40 PM
Sounds like a pure Deva to me. She struts her stuff when she sees fit.
She is so shiny! But she still wants to hide. She was showing off a bit after the shed last night though...climbing around and showing off how pretty she is! I took her out and held her for a while and told her what a beautiful girl she is. But today she is back in her favorite shoe box hide.
06-21-2012, 02:41 PM
Oh, and Bella is beautiful.
06-21-2012, 03:31 PM
Sounds like a pure Deva to me. She struts her stuff when she sees fit.
Not one of my girls ;):D
06-25-2012, 10:17 AM
Speaking of Bella...she just shed...and she is one of the most efficient shedders I have ever seen. She really has mad skills. She just wriggled right out of that shed in no time with barely any assistance from any objects in her enclosure. She had a perfect shed and looks lovely...and of camera is still broken.
On a different note...a very odd thing happened with Sadie last radix female. Sadie is usually the calmest and sweetest girl. It was feeding night...and I went into her enclosure to get her to feed her and she suddenly got very scared and aggressive and bit me several times. Even after I picked her up...she kept swinging around to bite me. I usually feed her by hand...but because she was freaking out so much...I just set her dish of worms on the floor and held her in front of it and let her eat like that. If I got near her head while she was eating...she would try to bite me again. I put her back in the enclosure and let her calm down for a couple of minutes...washed my hands to get the worm scent off of me...reached in to try to touch her and she jumped, scared, coiled and tried to bite me again. A little while later...same thing. Now today...I reached in and she started to do it again...but I got her to calm down and finally let me take her out of the enclosure and then she was fine. We had some nice bonding time and she slithered around on me for a while with no problems whatsoever. I have no idea what all of that was about. Perhaps she is having her period! :D I should mention that she is out of quarantine and in with Cee Cee now. She and Cee Cee absolutely adore each other. They curl up together and love all over each other all the time. The are always curled up together. I do not feed them together. When I returned Cee Cee to the enclosure yesterday after feeding...Sadie was happy to see Cee Cee...but tried to bite doesn't have anything to do with Cee Cee. And up until yesterday, Sadie had never acted like this with me before. I spoke to Steve on the phone about it last night...we don't really know what is going on.
Edit: to add a interesting note to all of this...Cee Cee was always the aggressive one of all of my garters. She has now calmed down completely and loves to be held and never strikes at me anymore. Since Sadie came into the picture and she saw Sadie being cuddled and loved on....I think she saw what she was missing!
06-25-2012, 10:38 AM
Marnie, I think they just have bad moods sometimes and the feeding response makes it worse. I get cranky when I'm not caffinated or my blood sugar is low or I'm too hot and I figure that other animals have the same type of reactions. My 2.5' kingsnake had never, ever been aggressive or flighty with me... until yesterday. She's only once refused a meal (it was a day before shedding), so when she did laps around her food for an hour yesterday I tried to tease her with some forceps. She struck one pinky but when I let go she didn't hold on, and it fell right next to her. I used the forceps to reach for the other one and she struck me on the hand without biting down. Didn't even leave a mark so I figure it was just a warning. After that I put the lid back on the feeding container and she ate just fine.
Subtle changes (to us) can make a big difference. I rescued a dog a few weeks ago and maybe my hand smelled like dog. I was also doing some cleaning during feeding time and she ended up in a smaller feeding container than usual. It's possible that something was setting her off and I didn't realize it at the time.
06-25-2012, 10:48 AM
Right...that is what Steve and I were trying to figure out...if something was setting her off. It may have just been that I originally smelled like worms and the feeding response kicked in and didn't shut down for a while. may have been because I was a couple of days late feeding her. It is a little odd that she began to react like that again today...but who knows? I haven't been taking her out a lot lately because I have been really busy. Maybe she just needs some extra bonding time.
06-25-2012, 11:20 AM
Could Sadie see you as a threat to Cee Cee? Is she just trying to protect her territory and roomy? This is just a shot in the dark.
