View Full Version : Male or Female Pt.2

05-17-2007, 12:05 PM
Hey, well i wanted to do this since i posted "My T.Sirtalis". And since abcat1993 already made 1; Thought now i can totally do it as well.

Note: Take in consideration my snake is relatively small. Also moved a lot, so, I'm sorry for the quality of the pics (would have been better if my brother would've been here, but we are getting ready for our Rafting/Camping/Snake hunting Trip tomorrow, so he's out buying some stuff).

Note #2: Yes, I'll bring pictures of the Trip. Hopefully I'll find some Reds or even Flames over there (I'm too excited).

Anyways, back to the Pics.


I would've taken some more, but the battery was running low, and i still had to upload them to my comp (I'm recharging them right now). In case you guys, can't figure out what is it due to the crapyness of the Quality. Let me now, I'll take more.

Hope it helps, and thanks for helping me out by sexing it.

Note #3: Oh, btw, I'm naming it Kira either way. Since this Japanese Name applies for both male or female genders. Means Warrior, Sun, Light, in case you were wondering.

Thanks again.

05-17-2007, 12:55 PM
Hi Nelson, The pics are a bit blurry, sorry. I can't make my mind up. I know what I think, but I'd like to see a clearer photo before I commit.

05-17-2007, 03:21 PM
Well, my brother got home, and we tried this stuff again. Unluckly for us, we couldnt get a really good quality close-up (It moves a lot :p, lol damn juvenile snakes).

But still, try to tell by the next ones as well.




Note#4: Now, how do u tell? is it the Bump that differentiates females from males? i thought i had it after i read Alan Francis's Guide. Anyways, i got to know. Cuz whatever it ends up being, i gotta go and find it a mate.

05-17-2007, 05:18 PM
here i posted some pix on another sexing thread that should help you, though the pix suck


if that doesnt help i'll try to take better ones

05-18-2007, 06:37 AM
Hey Nelson ... Pics of the underbelly from the vent to the tip of the tail should help.

best wishes

05-21-2007, 10:37 PM
Hey Nelson,

I'm leaning toward female, but I hate to commit based on these photos. Unfortunately, juveniles can be difficult to sex even in person.


05-22-2007, 03:38 AM
4th picture on the first post looks female,

05-22-2007, 07:36 AM
Hey guys, well thought it was a female, i have been refering to it as a she, after i reading Alan Francis's Guide.

But yeah, i know i did realize it's kinda difficult to sex juveniles when shown the other pics. I can't use them as a reference since my snake isn't prego nor is it that thin.

Anyways, thx a lot. Really Apreciatte it.

P.S: Bad news. My Rafting/Snake Hunting trip ended to be more of a Rafting one. Couldn't find squash since the temperatures weren't helping at all :( (between 15-25 C, but the wind, fog and water temperatures were awful).