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View Full Version : Disgusted with Animal Planet

11-03-2011, 09:37 PM
Watched Animal Planet's "Rattlesnake Republic"
I'm very disappointed with Animal Plant" to air this type of show that promotes the killing of these snakes.
Raiding dens is just part of the job. "It's all about the money" was the theme of the show.
No conservation and no respect for these wonderful reptiles.
I do understand the need for these snakes being removed for the protection of people but that's not what this show is about.
It is about finding and removing all the snakes they can. More money.
"Looking for the killer snake" "We must get them before they attack"
Negative hype against rattlesnakes.
These snakes are not being removed and relocated. They are being sold in the "Trophy Snake" market.
Much of animal planets programing is on the protection and rescue of animals. Treating injured animals and releasing or finding homes for them.
I guess that goes right out the window when it comes to reptiles(snakes, alligators, ect.)
My complaint will not end here.
Animal Planet will be hearing from me.

These idiots go out and raid these dens and areas to make a few hundred dollars.
One of them said "It's getting harder and harder to find the big snakes" I wonder why it's so hard Sherlock?

11-03-2011, 10:38 PM
I agree, I would definitely feel much different if they had to do it to survive, but no. Instead those poor rattlers are being abducted,killed, and barbecued for extra cash and for "a delicacy" :mad:

11-03-2011, 10:45 PM
Can you send around that email for me to sign as well kittykat19825@yahoo.com

11-03-2011, 11:25 PM
I'll sign an email if you send one around too. lsigmon2@elon.edu

I was in a class awhile back where they talked about how rattlesnake bites have actually gone up since the 'rattlesnake roundups' started. The idiots out raiding the wild populations usually find the snakes that are quick to rattle. This means that the snakes that aren't set on a hair-trigger to rattle are the ones passing on their genetics, which has led to populations in some areas that won't warn you until it's almost too late. It's a lose-lose.

11-04-2011, 12:04 AM
It's unfortunate Animal Planet isn't spending more of their airtime promoting education when it comes to these animals. Sad to see the sensationalistic negative stereotypes being reinforced. On some level it's a good lesson to show these kinds of shows if it's also explained how terrible it is what they're doing and exposing the ignorance. Without any educational component it's just them showing a "scary snakes have to die" show.. Let us know if you get a response Steve.

11-04-2011, 04:03 AM
Quite a few aspects of animal planet have gone down the sewer.

11-04-2011, 04:16 AM
Is there any way to get some other part of the media to feature animal planets double standards,, or perhaps targeting the firms which advertise on that channel

11-04-2011, 04:28 AM
Animal Planet is owned by Discovery networks. Who have a "deal" with BBC worldwide.

The money mongers could care less, as long as there are good viewer ratings.

11-04-2011, 06:25 AM
This is my complaint to Discovery Channel:

Wow, so much for conservation of animals. Nothing but negative reptile hype.
It's all about the money theme.
To make it worse it isn't even big money. A few hundred dollars to raid and destroy dens and decimate a population. Not one positive comment about how these snakes benefit us. They do not attack. They defend themselves. I'm very disappointed in your choice to air this kind of programming. Animal Plant isn't concerned about all animals. Only the ones they choose.
"Suprisingly human" not even. "Suprisingly inhumane" is more like it.
Steve Gilfillan 712-322-2953

Here is a link to get a complaint/comment started:
Contact : Discovery Communications (http://corporate.discovery.com/contact/viewer-relations/)

11-04-2011, 07:06 AM
I value an animals life more than I do a humans life or my own.

Some species are bred for feeding people like chickens and cows mainly. But I am absolutely disgusted when wild free roaming animal that wants nothing more than just to survive is killed for sport or food.

They think there is an overpopulation of animals.. what makes them think that? what about humans... this world can use a couple billion less people... only within 60 years 4.5 BILLION more people are alive today, I'd do it for the money :/

11-04-2011, 07:17 AM
I've just searched to see if this is due to be screened on Animal Planet over here, and it isn't. So either it's just not been exported to Europe yet, or the European channel controllers have some standards. I tend not to watch Animal Planet, but they have the occassional programme that is worthwhile. I've obviously not seen the programme so have no basis for my views other than the responses of others who have seen it.

The blurb from the AP about this programme:

"In the heart of Texas is a little known world where men hunt and capture the continent's most dangerous predator. The Rattlesnake Republic follows the lives and adventures of four teams of brave rattlesnake wranglers as they battle to make a living."

It's not about the animals, it's about the bastards that hunt them down and convince the public that they are dangerous. I've never seen a rattler except from behind glass, and I wouldn't rush to put my hand in a tank with one. But to describe them as the "the continent's most dangerous predator" is just sensationalising cow manure.
I'm pretty sure there are many more deadly animals in the US that don't have a big rattle on their tail to warn you off before they bite you.

I may have a prejudiced view of American TV viewers, but I'd imagine that this programme went down a storm with a whole demographic of viewers.

11-04-2011, 07:22 AM
I value an animals life more than I do a humans life or my own.

Some species are bred for feeding people like chickens and cows mainly. But I am absolutely disgusted when wild free roaming animal that wants nothing more than just to survive is killed for sport or food.

They think there is an overpopulation of animals.. what makes them think that? what about humans... this world can use a couple billion less people... only within 60 years 4.5 BILLION more people are alive today, I'd do it for the money :/

Don't get me started on overpopulation... I believe that all too many groups/charities/individuals who "want to save the planet" conveniently ignore the cause of pollution on the planet. It's people encroaching on animals' environments that often puts them into conflict with dangerous wild animals, a few less people and that encroachment would reduce and rattlers wouldn't need to be rounded up.

11-04-2011, 07:25 AM
"Suprisingly human" not even. "Suprisingly inhumane" is more like it.
I remember leaving a comment on their YouTube channel page sarcastically thanking them for providing entertainment for zoosadists. That was over Man vs. Wild and the beating to death of a large boa in one of the videos they posted.

But that was probably over a year ago.

11-04-2011, 07:37 AM
AP has gone down the tubes BIG TIME. From what I understand, their agenda has been taken over and is the work of HSUS (one of our biggest enemies). The anniversary of Steve Irwin's death passed not too long ago... he is the man that made that channel. What did they do to honor him this year?? NOTHING!!! Not even sure if he got an honorable mention. AP is all about sensationalism now... it's all a bunch of crap made to feed the sheeple. They will not listen to us... the entire reptile community has been pelting animal planet for a while now. It falls on deaf ears, the same way that HSUS blocks and deletes any commenting on their website that does not agree with THEIR agenda. Matter of fact, I can't believe this topic has taken this long to surface here!

Growing up, I always loved to watch animal planet because it was where I could learn all about awesome animals from every part of the planet and see all kinds of interesting footage. Now.... well gee... it's all about PEOPLE and their interactions with animals. And a lot of it is negative... like that hogwash show about infestations... and of course the rubbish about the super hybrid python that is going to take over the everglades and eat your children!!! :mad:

I value an animals life more than I do a humans life or my own.

Some species are bred for feeding people like chickens and cows mainly. But I am absolutely disgusted when wild free roaming animal that wants nothing more than just to survive is killed for sport or food.

They think there is an overpopulation of animals.. what makes them think that? what about humans... this world can use a couple billion less people... only within 60 years 4.5 BILLION more people are alive today, I'd do it for the money :/

There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking wild game from a sustainable population for FOOD (I do not agree with any killing for sport). I have seen the way grocery store meats get processed.... and I will pass. Those perdue chickens suffer immensely pitiful lives (completely in the dark too) prior to slaughter and their their carcasses are handled by machines and bathed in ammonia and other chemicals... I will stick to grass-fed animals raised on an actual farm and the wild deer that roam here freely!

11-04-2011, 08:43 AM
anyone catch Dr Meade(i think thasts how you spell his name)on this program?....anyone know who he is? if you dont you should.

11-04-2011, 11:19 AM
TV documentaries have been looking for a Steve Irwin replacement for years now - you know, characters who are good on camera and interact with animals. They've gone the wrong way, they're finding characters, but they're characters who don't give two hoots about the animals.

