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View Full Version : Changing signature

09-30-2011, 03:51 PM
Maybe I'm missing it but how do you change your sig now? Thanks!

09-30-2011, 03:55 PM
I can't find User CP anywhere either...

I did find it actually, by going to my Inbox... It's on the left. Weird.

09-30-2011, 04:00 PM
Found it! It's under the "Forum Actions" tab under the "Classified" tab.

09-30-2011, 04:05 PM
Oh there it is! Thanks! Actually, not only under Classifields. Under Forum too.

09-30-2011, 11:02 PM
I think he just meant that when you were on the forum tab, a sub-list shows up and the "forum action" is under the "classifieds" tab. Of course, there is the problem with the classifieds tab showing the forum sub-list, but we don't want to mention that problem. To many on the list at the moment.


10-01-2011, 07:20 AM
Oh! I see, sorry Kat.

10-13-2011, 11:04 AM
I still don't get how you change it! I don't like being an OLD and wise snake!!!!:rolleyes:

10-13-2011, 11:16 AM
You can't change it only request Boots(Jason) to change it after you've hit the 1,000 post mark.
A title and signature are two different things.
I took it you meant title, right?


10-13-2011, 11:20 AM
I still don't get how you change it! I don't like being an OLD and wise snake!!!!:rolleyes:

guidofatherof5 is correct, User titles are earned. That is until a member hits 1000 posts then they are allowed to chose their own user title. Once you hit 1000 posts you will see something like " PM boots for custom title". That is when you can chose your own user title. Signatures can be updated at any time by the member. Hope this information helps.


10-13-2011, 11:39 AM
I guess I'd better get busy! Need another 89 posts!!!;)

10-13-2011, 11:41 AM
Maybe I should have said quality posts. :)


10-13-2011, 11:44 AM

10-13-2011, 12:22 PM
Maybe I should have said quality posts. :)

you have touched on a subject that has given me pause for thought for some time,
should we have a post count over a certain number?, our top poster at the moment is Steve, his posts fall into all the right category's for all the right reason's, informative, observational, thought provoking, helpful and often outright funny
but just imagine if we were to get people posting for no other reason than to gain the kudos, the quality of threads would surely suffer, now as Steve might say this is" just my opinion " but it would be nice to see a debate on the subject and with brumation on us what better have we got do,:)

10-13-2011, 12:51 PM
Well John. "Run it up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes it" a quote from on of my favorite movies(12 Angry Men)

05-27-2021, 07:38 AM
Thank you very much for the answer, i was also wondering how it works.
Have a lovely day