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10-29-2011, 03:55 PM
I got Lucifer on August 16. Only way I found out she was a female is when she had a surprise litter of 20. Right now she is about 2ft 2in. She is kind of in a bad mood cause she is ready to shed. Anyway, even though she is my first ever garter, I love her to death just like her babies. I was wondering has anyone ever watched them shed? My favorite memory of her is when she had her first shed. I had kind of like a long bowl that she could get in. I didn't know it was time for her to shed. Then I seen her going around the bowl like in circles til she was finished. I watched her through the whole thing. When she was finished it didn't even take 5 minutes. It came out perfectly. I watched her everytime except one which came into pieces. I heard you are lucky if you even get to see it once. Is that really true? She also likes to come out of her tank a lot. We have no lid for it so she is always constantly climbing out and always comes toward me to help her down. Sometimes I just leave her. She gets on my nerves sometimes. Like if I'm reading the paper or doing something she will come out on her own and get in the way. She also likes to rub on the glass. Another thing she will do a lot is stare. She'll stay there like for 10 minutes if not more just staring right at you. Another good memory of her is a while back. I was kind of bored and didn't have nothing to do. Like always Lucifer comes out of her tank, on her own to explore. She would look around and I decided to try to scare her to see what she would do. I would move my hand back and forth like something going towards her slowly ready to grab her. Then I moved really fast to act like I was gonna grab her and she went flying. It was like she made a dive. She barely stopped herself or she would have fell off the bed. I never thought snakes could do that. So it was hilarious. Just wondering does anyone have funny or hilarious stories about what their snakes have ever done or your best memories of them?

10-29-2011, 11:22 PM
My adult tends to shed very quickly, and in 11 years I've only actually seen him shedding two or three times. Lucky to have seen yours shed so many times already.

Hm... You might want to get some sort of top for the tank. There are plenty of horror stories floating around about snakes going down vents or escaping into people's yards. That wouldn't mean you couldn't let her out and watch her while you were there, but it'd be safer for her in the long run if the tank had a top on it.

10-29-2011, 11:34 PM
Hm... You might want to get some sort of top for the tank. There are plenty of horror stories floating around about snakes going down vents or escaping into people's yards. That wouldn't mean you couldn't let her out and watch her while you were there, but it'd be safer for her in the long run if the tank had a top on it.

I agree. If they get into a really dusty area they are at an increased risk of respiratory infections, plus if you have a cat or dog that could get ugly. Also, it makes it hard to get a good temp/humidity for them if they aren't in a secure enclosure. There are lots of reasons to be sure you get a lid. Our snakes all get out of tank time and outdoor time in the summer, but it's closely monitored so they are safe.

10-30-2011, 04:10 AM
My initial reaction is that it's completely mad to not have a lid and let her leave the tank whenever she likes. There's just so much around a house that can harm her, plus she stands a good chance of finding somewhere warm and dark and hiding up. If she comes out and comes to you that's great, but she isn't always going to do that and you can't watch her 24/7.

10-30-2011, 07:34 AM
No lid = lost,injured snake or worse.

Cut a piece of cardboard to fit the top. You can put some holes in it for ventilation.
Find a old window screen still in its frame that will cover it.
Having them in a secure safe environment is one of out prime responsibilities as their care givers.
Please make some kind of lid.

10-30-2011, 09:34 AM
what if you were walking along not looking down at your feet and stepped on her?

I have many fond memories, but they all include secure enclosures. ;)

10-30-2011, 10:43 AM
she sounds super friendly, and i agree with everyone else. she needs to be secured in her tank when you cant be watching her to make sure she doesnt get hurt. What is she crawls down a furnace vent because its toasty warm and ends up in the furnace. Imagine how you would feel. She sounds like she has really bonded to you, and im sure you would not want to see her get hurt or lost or even killed. She really sounds like an awesome girl, and i hope to one day have that kind of bond with my two baby checkered garters.

10-31-2011, 11:43 AM
My initial reaction is that it's completely mad to not have a lid and let her leave the tank whenever she likes. There's just so much around a house that can harm her, plus she stands a good chance of finding somewhere warm and dark and hiding up. If she comes out and comes to you that's great, but she isn't always going to do that and you can't watch her 24/7.

Well, for one, she doesn't go anywhere on her own. When she gets out on her own, I get her and hold her. When I'm not, I have this screen-like lid that fits over the top. Then I put stuff that is heavy so she cant push it. She can't get out once its on. I let her crawl around on the bed and take her outside, but I watch her closely and don't let her go by anything she could get in or get under.

10-31-2011, 12:04 PM
Well, for one, she doesn't go anywhere on her own. When she gets out on her own, I get her and hold her. When I'm not, I have this screen-like lid that fits over the top. Then I put stuff that is heavy so she cant push it. She can't get out once its on. I let her crawl around on the bed and take her outside, but I watch her closely and don't let her go by anything she could get in or get under.

That's better, but not what you said earlier to prompt several of us to be critical...

We have no lid for it so she is always constantly climbing out and always comes toward me to help her down.

If you have a lid, that's not quite so mad.

You have pretty friendly snake there, wild-caught and only a few months captive and it sounds like she'll come out more than my Cuitzeo pair who are captive-bred and fairly used to people.