11-04-2011, 11:40 AM
I'm actively avoiding watching a progamme of the same ilk which is due to start over here on bio "Billy the Exterminator"
About - Billy the Exterminator on Bio. (http://www.thebiographychannel.co.uk/shows/billy-the-exterminator/about.html)
Look at the way the man dresses and presents himself, jeez!! The trailers anger me. Lots of talk about "pest snakes". I'm going to start my own pest control company but I will exterminate bigots, racists, drains on resourses and most of all those who seek to harm defensless animals. If you want to iradicate the worlds most dangerous preditor (to man and animals) start with the human race.... I'm a very angry bunny!!!!!

11-04-2011, 12:14 PM
Reptiles just can get a break.
We have "Swap People" and now we have "Rattlesnake Republic".
I also watched "Call of the Wild Man" This is about a guy that catches animals with his bare hands.
Watching him reminded me of a Youtube video I once saw. The video showed this idiot cleaning snapping turtles out of farm ponds.
Swinging them around by their tails(which injures the tail) and throwing them on shore. No regard for the animal at all. It's the same guy.
I must say I am biased with regards to this guy since I have Tank(Common Snapping Turtle) living with my family.
Animal Planet finds this guy, cleans up how he does some things and gives him his own show.
So much of what they do is staged. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it.
All about ratings, advertisers and the bottomline MONEY.
At the price of these exploided and abused animals.
Shame on you Discovery Channel.
This is cruelty to animals plain and simple but wait it's reptiles, never mind. :mad:

11-04-2011, 07:45 PM
I'm just guessing but I bet Animal Planet would never take the side of the baby Harp Seal hunters.

11-04-2011, 08:27 PM
anyone catch Dr Meade(i think thasts how you spell his name)on this program?....anyone know who he is? if you dont you should.

Couldn't find anything on this guy Joe.
Any chance you can locate some info. and post it?

11-05-2011, 08:25 AM
I'd like to see it too.

I'm just guessing but I bet Animal Planet would never take the side of the baby Harp Seal hunters.

Exactly. Pisses me off too.

11-05-2011, 02:44 PM
In defense of Billy the Exterminator he does catch and release most of the reptiles and mammals that he catches and takes injured animals to a local wildlife sanctuary/hospital. He is a little extreme in his dress according to some people I guess. ;)

11-05-2011, 03:43 PM
I really miss Steve Irwin. He was the reason I first became interested in reptiles way back in the day. Now it's difficult to even catch a re-run of his old show. I just miss the way you could tell he was legitimately excited to be out there interacting with animals most people never got a chance to. It was like seeing a kid in Disneyworld or something. Nerdy as it is, I still actually keep up with Harriet's birthdays every year :D
If anyone doesn't know who Harriet is, go look her up, she's the bomb.

One of the only ones I'm okay with is Jeremy Wade. Even though the premise of his show is to catch a fish, he always lets them go (unless he's hunting with a local tribe that uses it for food) and he seems to actually respect the animals he's going after, even though they fall into the bracket of 'animals that are not cute and cuddly'. That one also does a better job than most of explaining that humans are the reason WHY the giant fish aren't common anymore.

11-05-2011, 03:52 PM
I really miss Steve Irwin too! I can't watch his reruns! Way to depressing! :(

11-05-2011, 03:55 PM
He was a truly great Bruce. I visited his Australia Zoo before he got really famous, didn't meet him though, he must have been out wrestling crocs.

11-05-2011, 04:21 PM
One of the only ones I'm okay with is Jeremy Wade. Even though the premise of his show is to catch a fish, he always lets them go (unless he's hunting with a local tribe that uses it for food) and he seems to actually respect the animals he's going after, even though they fall into the bracket of 'animals that are not cute and cuddly'. That one also does a better job than most of explaining that humans are the reason WHY the giant fish aren't common anymore.

I totally agree with this. I love that show even though I'm not very fond of fishing. I think what sets him a part is the overall tone of the show. I find that the show is more intended to educate about the species that he goes after than it is about the "hunt." I also like the way he seeks out locals and shares their experiences and stories with us. It's definitely not a "let's catch us some monster fish for the heck of it" attitude.

11-05-2011, 06:51 PM
Everyone here should join this group on facebook if you haven't done already
It was created specifically for the purpose of going against rattlesnake roundups
Log In | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/groups/2799875358/)

11-05-2011, 08:30 PM
Makes me wish I had a facebook account.

11-06-2011, 01:35 AM
I joined this group. I posted the reason that sparked me joining. Hopefully between us here and this group, we can get AP to wake up.

11-06-2011, 04:14 AM
Everyone here should join this group on facebook if you haven't done already
It was created specifically for the purpose of going against rattlesnake roundups
Log In | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/groups/2799875358/)

thanks for pointing me in this direction i have applied to join and will now be able to follow just what is being done about those sickening roundup's and make some contribution to the campaign

11-06-2011, 10:29 AM
I'm actively avoiding watching a progamme of the same ilk which is due to start over here on bio "Billy the Exterminator"
About - Billy the Exterminator on Bio. (http://www.thebiographychannel.co.uk/shows/billy-the-exterminator/about.html)
Look at the way the man dresses and presents himself, jeez!! The trailers anger me. Lots of talk about "pest snakes". I'm going to start my own pest control company but I will exterminate bigots, racists, drains on resourses and most of all those who seek to harm defensless animals. If you want to iradicate the worlds most dangerous preditor (to man and animals) start with the human race.... I'm a very angry bunny!!!!!

I watch billy, and screw the wardrobe choices, The man is about relocation, not killing.

He takes great pride in moving animals from yards to better suited habbitats. You should watch it..

Even the "pest snakes" get a ride to the woods/meadow where they blong and are released.

11-06-2011, 07:29 PM
There is already a replacment forr steve irwin, but she isn't old enough even though she is already perfectly capable of doing the same things her dad was doing she still needs to get through school... Steve Irwin's Daughter Bindi Irwin

11-07-2011, 02:18 AM
We might watch Billy then, seems like the programme is misnamed as our assumption was that as an "exterminator" it wasn't going to end well for the animals...
The couple of clips she saw involved the capture, and not the release. Although the over dramatic production values could make it unwatchable.

11-07-2011, 02:32 AM
I've watched Billy. Although he does release what he captures (except for rodents). He is insufferable. He is very put on. I think if he was just himself and not what the producers tell him to be it would be better.

11-07-2011, 08:44 AM
I've watched Billy. Although he does release what he captures (except for rodents). He is insufferable. He is very put on. I think if he was just himself and not what the producers tell him to be it would be better.

That's true with all the shows.

Why is it that on Ice Road Truckers, that at the very moment a rig falls through the ice, there just happens to be an underwater camera already down there??

We used to watch these guys build motorcycles, when it turned into father VS "Junior" I quit looking.

Whale wars offers a very narrow minded perspective as well.

11-07-2011, 10:06 AM
Discovery Channel contact number 1-240-662-2000

When you ask to speak to someone in "Viewer Relations" you will be tranfered to a recording. The recording states that due to staffing limitation not all incidents will be called back. We know what that means.:mad:
That office is open from 9-5 eastern time.
I left a polite but strong message about my disqust with "Rattlesnake Republic"

I don't think I will get a call back but at least voiced my opinion.
I am going to try and locate some of the advertisers numbers so that we can voice our opinion to them.

Just found this:
Rattlesnake Republic | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=8059908374&topic=17819&perpage=30&post_index=1&start=0&post_id=80202)

11-07-2011, 11:21 AM
I've watched Billy. Although he does release what he captures (except for rodents). He is insufferable. He is very put on. I think if he was just himself and not what the producers tell him to be it would be better.
With ALL these shows, you have to put yourself in the mindof the producer, “What can I show you to shock you and make it believable?”
Remember, "Believe only half of what you see, and nothing that you hear," ;)

11-07-2011, 12:16 PM
I watch very little tv. What I do watch is usually cartoons, like family guy and futurama.

11-07-2011, 03:38 PM
AP response to my email. Form letter response.

Dear Viewer:

Thank you for contacting Animal Planet. We appreciate your correspondence
and for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with us about
Rattlesnake Republic.

In an effort to ensure the highest quality programming, comments such as
these are taken very seriously. Each and every comment is forwarded on to
our programming executives for review and consideration. Maintaining the
integrity of all of our networks is our primary goal. It is these types of
comments that contribute to creating change and improving our programming.

Again, thank you for contacting Animal Planet.


Viewer Relations
Animal Planet

11-08-2011, 02:08 AM
Write them an e-mail every day, until you get a real response. I just posted under your comment on the facebook page. I will not watch AP anymore. I sent them an email too.