06-25-2012, 01:42 PM
I have no idea but I would think that she would have done it before then...this is the first time this ever happened. Just the day before I was holding her and she was fine. And she didn't react when I went near Cee Cee...just when I tried to touch her. Now, Cee Cee is very protective. She will come over to my hand and check on things if I go near Sadie and she used to do the same thing when Seeley was in with her. Sadie has been more out and about today which is good...because as I mentioned to Steve on the phone yesterday she has been hiding a lot and not as active as I would like. But she is eating, pooping, drinking, and tongue flicking. If she continues to act oddly though, I will take her to the vet.
06-30-2012, 05:33 PM
Productive son's team won their swim meet...which we had to be there at 8am. Cleaned the guinea pig cage..and fed all the snakies. Little Zeus is getting ready to shed again...and he refused food this time. I think I figured out what Sadie's problem might have been the other day...sometimes when I feed Cee Cee and Sadie both...although never together...they will get confused by the reflection on the scenery paper on the back wall of the can see in it almost like a mirror...and when I reach in with the food on the hemostats...they will start looking for it on the back wall. I often tap them gently on the back with the stats to let them know where the food is...and Sadie will swing around and chomp! So I think that now sometimes when I reach in and touch her...she swings around to chomp out of a learned feeding response...and bites at me even when there is no food. See...brains as well as personality! Lol....
07-01-2012, 12:03 PM
Just had one of those funny "scared the crap out of me" snake owner moments. I went to check on the babies and I know little Zeus is getting ready to shed so I knew I wouldn't see him out and about...but then when I started moving the substrate around and picking up hides...I couldn't find him anywhere. My son and I tore the enclosure completely apart...and of course, he was lying very still along side his water dish...trying not to be found. He is fine and after I put everything back together...he went right back to hide. Little stinker! Scared me to death.
07-01-2012, 12:06 PM
They know exactly what they are doing.
07-01-2012, 12:09 PM
I know...they love to keep us on our toes. Steve did you read my post above about my theory on why Sadie has been acting the way she has?
07-01-2012, 12:13 PM
I know...they love to keep us on our toes. Steve did you read my post above about my theory on why Sadie has been acting the way she has?
Yes I did. Sounds like a good hypothesis.
Shouldn't be too hard to prove out.
07-01-2012, 12:16 PM
Maybe I should find a different way to feed her. I was feeding her by hand while holding her before...but then I used the hemostats a couple of times just because I have a lot of snakes to feed at once and it is a lot to move everyone around to feed tanks, supervise the babies while they eat, and then take Sadie out and feed her. Perhaps I should try putting her in a feed tank and putting her food on a dish and reserve feeding her by hand for little treats now and then when I am holding her. What do you think?
07-01-2012, 12:19 PM
She's never been container fed. She's always been group fed.
I think all you can do is try some different thing to see what works.
07-01-2012, 12:44 PM
Well...she was living on her own for a while...and I do separate her from Cee Cee when I feed her. I have actually been moving Cee Cee into another tank so that Sadie will not get stressed by moving...but the same tank I use for feeding Cee Cee...I have also moved Sadie into for swim time. I just don't like the idea of feeding her in her tank with all the aspen. I don't use containers for feeding...I use an extra 20 gallon that I have....large critter keepers for the smaller snakes. I will try some ideas I have and keep you posted.
