View Full Version : Baby Garter Snakes

10-10-2011, 09:34 PM
I was wondering does anyone know where you can find mice, nightcrawlers, guppies, anything free? If not its okay. I don't think I can give them anything right now and I cant be able to try any other food til the end of the month. Just wondering does anyone want one? I want them to go to someone who is able to feed them since they are noneaters and if its not too late for them.

10-10-2011, 09:51 PM
Are you able to buy any night crawlers from Walmart or go dig some from a safe area?
You might check Craigslist for a local rodent breeder that might give you a very good deal.
As your local pet shops if they might give you a few free pinkies. Never hurts to ask.

10-10-2011, 09:52 PM
poor babies, you cant ship them in that condition.. do they have access to clean fresh water? im not an expert but almost sounds like dehydration, as well as lack of food. earthworms are free if its still warm in denver, i know up in north park its cold but denver should still be warm. try soaking the ground around logs, rocks etc, wait several hours then turn over the logs and rocks etc, and you should be able to find a worm or two. Or even a garden slug would work. I know someone up north who would take them but he doesnt have a tank set up right now. ill email him and see if he would be willing to take these babies and get them the groceries they need.

10-11-2011, 03:43 PM
poor babies, you cant ship them in that condition.. do they have access to clean fresh water? im not an expert but almost sounds like dehydration, as well as lack of food. earthworms are free if its still warm in denver, i know up in north park its cold but denver should still be warm. try soaking the ground around logs, rocks etc, wait several hours then turn over the logs and rocks etc, and you should be able to find a worm or two. Or even a garden slug would work. I know someone up north who would take them but he doesnt have a tank set up right now. ill email him and see if he would be willing to take these babies and get them the groceries they need.

I hate to sound stupid but right now I have 15 baby garter snakes from 17. 2 recently died. But they were all born August 16. I didn't know how to make them eat or that you can forcefeed them. I thought that they would one day naturally start eating. You know from watching the others eat or when they were really hungry. I forcefed them once but they still won't want to eat on their own. They are still alive because they drink water. Its also my first time taking care of baby garter snakes, so I didn't know much. I just hope its not too late for them. I would try earthworms but cant find any at all. I tried soaking the ground before but just couldn't find any anywhere. Never seen a garden slug around. I am worrying about them so much. There is also another that is deformed. Right now he doesn't look too good. He hardly wants to move and I watch and watch him and don't see him take a breath unless I touch him. When I do that he acts like something hurts or something. He is my favorite and am taking it really hard right now. He is also a noneater but I forcefed him and he doesn't look so skinny. I dont know whats worng with him. I dont want to lose him. Also just wondering once they die can you be able to save them for a while. I want a tattoo of him before he passes. I would take a picture but have no camera or phone, nothing.

10-11-2011, 03:55 PM
Don't forcefeed. You will likely harm them or kill them. If they don't take the food you are offering, either food it something else or keep offering. Sometimes babies just don't make it, you cant change that.

10-11-2011, 04:04 PM
well i can suggest calling these people to see if they can help colorado reptile humane society (http://www.corhs.org/). or these people About Us | Rocky Mountain Reptile Rescue (http://www.reptile-rescue.org/about-us.html) . If they wont take them i will find more numbers for you to call.

It sounds as though the deformed one needs to be put down if its in pain. Steve has a very humane way to do it. Also the last step is freezing the snake, and it could remain frozen until you decide to bury him/her.

Don't let them suffer, try getting some help from a reptile rescue. Im so sorry that you have lost babies already. You need to do something, and if you cant afford a few dollars for some guppies or worms, you need to get help for them. You cant let them starve. I know you arent doing this on purpose but none of us can help from so far away other then what has been suggested, Try those rescues and see if they will take in and adopt out those babies after they are eating. Or like steve said swing by some of the pet stores and swallow your pride and ask for their help or a donation of some worms or guppies.

keep us posted, and i will let you know when i hear back from my friend in north park area.

