View Full Version : An unfortunate situation
11-11-2011, 03:44 PM
So, my mom told me today, the day we were going to pick up some worms and fish, that she lost 200 dollars while she was at the grocery store, and that we have absolutely nothing to feed the snakes with. I have 5 pinkies and about an ounce of fish. Is there anything (that is extremely low priced for food) that I could be feeding my snakes, that could also be charged on our food stamps card? We have eggs... But I don't want to feed them nothing but eggs for the rest of the month. We'll have a turkey, from a thanksgiving basket from our local church, so I can give them the other bits and pieces. I cant turn down the heat too much, because it gets to about 30 degreeds at night, and my heater will only go down to 70.
Also, Silver isn't looking too good anymore. He's been deteriorating in health since Speckles died. He's even smaller than Azul and hasn't eaten, caved in, but still drinking water. It's very sad to see him so... Miserable.
11-11-2011, 03:52 PM
Chicken thighs are low in price. They are a pain to clean up but contain a lot of meat.
Prayers coming your way.
11-11-2011, 03:56 PM
A pain to clean up is a heck of a lot better than my snakes starving to death. The babies like the egg at least, but they are pretty hungry. It'll have to hold them off until we can get to the store.
11-11-2011, 10:07 PM
Not anymore, Steve. Ever since celebrity chefs started cooking with them (and that, probably to show their audience what they could do with cheap cuts of meat), chicken thighs have started to cost almost as much as skinless, boneless breasts.
What about winter? In my neck of the woods, it's that time of year when the snakes stop eating as much and start sleeping a lot more.
11-11-2011, 10:10 PM
Thanks for the update.
11-11-2011, 10:16 PM
We can check the prices, us washintonians always have lots of chicken in the stores... Haha. I do recall them being fairly cheap, but if boneless and skinless is cheaper, I might do that instead.
Would I cook it, if that's the case, or leave it raw? If I have to cook it, I may as well buy extra... I love chicken! :D
11-11-2011, 10:21 PM
Oh and, my snakes haven't slowed down yet. My room is kept at 75-80 when possible, because my heater cant go any lower, and my snakes already know that I'll feed them whatever I can to keep them happy.
11-11-2011, 10:35 PM
I've fed Little Dude raw chicken before. As long as it's not seasoned, it should be fine.
Another thing you could try might be giblets, gizzards, livers, etc. If you can find them cheaper, that might be an even better option. I've heard some people say their snakes love them.
11-12-2011, 12:15 AM
We'll be giving those to the snakes, when we get the thanksgiving basket. Would I feed those raw, too, or let them cook a bit?
11-12-2011, 12:49 AM
Fred Meyer has chicken hearts for less than $2 for about 30 of them. I bet they would love those.
11-12-2011, 01:06 AM
We don't really shop at fred meyers too much, it's really far away from us... And usually extremely expensive on our food card... They always have my favourite fruits and veggies in stock, but at a higher price.
11-12-2011, 02:31 AM
Yeah, they are more expensive for a lot, but they have great prices on chicken and chicken hearts. I love me some lightly floured and seasoned pan fried chicken hearts, yummy! Last time we bought some it was $1.88 for about 30 hearts. I didn't think to try giving the snakes any though. They were pretty happy with the worms and fish at the time.
11-12-2011, 03:05 AM
There's an awful lot of offel that is usually thrown away when butchers trim meat to leave the cuts that sell. Just wondering if you were buying some chicken thighs if it's worth asking if they can throw in some of the throwaway stuff for free? It's the sort of thing that a local butcher shop here would do, if we're talking about supermarkets it will more than likely depend on the person serving you bending the rules and applying some common sense.
11-12-2011, 12:20 PM
Do they eat salmon and trout? My food stamps cover the fresh salmon and trout that I buy at the seafood counter at the supermarket...they just won't cover any cooked food. Selena and Cee Cee love cut up pieces of salmon and trout...just make sure it's steel-head and Alaskan...from America. I guess the fish is pretty expensive though...but it is covered by food stamps and a little piece lasts a while for my girls...your snakes may have to eat less...but something is better than nothing, right? Money is tight here too, so I'm with you, are in my prayers.
11-12-2011, 12:26 PM
They do eat salmon, but it's extremely expensive right now. We normally buy it as a little treat for them because of the cost.
11-12-2011, 12:31 PM
Ahhh...sorry then...I'm not sure what else to suggest because that is all that Cee Cee and Selena will and worms.
11-12-2011, 12:35 PM
Yeah, they all love the fish but to me it's not a healthy thing to eat every feeding time. They will be getting the little bit of it we have left, plus some garden worms if we find any.
You'd think that with how Washington is, I'd find tons of worms by digging a hole in the yard... But we've only found 3 this week. Hah.
11-12-2011, 01:49 PM
Tilapia seems to be fairly inexpensive - a lot cheaper than salmon at least.
11-12-2011, 02:07 PM
The variation in fish price is astounding, the most expensive fish we could buy at our supermarket fish counter is talapia. Whilst an all fish diet isn't ideal, if it is for a short time it wouldn't hurt too much. Personally, I'd extend the feed intervals, maybe reduce the amount fed to each, and if I was group feeding I would be careful to ensure that one wasn't pigging out and others getting nothing.
You mentioned that you couldn't turn your heaters down much. You have thermometers to monitor the temps, right? Could you turn them off for periods to drop the temp and slow down their metabolism? Obviously you'd need to monitor the temps yourself rather than relying on the heater thermostat. Just a thought.