07-01-2012, 05:19 PM
So I had an eventful day. First the neighbor boy came over wanting to see my new garter, Bella. I didn't see her in her container and figured she was hiding...but she must have somehow gotten to the top of the container and as soon as I opened it...she jumped out and off of the back of the table her container sits on and onto the floor...and she was heading toward going underneath a large piece of furniture. If she had gotten under it...I probably never would have found her. The neighbor boy...who loves snakes...quickly got under the table and caught her for me. Whew! I told him I owe him big time for that. Don't know what I would have done if I had lost her. Then there was a big spider in my house...which if you remember, I think ever spider I see is a brown recluse...I freaked out and caught it in a container so that I could take pics to show you guys...but then I remembered my camera is broken. You'll be happy to know I did not kill him...I set him free outside. I looked at pics on the internet and I think he was either some type of orb weaver or a baby wolf spider that wasn't hairy yet. Then, I spent a half and hour at my pool trying to catch a hurt squirrel so that I could take it to a lady I know that rescues and recuperates injured wildlife. The poor things leg was looked like he had been hit by a car or attacked by something. We didn't end up catching him...but he was eating and ran up a tree and back I figure he should be okay. Some of the people at the pool were looking at me like I was nuts...but others were trying to help and thanked me for trying to help the that was nice. If we see him hanging around there again...we will try to catch him so I can take him to the rescue.
07-01-2012, 06:25 PM
Glad to hear Bella was caught! And glad you tried to do something for the squirrell. Maybe you'll see him around, and be able to keep an eye on his progress.
That squirrel story reminds me of one of my grandpas jokes I tried to tell when I was little(Because you said " Some of the people at the pool were looking at me like I was nuts" and I was thinking "The squirrell wasn't":p). It goes: "How do you catch a squirrel? Climb up in a tree and act like a nut." But I said: "How do you catch a squirrell? Climb up in a tree and grab his nuts." :p Kinda works in two ways!
07-01-2012, 06:30 PM
Yeah...I am a bleeding heart when it comes to injured animals. I have been worried about that darn squirrel all evening. He doesn't move very fast so I worry about him going into the road. But despite his injuries...he seemed okay...he was getting around okay and those are good signs. One of the men at my pool said he was going to bring a dog carrier back up with him next time he comes to the pool and if we see him again...we will try to catch him.
I'm so glad the neighbor boy was here to catch Bella. I don't know if I could have gotten under the table fast enough...and with her being so small...she could have easily, I have cats. I told the boy that I owe him...and he said.."just take me herping with you" very cool! He told his mom..."Miss Marnie and I have a love of snakes in common. She and I are going to do some snake-oriented activities soon". :D
07-01-2012, 06:46 PM
What a sweet boy:) That sounds like fun.
I worry about that even with handling mine, and he's 21 in. But I still think, if he drops, it'll only take a second and he could be gone, inside or outside!
I'm also the same with hurt animals. I was always saving birds from my outside cats and bringing home baby squirrells/birds/possums/etc:p My mom or grandparents then would have to help me find a place to take it to. They've put up with me well! Most recently its been baby bunnies that have been being saved. They like to nest on our property at work, and we try to look out for the nests, but alot of times the dogs will find the nest before we can...Actually the people at work keep alot of those stories from me...I don't handle it well:p...They've already had to deal with me a couple times, bringing in an injured baby bunny, sobbing about "What if it dies?!?":rolleyes:
07-01-2012, 08:48 PM
Sounds like an exciting day! Glad Bella didn't escape. Thankfully it was the neighbor there to get her and not a kitty! And good luck catching the squirrel. :)
07-02-2012, 04:56 AM
When I was a kid, on Sunday afternoon we would watch a program called "Wild Kingdom". Sounds like you had one on your own.
07-02-2012, 11:05 AM
Lol...yep. Everytime I walk by Bella's enclosure now..I call her a little stinker and tell her she scared me to death. I will be extra cautious opening her enclosure now.
07-02-2012, 02:23 PM
Lol...yep. Everytime I walk by Bella's enclosure now..I call her a little stinker and tell her she scared me to death. I will be extra cautious opening her enclosure now.