10-11-2011, 04:06 PM
Reptile resques will likely put them down, but even that is better than force feeding or starving in this case... Imho.

10-11-2011, 04:12 PM
I was thinking if nothing else maybe they could help him get food for them or something, anything is better then slowly starving to death.

10-11-2011, 04:21 PM
Most rescue places don't give two ....s about garter snakes. I highly doubt they'll give any thought about it before euthanizing them

10-11-2011, 04:25 PM
well that just sucks. a life is a life and should be equal if its a garter snake or a boa. I dont know how else to help those lil ones. Breaks my heart to know they are starving.

10-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Are you able to buy any night crawlers from Walmart or go dig some from a safe area?
You might check Craigslist for a local rodent breeder that might give you a very good deal.
As your local pet shops if they might give you a few free pinkies. Never hurts to ask.

I would buy them nightcrawlers but dont get no money till the end of the month. I could never find anything on craigslist. A while back I went to a pet store that we know and its kind of far and its the only one we know from where we live. I asked them what to feed them and the first thing they say are crickets. Then they offered us waxworms. The people we asked seemed not to know anything about garter snakes. I didn't know whether to feed them the waxworms but bought them anyway to see if they would try it. They didn't and I lost one to eating a waworm. He was the runt. I bought Lucifer a 6pck. of fuzzy mice and they were a lot. They wont last long for her. I was wondering does anyone know where you could maybe get a few adult mice for free so I could use them for the babies. I dont have that many fuzzy mice left and they are so small.

10-11-2011, 05:52 PM
Your baby garters arent going to eat fuzzies. Your best bet is probably salmon fillets, which you can get almost anywhere, they will only need a little off cut.
I dont know if there is anywhere you can release the babies, but if you cant afford to feed them I'd suggest that they are best taking their chances in the wild?

10-11-2011, 05:54 PM
well i can suggest calling these people to see if they can help colorado reptile humane society (http://www.corhs.org/). or these people About Us | Rocky Mountain Reptile Rescue (http://www.reptile-rescue.org/about-us.html) . If they wont take them i will find more numbers for you to call.

It sounds as though the deformed one needs to be put down if its in pain. Steve has a very humane way to do it. Also the last step is freezing the snake, and it could remain frozen until you decide to bury him/her.

Don't let them suffer, try getting some help from a reptile rescue. Im so sorry that you have lost babies already. You need to do something, and if you cant afford a few dollars for some guppies or worms, you need to get help for them. You cant let them starve. I know you arent doing this on purpose but none of us can help from so far away other then what has been suggested, Try those rescues and see if they will take in and adopt out those babies after they are eating. Or like steve said swing by some of the pet stores and swallow your pride and ask for their help or a donation of some worms or guppies.

keep us posted, and i will let you know when i hear back from my friend in north park area.

Well I just checked on my favorite one who is deformed (Michael) and I think hes gone. God I feel like breaking down right now. I am so sensitive and depressed when every animal or pet passes away I take it real hard. I dont want to see anymore die right now. I also contacted the Rocky Mountain Reptile Rescue. I'll have to wait to hear back but I told them about them and gave them my email and submit it.

10-11-2011, 07:14 PM
Keep them well hydrated.

10-11-2011, 09:05 PM
i know it seems bad right now, and he was your favorite but he is better off if he was deformed. Its for the best. Nature knows best in these situations. I think everyone here has lost a snake, and it is a very trying time i know.

Chris: he is in denver colorado, it gets very cold there at night, i doubt they would make it thru their first night on their own out there, its known as the mile high city and there is snow at about 8100 feet already. If it was summer i would say yeah, take them out to the country and set them free, but this time of year it would be a death sentance especially since they have not eaten since they were born, almost 2 months ago.

Sorry the petshop didnt know how to care for garters. Hang in there, is there anyone you can borrow like $2 from to buy some earthworms? as also was stated do you have any frozen salmon in your freezer, they just need tiny tiny pieces.