Here it is:

I know you will just send be back a generic form letter, but I need to tell your company something! This show is incredibly offensive. It is horrible that a network that supposedly is for animal rights and education airs this trash. These people are harming the ecosystem, destroying an entire population of snakes. You wouldn't even think of airing a program that promoted the killing for money of puppies would you?! The life of a reptile doesn't even cross your mind. Well it does mine and many others like me. I will not watch your network and not buy your products. I will write your sponsors and let them know I will not buy their products either. Your slogan "Surprisingly Human" HA!! I find this show to be of the utmost inhumane programming. You should be ashamed of yourselves for even thinking about airing such garbage and for promoting the decimation of a reptile that strikes only to defend itself. I hope you actually read this feedback and understand what a slippery slope you are on with programming like this.

11-08-2011, 06:40 AM
It may require watching this trash again but we need a list of the sponser that advertise during this show.
Lets post them here and start making some calls and sending emails.

11-08-2011, 08:43 AM
Do the opposite to what we normally do with TV on commercial channels - most programmes we watch we Sky+ (translation for transatlantic readers: record from satellite on a TeVo-type box) and fast forward the ads. You could record and fast forward the programme and watch the ads so that you don't have to subject yourself to the garbage.

11-08-2011, 10:15 AM
Good idea. Hope we can get some of the sponsers soon.

11-08-2011, 11:08 AM
I did some looking today and located this info.
Since Sweetwater,TX seems to be the center of this roundup tragedy, embarrassment, ect. I thought I would post some contact info. for their Chamber of Commerce
Contact Us - Sweetwater Chamber of Commerce (http://www.sweetwatertexas.org/mail.htm)
Contact # 800-658-6757
Address: P.O. Box 1148
Sweetwater, TX 79556
I called and left a message for the director to call me back.
My message was polite and professional. Hoping this will at least get me a call back.

Looks like the 2011 Roundup was March 11,12,13.
I didn't see a 2012 Roundup on their calendar of events, yet.

11-08-2011, 07:46 PM
Looks like the AP Facebook page Rattlesnake Republic has been removed.
I'm new to facebook so could someone verify this info.

11-08-2011, 07:59 PM
Looks that way. I tried searching for it and looking at the post I put on there. It's just gone. Maybe they are getting the message.

11-08-2011, 08:01 PM
Looks that way. I tried searching for it and looking at the post I put on there. It's just gone. Maybe they are getting the message.

Or just don't want to see anymore and not give people the option to comment.

11-08-2011, 08:05 PM
Been there done that. If a company like this is getting critisized in public, they remove your comment etc. They never listen either. If they cared they wouldn't be airing this.

11-08-2011, 08:05 PM
That could be also. From looking at the comments left on that page, before it was removed, they were all against the show and what it was promoting.

11-08-2011, 08:25 PM
I started my own Facebook page. Lets see them remove this.
People Against Rattlesnake Republic(Animal Planet) | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/People-Against-Rattlesnake-RepublicAnimal-Planet/108638475916231#!/pages/People-Against-Rattlesnake-RepublicAnimal-Planet/108638475916231)

11-08-2011, 08:57 PM
I liked it! I'm going to post this on Rise Against Rattlesnake Round ups too.

11-08-2011, 08:59 PM
Thanks Kat.

11-08-2011, 09:01 PM
There were others likes on there too. I think RARR has closed their page to go bigger. I'll keep looking for them though.

*** Found them***

11-08-2011, 09:14 PM
Ok. Here a couple other FB pages.


11-09-2011, 02:01 PM
I posted, looks like a whole bunch of snake lovers did too.

11-22-2011, 10:25 AM
It was on again Sunday night! Right before I turned it off in disgust I heard them say that they make $20.00 for each rattlesnake! Unbelievable!!!!!!! :mad:

11-22-2011, 10:43 AM
Saw it too. ********.

11-22-2011, 11:18 AM
people have been trying to stop these for years, its tough battle because it generates money for the city that hosts them. Some round-ups have turned into festivals that are more education based that have been as profitable

11-22-2011, 02:58 PM
Quite a few aspects of animal planet have gone down the sewer.

That's an understatement for sure. I rarely watch it anymore. BBC productions are so much better IMO.


11-22-2011, 03:34 PM
Definitely like the new facebook pages you guys started. My problem with Billy the Exterminator is that he is always going on and on about how "mean" and "vicious" the snakes on the show are...after he has backed the poor thing into a corner and put it on the defensive!...I'm always screaming at the television telling the idiot that I would be biting his dumb redneck butt too if he were backing me into a corner and poking me in the face with a stick! I stopped watching that show...made me too mad!

11-22-2011, 04:15 PM
I'm with you Marnie. I root for the gartors(Swap People) to pull a few of those idiots into the water.
It a shame to see sure wonderful animals killed.

11-22-2011, 04:18 PM
It may be morbid, but if I see any of those shows, I always hope that those idiots get an arm ripped off by the gators. They deserve it, though, imo.

11-22-2011, 05:51 PM
I mean...I do applaud the fact that Billy relocates animals and doesn't kill them. That at least made me happy about his crazy show...but I just used to get so angry about the bad wrap he gave to snakes...he would make all snakes seem like vicious predators that would tear your arm off if you got near them...(PLUS...a lot of his info on snakes was incorrect). He would sit there and go at every snake as if it were about to attack him, and then scare the poor snake into attacking him...and then call the snake vicious. I always wanted to call him up and tell him to take me on his show so that I could show him how to properly handle snakes! Then I would look at the audience and say "See everyone, snakes aren't vicious...Billy is just a wuss and an idiot".

11-22-2011, 05:56 PM
Sensationalism to raise ratings is all they care about.

11-22-2011, 05:57 PM
Marnie, you're great! That pretty much sums up how I feel about the guy.

11-22-2011, 06:22 PM
I yell at the TV too. I'm always saying it's not even venomous you chicken S***. (Sorry for the naughty stars.) He really needs educated about snakes.

11-22-2011, 06:25 PM
Sensationalism to raise ratings is all they care about.

That is what gets me Steve. I am not against responsible hunting of any sustainable animal (luckily gators are back on that list again after a long sabbatical due to our ignorance). I don't like trophy hunts and I really don't like the sensationalizing of any animal to the point that encourages anyone and everyone to lop off its head out of ignorance.


11-22-2011, 07:11 PM
Do you remember the one with the snake in the tattoo shop? I think it was a boa or a python...they kept saying it was a venomous rattler...the snake was a boa I think! Billy and his stupid brother kept shouting about how it was vicious and "look at the thing...it's coming right at us!"...the poor snake was just laying there doing nothing under a sofa...so, they start poking it with a stick of course and shouting and freaking out...and all of these big, tough tattoo guys are running around screaming...it was unbelievable...I could have given them a little lesson in how to be a man in that episode!

11-22-2011, 07:12 PM
I stopped watching after about 2 or 3 episodes. I couldn't take it anymore. :D

11-22-2011, 07:41 PM
Right...my son loves the show...he's afraid of bugs so he freaks himself out watching the insect episodes...lol! I think he got tired of hearing all of my snake tirades though because even he stopped watching it recently! :rolleyes:

11-23-2011, 01:06 AM
Sensationalism to raise ratings is all they care about.

Seems so.:cool:

11-23-2011, 01:07 AM
Right...my son loves the show...he's afraid of bugs so he freaks himself out watching the insect episodes...lol! I think he got tired of hearing all of my snake tirades though because even he stopped watching it recently! :rolleyes:

And I believe this is exactly how people develop deep and irrational fear of snakes too.

11-23-2011, 01:26 AM
Absolutely Richard...almost every person I meet has an irrational fear of snakes...people come to my house..people who are deeply afraid of snakes and I manage to turn them around with my girls. My son's family is Mexican...and Mexicans are very afraid of snakes...some of that is irrational and some of that is rational, considering that a lot of the snakes in Mexico are venomous...if I understand correctly. But I have gotten most of his family to the point of coming into my house and asking me if I will please bring the snakes out so that they can see them. They were mostly afraid because they did not understand...which is usually where fear lies...in ignorance. Shows like these shows we are talking about take ignorance and fear and exploit it and then spread it like a disease...they perpetuate myths based on such fear and ignorance. People fear snakes because they do not understand or know the truth and these shows do little to dispel such myths.

