View Full Version : Questions about feeding...

11-22-2011, 07:38 PM
I never feel as though I know exactly what I am doing in terms of amounts when feeding my snakes. I always feel as though I may be feeding too little and maybe not often enough... In the past, I have never really understood exactly how much to feed...and I know that is difficult to answer because of course it is going to depend on the snake...but I am hoping someone can give me a better idea. I usually feed the girls once a week or every other week...more often, it's every couple of weeks. If I give them fish...I feed them salmon or trout pieces...and I fill a small reptile dish for each of them. If I give worms, I give a worm or two to each, and if I give pinkies, I give a small pinky to each. Neither of the girls ever finish all of their food, so I have never offered more. What do you guys think??

11-22-2011, 07:51 PM
Twice a week probably would be better. Fish and pinkies travel pretty fast through the snake.
Pinkies are a little slower.
I feed twice a week and let them eat until the look plump.
Seems to work well for me. Individual results may vary :D

11-22-2011, 09:05 PM
Perhaps that is why Cee Cee almost took my hand off tonight! Oops! Now is there a better way...cheaper I mean...bulk or something...for me to be buying pinkies? I mean...feeding twice a week can get expensive and with the new snake coming...the pinkies that I buy at the pet store here are very small and cost $1.25 a pinky. The salmon and trout that the girls like is not cheap either....the worms are $3.50 for a dozen...

11-22-2011, 09:10 PM
Buying pinkies in bulk online is a good way to save money. Shipping is usually what makes it expensive. There's micedirect, rodent pro, layne labs.... Couple others.

11-22-2011, 09:16 PM
Oh good...I'll check those out, thanks Chantel....