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11-03-2011, 01:19 PM
I just learned that the Massachusetts State reptile is the Garter Snake.
None in particular.
Very cool.


11-03-2011, 03:54 PM
They have a State reptile?

11-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Wish we had a national reptile... we don't have enough to make it a fair competition!

11-03-2011, 05:45 PM
U.S. state reptiles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._state_reptiles)

11-03-2011, 05:49 PM
We got the box turtle...:D. Figures, I see thousands. Awesome little guys

11-03-2011, 05:51 PM
They are an awesome turtle.

11-03-2011, 07:21 PM
Haha, all the professors in the ENS department get all excited whenever they come across a box turtle in the field. Apparently it's a very popular reptile!

11-03-2011, 11:06 PM
Wish we had a state reptile. Maybe I'll write a letter.

11-03-2011, 11:29 PM
You should do that! When lawmakers have nothing better to do they actually put suggestions like that on the floor. Seriously, NC's State Red Berry (yeah, we have a state RED berry as well as a state berry.. I don't know why...) is the strawberry because a fifth grader wrote a letter to her district's senator about why she wanted them to make that official.

11-04-2011, 12:28 AM
Hmmmmm, I may just do that. My parents are acquaintances of one of our state senators. Not to get political (please no debating) I think our state gov. is awful. I doubt she will do anything, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

11-04-2011, 04:07 AM
Might just pay Massachusetts a visit on my future trip to the states, wouldn't wish to miss such hip forward looking discerning state, well done Massachusetts