11-23-2011, 02:08 AM
I have an irrational fear of being outside. It's caused by the idiot meth and heroin addicts around here... And the drunken hillbillies, but I don't mind that as much... Hah. Going out and "dealing" with my fear doesn't really help... I just tolerate it as long as I need to. It seems the same with my brother, who hates snakes... But, if I'm holding one around him, he's scared but tolerates it. I don't think it's a fear he'll ever get over tbh.

11-23-2011, 02:32 AM
I think that most people will never get past that 'healthy respect' stage like what Chantel was describing. My fiance is a great example of that. He really likes my snakes, and is always asking about how they're doing. He'll even hold them if I've got them out. But he won't get them out by himself and can't feed them because he's too jumpy and can't figure out when they're about to take the food or where they're aiming. He's just got really bad instincts for it, and I'm not sure that's ever going to change seeing as he's been around them a lot for about five years now. Even knowing the individual animal, it's like he can't read what it's thinking.

For snake lovers, I think we just find it easier to overcome that little natural 'block' and read animals that don't communicate using the same sorts of cues people do. I think education can make people who will let snakes be rather than chopping them with the shovel, but I'm not sure if the majority of civilization can be rehabilitated into really being comfortable with them :p

11-23-2011, 10:37 AM
Well first of all, Chantel, if there are meth heads and heroin addicts running around...then I wouldn't say your fear is irrational...I would say that is a very rational fear. If you were afraid to go outside because of a fear of possible earthquakes all the time...that would be irrational. Some people have a rational fear of snakes...perhaps a snake bit at them or scared them when they were a child. But I just see too many people who have a fear based on myths perpetuated by the media and word of mouth that all snakes are mean and predatory. If you think about it, that is what your average person thinks about a snake. Then they put these stupid t.v. shows on....with people running around screaming that a nice friendly snake...or a snake that is just minding it's own business in the wild...is "Oh my god! It's coming right for me! Look at that thing! It's gonna strike!"...and it makes me so mad. We need more shows that educate people on the facts about snakes. We need a show about garter snakes!!! ;)

11-23-2011, 11:18 AM
I watch Natgeo alot. Python Hunters is one of my favorite shows.

11-23-2011, 03:23 PM
Absolutely Richard...almost every person I meet has an irrational fear of snakes...people come to my house..people who are deeply afraid of snakes and I manage to turn them around with my girls. My son's family is Mexican...and Mexicans are very afraid of snakes...some of that is irrational and some of that is rational, considering that a lot of the snakes in Mexico are venomous...if I understand correctly. But I have gotten most of his family to the point of coming into my house and asking me if I will please bring the snakes out so that they can see them. They were mostly afraid because they did not understand...which is usually where fear lies...in ignorance. Shows like these shows we are talking about take ignorance and fear and exploit it and then spread it like a disease...they perpetuate myths based on such fear and ignorance. People fear snakes because they do not understand or know the truth and these shows do little to dispel such myths.

You summed it up perfectly. Pretty much exactly what I would have said, but was too lazy to spell it out as eloquently as you did. Yeah, the guy that was my boss back in Vancouver is very afraid of snakes. I mean, to point of being downright ridiculous. But then again, for good reason, he was taught to be afraid of them. He was raised on a farm on the Yucatan peninsula.

He was with me the day I first found anerythristic concinnus'. I was having a blast catching snakes and he was screaming like a little girl and literally trembling with fear over a little ol garter snake. He had a freaking anxiety attack. It was bad.

11-23-2011, 05:52 PM
Well...I caught my brother-in-law stomping on snake heads once...I don't like to think about it too much because the image is still burned into my mind. A huge Mexican man freaking out and stomping on the heads of poor garter scrubs...I've never liked the man since. Of course, I made him stop and told him he was ridiculous...but he is still scared of snakes. I have however managed to turn his daughters around about snakes...that gives me a little wicked satisfaction...perhaps they will grow up to be snake breeders or something ;).

11-23-2011, 05:58 PM
Well...I caught my brother-in-law stomping on snake heads once...I don't like to think about it too much because the image is still burned into my mind. A huge Mexican man freaking out and stomping on the heads of poor garter scrubs...I've never liked the man since. Of course, I made him stop and told him he was ridiculous...but he is still scared of snakes. I have however managed to turn his daughters around about snakes...that gives me a little wicked satisfaction...perhaps they will grow up to be snake breeders or something ;).

Or just grow up and not indiscriminately kill them. Either way you've done good. ;)

11-24-2011, 12:56 AM
Someone told me that the deep irrational fear of snakes can be caused by being raised in an extremely religious home?? Didn't make sense to me though.

11-24-2011, 01:13 AM
Snakes can be considered "demons" or similar by very religious people, because a snake is the one who "made Eve sin"

11-24-2011, 01:15 AM
yeah i guess. still sounds ignorant to me.

empty your pm box too :)

11-24-2011, 01:17 AM
I did ;)
I don't agree with people thinking like that, but whatever floats their boat.

11-24-2011, 01:19 AM
Yeah i wanted to smack one of my coworkers the other day. I told him i had snakes and said "why they are evil" and my response was, "no, you are just ignorant. they wonderful sweet and cute creatures"

11-24-2011, 01:23 AM
Yeah, I get that reaction a lot. Usually people think they're disgusting disease bags. But, so are humans... In all honesty... Lol.

11-24-2011, 01:43 AM
humans more so.

11-24-2011, 03:27 AM
If snakes are so damn "evil" then why does every medic display this patch on their uniform?


and Doctors offices / hospitals bear this emblem..


They are all in the business of SAVING lives. ;)

11-24-2011, 10:07 AM
There was a lot of old shows this week on AP, and i loved 'em. Now its not even about the animals, in fact there are shows that have literally nothing to do with animals. The channel sucks now.

02-13-2012, 05:33 PM
April 2012 "Reptiles" magazine has a 6 page article on rattlesnake roundups.
According to the magazine there are 7 States that still hold roundups.
New Mexico
The photos that accompanied the article made me sad, angry and embarrassed.

02-13-2012, 06:48 PM
geeez thats brutal...i thought something changed in Georgia...and Texas...Kansas is the closest state to me and Steve u are acually on the way, i could pick you up, lets go see what happens at these round ups, cuz you know what, good or bad...i dont believe anything i read...or see on T.V.

02-13-2012, 07:34 PM
If I go, I will be arrested. For a good cause but it will happen. This is just brutal.

02-13-2012, 07:37 PM
I wont let ya go down alone brother...lets take action!

02-13-2012, 07:38 PM
I'll go too!

02-13-2012, 07:43 PM
I don't think I could handle seeing that....and yeah, I'd end up getting arrested...and probably getting the %$*# kicked out of me by some big angry redneck named Billy Bob wearing rattlesnake boots. It makes me sick too, Steve...just sick.

02-13-2012, 07:44 PM
I wont let ya go down alone brother...lets take action!

We should wear t-shirts that say "Save the snakes" That should get us a warm welcome.

02-13-2012, 07:50 PM
I know a great place that makes shirts for cheap! Let's do it!!

02-13-2012, 07:56 PM
****ing pisses me off. I've seen it. Makes me want to ****ing kill everyone involved. The crowd that shows up makes me sick. Like legit I'm shaking now remembing it. Most of you have no idea.

02-13-2012, 07:56 PM
Oh no...I can just see us sitting in a jail cell now...I hope you still have some connections Steve! They'll probably throw a bunch of rattlers in the cell with us...tell us if we want them so bad...we can have them...lol.

02-13-2012, 07:57 PM
[deleted] Sorry. :\

02-13-2012, 07:59 PM
Maybe we could get other forums or reptile community's alike to get involved in this and not just our small garter family here. This could really make a change with enough people is what I keep thinking we should find people that support this idea rather than people that support the snake "genocide " occurring now.

02-13-2012, 08:09 PM
Check this out.


( (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2799875358/)Let me know if the link doesn't work)

02-13-2012, 08:10 PM
The final paragraph of the article:

"The good news for the Rattlesnakes is that the roundups are on the decline. Over the past decade, some Texas roundups have ceased operation due to either a lack of interest, a lack of snakes or snake hunters. The irrational fear of snakes may also be on the decline, due to the influence of science and education about these majestic animals. We can only hope that by the time most people, including the organizers and patrons of rattlesnake roundups, realize these animals are worth conserving, there are some rattlesnakes left to conserve"

02-13-2012, 08:16 PM
Words and emoticons don't describe my fellings towards it I've been there first hand I can't ****ing stand thinking about those thousands of **** *** ****tard ******* retardss.

