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View Full Version : How are "my" snakes doing guys?

11-22-2011, 02:18 PM
Anyone who bought (or received) snakes from me (you know who you are) I would really appreciate updates in this thread on how they're doing. I miss them all and would love to hear from you and see pics too! Some of you post about them regularly already but some of you don't. I'd like to hear from those that haven't updated me in a while.

11-22-2011, 03:48 PM
Snap and Ember are eating and growing machines! I'll get pictures later today hen my coughing stops. They're my hands off snakes, neither of them likes me touching them... Ember only tolerates it for a little bit. I'm still very happy with them, even if they aren't as cuddly as my NWs ;)

11-22-2011, 04:04 PM
heres one, obtained indirectly but its a "Richard" snake

11-22-2011, 04:06 PM
It's.... It's.... So cuddly looking! Awwwww.

11-23-2011, 12:52 AM
Oh yeah, that jogs my memory. You're right. Totally "atratus" looking except for color. But from what I hear, atratus, northwesterns, and butleri are very, very closely related DNA wise. It shows in their outward appearance too. But yeah, for sure, she came from Multnomah county, OR. Clark Co snakes are pretty much all the same as Multnomah county, but separated by a huge river is all.

11-23-2011, 12:55 AM
Snap and Ember are eating and growing machines!

And don't I know it! I try to tell people, when they are new to concinnus', what they are like, when it comes to growth and feeding but people are still taken aback by their enormous and seemingly never ending rapid growth and appetite. I mean, people don't expect a 7 inch snake to be 3 X that size in 6 months, but it happens, and they're like "wow!"

Much of it has to do with the genetics of the snakes I have sent out. There is a lot of natural pressure on them to get big fast in order to take them off the menu of predatory birds and also so they can start eating larger prey for themselves. There's not a lot of pressure on them to stay small either since there's plenty of cover where they came from. A 3ft + snake can still evade detection from the air/birds of prey, etc., pretty well.

11-23-2011, 02:11 AM
Snap is going to be put on a diet soon, her weight is a bit too much... You'd know what I meant if you saw how giant her belly is... You'd think she's hiding some pinkies in her hide and eating them when I'm sleeping with the size she's at...:rolleyes:

11-23-2011, 04:54 AM
I think its so awesome that you care so much about the snakes you helped bring into the world! Kudos to you for caring about each and everyone of them. I see it far too often in not only snakes but all other critters breeders just dont care enough bout what happens to the animal once it is sold.. Very very good to see! (not that other breeders on this forum are that way, ya'll are great) Just wanted to post this cause i think its so awesome... lol..

11-23-2011, 04:56 PM
I love hearing the updates and seeing the pics, and hearing about how much the new owners love them. Makes my day. Obviously I cant keep them all and watch them grow up so it's nice to see them getting big and thriving.

11-23-2011, 05:59 PM
another one, concinnus this time

11-23-2011, 06:05 PM
Yeah, I remember her. Glad she's doing well. She was always "borderline" for me. Wasn't doing too well there for a while.

11-23-2011, 06:09 PM
she bounced back well...now shes with Bill

11-23-2011, 06:11 PM
Cool. She does look much fitter now.

11-24-2011, 10:12 AM
And don't I know it! I try to tell people, when they are new to concinnus', what they are like, when it comes to growth and feeding but people are still taken aback by their enormous and seemingly never ending rapid growth and appetite. I mean, people don't expect a 7 inch snake to be 3 X that size in 6 months, but it happens, and they're like "wow!"

Yup... :rolleyes:

11-24-2011, 03:13 PM
It actually never phased me too much about how much they grew. It is cool to know that I held the tiny little 7 inch Snappy in my hands though :D

11-24-2011, 03:59 PM
They've come a long way, that's for sure:


So... Shannon, Don.... how are the blue anery's doing? Chilled down yet? gonna brumate/breed? I hope so.

11-24-2011, 04:42 PM
I'm still surprised at Rooster's growth rate. From 7 inches to 13 inches in a few months...



Awhile back


Awhile back


11-24-2011, 05:05 PM
His dad was very blue anery. Still, he seems to be holding onto his normal color. Sure wish I knew for sure what's going on with the blue anery's. I think maybe some, even though they are blue, are hets. And others, also blue, are homozygous. I suspect this because I know another guy bred anery to anery and got both kinds, and a few hypoery's. One of his blues must have been het, the other homo. Just no way to know which one is which (het or homo) until they breed. Obviously the blue male I paired with a normal, isn't the "super" form. He was probably just a het and so I got all normals.

It seems to be a weird and unpredictable trait. Beginning to think Joe is right and it's just polymorphism. But if it is, why do they only exist in a fraction of concinnus' range? Hmmm...

11-24-2011, 05:40 PM


Those are all taken today... Snap didn't want her picture taken... She let me know with a nice hot stream of poop.

11-24-2011, 05:57 PM
Reminds me of a song. ♫Blue eyes crying in the rain♫
Good looking snake.

11-24-2011, 05:59 PM
It's kind of cute how they kind of sync up with the shedding ;)
Embers such a sweet little boy. He hung out on my chest for a little while after the pictures.

11-24-2011, 06:48 PM
Never had that happen. At any given time, some have just shed, some are going into shed, some are in the process of shedding. All stages present in the collection at any moment.

11-24-2011, 06:56 PM
They've shed at the same time 3 times since I've gotten them. None of my other snakes do that. I just happen to notice things a tad bit more than most people would.. Thank my ADHD :D. I wasn't meaning that they purposly shed at the same time, or theres a reason they shed at the same time... but sometimes they do go opaque at the exact same time, I probably just stare at them enough to notice that it's always them that do it, none of my others have :p It'd be cool if everyone went into shed at the same time... Silky soft snakies, yay!

11-25-2011, 02:36 PM
His dad was very blue anery. Still, he seems to be holding onto his normal color. Sure wish I knew for sure what's going on with the blue anery's. I think maybe some, even though they are blue, are hets. And others, also blue, are homozygous. I suspect this because I know another guy bred anery to anery and got both kinds, and a few hypoery's. One of his blues must have been het, the other homo. Just no way to know which one is which (het or homo) until they breed. Obviously the blue male I paired with a normal, isn't the "super" form. He was probably just a het and so I got all normals.

It seems to be a weird and unpredictable trait. Beginning to think Joe is right and it's just polymorphism. But if it is, why do they only exist in a fraction of concinnus' range? Hmmm...

Yeah he ain't changing. Normal looking as they get. Do you think he's like a het for blue/anery or something? If so I'll breed him at some point!:D

11-29-2011, 03:08 PM
Perhaps not. I'm still thinking that hets and homos look the same - anery. But then again there's plenty of hypoery's around there and all babies I've ever found were hypo or normal. Never found an anery smaller than 15 inches or so. Maybe it is just polymorphism. In other words, whether you breed two anerys or anery to normal, the outcome is probably unpredictable. It's going to take a few generations of breeding them in captivity before we know for sure. Can't judge how the gene works with just one breeding. We need to do it multiple times.

11-29-2011, 04:27 PM
Hey Richard,
The snakes I got from you are all doing well. The Red Iowa Albino radix is in the fridge cooling down so he will be ready for the ladies. Big Momma is eating EVERYTHING I put in front of her, and still seems to be enjoying her long life. The pastel checkered is still feeding strong, I hope to breed her this spring to a male Pastel from Brad. And the two little radix are fine as well. I will try and get some pics soon of the ones not in brumation.

11-29-2011, 04:29 PM
Amy's first brumation. I hope it goes well. Thanks for the update.