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View Full Version : The first 4 weeks of garter keeping

10-03-2011, 08:51 AM
We've been the happy owners of gater snakes for 4 weeks now, so I thought it would be good to post my experience so far in case it's useful to any other new garter owners. It's a long one. We've learnt a lot. :eek:

Starting with ONE snake (Binky, our albino checkered) as a spur of the moment purchase isn't ideal, it certainly wasn't planned and I wouldn't advise it. I was happy to do it because I knew that between me and Char we'd have done a lot of research by the end of the day, and if we needed any equipment other than the vivarium start kit I'd go out and get it that afternoon. If I was doing it again I'd have the viv setup and running a day before adding a snake.

Vivarium "starter kits" - I don't think I'd buy the same viv (One of these (not from Amazon though) Komodo Snake Starter Kit 16x12x14 inch: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Komodo-Snake-Starter-16x12x14-inch/dp/B002UDXHMI/ref=pd_sim_sbs_kh6)) again. Pros are that there is everything they think you need for a snake to survive, but not everything I think I need. I quickly aquired: larger water bowl, second hide, digital thermometers (the mechanical dial ones that come with the kit just aren't accurate enough for my liking), a Habistat variable thermostat (so we can vary the night temp), and an aquarium log as decoration. Good stuff in there - the snakes like the coconut hides, the aspen substrate is good and they love burrowing in it.

We learned that Binky won't necessarily eat for a few days, which is nothing to worry about. And that she'll hide for most of the first few days.
Handling is best left for her to settle in, then introduce her to your hand gradually over days. Binky is now happy to come out and when Char takes her out of the viv she'll explore for a while before wrapping herself around Char's thumb and "sleeping" for an hour.

We found this forum on the first day of keeping Binky. It's been an outstanding source of information, and we would have made mistakes without it.
Lesson learned - Find people who know more than you, and are willing to share their experience.

We found that you could convert other normal people into garter people, and had friends asking if we could find them a garter. John was kind enough to oblige. :)

Two weeks in we acquired another 2... no... 3... no... 4. Yes, definitely 4 normal checkered garters. Thanks John.
Lesson learned - Some garter keepers are really kind and want to share the enjoyment from this species. Also learned, that you should stick to your guns and not let the wife talk you into "one more because she's got really pretty markings". Also, snake meets in the UK often don't involve any garters.

Having more than one snake you learn quicker. And accumulate more stuff... another hide, some more moss, an even bigger water bowl, a Lucky Reptile digital thermostat (with day and night program so I don't have to twist a knob to vary the temp), some fake plants for them to hide in and climb. :eek:
Lessons learned - garters enjoy the occassional climb, but they aren't always good at hanging on.

We had our first shed (which we now know was Binky) which was cleanly done and just laying in the viv one the morning. We had a second shed (which was one of the bigger normals).
The third shed wasn't happening easily. I could see loose threads of skin that weren't coming away. Several hours in a shed box didn't help Bethan, and she was refusing food as well. It wasn't until almost a week later that she did start shedding, and it wasn't clean, it was coming away in small patches so I assisted her in a bowl of warm water. Half an hour later and we have a cleanly shed snake. She started eating 4 days later.
Lesson learned from the bad shed - get a humidity meter to check the humidity is right, put some rough rocks in the viv to help with the next shed.

We found that pinky seems to the favourite food, with salmon in second place, and hake last. None of ours have touched earthworms or slugs - so I'm not going to go looking in the garden again when there's a shop in town that sells forzen pinkies at 10 for £2.50.

We still have one baby from the same litter who is still not eating. We keep trying, and she is in with Bethan who is eating so I hope she learns. Having said that, Angua is now half the length and probably 25% the weight of her biggest sister. We've prepared ourself for the fact that she may fail to thrive.

We've learnt that garters will escape from the most improbable routes. Angua, the little non-eater and most inquisitive of all of them, was able to squeeze through the tiny hole that the thermometer wires came through. She was AWOL for over 48 hours, before we learned that our cat is good at spotting snakes and thinks they are a toy - I scared him away before any damage was done, but we have to give him credit for finding Angua. Angua evaded capture for a little longer - by falling from our first floor landing to the ground floor. She appears to be fine after her adventure, but is still not eating. :(

So in 4 weeks:
1 albino checkered.
2 vivariums.
3 different thermometers.
4 shedded snakes.
5 checkered garters (including 1 albino)
And a partridge in a pear tree. :D

I hope there's something useful in amongst my disordered meanderings. :)

10-03-2011, 09:17 AM
Great read. Thanks for posting it.
Looking forward to chapter #2.

10-03-2011, 09:27 AM
Nicely done.

10-03-2011, 09:53 AM
Chapter 2? Sounding something like... "Well 6 months ago we had 5 garters, now we have 50"? :-)

10-08-2011, 05:16 PM
a good read Chris very much enjoyed it, only just found this post as i tend to dip in and out as dictated by what time i have available, some time more sometimes less i know you will keep us all updated and look forward to it

10-10-2011, 01:36 PM
I only just found this, and had no idea he had done it. I would like to add that I'm continuing to try and con Chris into letting me buy the one little checkered garter at coventry aquatics. He's all on his lonesome surrounded by tub upon tub of corns and kings but the big meany won't let me....

10-10-2011, 01:38 PM
Big Meany!! I have a big meany that doesn't want me to get another horse!:(

10-10-2011, 01:42 PM
It's just not fair!!! Meanies suck! You should see the little fella at the pet shop. He has the cutest little face!