02-13-2012, 08:23 PM
Check this out.


( (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2799875358/)Let me know if the link doesn't work)

Link worked fine.

02-13-2012, 08:26 PM

02-13-2012, 08:28 PM
How can so many people find pleasure in rounding up thousands of innocent snakes out of their home, throwing them in a pit, and slaughtering them one by one. The crowds as big as football game and just as loud. It makes me sik

02-13-2012, 08:29 PM
Whatever I'm done

02-13-2012, 08:39 PM
You're right Jesse...it's disgusting. I don't get it either. I think it's fear...people are afraid of the snakes so they think it gives them control...it makes them feel like they are overcoming the fear...but it's stupid. It's small minded people that are too ignorant to think on a level that allows them to see that what they are doing doesn't make any sense. And they are unable to see why they do the things they do in the first place. There really is no reasoning with ignorance.

02-13-2012, 08:41 PM
Oh no...I can just see us sitting in a jail cell now...I hope you still have some connections Steve! They'll probably throw a bunch of rattlers in the cell with us...tell us if we want them so bad...we can have them...lol.
not a problem...i am an experienced rattle snack handler...they will all be under my spell making them harmless

02-13-2012, 08:48 PM
It sounds like you're at the Super Bowl when ever they kill one.

02-13-2012, 08:59 PM
That's so disgusting. But there are so many disgusting things...I think bullfights are disgusting...and dog racing...things that many people pay money to watch as entertainment. Not as disgusting as killing things for entertainment...of course...but you get what I'm saying. The worst part is they think they are actually doing a good thing...saving everyone from the evil rattlesnakes. You know, because if you don't kill them...they will come and slither into your house and climb into your bed and bite you and kill you...they are nature's serial killers.

02-14-2012, 05:10 AM
The worst part is they think they are actually doing a good thing...saving everyone from the evil rattlesnakes. You know, because if you don't kill them...they will come and slither into your house and climb into your bed and bite you and kill you...they are nature's serial killers.
not sure if you are referring to the visitors or the organizers Marney if the organizers, then you can be sure that they know exactly the rattlesnakes place in nature, they just don't give a shat, their primary motivation the great green god called money.
EDIT I forgot to say i have been following the rattleanske/Facebook site for some time now and it has a lot of hard working people pulling for the snakes

FURTHER EDIT Don't you crowd do any thing rash now...it would take several days before Chris and me could get across to spring you all.

02-14-2012, 01:01 PM
I'm just talking about the stupid people who are all standing around cheering..and rounding them up and killing them. I'm saying they actually think they are saving everyone from the evil, killer snakes. They think they are doing everyone a service...like they are going out and rounding up murderers or something. Because you see, John...it isn't as if you have to be stupid enough to walk into the habitat of a rattlesnake and poke it or something to get bit. The problem is...if these people do not kill all the snakes, then one day soon...the snakes will form an army and come walking into our houses and kill all of us...they must be stopped! It's an epidemic of global porportions! It's the rattlesnakes or us!

02-14-2012, 01:23 PM
geeez thats brutal...i thought something changed in Georgia...and Texas...Kansas is the closest state to me and Steve u are acually on the way, i could pick you up, lets go see what happens at these round ups, cuz you know what, good or bad...i dont believe anything i read...or see on T.V.
I'm fairly sure that Georgia has laws to protect native snake species. I checked once, because I wanted to take Little Dude to GA with me once, and according to the state law, it is illegal to collect, transport, or sell native reptile species. Somehow, I don't think that any kind of rattlesnake roundup would be in compliance with these laws.

02-14-2012, 02:25 PM
I'm fairly sure that Georgia has laws to protect native snake species. I checked once, because I wanted to take Little Dude to GA with me once, and according to the state law, it is illegal to collect, transport, or sell native reptile species. Somehow, I don't think that any kind of rattlesnake roundup would be in compliance with these laws.

If I remember correctly those laws only apply to non-venomous species. It is illegal to keep a native corn or sirtalis but anything goes with the venomous including killing them.:rolleyes:


02-17-2012, 03:49 PM
Yeah, California is the same way. All non venomous snakes have at least some slight degree of protection. You have to have a fishing license to collect even the most common garter snakes, and there's a bag limit. No such protection for rattlers. It's open season. No rules. You can catch and / or kill as many as you want and no license required, no limit. It's not right.

Thankfully, some counties in CA have stricter rules. Last time I lived in San Diego, it was illegal to collect, kill, or keep any native reptile in that county and they actively enforced it.

02-21-2012, 10:50 AM
I have mixed feelings about complete bans on keeping native reptiles- I *like* being able to keep a few of my local snakes as pets.

On the TV show subject, I have a sinking feeling that we may soon be seeing snake hunter shows out of Florida, with the justification that the snake hunters are protecting native species from invasive species. I can't help but see the 'circus' potential in that situation.
Painful from both sides, and I feel like Cassandra forecasting doom but I'm sure some producer will run something similar before too long.

02-21-2012, 01:53 PM
I agree...I don't think there should be bans on keeping native reptiles as pets. There is absolutely no reason why there cannot be laws specifying that it is illegal to kill reptiles but not illegal to keep them as pets. If it's a case of worrying that too many snakes will be taken from their natural habitat, they could impose a limit on the number of snakes one is allowed to take and keep. As far as responsible ownership is concerned, I have discussed this on another forum in reference to the python ban. If there is a fear that irresponsible people are keeping reptiles as pets, states could require licenses to keep them and keep track of who owns them so that you don't have to worry about idiots letting huge snakes loose to eat the neighbors dog.

02-21-2012, 03:23 PM
From an invasive species management and biodiversity conservation standpoint, ONLY native animals should be kept. And native would be from the local population.

Of course implementing such a rule would be disastrous.

02-21-2012, 03:28 PM

02-21-2012, 03:41 PM
In the case of San Diego county, the ban was out of concern for the San Diego Mt. King snake. (Lampropeltis zonata pulchra) They (and their habitat) were getting decimated by illegal collecting. Too many collectors were using the excuse that they were hunting for other snakes. Too much damage was being done to vital habitat, by reptile collectors, and that habitat often was home to the Mt. King or other protected species.

While CA law says it's legal, with a fishing license, to hunt, collect, and handle non-protected reptiles such as most garter snakes, the law also says this:

"Special Closure: No common garter snakes shall be taken in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Ventura counties".

What I am not clear on is whether or not the law in San Diego has changed since I lived there, to allow collection / keeping of other native reptiles. Presumably the ban on collecting garters there is to protect San Diego's only garter, a small and struggling population of checkered garters.

What is clear is that there is no law protecting rattlesnakes at all and no license is required. From Californiaherps.com:

"The California Department of Fish and Game has decided that a license is not needed to collect rattlesnakes. I'm guessing that this is probably for the benefit of someone who is not intentionally hunting for animals who feels that they need to kill a rattlesnake in order to protect themself, their family, or their animals, and to prevent an unreasonable expense to property owners such as farmers and ranchers who feel they need to kill snakes on their property. Whatever the reason, it seems to encourage the unnecessary killing of rattlesnakes"

The law should be amended so that it doesn't allow people to do what is going on in Texas. Shouldn't allow for the outright slaughter of unlimited numbers just for sport or profit. I can somewhat understand the need to control the numbers of rattlesnakes in populated areas but I watched an episode last night and these people were going out into remote areas far from people, to collect them just for pure profit. That's ridiculous.

02-21-2012, 03:48 PM
From an invasive species management and biodiversity conservation standpoint, ONLY native animals should be kept. And native would be from the local population.

Of course implementing such a rule would be disastrous.

Well a lot of people have noticed that Scott Felzer and other garter breeders will not ship native CA garters to CA. It's not because it's illegal to keep them in CA or to collect them. It's because the law says that if you keep a native snake in CA, it cannot be a captive bred snake. The law states it must be collected from the wild, and no captive breeding, selling/trading or release of a snake once it is kept captive, is allowed. Importing native snakes from other locations or captive breeders is illegal and the shipper would be comitting a crime.

