View Full Version : R.I.?

10-21-2011, 09:16 PM
Earlier my garter snake Lucifer was resting and then out of nowhere she started choking or something or sounded like gagging or coughing. She kept doing it like more than six times like she couldn't stop. I gave her some food earlier and she was back to normal. Now it sounds like shes gonna do it again and she is wheezing a little bit. She would always sneeze and wheeze and sometimes throw up and then swallow it back down but it always stopped when she got warm. This time I never heard or seen her cough or gag before. Its the first time. I was wondering could she have a little cold or something maybe some type of respiratory infection? I just hope it doesn't continue.

10-21-2011, 09:34 PM
Upping their heat can help them fight off infections.