View Full Version : Our first loss

10-12-2011, 06:41 AM
Unfortunately one of our garter babies has failed to thrive and passed away in her sleep today.

I'll be open about this in the hope that it helps someone else. I took the painful decision to end her suffering before she starved herself to death. Steve has mentioned a technique (using the cold) for euthanising snakes in a few threads, and I have to back up that it appears to cause no suffering. Without knowing of a humane method to end a snake's suffering I don't think I would have been able to do what was necessary.
I know I did the right thing - she'd been offered every food we have available - different fish, pinky parts, worms, slugs - everything short of live fish (which just aren't readily available around here), tong fed, left in the viv, taken out into a separate container to feed. I tried it all. She weighed 3-4g when we got her from John nearly 4 weeks ago, now she doesn't even register on the scales. She's stopped coming out of her hide and therefore I don't think she's been drinking. She had loose folds of skin covering her bones and no fat/flesh when you held her. It doesn't stop me from feeling like crap.

Angua had an exciting life and was beautifully coloured (which is why we decided to take a risk on such a small snake when John had another 20 or so to pick from). She was initially very active, and was skinny enough to squeeze out through a gap in the clips that hold the viv's lid in place. I still struggled to believe that she managed to climb the thermometer wires and balance well enough to get through the tiniest of gaps. So Angua tasted the freedom of the bedroom for a couple of days, and survived a few seconds of the cat thinking she was a toy, and a fall from the landing to the hall, before I caught her and put her back in her viv. She had a good few days of adventure (although I do wonder if the fall caused some damage, as that's when we stopped seeing her out).

Other than a neon tetra last week, this is the first pet I've lost since for 20 years. I'm not a believer in a "pet heaven" or "a better place"... she's just gone, but I find solace in the knowledge that I'm not going to watch her die slowly and in pain.

RIP Angua.

10-12-2011, 06:49 AM
It's always a difficult situation.
Sorry to hear about Angua's passing but it sounds like you did the right thing.

10-12-2011, 07:29 AM
So very sorry! My first garter was a baby that failed to thrive! I know how you feel!

10-12-2011, 08:08 AM
Sorry for your loss :( You did the right thing though.

10-12-2011, 08:46 AM
So sorry to hear about the baby. Its never an easy thing to be faced with, but you did right by her.

10-12-2011, 09:54 AM
She will be missed, and I am proud of my husband that he took it to himself to ensure she didn't die of starvation, a hideously painfull way to die. Although it really hurt you Chris, you did the right thing and it wasn't your fault that she just didn't grasp the concept of eating. At least she had some adventures along the way honey. xx

Mrs N1ntndo
10-12-2011, 02:50 PM
Many of us know the feeligns that you have experienced. I too recently lost 2 baies of mine for the same reasons. 1 of which was my favorite. I have a thread for her(Pozer). I also understand that it feels like its your fault and it wasnt at all. I still feel that way even though I know it wasnt. Im sorry for your loss.

10-12-2011, 03:12 PM
Thanks everyone. Angua is buried in a friends garden (there are too many cats around our house, and if you dig 2 inches into our soil you find the rubble from the factory that was demolished to build the houses).
To be honest, the worst thing about today was telling the wife that the snake she'd picked out because of her lovely colouring was dead. It's been a crappy day, but I've got other snakes (and fish) to care for so although I won't forget today in a hurry, I shan't dwell on it for too long.

10-12-2011, 09:20 PM
You did every thing you could. I'm so sorry for your loss.

10-12-2011, 11:14 PM
the dead are outside our help and care,
so look at living companions in need!

sorry for your loss

10-13-2011, 12:32 AM
zooplan: i like that saying.. very very true.

10-13-2011, 08:10 AM
sorry to hear your news about angua, i know how much the two of you have taken the little fellows into your hearts,
i still have most of his siblings and a dozen from the albino female.
haven't lost any yet although a couple seem to eat only enough to keep them alive.
you are welcome to choose any you like, these little fellows would be very lucky to end up in the hand of people like yourselves, i am coming back up for the breeders sale in November[i think it is] but if you don't wish to wait that long i will make other arrangement's with you.

10-13-2011, 12:40 PM
sorry to hear your news about angua, i know how much the two of you have taken the little fellows into your hearts,
i still have most of his siblings and a dozen from the albino female.
haven't lost any yet although a couple seem to eat only enough to keep them alive.
you are welcome to choose any you like, these little fellows would be very lucky to end up in the hand of people like yourselves, i am coming back up for the breeders sale in November[i think it is] but if you don't wish to wait that long i will make other arrangement's with you.

I'll PM you John. I'll be up and down to work in Ribble Valley on several days over the next month or so, I'll see if we can sort out a day when I can divert to Liverpool on the way home.
I hope the ones that are just eating enough start to eat more, Angua had lost a significant amount of weight since coming to live with us. On the positive, Lighning and Esk have gained a significant amount of weight.