Come to think of it, that does cover collection of rattlers for profit or sale. That's not allowed in CA. However, it doesn't stop people from going out of their way to hunt them down and kill them for sport.

Perhaps if Texas specified that buying/selling them, (but not collection or killing) is illegal, then many people, including the people in this show, would stop hunting them and that would still allow someone to kill one that shows up their front porch.

02-22-2012, 11:32 AM
I'd be happy to get a license or permit to keep/breed my natives, if only it was clearly laid out what the requirements were.
Call the DNR in Michigan and nobody seems to know anything. I tried to look into getting a permit to rehabilitate and release protected species like Fox snakes, and couldn't get a straight answer from anybody. Staffing has been cut to and beyond the bone.

I decided to content myself with my small group of Butlers, who don't seem to violate any rules so long as I keep no more than 6 wild caught individuals at any time. Kinda grey area there- 6 gathered at a time or six total, ever? I have kept birth records on the captive born individuals I have kept, but I hope I never have to find out how the DNR interprets the rules the hard way.

02-22-2012, 02:28 PM
Delaware is weird...you are allowed to own native species, but you are not allowed to bring non-native species in from other states...that I guess I understand...they don't want you to bring a non-native species in and plop it down into the native species' habitat...I don't think they actually care about pets...but who knows? Maybe you get a fine if you have a non-native species as a pet. If that's the case, I guess I could get fines for my snakes that are not native to Delaware...but I'm not sitting here worried about it either. You are not allowed to have venomous snakes, and you are not allowed to own large snakes like pythons and boas...yet, they sell them in Delaware...that is the weird part. Now...the law is supposed to be that you have to have an out-of-state license to prove you do not live in DE in order to buy a python or a boa...but the stores will let you come in with a friend with an out-of-state license and buy the snake.

02-22-2012, 06:13 PM
It's almost opposite here. You're allowed to own native species, but only those you purchase from a breeder (in, or out of province). You're not allowed to remove them from the wild without a hunting license.

02-22-2012, 06:23 PM
Reptiles just can get a break.
We have "Swap People" and now we have "Rattlesnake Republic".

I'm not one to get offended by tv, but Swamp People is probably the most offensive show I've ever seen. I literally can't watch it. I've never seen Rattlesnake Republic, but it sounds even worse. Is it bad that I want to be a physician, but also want to slash the throats of half the world's population? We should tie these guys down and let our garters and ribbons gnaw their venom into them. I bet you that would get better ratings than an episode of them killing snakes.

02-22-2012, 06:25 PM
DNR in Michigan and nobody seems to know anything.

don't get me started on the MI DNR.

02-22-2012, 06:39 PM
No, Nate...it makes sense to me...I want to be a nurse and I was a shrink and I despise most people...

Kimberly, that law actually makes more sense than most of the laws concerning reptiles that I have come across.

02-22-2012, 10:59 PM
Disregard -- f my dyslexia.

02-23-2012, 04:52 PM
I'd be happy to get a license or permit to keep/breed my natives, if only it was clearly laid out what the requirements were.
Call the DNR in Michigan and nobody seems to know anything. I tried to look into getting a permit to rehabilitate and release protected species like Fox snakes, and couldn't get a straight answer from anybody. Staffing has been cut to and beyond the bone.

I decided to content myself with my small group of Butlers, who don't seem to violate any rules so long as I keep no more than 6 wild caught individuals at any time. Kinda grey area there- 6 gathered at a time or six total, ever? I have kept birth records on the captive born individuals I have kept, but I hope I never have to find out how the DNR interprets the rules the hard way.

It's the same just about everywhere. If the budget deficit in your state is huge, there will be no enforcement when it comes to a few snakes. You can pretty much do what you want in reality. Just as an example, WA state never gave a damn about garter snakes in the first place, even though collecting/keeping them is illegal. The officers they had protected game, but with budget cuts there's even fewer officers... there just isn't any recourse to the law.

If you couldn't get a straight answer, chances are they don't give a damn.

02-24-2012, 12:42 PM
AP sucks. let's look for bigfoot, kill some rattlesnakes, and if your house is invaded by bugs--kill em and accuse them of being the invaders....i am not done: swamp loggers on discovery, and ax men on history channel, those shows suck too

02-24-2012, 01:27 PM
Don't forget our favorite hillbilly and his half-breed brother....Billy the Exterminator! "AAAHHH...It's a huge venomous snake and it's going to eat me alive Ricky! Help!!!" (Billy carries a baby ratsnake out of a shed with a snake hook)...."Note the eyes Ricky..you see the eyes on this snake tell us that it is definitely venomous.".

02-24-2012, 01:33 PM
Let's not forget the ever educational:
Hillbilly Hand Fishing, Mud Cats, Mud lovin' Rednecks and Millionaire Rednecks(not sure of the title on this one)
and who said the South will never rise again :D

02-24-2012, 01:40 PM
and who said the South will never rise again :D

Steve you made my day with that quote! I also just saw a very applicable bumper sticker, it read: "Save the planet, Stop the breeding of stupid people." If only there were a way.


02-24-2012, 01:50 PM
Don't forget our favorite hillbilly and his half-breed brother....Billy the Exterminator! "AAAHHH...It's a huge venomous snake and it's going to eat me alive Ricky! Help!!!" (Billy carries a baby ratsnake out of a shed with a snake hook)...."Note the eyes Ricky..you see the eyes on this snake tell us that it is definitely venomous.".

Billy the Exterminator doesn't annoy me as much as the other shows...granted, he has mis-identified quite a few animals and his natural history knowledge is flat out wrong at times. However, he releases many of the animals which makes up for his otherwise goofy show. it's sad when the A&E channel has better wildlife programs than AP.

02-24-2012, 01:51 PM
Don't forget our favorite hillbilly and his half-breed brother....Billy the Exterminator! "AAAHHH...It's a huge venomous snake and it's going to eat me alive Ricky! Help!!!" (Billy carries a baby ratsnake out of a shed with a snake hook)...."Note the eyes Ricky..you see the eyes on this snake tell us that it is definitely venomous.". i have yet to make it through an entire episode. i would rather watch the river monsters guy

02-24-2012, 04:49 PM
I used to like the show...because of the fact that he released animals back into the wild, I had some respect for the guy. But then I kept seeing episodes in which he would freak out and corner a snake...poking it with a stick repeatedly until the snake would, naturally, get defensive and start striking at him...or bite him...and then he would tell viewers how vicious the snake was. It would make me so angry and I would find myself screaming at the t.v...."Well, of course the snake is biting you, you moron...you have it backed in a corner and you keep poking it!". I wanted to go on the show and teach the guy how to handle a snake! But of course...then the show wouldn't get the ratings it gets. Your average Amercian idiot sitting at home watching t.v. doesn't want to see me go in and gently remove a snake from someone's living room. People want to see excitement, death, blood, carnage, sex, violence...don't get me started!

02-26-2012, 04:08 PM
Yeah really. You know they wouldn't make shows like that if there weren't millions of people watching them. Who's to blame? the producers or the millions of idiots that get off on watching that crap?

02-26-2012, 04:20 PM
Both sides are equally at blame.

02-26-2012, 05:32 PM
I may have missed an earlier comment on this but what about Fatal Attractions (i think that's what it's called)?

02-27-2012, 01:22 PM
dangit...here i go again: Rattlesnake Republic. One of the wrangler teams caught a Mexican beaded lizard that was eating a local farmer's eggs. They caught the "wild lizard", stated that it will bring them $1300, bagged it and that was that. Here's the problem: beaded lizards do not occur in TX. Busted! If you're going to plant an animal as most wildery shows do, @ least get the native species right. Note: I hate this show, but watched because one of the dumbazzes was bit on the head doing a stunt. No venom injected, didn't even break the skin...too bad.

snake man
08-20-2012, 01:44 PM
I realize this is an old post but i agree with everything said here...also there is a new show it might be on discovery but thw whole show is hillbillies killing alagators. Who would want to watch that?

08-20-2012, 02:11 PM
What it the name of the show? Nothing wrong with bumping this thread. We are still disgusted with Animal Planet.
I even saw the other day where National Geographic Channel is starting their own crap programming. Chasing UFO's I think is the name.

snake man
08-20-2012, 04:51 PM
The name is "Swamp people" its on History heres the Wiki Swamp People - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swamp_People) Really the picture to the top right says it all. My quesion is why would anyone wanna ever watch that?