10-11-2011, 09:27 PM
i know it seems bad right now, and he was your favorite but he is better off if he was deformed. Its for the best. Nature knows best in these situations. I think everyone here has lost a snake, and it is a very trying time i know.

Chris: he is in denver colorado, it gets very cold there at night, i doubt they would make it thru their first night on their own out there, its known as the mile high city and there is snow at about 8100 feet already. If it was summer i would say yeah, take them out to the country and set them free, but this time of year it would be a death sentance especially since they have not eaten since they were born, almost 2 months ago.

Sorry the petshop didnt know how to care for garters. Hang in there, is there anyone you can borrow like $2 from to buy some earthworms? as also was stated do you have any frozen salmon in your freezer, they just need tiny tiny pieces.

I don't think I could get $2 but I'll try. I wish we did have salmon but we don't. We barely got any food to eat let alone have any food for our pets. Also I just fed them and one of them that was a noneater and really skinny I guess couldn't take it anymore being hungry and finally ate fish. So now with him there are 10 that eat and 4 left that are noneaters. I also forgot to tell you and maybe let everyone else know that don't get confused with my username. It may sound like a guys name and is a guy but actually I'm a girl. Sorry if you think I'm a male from seeing the username I use.

10-11-2011, 10:53 PM
Money is money to some places, and an animal worth more money is more likely to be saved. Most rescues are nonprofit and run off donations, so they have limited money in a lot of cases. Think about it, what you most likely save, knowing you can only save one and you had the same situation. You cant pick favourites... The boa is worth 5000 dollars, the garter is worth nothing. To most people, garters aren't meant to be pets. They're garden snakes and you can just catch another if it dies. It is sad, but that's how most people feel.

10-11-2011, 10:54 PM
Also, I assumed you were a woman. I've never met a man who went by "Nickey" but I've known plenty of women who have.

10-12-2011, 05:35 AM
Chris: he is in denver colorado, it gets very cold there at night, i doubt they would make it thru their first night on their own out there, its known as the mile high city and there is snow at about 8100 feet already. If it was summer i would say yeah, take them out to the country and set them free, but this time of year it would be a death sentance especially since they have not eaten since they were born, almost 2 months ago.

My US geography isn't bad, but I hadn't appreciated that Denver was already so cold, I should have done as it's in the Rocky foothills.

Nickey - The best advice so far is to make sure they keep hydrated (plenty of water and change it daily), keep trying them on fish as often as you can (you never know when they'll decide to eat it), and when you are able get some earthworms and try them on that.
I've got a baby checkered that was born on 2 August and hasn't eaten since she's been with us - I've tried her on everything available to us (salmon, hake, pinky pieces, earthworms, slugs...) and she's just got no instinct to feed. Prepare yourself for the possibility that your litter may fail to thrive.

10-12-2011, 08:59 AM
i didnt mean to come off rude to anyone, if i did im sorry. Im just trying to find a way to get these babies the food they need. Im glad one ate some fish, thats encouraging. If i could go there and help i would in a heartbeat. Ive been on hard times myself, but my animals always got fed, even if that meant collecting pop cans or beer bottles or pawning one of my possessions just to make sure they ate, i even fed my last box of cereal one time to my cows because i was out of grain, they needed it more, it wasnt much compared to the grain they were used to but it helped get them thru until i got paid.

I understand about rescues and money but i mean if she asked for help they might spare some pinkies, or some worms? to help get these babies eating.

Chris- i didnt mean to imply you were stupid or that you didnt know geography if thats how i can across im sorry. I just wasn't sure if you saw that she was from denver, and if you realised how fast it can get cold there, in fact i heard the passes outside of town are under chainlaw today due to snow. again sorry.

Nickey, sorry i thought you were a guy, lol i have heard men and women go by nickey especially spelled that way, again i apologise..Do you have a paypal account i will send you the money to buy worms if thats what it takes to get these babies fed.

10-12-2011, 10:03 AM
Chris- i didnt mean to imply you were stupid or that you didnt know geography if thats how i can across im sorry. I just wasn't sure if you saw that she was from denver, and if you realised how fast it can get cold there, in fact i heard the passes outside of town are under chainlaw today due to snow. again sorry.