10-10-2011, 02:03 PM
I bet if that snake just suddenly shouwed up at your place Chris wouldn't be too upset.
Poor lonely little snake sitting there, alone and only wanting a family of it's own.
When the lights go out it returns to its hide and dreams of the day some kind person will come in and rescue it.
Day after day it waits.
When will the madness end.

10-10-2011, 02:09 PM
Did I forget to mention this thread to the wife?
The garter in the shop seems quite happy enough. We'll have to see whether we end up with any more garters...

Anyway, as an update on the the four newbies - 2 are little porkers who are putting on weight nicely, the one that had the bad shed is a picky eater but at least she is eating. As for the 4th, we're not expecting it to survive, after 2 months it weighs about 2g compared to 12-14g for the bigger two from the same litter.
I expect the next update on their progress to include some bad news. To borrow one of Steve's terms, the "feeding switch" just hasn't switched on for this one, and she's lost weight, she's got less active, it just isn't looking good.

On the positive, our albino checkered looks like she's coming up for her second shed in 3 weeks - off her food, skin is very dull and not soft to the touch. I'm hoping when I get home from my business trip she'll have shed and will be looking forward to her favourite pinkie feed.

10-10-2011, 02:10 PM
You are so right Steve. You can see the pain in his little face. Stuck in a tiny box with just substrate and a water dish, surrounded by these big brutes with no elan or finese. Destined to sit there until they put him in the clearance sale when some snot nosed kid will buy him and not love him or cherish him as we could. He will never know the joy of curling up with Binky the way Eskarina does or wrapping himself round my thumb whilst watching tv. The will know none of these things. He will merely sit alone in his plastic prison.

I would dearly love to just go get him but I can't drive and the shop is far enough away that I can't go and get him without Chris taking me.... Gosh darn it!!

10-10-2011, 02:14 PM
I bet if that snake just suddenly shouwed up at your place Chris wouldn't be too upset.
Poor lonely little snake sitting there, alone and only wanting a family of it's own.
When the lights go out it returns to its hide and dreams of the day some kind person will come in and rescue it.
Day after day it waits.
When will the madness end.

Unfortunately Char doesn't drive and the shop is further away than she is willing to walk. Maybe if it's still there when we get the next batch of fish (we picked up a Siamese Fighting Fish from the shop on Sunday - beautiful fish, but there's a different thread for other pets).

And Steve, you make me feel guilty now. In the shop they have water bowls, nice substrate, but they are in pretty small boxes and I don't remember seeing a hide in there...

10-10-2011, 02:21 PM
you make me feel guilty now.

So you should

10-10-2011, 02:29 PM
Hey Char! I think he's yours! Hope he's still there!!!

10-10-2011, 02:30 PM
I'm working on it snakehill!

I knew you guys would understand the poor little fella's plight.

10-10-2011, 02:40 PM
Meh.... I might cave in. But we also know a man who has a couple of dozen checkereds in need of homes. Including a batch of 50% albino checkereds.

And just so you guys don't think that we have a weird marriage where we type at each other on a forum across the room from each other... I'm 140 miles from home working for a couple of days. If I was at home I'm sure I'd be getting a real guilt trip by now.

10-10-2011, 02:55 PM
Guilt trip is a little strong... moral instruction is the term I would use.

10-10-2011, 04:03 PM
Sorry to hear about your little one that isn't doing well!!

10-10-2011, 04:32 PM
She just won't eat. It's really sad as she's got the prettiest markings and colours of all of them and is the most inquisitive.

10-10-2011, 08:04 PM
Hoping the little one does a turn around before it's too late.

10-11-2011, 03:26 AM
I put some more food in the viv containing our reluctant eater and the girl that won't eat at all last night. Nothing doing. All of it was still there this morning. Our viv containing the healthy girls is suprisingly quiet. Lightning has made an appearance but Binky and Eskarina are hiding. I'm not suprised. Binky is in shed and seems to like to stay well hidden and Eskarina is her shadow. Wherever Binks is Esk is nearly always curled up with her.

10-12-2011, 12:35 AM
My red stripe NW never comes out of the hide while she is in shed. She loses the shed in the middle of the night. It's like she is saying don't look at me, I'm ugly. Even though that is far from the truth, she is gorgeous!

10-24-2011, 05:32 PM
An update on our girls, and boy. We're convinced that Eskerina is going to need a name change (ironic when you know the Discworld novel that Eskerina is the main character in). With all our talk recently being about our new Mexican pair we still haven't forgotten the checkereds.

Binky is doing great, we think we need to cut back her feeding as she's taking one piece each time and then not interested in more. We offer her food each time we feed Lightning as they're in together. Lightning has a great strike on her, and will take the food from the tongs before we get it close to her.
In the second checkered viv we have Esk, who eats well and is growing nicely, and as they are currently in the bedroom he is often up and looking around to say good morning when I get up. And Bethan is in the same viv, who eats badly and isn't growing that quick. Today was a breakthrough with Bethan as she ate when we put her in a RUB for a couple of hours, first time for 12 days. I used John's misting idea as well. Hopefully she's come round and will eat more regularly now. Yesterday Bethan also shed for the first time since her really bad shed, this time wasn't so bad but she did retain the skin on the left side of her head. That was easily sorted, I just held some warm, damp kitchen roll against the side of her head for a minute then held the loose end of skin while she pulled it off. Job done, a well shed and shiney tiny snake.
With Bethan eating tonight I hope that means she has decided that food is a good thing and we aren't looking at another FTT.