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View Full Version : Shedding

10-09-2011, 04:10 PM
I have about 2 or 3 if not more baby garter snakes. One already has a set of blue eyes and the others are ready to shed but the skin always starts to come off around their neck intead of thier face. Some pieces come off but they all have a hard time to get it off. Is there a way that you can help take it off for them? I tried a rock that had edges that weren't too pointy and they tried and tried taking it off going around the rock but couldn't. I also heard that you can hold them under warm water for a while until its wet enough and they are able to take it off. Also for the non-eaters I tried to force feed them. They chewed their food and swallowed it but the next day they still wont take food when I offer it to them. They eat pieces of fish fillet for now cause I can't find any earthworms or guppies.

10-09-2011, 04:30 PM