08-20-2012, 04:56 PM
Yeah, I've hated that show since it first came on. Guess it's into a second season of slaughter. I root for the gators. Just another money based show at the expense and respect for the animal.

snake man
08-20-2012, 05:00 PM
When i first saw a commercail for it i just sat there and though 1. Why is this on the history channel? and 2. Why is this on T.V. It is sad to see that this is what poeple want to watch now days...

08-20-2012, 07:58 PM
I agree as well. AP has gone waaay down hill. I used to watch it all the time. Not anymore, nothing is worth watching! I really hadn't heard of that Rattlesnake Roundup show until this thread, but just now actually saw it on my tv guide thing. Either way I can't stand those shows showing the unnecessary killing of animals. I don't even like wild shows where animals are hunting animals! Swamp wars, Swamp Brothers, Hillbilly Handfishin, I Shouldn't be Alive(nothing to even do with animals!!)....A bunch of crap!

snake man
08-20-2012, 08:55 PM
Crap that makes money...

08-21-2012, 11:15 AM
My son was watching one of those stupid shows recently. He loves Animal Planet. I love that he loves animals...but I lecture him about the stupidity and extremely damaging messages being sent out by these shows. He was watching some show in which a bunch of toothless hillbillies were chasing wild turkeys around a maze at a fair and trying to catch them. Then he got mad at me because I wouldn't stop imitating the hillbillies trying to catch the turkeys! "Did yer get em Billy Bob Joe Jimmy? Quick! Hims makin a break fer it!". Rofl.

08-21-2012, 11:33 AM
and thats pretty much why i despise those shows, theyre making the american people look like a bunch of stupid toothless hillbillies that are freeking so broke that we have to turn to catch rattlesnakes for spare change and feed on alligators and possum grits to survive...pathetic!!

08-21-2012, 11:39 AM
Well...I agree that the shows are stupid and exploit people and animals...but those turkey hunters didn't look like they were being forced to go on the show. They looked pretty pleased with what they were doing...and I don't think that if they weren't on the show, they would be sitting back drinking cognac and reading Yates. Lol.... But I get what you are saying...those people make it look like that is what the average American is like. But if you think about it...most television does a good job of making Americans look like idiots. Look at all of the "talk" shows...and reality shows! So...is it the shows that are making us look like idiots...or are we making us look like idiots by going on the shows?

08-21-2012, 11:40 AM
and thats pretty much why i despise those shows, theyre making the american people look like a bunch of stupid toothless hillbillies that are freeking so broke that we have to turn to catch rattlesnakes for spare change and feed on alligators and possum grits to survive...pathetic!!

You mean, that's not how you guys live....:o

(hehe jk!)

08-24-2012, 12:34 AM
Sensationalism is the name of the game unfortunately. Educating had gone from exciting (National Geographic when I was a kid) to boring, based on the way tv programming has changed over the decades. No one wants to take the risk of offering educational programming anymore. Sad sad sad.

08-24-2012, 08:54 AM
It's true...people want to watch animals ripping each other to shreds or people shooting each other. Look where it has gotten us...another shooting today in NYC. Nice.

09-03-2012, 03:07 PM
and thats pretty much why i despise those shows, theyre making the american people look like a bunch of stupid toothless hillbillies that are freeking so broke that we have to turn to catch rattlesnakes for spare change and feed on alligators and possum grits to survive...pathetic!!

And what have all humans done to survive in the ages before money? We exploit the natural world to our advantage. This is no different.

10-29-2012, 07:19 PM
I've always wanted to go to a rattlesnake roundup...but then buy all the rattlesnakes there.

10-29-2012, 07:25 PM
That would save those snakes but promote/fund the event for the next year.
The only way this event will stop is when they lose money on it. They are driven by money alone.
I hope to see the end of these type of things in my lifetime.

10-29-2012, 08:05 PM
I've always wanted to go to a rattlesnake roundup...but then buy all the rattlesnakes there.

Same as buying animals from a bad situation to "save" them. By putting money in their pockets, all that does is encourage the sellers to get more animals and keep doing what they are doing. The only way to stop the roundups is to stop the flow of money. Exactly the opposite of what you proposed. Not buying snakes or any snake products at the roundups is the way to go, but it's not enough. People would have to just stop attending them altogether. As long as there is an audience, and people who attend, the roundups will continue unless they are outlawed.

10-30-2012, 08:26 AM
My son keeps watching these stupid shows like Call of the WildMan...with that stupid hillbilly, Turtle Man. Aside from the fact that I hate shows like that, I can't watch it just because listening to those toothless idiots trying to speak makes me want to pull my ears off. I told my son that if he keeps watching it...the show is going to suck the intelligence out of him. Yesterday, the stupid guy on the show was holding a rat snake by the throat and talking about how "These here suckers will bite yer!"...Yes, idiot...snakes will bite you if you corner them and pick them up like that. My son argues that the guy is rescuing animals. I guess he is too young to understand the problems with these kind of shows. I keep trying to explain it to him....

10-30-2012, 08:38 AM
If it wasn't for his ignorance and the stupidity of the show, I'd like Turtle Man :p

10-30-2012, 08:42 AM
I'd like Billy the Exterminator if he wasn't so stupid and arrogant. Most of the stuff he tells people isn't even factual. I think it's kind of funny to watch him and his idiot brother...but then they go and poke snakes with sticks and talk about how vicious they are and I have to turn the show off. My son watches it, of course.

10-30-2012, 08:51 AM
The guy pulled out a corn snake. A corn snake. And said it could was a copperhead.. Which was never resolved. So despite his lovable toothless atmosphere I can't stand him.

Better than some of the shows on animal planet though, for the sole reason of his caring, not killing.

10-30-2012, 11:58 AM
How does one mistake a colubrid for a pit viper? :confused: Probably wasn't a mistake at all, but was for dramatic effect.

10-30-2012, 12:12 PM
True. Probably. But the colors and makings apparently look like copperheads to a lot of ignorant souls.

10-30-2012, 12:16 PM
Sounds like the "Turtle Man" the guy an idiot. I wouldn't let him get within 20 feet of my boy Tank. In one episode he had to remove a wild turkey from a corn maze. Wild turkey my butt, it was a domesticated turkey. Just one of many examples were the animals are just used as a prop. Instead of educating the public about these wonderful animals it just makes them look like savage beasts that go looking for us.

10-30-2012, 12:41 PM
That's who I was talking about, turtle man.. The guy's clueless. He doesn't have bad intentions so I don't have a huge beef with him, but he and the show is just beyond stupid

10-30-2012, 12:58 PM
That's because they're "catering" to stupid people.

10-30-2012, 04:41 PM
just makes them look like savage beasts that go looking for us.
I wish there were some of those out there. That would give those toothless lackwits something to grab.


10-30-2012, 05:02 PM
Yeah, zombies wouldn't do the trick since there would be nothing for the zombies to eat.

10-31-2012, 09:41 AM
Yeah...I saw an episode of Billy the Exterminator where he was trying to get this python out of someone's store. He and his brother were going on and on about the "venomous snake" and how you could tell it was venomous because of it's eyes...then they kept poking the python with a stick so that it would strike at them and saying how mean it was. Yeah, if you poke me with a stick, I get mean too. It was probably some python they put in the store for the show. Poor snake. What idiots.

10-31-2012, 10:21 AM

10-31-2012, 11:40 AM

11-08-2012, 06:30 PM
Looks like "Rattlesnake Republic" get another season. In one of the previews one of the hunters says "It's all about the mighty dollar"
Another season of den raiding by a bunch of (insert your idea here).

11-08-2012, 06:35 PM
We should do something about this! Anyone heard of Rise Against Rattlesnake Roundups? I wonder if we can get them on board?

11-09-2012, 01:00 PM
Haahahahha, douchebag lost a leg. Got bit during a roundup demonstration. Reptile news brought to you by one of our members, Jason White.


Invisible Snake
11-09-2012, 01:27 PM

11-09-2012, 01:27 PM
Omg a dood in Omaha.... with 30 venomous snakes... IN HIS BEDROOM! Now that is just insane...

11-09-2012, 02:14 PM
Another tragedy waiting to happen. No, wait. A tragedy in itself.