Stop worrying, I didn't take any offence. At the end of the day I suggested a course of action that was completely unsuitable for the place and climate and you're correct to correct that.

10-12-2011, 01:44 PM
i didnt mean to come off rude to anyone, if i did im sorry. Im just trying to find a way to get these babies the food they need. Im glad one ate some fish, thats encouraging. If i could go there and help i would in a heartbeat. Ive been on hard times myself, but my animals always got fed, even if that meant collecting pop cans or beer bottles or pawning one of my possessions just to make sure they ate, i even fed my last box of cereal one time to my cows because i was out of grain, they needed it more, it wasnt much compared to the grain they were used to but it helped get them thru until i got paid.

I understand about rescues and money but i mean if she asked for help they might spare some pinkies, or some worms? to help get these babies eating.

Chris- i didnt mean to imply you were stupid or that you didnt know geography if thats how i can across im sorry. I just wasn't sure if you saw that she was from denver, and if you realised how fast it can get cold there, in fact i heard the passes outside of town are under chainlaw today due to snow. again sorry.

Nickey, sorry i thought you were a guy, lol i have heard men and women go by nickey especially spelled that way, again i apologise..Do you have a paypal account i will send you the money to buy worms if thats what it takes to get these babies fed.

I do not have a paypal account but you and anyone else are free to send money, snake food, etc. in the mail. It would mean a lot.

10-12-2011, 07:02 PM
by the time i got money sent to you from canada via the mail they most likely would be all dead, it takes two weeks for mail to come from canada to the u.s. We cannot send worms or pinkies or any of that through the mail either, customs rules.

10-12-2011, 07:04 PM
I'm sending a sawbuck her way in the morning.

10-12-2011, 07:38 PM
not real sure what a sawbuck is lol but thanks steve i have been so concerned about these babies starving i been calling around and emailing everyone i know in colorado.

10-12-2011, 07:59 PM
$10 dropped it off in front of the post office a few minutes ago.

10-12-2011, 08:14 PM
oh lmao ok. never heard that term before. cool. thats enough to get some pinkies, guppies, and worms.. YAY

10-13-2011, 03:57 PM
well i can suggest calling these people to see if they can help colorado reptile humane society (http://www.corhs.org/). or these people About Us | Rocky Mountain Reptile Rescue (http://www.reptile-rescue.org/about-us.html) . If they wont take them i will find more numbers for you to call.

It sounds as though the deformed one needs to be put down if its in pain. Steve has a very humane way to do it. Also the last step is freezing the snake, and it could remain frozen until you decide to bury him/her.

Don't let them suffer, try getting some help from a reptile rescue. Im so sorry that you have lost babies already. You need to do something, and if you cant afford a few dollars for some guppies or worms, you need to get help for them. You cant let them starve. I know you arent doing this on purpose but none of us can help from so far away other then what has been suggested, Try those rescues and see if they will take in and adopt out those babies after they are eating. Or like steve said swing by some of the pet stores and swallow your pride and ask for their help or a donation of some worms or guppies.

keep us posted, and i will let you know when i hear back from my friend in north park area.

Hey I tried the Rocky Mountain Reptile Rescue and heard back from them. They said, "we can certainly help". I have to tell them and where we are located and they will schedule one of their officers to come pick them up. Should I do it? Give them all the ones that won't eat which is like only four. I got 2 of them to eat for the first time the day before yesterday and 2 didn't. Yesterday the same four didn't eat at all. Just wondering should I keep them and keep trying to feed them or give them to the rescue? I just hope they can be saved.

10-13-2011, 04:10 PM
I think if you can't afford your pets, it is your responsiblity to find someone who can care for them. I don't mean to sound harsh or mean, but having a pet of any kind means you have that life in your hands. I understand not having money and being completely broke. I truly feel for you, but you need to do what is best for your pets. Again I'm sorry if this sounds mean or harsh. I hope things work out for you, please keep us posted.