Now you'll have to wait till you see her until you open it! So you know she's not lying in wait....:p
07-07-2012, 04:53 AM
Ha ha...I found out why Bella escaped speaking of your last post, Emily...she gets up on the rim of the container lid and basically...lies in wait. Cheeky little bugger! In other my first blood-drawing snake bites last guessed it...Sadie. How she knows it's feeding time before she should even be able to smell any food is beyond me...but all I can guess is that this biting is a feeding frenzy kind of thing. Could it be that garters are actually so smart that she knows when she sees me moving snakes around that it is feeding time? She was the last to be fed...I had not even opened her enclosure except to remove Cee Cee...I made sure to wash my hands before reaching in for her...and she started attacking me and biting the crap out of me...she had two fingers bleeding and I said...okay, look..."I am not in the mood for getting bit a thousand times"...and had to put a glove on...which she continued to bite...and then hold her up to her feeding dish again and let her eat her worms. Very bizarre. Sammy also attempted to bite me several times. Steve...are you punking me or something? Lol...did you take my scent and train these garters to "always bite Marnie"...before sending them? Lol...Just kidding...I know it was a feeding thing. Both calmed down after dinner time. And yep...garter bites do not hurt very much. No worse than cutting yourself on something. Although...that doesn't mean I was going to let Sadie continue to bite me. I have to think on this and figure out a new feeding plan for her. Of course...I have no camera so I couldn't get bite pics! :D
07-07-2012, 06:09 AM
Well, finally the blood bite thing is over with. On to bigger and better bites. Next on the list, a full mouth bite with chewing:D
Sorry to hear Sadie tagged you. You've got to stop pinching her:D
Their sense of smell is much more sensitive then we probably realize. I'm sure they use visual cues also. My snakes get excited when I go to the fridge. They watch my hands to see if I'm carrying a worm dish.
07-07-2012, 06:56 AM
If they go into a feeding frenzy like that should you maybe feed more often with smaller portions?
07-07-2012, 07:31 AM
Marnie... You have to stop sticking your fingers in their mouths! No wonder they think you're food! Geez.
07-07-2012, 09:21 AM
I wouldn't doubt that she can see you moving the other snakes around know she's about to get fed. I also wouldn't doubt she can at least get a little whiff of the food from the other guys food. Maybe a combination of the two? Sorry you got bit again! But glad it's not too bad. Next after a big bite with chewing, we're upgrading you to Cottonmouth bites:)(JK JK of course!)
07-07-2012, 10:23 AM may be that I am not feeding her as often as she was used to with Steve and when she first got here...that may be part of it...and I know that many of you have several more snakes then I do so it may sound a bit whiny when I say that it is just getting hard with my busy schedule to feed 10 snakes...4 of them being babies that I hand feed and supervise every two days with my busy schedule...and the adults I have to move into feed tanks because I do not feed snakes together or near aspen. So I have been feeding every 6 days instead of every adults that is. But I think it would be wise for me to stay on this schedule because once my nursing clinicals start...I will have to make weekends feed days and they will have to learn to go six days most of the time...which I don't think is too long for adults if I am feeding them enough and cutting it into digestible pieces...thoughts?
The other thing I noticed today is that Sadie is still a bit jumpy with me...and she doesn't seem to like my hands...the look of them or the smell or something. Once I get her out of her enclosure...when it is not feeding time...she calms down and lets me hold her...but she doesn't like my hands going near her...weird huh? Maybe she is just used to Steve's hands and it will take time. I did an experiment with her just now. I put a glove on one hand and not the other. She stayed wrapped around the hand with the glove on it and did not want my other hand near her. Thoughts? I wash my hands before holding her. The smell of me? The smell of the hand soap? The look of my hands? Who knows!
07-08-2012, 10:50 AM
She's just not that into you :p
07-09-2012, 06:53 AM
Good one, Mike! Ha ha ha....
07-09-2012, 09:39 AM
That's all I got. Don't have any advice for ya, except maybe keep doing what you're doing and she will learn that everything is going to be okay.
07-10-2012, 05:41 AM
So...I think I may be feeding the babies too much or too often now. They are starting to look like little If they are three and a half months old now...and I am guessing that Bella is a little older...(I think little Joe is approximately the same age as my babies) often do you think I should feed them now? I have been doing every 2 days...sometimes 3 if I'm really busy. I usually feed one chopped up large nightcrawler per three babies. Suggestions?