02-07-2013, 07:17 PM

02-11-2013, 11:34 AM
Only one thing is important to T.V. networks. Its all about ratings and not reality, ive worked behind the scenes on talk shows (Oprah and Jenny Jones) What you think is real is actually fake, im sure animal planet is no different. The best thing to do is not watch. They want to get people talking, thats how ratings go up. Im sure your all familiar with Howard Stern, perfect example of it.
So dont watch, its the best thing.

02-11-2013, 08:38 PM
Only one thing is important to T.V. networks. Its all about ratings and not reality, ive worked behind the scenes on talk shows (Oprah and Jenny Jones) What you think is real is actually fake

You mean, just like democracy in the U.S. ?

What you think is real is actually fake

Except for Jerry Springer of course.:D

02-12-2013, 11:00 AM
Jerry Springer would get his haircut where i worked.....hes real hahahahah J/K

02-12-2013, 12:29 PM
Only one thing is important to T.V. networks. Its all about ratings and not reality, ive worked behind the scenes on talk shows (Oprah and Jenny Jones) What you think is real is actually fake, im sure animal planet is no different. The best thing to do is not watch. They want to get people talking, thats how ratings go up. Im sure your all familiar with Howard Stern, perfect example of it.
So dont watch, its the best thing.

Any publicity is good publicity. As Joe mentioned the most impact you can have on a TV network's programming is done by not watching.

Richard your example only works if the U.S. government claimed it was a democracy. Repeat to yourself the Pledge of Allegiance and tell me where it says the word democracy. If you want to see a good def of the type of government in the U.S. go to the CIA website.

Sorry for getting off topic.


Invisible Snake
03-21-2013, 10:35 AM
Saw this on my feed and thought I would share.

"Well it is that time of year again. The time when all the "giant" animals start showing up. Lol. Here is how it is done. Don't fall for this trick! You can't hold something that weights 97 pounds out on the end of a pole anyway. Don't believe me, try it!"

05-31-2013, 11:17 PM
:D I bring your attention to some seconds following 2:08 -


08-04-2013, 02:59 PM
Time for a little Animal Planet rant.

I was channel surfing and stopped on A.P. "Call of the Wild Man". For those of you unfamiliar(lucky you) with this show it chronicles the adventures of "Turtleman" as he tries to help people with animal troubles. The show features Erinie Brown Jr. (aka, Turtleman) a Kentucky native along with his cast of dufus friends.
This particular episode showed Turtleman ridding a family of 3 squirrels that were in their basement. I didn't see the entire show but did notice the basement had been sealed with spray foam insulation effectively cutting off any avenue of escape(to the outside) for the squirrels. They chased the frightened animals around until they(the squirrels) were exhausted. It was obvious it was all staged at the cost of the animals. This seems to be a theme for the show. One episode I saw had Turtleman in the attic of a house removing opossums. As he crawled around the attic he came to a piece of drywall. Turtleman said he could smell the animal behind the wall and he punch a hole in the wall to get the animal. The funny/disturbing thing is they had a camera on the other side of the drywall showing a young opossum just laying there. It was easy to see this piece of drywall was placed there for one reason only. This guy and this show is a joke but yet he has another season.
I could go on with further examples of this kind of thing but I'm sure you get my point. Many of the animals in this show aren't wild at all and appear to be stressed and frightened.
Shame on you Animal Planet.
Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and the History Channel are all worthless in my opinion. Gone are the days where they have programming with any worth. Now it's all crap programming.
Shame on all of you.

08-04-2013, 03:42 PM
i watch that show and you're right a lot of the stuff is "dramatised" it even says so in the intro or end credits, and yea a lot of the stuff he does is at the expense of the animals, like his catching skunks, foxes, coyotes etc. but its that show that got me interested in snakes. you're right about the networks and the whole "reality" genre of tv programs, it ridiculous like the rattlesnake roundup stuff, wild boar, and "pest control" or whatever you would call "Call of the Wildman" shows every network has this crap and they will continue to carry this crap until either more people know that what these people are doing is detrimental the the animals health/well being or more people complain about the way they are exploiting animals by emailing networks and/or start petitioning the shows.

i know on "Call of the Wildman" they show them either relocating animals so they don't keep coming back or sometimes taking them to wildlife rehabilitation centers, but, how many of these animals can the centers handle without just releasing them or euthanizing them because they are too sick to be released or just releasing them due to overcrowding or because of temperament. my niece watches it too and when she watches it im sitting with her letting her know the way he does most of this stuff is bad for the animals and can harm them. now she knows how to hold a snapping turtle so it doesn't break the tail or anything else and not to try to catch any wild animal because they will bite you especially if you chase them around the territory that they have marked as theirs. she also knows not to mess with or look for snakes in the woods now because it could be poisonous and it only take flipping one wrong rock or anything to be bit.

if you know of any petitions that can be signed to try and remove some of the programs like call of the wildman post a link and i will sign all of them

08-05-2013, 01:09 AM
I saw where the people shooting the program got in trouble not too long ago for forgetting to get the proper 'controlled release' permit to release a venomous snake into a public pool (already emptied of course).
For the sake of realism; you can most definitely smell an upset possum through a wall. Probably through a bomb shelter. But you still can't find it with a camera like that.

Only Animal Planet show I really like is River Monsters. I think Jeremy Wade really shows a lot of respect for both the fish and the local cultures of the places he goes. It's one of the few programs that still focuses on the actual animal and its behavior and conservation rather than the crazy personality of the guy catching it.

08-05-2013, 11:11 AM
yea River Monsters is awesome he can get some big *** fish with a rod or catching sharks with a hand line

08-13-2013, 07:15 PM
Just saw an intro. to a new show on the history channel. It's a spin-off to their show Axe Men. It's call "Legend of Shellby the Swamp Man"
In one of the intro. clips this idiot it appears he's holding a water snake. The small water snake bites and holds on to his hand so he bites the snakes head off.
I guess since it a reptile and a snake to boot it's okay. I bet if it were a cute little kitty or puppy there would be an uproar. The words I would like to type about this dufus and the history channel would not make it passed the censor.
What is this world coming to.

08-13-2013, 08:52 PM
What the **** is wrong with these people?

08-13-2013, 11:13 PM
Ugh. That's just way too far. Even if it was a frog, or a cute lizard, plenty if people would be angry. But nope, it's a snake, cause absolutely NO ONE cares about THOSE disgusting things... I used to like animal planet, and all these other channels. Anyone remember Meerkat Manor? That was what animal planet SHOULD be.

08-14-2013, 02:31 AM
Just saw an intro. to a new show on the history channel. It's a spin-off to their show Axe Men. It's call "Legend of Shellby the Swamp Man"
In one of the intro. clips this idiot it appears he's holding a water snake. The small water snake bites and holds on to his hand so he bites the snakes head off.
I guess since it a reptile and a snake to boot it's okay. I bet if it were a cute little kitty or puppy there would be an uproar. The words I would like to type about this dufus and the history channel would not make it passed the censor.
What is this world coming to.

Sounds like the "legendary swamp man" is a ****.
The producers are all *****.
And the people that commissioned the series are also *****.
It will probably be watched by a broad range of ignorant *****.

The **** (the legendary one) should suffer the appropriate legal repercussions for this animal cruelty, for which there is apparently plenty of evidence.

08-14-2013, 06:26 AM
I plan on making a phone call today.

The History Channel
235 E. 45th St.
New York , NY 10017
Phone: (212) 210-1400
Fax: (212) 210-9016

08-14-2013, 07:29 AM
Do you have a body responsible for broadcasting standards? In the UK we have a statutory body which is responsible for dealing with complaints about broadcasting standards in programmes and adverts.

08-14-2013, 07:37 AM
i know there is a body of people like that i dont know if its the FCC or something else i know there is something because of the janet jackson super bowl crap

08-14-2013, 08:13 AM
I just got off the phone with A&E(parent company of The History Channel) when you call the number I provided push "0" for an operator as their comment line isn't in their menu(imagine that) I left a professional but strong comment about this issue and to be honest was quiet sarcastic about them returning a call to me.
I also made a screen capture video of the incident before they edit it out.
Good thing they are in NY and I'm in Iowa.:mad::mad:

08-14-2013, 08:38 AM
**** people.

I had something more constructive to say but I forgot.

08-14-2013, 11:56 AM
What the **** is wrong with these people?

What he said...