Light of Dae
11-12-2011, 04:12 PM
I found silver-sided minnows frozen little tub at 'The Fishin Hole' for less then 3 bucks. there is lots in there. I'd try a fishing / bait store for something like that, it's also where I get my worms, cheap as well :)
Praying too, I know how tough it is to be shy on the money, been there lots. Everything always works out though, Some where along the line maybe someone found that 200 bucks who really really needed it to feed their kids or something. That's how my momma always taught me to think. Everything happens for a reason. and you n your snakes will survive n be just fine :)
11-12-2011, 05:20 PM
Snakey doesn't seem to be too interested in Blade. Would you like him to come home, and get your pinkies too?
11-12-2011, 05:28 PM
I've been trying to get my girls to eat something other than fish but it's all they will eat. They have no interest in worms or pinkies anymore. Any suggestions?
11-12-2011, 06:20 PM
You can give him some time if you like, Kat. It could be the time of the year or maybe blade needs a cool down before she'll be receptive for now. Whatever works for you! We could try at another time of the year if you wanted. But perhaps next time we can meet you half way so you don't have to drive nearly as long as you did!
When my snakes reject the food I offer, and want nothing but fish I feed them in a dish with lots of fish and a few pinky parts mixed in, and gradually lower the amount of fish offered. They usually start getting used to the pinky after a while!
11-12-2011, 07:24 PM
Sounds good...I'll take a trip to the pet store and get some pinkies and try that.
11-12-2011, 10:30 PM
I just saw this thread.. That really sucks, but I'm sure you'll be able to find something. I would ask the people who work in the butchering department of the Food Lion (or whatever grocery stores are in WA) for leftover bits. Also, you can ask around for turkey gizzards and organs.. Maybe you can get leftover parts from more than just the one turkey?
Thinking of you and your snakes!
11-14-2011, 06:55 PM
I was also thinking chicken livers. They appear to be less expensive and I hear the snakes may like them. How many snakes do you have? Even the cheaprer salmon (if they eat it) may be worth buying and freezing leftovers. I can get alot out of a 1/3 pound for my snakes. Good luck and thinking of you and yours.
Mrs N1ntndo
11-14-2011, 08:58 PM
I get Talopia on my food card. around here thats a cheaper fish to buy. I also do crawlers. I have tried Salmon but my easterns dont like that. SIDE QUESTION: do snakes tastes change like ours? Sorry just thought of that and had to ask. Anyway, For eating something other than fish .. have you tried scenting crawlers or somthing esle with there favorite fish. That helps with mine most times. I hear it helps a lot of others too.
11-14-2011, 09:31 PM
I don't need to scent anything, they'll eat whatever I put in their faces for the most point. It's not about what they wont eat, I just had no money to buy anything at all.
11-15-2011, 01:30 AM
Frozen fish is an acceptable food stamp item.
(sorry if that has already been said)
11-15-2011, 02:32 AM
It has, but I don't want to feed them nothing but fish for a month, and fish is really expensive where we shop... Which is about the only few places we can go.
11-21-2011, 09:28 PM
We got some money from a friend (I'm not sure if he wants to be named ;)) And with it we bought some chicken hearts. They were a little expensive, but almost all of my snakes took it without hesitating. Mama took it with some tricking... Snap and Ember wont eat it, but I'll try scenting. It took just a chicken heart and a half to feed everyone enough :)
11-21-2011, 09:42 PM
We got some money from a friend (I'm not sure if he wants to be named ;)) And with it we bought some chicken hearts. They were a little expensive, but almost all of my snakes took it without hesitating. Mama took it with some tricking... Snap and Ember wont eat it, but I'll try scenting. It took just a chicken heart and a half to feed everyone enough :)
Woot!! happy to hear it.
11-21-2011, 09:47 PM
I was really happy to see all of my piggies stuffed and happy! The only one that didn't eat was the new baby. I think the hearts will last me until mid december, and I'll have money next month, so luckily things will be going great from there (I'm very hopeful that it will)
11-21-2011, 10:38 PM
That is so awesome to hear Chantel!
11-21-2011, 11:35 PM
Plus you'll have your pinkies too! :)
11-22-2011, 03:49 AM
Good news there, it's always good to see a happy update. I may have to try ours on the chicken hearts if they went down really well.
11-22-2011, 11:52 AM
Everyone ate, even got Snap and Ember to eat some with a little fish in their dish ;)
11-22-2011, 12:12 PM
11-22-2011, 12:36 PM
Good to hear the bellies are full.
11-22-2011, 03:10 PM
Tilapia seems to be fairly inexpensive - a lot cheaper than salmon at least.
I've heard people complaining about how expensive it is. When I was still in WA I could get a lot of tilapia really cheap. Now I'm SoCal and it's extremely expensive!
I know you mentioned the heat situation already but that's the best option I can suggest, is to cool them way down. Northwesterns are very cold-hardy. Other than that, if they will eat chicken (only the very lean muscle from thighs or legs, soaked or rinsed in hot water first) is OK. I would avoid breasts. They are most likely infused/injected with salt water. In any case, be sure to use just the lean meat and rinse or soak thoroughly to remove sanitizer which is always used on the surface of poultry.
I know you got food for them now already and that's great. Just adding info to the conversation.
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