10-13-2011, 04:44 PM
Hey I tried the Rocky Mountain Reptile Rescue and heard back from them. They said, "we can certainly help". I have to tell them and where we are located and they will schedule one of their officers to come pick them up. Should I do it? Give them all the ones that won't eat which is like only four. I got 2 of them to eat for the first time the day before yesterday and 2 didn't. Yesterday the same four didn't eat at all. Just wondering should I keep them and keep trying to feed them or give them to the rescue? I just hope they can be saved.

In this situation I think letting them take all the snakes would be best.
This way you can better prepare and at a later time get a garter snake.

10-13-2011, 05:36 PM
In this situation I think letting them take all the snakes would be best.
This way you can better prepare and at a later time get a garter snake.

Just wondering Lucifer, my garter snake who had a litter of 20 but now down to 14, I have all the babies with her and they stay with her 24/7. She seems to like it when they are with her. She won't miss them or become depressed or anything like that? I just want to know before I give them away.

10-13-2011, 05:44 PM
I don't think she will mind at all.
If in the wild they would be gone/away from her already.

10-13-2011, 06:51 PM
Im so glad the rescue is willing to help, and yes if the money is that tight i would say give up at least all the babies and concentrate on mama. She is going to need groceries too. Plan ahead for mama's meals, i buy feed for all my animals a for an entire month, and i have alot of them, its easier then scrambling to find feed. I also make sure i buy more then i will need just to make sure. That way you arent scrambling to scrape together a few dollars to feed them. be realistic, if you think you cant afford mama. let her go too. as was said earlier their lives are in your hands, and they dont understand lack of money, they only understand they are hungry and the hunger pangs that come along with that. so please consider your current situation and if you can provide for your snake.

10-13-2011, 06:52 PM
Im so glad the rescue is willing to help, and yes if the money is that tight i would say give up at least all the babies and concentrate on mama. She is going to need groceries too. Plan ahead for mama's meals, i buy feed for all my animals a for an entire month, and i have alot of them, its easier then scrambling to find feed. I also make sure i buy more then i will need just to make sure. That way you arent scrambling to scrape together a few dollars to feed them. be realistic, if you think you cant afford mama. let her go too. as was said earlier their lives are in your hands, and they dont understand lack of money, they only understand they are hungry and the hunger pangs that come along with that. so please consider your current situation and if you can provide for your snake.

Very well put.;)

10-13-2011, 07:06 PM
Thanks Steve, i learned that the hard way. Although its very hard you have to put the pet first even if that means letting go. Sometimes thats the best thing you can do for your pet, even if it breaks your heart. Hearts mend, animals with damaged organs from lack of food or lack of proper food dont. !5 years ago i had to sell all my pets because i couldnt afford to feed them, i sold them and cried as each one left, but i knew i had to do it, and i did it before they suffered, they were fat when i sold them. I cried for months but it had to be done. As much as it would break my heart, i would do it again if i had to.

After i got back on my feet i made sure i budgeted and never got more pets then i could afford no matter how much i wanted them. You dont even want to know what i pay out at the feed stores each month on feed for all my beloved pets and farm critters. Its more then us humans eat anyhow lol

enough of my rambling on, just wanted to let Nickey know that i know how hard it can be to chose to let them go but if you cant afford them you have to be realistic, plan ahead, make sure they are going to be fed, and if there isnt enough money, to let them go, even if it hurts.

10-14-2011, 12:55 AM
I'm sending a sawbuck her way in the morning.

Sohwing your age Steve. Not to many know what a sawbuck or two bits are ;)

10-14-2011, 07:25 AM
Could give drop feeding a try. Drop a worm right by their head, I noticed on one of my checkereds that if I want it to eat I have to do this method. Mine snaps its head toward the worm, or it just bites it without thinking.

10-14-2011, 09:02 AM
Sohwing your age Steve. Not to many know what a sawbuck or two bits are ;)

well i know what two bits is lol but had no clue what a sawbuck was hahaha.