07-10-2012, 05:54 AM
A large night crawler per baby seem to be a little much. Maybe cut that in half.
07-10-2012, 09:22 AM
I think she means the three babies share one nightcrawler.
07-10-2012, 10:01 AM
I think she means the three babies share one nightcrawler.
You are right. I read it wrong. Thanks.
07-10-2012, 02:20 PM worm for the three babies, cut into pieces. But what do you guys think in terms of how often I should be feeding them? Is every two days too much at this point?
07-10-2012, 02:47 PM
Based on what I've heard that seems to be a bit much, but IMO it depends on the total amount of food and the nutritional value of the food that they're eating. My pugets only take one or two pieces of fish so I might bump them up to every second day. The rest are now taking pinky parts so I'm thinking of pushing them back to every 4th day. I let them eat until they're sated, though, and the radixes really pack it in. If I were to restrict them to what I consider to be a reasonable meal, I'd probably keep them on the 3 day schedule.
07-11-2012, 05:35 AM adults eat every 5-6 days. My babies...have been eating worms more than anything else...but I try to switch it up with fish and pinkies too. I definitely wait three days before feeding again if I gave them pinkies in the last feed...since it takes longer to digest. I would say they each get maybe...I'm guesstimating here...7 little bites of worm or pinky or fish each time I feed...cut into very tiny pieces mind you. As soon as I see their tummies looking really full...I take away the food. I did not end up feeding them last night...which would have been two days since the last feed...because they still have full looking stomachs, to me. Unfortunately...this means they may have to go 4 days this time because I am leaving for the day soon...and won't be home until late tonight.
Light of Dae
07-11-2012, 05:38 AM worm for the three babies, cut into pieces. But what do you guys think in terms of how often I should be feeding them? Is every two days too much at this point?
When I raised Daffy(from 2 weeks old) I would feed him Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. That way he was thick for a few days then thin out n really be active n looking for food. Similar sized meals, enough to make him fat n lazy for an hour or two.
07-11-2012, 06:45 AM
Do they eat every feed? Or in other words, are they greedy, opportunistic feeders who will eat as much as you put in front of them, or do they regulate their intake and only eat when hungry?
Sometimes we can pick up the cues from the snakes themselves.
07-11-2012, 06:47 AM
Do they eat every feed? Or in other words, are they greedy, opportunistic feeders who will eat as much as you put in front of them, or do they regulate their intake and only eat when hungry?
Sometimes we can pick up the cues from the snakes themselves.
I don't think she has any Northwesterns Chris :D
07-26-2012, 09:15 PM
Sorry it took me so long to read the replies above...I have now started feeding the babies every 3 days and the adults every 5-6 days. All of my snakes, except for Seeley...will eat as much food as you put in front of them...and still look for more! I just try to go by the bulges in their stomachs...if they look full and still have food...I remove it.
But now on to a new concern...Cee Cee was vomiting foam again the other day. I changed her substrate and increased the humidity in case her chronic RI is acting up. But I have been worried...can't shake this worried feeling. And tonight...she has been lying in her water dish for the past couple of hours...the water is cold and her tank is only 75 degrees right now. It was up to 100 degrees here today though...could she have gotten overheated and is now trying to cool her body temp down? Or should I worry she is ill? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Cee Cee is my girl...
Light of Dae
07-27-2012, 05:44 AM
I have no idea what would be going on with ceecee... I would just take her out n hold her n see if she acts normal. Hoping for the best for you n your girl. *hug*
Invisible Snake
07-27-2012, 06:01 AM
My checkerds spent most of the day in their water bowl when we were experiencing a heatwave (temps were in the mid 90's) here in NYC. Is Cee Cee experiencing any trouble breathing? If she has an RI you should immediately qurarantine her and if you can, take her to a vet. I've heard and read that if you temporarily raise the temps it would help a snake fight off an RI but only if done early, as in after the first signs of an RI. I'd also like to point out that some people in the reptile community believe this to be a myth.
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